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Seven coral reef communities were defined on Shiraho fringing reef, Ishigaki Island, Japan. Net photosynthesis and calcification rates were measured by in situ incubations at 10 sites that included six of the defined communities, and which occupied most of the area on the reef flat and slope. Net photosynthesis on the reef flat was positive overall, but the reef flat acts as a source for atmospheric CO2, because the measured calcification/photosynthesis ratio of 2.5 is greater than the critical ratio of 1.67. Net photosynthesis on the reef slope was negative. Almost all excess organic production from the reef flat is expected to be effused to the outer reef and consumed by the communities there. Therefore, the total net organic production of the whole reef system is probably almost zero and the whole reef system also acts as a source for atmospheric CO2. Net calcification rates of the reef slope corals were much lower than those of the branching corals. The accumulation rate of the former was approximately 0.5 m kyr?1 and of the latter was ~0.7-5 m kyr?1. Consequently, reef slope corals could not grow fast enough to keep up with or catch up to rising sea levels during the Holocene. On the other hand, the branching corals grow fast enough to keep up with this rising sea level. Therefore, a transition between early Holocene and present-day reef communities is expected. Branching coral communities would have dominated while reef growth kept pace with sea level rise, and the reef was constructed with a branching coral framework. Then, the outside of this framework was covered and built up by reef slope corals and present-day reefs were constructed.
Owing to anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could almost double between 2006 and 2100 according to business-as-usual carbon dioxide emission scenarios. Because the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will lead to increasing dissolved inorganic carbon and carbon dioxide in surface ocean waters, and hence acidification and lower carbonate saturation states. As a consequence, it has been suggested that marine calcifying organisms, for example corals, coralline algae, molluscs and foraminifera, will have difficulties producing their skeletons and shells at current rates, with potentially severe implications for marine ecosystems, including coral reefs. Here we report a seven-week experiment exploring the effects of ocean acidification on crustose coralline algae, a cosmopolitan group of calcifying algae that is ecologically important in most shallowwater habitats. Six outdoor mesocosms were continuously supplied with sea water from the adjacent reef and manipulated to simulate conditions of either ambient or elevated seawater carbon dioxide concentrations. The recruitment rate and growth of crustose coralline algae were severely inhibited in the elevated carbon dioxide mesocosms. Our findings suggest that ocean acidification due to human activities could cause significant change to benthic community structure in shallow-warm-water carbonate ecosystems.
The severity of the impact of elevated atmospheric pCO2 to coral reef ecosystems depends, in part, on how seawater pCO2 affects the balance between calcification and dissolution of carbonate sediments. Presently, there are insufficient published data that relate concentrations of pCO2 and CO3**2- to in situ rates of reef calcification in natural settings to accurately predict the impact of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on calcification and dissolution processes. Rates of net calcification and dissolution, CO3**2- concentrations, and pCO2 were measured, in situ, on patch reefs, bare sand, and coral rubble on the Molokai reef flat in Hawaii. Rates of calcification ranged from 0.03 to 2.30 mmol CaCO3/m**2/h and dissolution ranged from -0.05 to -3.3 mmol CaCO3/m**2/h. Calcification and dissolution varied diurnally with net calcification primarily occurring during the day and net dissolution occurring at night. These data were used to calculate threshold values for pCO2 and CO3**2- at which rates of calcification and dissolution are equivalent. Results indicate that calcification and dissolution are linearly correlated with both CO3**2- and pCO2. Threshold pCO2 and CO3**2- values for individual substrate types showed considerable variation. The average pCO2 threshold value for all substrate types was 654±195 µatm and ranged from 467 to 1003 µatm. The average CO3**2- threshold value was 152±24 µmol/kg, ranging from 113 to 184 µmol/kg. Ambient seawater measurements of pCO2 and CO3**2- indicate that CO3**2- and pCO2 threshold values for all substrate types were both exceeded, simultaneously, 13% of the time at present day atmospheric pCO2 concentrations. It is predicted that atmospheric pCO2 will exceed the average pCO2 threshold value for calcification and dissolution on the Molokai reef flat by the year 2100.
The response of three coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi, Calcidiscus leptoporus and Syracosphaera pulchra) to elevated partial pressure (pCO2) of carbon dioxide was investigated in batch cultures. For the first time, we also report on the response of the non calcifying (haploid) life stage of these three species. The growth rate, cell size, inorganic (PIC) and organic carbon (POC) of both life stages were measured at two different pCO2 (400and 760 ppm) and their organic and inorganic carbon production calculated. The two lifestages within the same species generally exhibited a similar response to elevated pCO2, theresponse of the haploid stage being often more pronounced than that of the diploid stage. Thegrowth rate was consistently higher at higher pCO2 but the response of other processes varied among species. The calcification rate of C. leptoporus and of S. pulchra did not change at elevated pCO2 while increased in E. huxleyi. The POC production as well as the cell size of both life stages of S. pulchra and of the haploid stage of E. huxleyi markedly decreased at elevated pCO2. It remained unaltered in the diploid stage of E. huxleyi and C. leptoporus and increased in the haploid stage of the latter. The PIC:POC ratio increased in E. huxleyi and was constant in C. leptoporus and S. pulchra. These results suggest that the non-calcifying stage, is more responsive than the calcifying stage and that the most versatile genera will proliferate in a more acidic ocean rather than all coccolithophores will decline.
The surface ocean absorbs large quantities of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere from human activities. As this CO2 dissolves in seawater, it reacts to form carbonic acid. While this phenomenon, called ocean acidification, has been found to adversely affect many calcifying organisms, some photosynthetic organisms appear to benefit from increasing [CO2]. Among these is the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium, a predominant diazotroph (nitrogen-fixing) in large parts of the oligotrophic oceans, which responded with increased carbon and nitrogen fixation at elevated pCO2. With the mechanism underlying this CO2 stimulation still unknown, the question arises whether this is a common response of diazotrophic cyanobacteria. In this study we therefore investigate the physiological response of Nodularia spumigena, a heterocystous bloom-forming diazotroph of the Baltic Sea, to CO2-induced changes in seawater carbonate chemistry. N. spumigena reacted to seawater acidification/carbonation with reduced cell division rates and nitrogen fixation rates, accompanied by significant changes in carbon and phosphorus quota and elemental composition of the formed biomass. Possible explanations for the contrasting physiological responses of Nodularia compared to Trichodesmium may be found in the different ecological strategies of non-heterocystous (Trichodesmium) and heterocystous (Nodularia) cyanobacteria.
Opal accumulation rates in sediments have been used as a proxy for carbon flux, but there is poor understanding of the factors that regulate the Si quota of diatoms. Natural variation in silicon isotopes (delta.lc.gif - 54 Bytes30Si) in diatom frustules recovered from sediment cores are an alternative to opal mass for reconstructing diatom Si use and potential C export over geological timescales. Understanding the physiological factors that may influence the Si quota and the delta.lc.gif - 54 Bytes30Si isotopic signal is vital for interpreting biogenic silica as a paleoproxy. We investigated the influence of pCO2 on the Si quota, fluxes across the cell membrane, and frustule dissolution in the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii and determined the effect that pCO2 has on the isotopic fractionation of Si. We found that our Si flux estimates mass balance and, for the first time, describe the Si budget of a diatom. The Si quota rose in cells grown with low pCO2 (100 ppm) compared with controls (370 ppm), and the increased quota was the result of greater retention of Si (i.e., lower losses of Si through efflux and dissolution). The ratio of efflux : influx decreased twofold as pCO2 decreased from 750 to 100 ppm. The efflux of silicon is shown to significantly bias measurements of silica dissolution rates determined by isotope dilution, but no effect on the Si isotopic enrichment factor (epsilon.lc.gif - 51 Bytes) was observed. The latter effect suggests that silicon isotopic discrimination in diatoms is set by the Si transport step rather than by the polymerization step. This observation supports the use of the v signal of biogenic silica as an indicator of the percentage utilization of silicic acid.
This paper reports for the first time upon the effects of increasing CO2 concentrations on a natural phytoplankton assemblage in a tropical estuary (the Godavari River Estuary in India). Two short-term (5-day) bottle experiments were conducted (with and without nutrient addition) during the pre-monsoon season when the partial pressure of CO2 in the surface water is quite low. The results reveal that the concentrations of total chlorophyll, the phytoplankton growth rate, the concentrations of particulate organic matter, the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rates, and the total bacterial count were higher under elevated CO2 treatments, as compared to ambient conditions (control). delta13C of particulate organic matter (POM) varied inversely with respect to CO2, indicating a clear signature of higher CO2 influx under the elevated CO2 levels. Whereas, delta13CPOM in the controls indicated the existence of an active bicarbonate transport system under limited CO2 supply. A considerable change in phytoplankton community structure was noticed, with marker pigment analysis by HPLC revealing that cyanobacteria were dominant over diatoms as CO2 concentrations increased. A mass balance calculation indicated that insufficient nutrients (N, P and Si) might have inhibited diatomgrowth compared to cyanobacteria, regardless of increased CO2 supply. The present study suggests that CO2 concentration and nutrient supply could have significant effects on phytoplankton physiology and community composition for natural phytoplankton communities in this region. However, this work was conducted during a non-discharge period (nutrient-limited conditions) and the responses of phytoplankton to increasing CO2 might not necessarily be the same during other seasons with high physicochemical variability. Further investigation is therefore needed.
Ocean acidification is expected to lower the net accretion of coral reefs yet little is known about its effect on coral photophysiology. This study investigated the effect of increasing CO2 on photosynthetic capacity and photoprotection in Acropora formosa. The photoprotective role of photorespiration within dinoflagellates (genus Symbiodinium) has largely been overlooked due to focus on the presence of a carbon-concentrating mechanism despite the evolutionary persistence of a Form II Rubisco. The photorespiratory fixation of oxygen produces phosphoglycolate that would otherwise inhibit carbon fixation though the Calvin cycle if it were not converted to glycolate by phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGPase). Glycolate is then either excreted or dealt with by enzymes in the photorespiratory glycolate and/or glycerate pathways adding to the pool of carbon fixed in photosynthesis. We found that CO2 enrichment led to enhanced photoacclimation (increased chlorophyll a per cell) to the subsaturating light levels. Light-enhanced dark respiration per cell and xanthophyll de-epoxidation increased, with resultant decreases in photosynthetic capacity (Pnmax) per chlorophyll. The conservative CO2 emission scenario (A1B; 600-790 ppm) led to a 38% increase in the Pnmax per cell whereas the 'business-as-usual' scenario (A1F1; 1160-1500 ppm) led to a 45% reduction in PGPase expression and no change in Pnmax per cell. These findings support an important functional role for PGPase in dinoflagellates that is potentially compromised under CO2 enrichment.
Despite the potential impact of ocean acidification on ecosystems such as coral reefs, surprisingly, there is very limited field data on the relationships between calcification and seawater carbonate chemistry. In this study, contemporaneous in situ datasets of seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rates from the high-latitude coral reef of Bermuda over annual timescales provide a framework for investigating the present and future potential impact of rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and ocean acidification on coral reef ecosystems in their natural environment. A strong correlation was found between the in situ rates of calcification for the major framework building coral species Diploria labyrinthiformis and the seasonal variability of [CO32-] and aragonite saturation state omega aragonite, rather than other environmental factors such as light and temperature. These field observations provide sufficient data to hypothesize that there is a seasonal "Carbonate Chemistry Coral Reef Ecosystem Feedback" (CREF hypothesis) between the primary components of the reef ecosystem (i.e., scleractinian hard corals and macroalgae) and seawater carbonate chemistry. In early summer, strong net autotrophy from benthic components of the reef system enhance [CO32-] and omega aragonite conditions, and rates of coral calcification due to the photosynthetic uptake of CO2. In late summer, rates of coral calcification are suppressed by release of CO2 from reef metabolism during a period of strong net heterotrophy. It is likely that this seasonal CREF mechanism is present in other tropical reefs although attenuated compared to high-latitude reefs such as Bermuda. Due to lower annual mean surface seawater [CO32-] and omega aragonite in Bermuda compared to tropical regions, we anticipate that Bermuda corals will experience seasonal periods of zero net calcification within the next decade at [CO32-] and omega aragonite thresholds of ~184 micro moles kg-1 and 2.65. However, net autotrophy of the reef during winter and spring (as part of the CREF hypothesis) may delay the onset of zero NEC or decalcification going forward by enhancing [CO32-] and omega aragonite. The Bermuda coral reef is one of the first responders to the negative impacts of ocean acidification, and we estimate that calcification rates for D. labyrinthiformis have declined by >50% compared to pre-industrial times.
Community metabolism and air-sea carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes were investigated in July 1992 on a fringing reef at Moorea (French Polynesia). The benthic community was dominated by macroalgae (85% substratum cover) and comprised of Phaeophyceae Padina tenuis (Bory), Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh, and Hydroclathrus clathratus Bory (Howe); Chlorophyta Halimeda incrassata f. ovata J. Agardh (Howe); and Ventricaria ventricosa J. Agardh (Olsen et West), as well as several Rhodophyta (Actinotrichia fragilis Forskál (Børgesen) and several species of encrusting coralline algae). Algal biomass was 171 g dry weight/m**2. Community gross production (Pg), respiration (R), and net calcification (G) were measured in an open-top enclosure. Pg and R were respectively 248 and 240 mmol Co2/m**2/d, and there was a slight net dissolution of CaCO3 (0.8 mmol/m**2/d). This site was a sink for atmospheric CO2 (10 ± 4 mmol CO2/m**2/d), and the analysis of data from the literature suggests that this is a general feature of algal-dominated reefs. Measurement of air-sea CO2 fluxes in open water close to the enclosure demonstrated that changes in small-scale hydrodynamics can lead to misleading conclusions. Net CO2 evasion to the atmosphere was measured on the fringing reef due to changes in the current pattern that drove water from the barrier reef (a C02 source) to the study site.
Only about half of all the CO_2 that has been produced by the burning of fossil fuels now remains in the atmosphere. The CO_2 "missing" from the atmosphere is the subject of an important debate. It was thought that the great majority of the missing CO_2 has invaded the ocean, for this system naturally acts as a giant chemical regulator of the atmosphere. Although it is clear that ocean processes have a major role in the regulation of the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere through air-sea exchange processes, recent studies of the oceanic carbon cycle and air-sea interaction indicate that oceanic carbon is in a quasi-steady state via the system of biological and physical processes in the ocean interior. It is difficult to determine whether the ocean has the capacity to take up the increasing air-born CO_2 released by human activities over the past five or six decades. To understand this enigma, we need a better understanding of the natural variability of the oceanic carbon cycle.
Stable carbon isotope fractionation (%) of 7 marine phytoplankton species grown in different irradiance cycles was measured under nutrient-replete conditions at a high light intensity in batch cultures. Compared to experiments under continuous light, all species exhibited a significantly higher instantaneous growth rate (pi), defined as the rate of carbon fixation during the photo period, when cultivated at 12:12 h. 16:8 h, or 186 h light:dark (L/D) cycles. Isotopic fractionation by the diatoms Skeletonema costatum, Asterionella glacialis, Thalassiosira punctigera, and Coscinodiscus wailesii (Group I) was 4 to 6% lower in a 16:8 h L/D cycle than under continuous light, which we attribute to differences in pi. In contrast, E, in Phaeodactylum tn'cornutum, Thalassiosira weissflogii, and in the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea (Group 11) was largely insensitive to day length-related differences in instantaneous growth rate. Since other studies have reported growth-rate dependent fractionation under N-limited conditions in P. tricornutum, pi-related effects on fractionation apparently depend on the factor controlling growth rate. We suggest that a general relationship between E, and pi/[C02,,,] may not exist. For 1 species of each group we tested the effect of variable CO2 concentration, [COz,,,], on isotopic fractionation. A decrease in [CO2,,,] from ca 26 to 3 pm01 kg-' caused a decrease in E, by less than 3%0 This indicates that variation in h in response to changes in day length has a similar or even greater effect on isotopic fractionation than [COz,,,] m some of the species tested. In both groups E, tended to be higher in smaller species at comparable growth rates. In 24 and 48 h time series the algal cells became progressively enriched in 13C during the day and the first hours of the dark period, followed by l3C depletion in the 2 h before beginning of the following Light period. The daily amplitude of the algal isotopic composition (613C), however, was <1.5%0, which demonstrates that diurnal variation in Fl3C is relatively small.
We demonstrate that acidified seawater can have indirect biological effects by disrupting the capability of organisms to express induced defences, hence, increasing their vulnerability to predation. The intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea produced thicker shells in the presence of predation (crab) cues but this response was disrupted at low seawater pH. This response was accompanied by a marked depression in metabolic rate (hypometabolism) under the joint stress of high predation risk and reduced pH. However, snails in this treatment apparently compensated for a lack of morphological defence, by increasing their avoidance behaviour, which, in turn, could affect their interactions with other organisms. Together, these findings suggest that biological effects from ocean acidification may be complex and extend beyond simple direct effects.