852 resultados para Cell-mediated Immune Response
Background: Adjuvants enhance or modify an immune response that is made to an antigen. An antagonist of the chemokine CCR4 receptor can display adjuvant-like properties by diminishing the ability of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) to down-regulate immune responses. Methodology: Here, we have used protein modelling to create a plausible chemokine receptor model with the aim of using virtual screening to identify potential small molecule chemokine antagonists. A combination of homology modelling and molecular docking was used to create a model of the CCR4 receptor in order to investigate potential lead compounds that display antagonistic properties. Three-dimensional structure-based virtual screening of the CCR4 receptor identified 116 small molecules that were calculated to have a high affinity for the receptor; these were tested experimentally for CCR4 antagonism. Fifteen of these small molecules were shown to inhibit specifically CCR4-mediated cellmigration, including that of CCR4(+) Tregs. Significance: Our CCR4 antagonists act as adjuvants augmenting human T cell proliferation in an in vitro immune response model and compound SP50 increases T cell and antibody responses in vivo when combined with vaccine antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium yoelii in mice.
CD4+ and gamma delta T cells are activated readily by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To examine their role in the human immune response to M. tuberculosis, CD4+ and gamma delta T cells from healthy tuberculin-positive donor were studied for patterns of Ag recognition, cytotoxicity, and cytokine production in response to M. tuberculosis-infected mononuclear phagocytes. Both T cell subsets responded to intact M. tuberculosis and its cytosolic Ags. However, CD4+ and gamma delta T cells differed in the range of cytosolic Ags recognized: reactivity to a wide m.w. range of Ags for CD4+ T cells, and a restricted pattern for gamma delta T cells, with dominance of Ags of 10 to 15 kDa. Both T cell subsets were equally cytotoxic for M. tuberculosis-infected monocytes. Furthermore, both CD4+ and gamma delta T cells produced large amounts of IFN-gamma: mean pg/ml of IFN-gamma in supernatants was 2458 +/- 213 for CD4+ and 2349 +/- 245 for gamma delta T cells. By filter-spot ELISA (ELISPOT), the frequency of IFN-gamma-secreting gamma delta T cells was one-half of that of CD4+ T cells in response to M. tuberculosis, suggesting that gamma delta T cells on a per cell basis were more efficient producers of IFN-gamma than CD4+ T cells. In contrast, CD4+ T cells produced more IL-2 than gamma delta T cells, which correlated with diminished T cell proliferation of gamma delta T cells compared with CD4+ T cells. These results indicate that CD4+ and gamma delta T cell subsets have similar effector functions (cytotoxicity, IFN-gamma production) in response to M. tuberculosis-infected macrophages, despite differences in the Ags recognized, IL-2 production, and efficiency of IFN-gamma production.
Ihon T-solulymfoomat (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, CTCL) ovat ryhmä imukudossyöpiä, joiden esiintyvyys on nousussa erityisesti länsimaissa. Taudin syntymekanismit ovat suurelta osin tuntemattomat, diagnostiikka on vaikeaa ja siksi usein viivästynyttä eikä parantavaa hoitoa ole. CTCL ilmenee iho-oirein, vaikka syöpäsolut eivät ole iholla normaalisti esiintyviä soluja, vaan elimistön puolustusjärjestelmän soluja, jotka ovat tuntemattomasta syystä vaeltaneet iholle. Syöpäsolut ovat kypsiä T-auttajasoluja (Th-soluja) ja ilmentävät tyypin 2 immuunivasteelle ominaisia sytokiineja. Kromosomaalinen epästabiilius on tautiryhmän keskeinen piirre. CTCL-potilailla on lisääntynyt riski sairastua myös muihin syöpiin, erityisesti keuhkosyöpään ja non-Hodgkin –lymfoomiin. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli havaita CTCL:n syntymekanismeja selvittäviä kromosomi- ja geenimuutoksia. Erityisesti tavoitteena oli identifioida molekyylejä, jotka soveltuisivat diagnostisiksi merkkiaineiksi tai täsmähoidon kohteeksi. Työssä on tutkittu kahta tautiryhmän yleisintä muotoa, mycosis fungoidesta (MF) ja Sezaryn syndroomaa (SS) sekä harvinaisempaa vaikeasti diagnosoitavaa subkutaanista pannikuliitin kaltaista T-solulymfoomaa (SPTL). Lisäksi on tutkittu CTCL:ään liittyvää keuhkosyöpää ja verrattu sitä tavalliseen (primaariin) keuhkosyöpään. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty esimerkiksi molekyylisytogeneettisiä metodeja ja mikrosiruja. Väitöskirjatyössä havaittiin ensimmäinen CTCL:lle ominainen toistuva geenitason muutos: puutos- tai katkoskohta NAV3-geenissä. Tämän geenipoikkeavuuden havaittiin esiintyvän useissa taudin alaryhmissä (MF, SS, SPTL). NAV3-geenipuutoksen osoittaminen FISH-tekniikalla on sovellettavissa kliiniseen diagnostiikkaan. Tutkimukset geenipuutoksen aiheuttamista toiminnallisista seurauksista ovat käynnissä. Työssä saatiin myös uutta tietoa taudin syntymekanismeista havaitsemalla useiden Th1-tyypin immuunivasteelle ominaisten geenien alentunut ilmeneminen CTCL-potilailla. Tämän lisäksi potilasnäytteissä havaittiin eräiden solun pinta-antigeenien lisääntynyt ilmeneminen, mikä luo pohjan uusien vasta-ainepohjaisten täsmähoitojen kehittämiselle. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa todettiin myös CTCL:ään liittyvän keuhkosyövän eroavan kromosomi- ja geenimuutosten suhteen verrokkikeuhkosyövästä, mikä jatkossa antaa aiheen tutkia syöpäkantasolujen merkitystä CTCL:n ja sen liitännäiskasvainten kehittymisen taustalla.
Thymidine phosphorylase (TP) is a nucleoside metabolism enzyme that plays an important role in the pyrimidine pathway.TP catalyzes the conversion of thymidine to thymine and 2-deoxy-α-D-ribose-1-phosphate (dRib-1-P). Although this reaction is reversible, the main metabolic function of TP is catabolic. TP is identical to the angiogenic factor platelet-derived endothelial-cell growth factor (PD-ECGF). TP is overexpressed in several human cancers in response to cellular stressful conditions like hypoxia, acidosis, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. TP has been shown to promote tumor angiogenesis, invasion, metastasis, evasion of the immune-response and resistance to apoptosis. Some of the biological effects of TP are dependent on its enzymatic activity, while others are mediated through cytokines like interleukin 10 (IL-10), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα). Interestingly, TP also plays a role in cancer treatment through its role in the conversion of the oral fluoropyrimidine capecitabine into its active form 5-FU. TP is a predictive marker for fluoropyrimidine response. Given its various biological functions in cancer progression, TP is a promising target in cancer treatment. Further translational research is required in this area.
Chronic inflammation is now recognized as a major cause of malignant disease. In concert with various mechanisms (including DNA instability), hypoxia and activation of inflammatory bioactive lipid pathways and pro-inflammatory cytokines open the doorway to malignant transformation and proliferation, angiogenesis, and metastasis in many cancers. A balance between stimulatory and inhibitory signals regulates the immune response to cancer. These include inhibitory checkpoints that modulate the extent and duration of the immune response and may be activated by tumor cells. This contributes to immune resistance, especially against tumor antigen-specific T-cells. Targeting these checkpoints is an evolving approach to cancer immunotherapy, designed to foster an immune response. The current focus of these trials is on the programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) receptor and its ligands (PD-L1, PD-L2) and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4). Researchers have developed anti-PD-1 and anti-PDL-1 antibodies that interfere with the ligands and receptor and allow the tumor cell to be recognized and attacked by tumor-infiltrating T-cells. These are currently being studied in lung cancer. Likewise, CTLA-4 inhibitors, which have had success treating advanced melanoma, are being studied in lung cancer with encouraging results.
Interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) is a central regulator of the immune response and signals via the Janus Activated Kinase (JAK)-Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) pathway. Phosphorylated STAT1 homodimers translocate to the nucleus, bind to Gamma Activating Sequence (GAS) and recruit additional factors to modulate gene expression. A bioinformatics analysis revealed that greater number of putative promoters of immune related genes and also those not directly involved in immunity contain GAS compared to response elements (RE) for Interferon Regulatory Factor (IRF)1, Nuclear factor kappa B (NF kappa B) and Activator Protein (AP)1. GAS is present in putative promoters of well known IFN gamma-induced genes, IRF1, GBP1, CXCL10, and other genes identified were TLR3, VCAM1, CASP4, etc. Analysis of three microarray studies revealed that the expression of asubset of only GAS containing immune genes were modulated by IFN gamma. As a significant correlation exists between GAS containing immune genes and IFN gamma-regulated gene expression, this strategy may identify novel IFN gamma-responsive immune genes. This analysis is integrated with the literature on the roles of IFN gamma in mediating a plethoraof functions: anti-microbial responses, antigen processing,inflammation, growth suppression, cell death, tumor immunity and autoimmunity. Overall, this review summarizes our present knowledge onIFN gamma mediated signaling and functions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an etiological agent of pulmonary tuberculosis, causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Pathogenic mycobacteria survive in the host by subverting host innate immunity. Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells that are vital for eliciting immune responses to infectious agents, including pathogenic mycobacteria. DCs orchestrate distinct Th responses based on the signals they receive. In this perspective, deciphering the interactions of the proline-glutamic acid/proline-proline-glutamic acid (PE/PPE) family of proteins of M. tuberculosis with DCs assumes significant pathophysiological attributes. In this study, we demonstrate that Rv1917c (PPE34), a representative member of the proline-proline-glutamic-major polymorphic tandem repeat family, interacts with TLR2 and triggers functional maturation of human DCs. Signaling perturbations implicated a critical role for integrated cross-talk among PI3K-MAPK and NF-kappa B signaling cascades in Rv1917c-induced maturation of DCs. However, this maturation of DCs was associated with a secretion of high amounts of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, whereas Th1-polarizing cytokine IL-12 was not induced. Consistent with these results, Rv1917c-matured DCs favored secretion of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 from CD4(+) T cells and contributed to Th2-skewed cytokine balance ex vivo in healthy individuals and in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Interestingly, the Rv1917c-skewed Th2 immune response involved induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in DCs. Taken together, these results indicate that Rv1917c facilitates a shift in the ensuing immunity toward the Th2 phenotype and could aid in immune evasion by mycobacteria.
Mycobacterium indicus pranii (MIP) is approved for use as an adjuvant (Immuvac/Cadi-05) in the treatment of leprosy. In addition, its efficacy is being investigated in clinical trials on patients with tuberculosis and different tumors. To evaluate and delineate the mechanisms by which autoclaved MIP enhances anti-tumor responses, the growth of solid tumors consisting of Sp2/0 (myeloma) and EL4 (thymoma) cells was studied in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, respectively. Treatment of mice with a single intra-dermal (i.d.) injection of MIP 3 days after Sp2/0 implantation greatly suppresses tumor growth. MIP treatment of tumor bearing mice lowers Interleukin (IL)6 but increases IL12p70 and IFN? amounts in sera. Also, increase in CD8+ T cell mediated lysis of specific tumor targets and production of high amounts of IL2 and IFN? by CD4+ T cells upon stimulation with specific tumor antigens in MIP treated mice is observed. Furthermore, MIP is also effective in reducing the growth of EL4 tumors; however, this efficacy is reduced in Ifn?-/- mice. In fact, several MIP mediated anti-tumor responses are greatly abrogated in Ifn?-/- mice: increase in serum Interleukin (IL)12p70 amounts, induction of IL2 and lysis of EL4 targets by splenocytes upon stimulation with specific tumor antigens. Interestingly, tumor-induced increase in serum IL12p70 and IFN? and reduction in growth of Sp2/0 and EL4 tumors by MIP are not observed in nonobese diabetic severe combined immunodeficiency mice. Overall, our study clearly demonstrates the importance of a functional immune network, in particular endogenous CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and IFN?, in mediating the anti-tumor responses by MIP.
The progesterone-regulated glycoprotein glycodelin-A (GdA), secreted by the decidualized endometrium at high concentrations in primates, inhibits the maternal immune response against fetal antigens and thereby contributes to the tolerance of the semi-allogenic fetus during a normal pregnancy. Our earlier studies demonstrated the ability of GdA to induce an intrinsic apoptotic cascade in CD4 T-lymphocytes and suppress the cytolytic effector function of CD8 T-lymphocytes. In this report, we investigated further into the mechanism of action of GdA controlling perforin and granzyme B expression in CD8 T-lymphocytes and the mechanism of action of GdA leading to lymphocyte death. Flow cytometry analysis was performed to check for the surface expression of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) and intracellular eomesodermin (Eomes) in activated T-lymphocytes, whereas quantitative RTPCR analysis was used to find out their mRNA profile upon GdA treatment. Western analysis was carried out to confirm the protein level of Bax and Bcl-2. GdA reduces the surface expression of the high-affinity IL-2R complex by down-regulating the synthesis of IL-2R (CD25). This disturbs the optimal IL-2 signalling and decreases the Eomes expression, which along with IL-2 directly regulates perforin and granzymes expression. Consequently, the CD8 T-lymphocytes undergo growth arrest and are unable to mature into competent cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. In the CD4 T-lymphocytes, growth factor IL-2 deprivation leads to proliferation inhibition, decreased Bcl-2/enhanced Bax expression, culminating in mitochondrial stress and cell death. GdA spurs cell cycle arrest, loss of effector functions and apoptosis in different T-cell subsets by making T-lymphocytes unable to respond to IL-2.
The envelope protein (E1-E2) of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major component of the viral structure. The glycosylated envelope protein is considered to be important for initiation of infection by binding to cellular receptor(s) and also known as one of the major antigenic targets to host immune response. The present study was aimed at identifying mouse monoclonal antibodies which inhibit binding of virus like particles of HCV to target cells. The first step in this direction was to generate recombinant HCV-like particles (HCV-LPs) specific for genotypes 3a of HCV (prevalent in India) using the genes encoding core, E1 and E2 envelop proteins in a baculovirus expression system. The purified HCV-LPs were characterized by ELISA and electron microscopy and were used to generate monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in mice. Two monoclonal antibodies (E8G9 and H1H10) specific for the E2 region of envelope protein of HCV genotype 3a, were found to reduce the virus binding to Huh7 cells. However, the mAbs generated against HCV genotype 1b (D2H3, G2C7, E1B11) were not so effective. More importantly, mAb E8G9 showed significant inhibition of the virus entry in HCV JFH1 cell culture system. Finally, the epitopic regions on E2 protein which bind to the mAbs have also been identified. Results suggest a new therapeutic strategy and provide the proof of concept that mAb against HCV-LP could be effective in preventing virus entry into liver cells to block HCV replication.
Introduction: Immunomodulators are agents, which can modulate the immune response to specific antigens, while causing least toxicity to the host system. Being part of the modern vaccine formulations, these compounds have contributed remarkably to the field of therapeutics. Despite the successful record maintained by these agents, the requirement of novel immunomodulators keeps increasing due to the increasing severity of diseases. Hence, research regarding the same holds great importance. Areas covered: In this review, we discuss the role of immunomodulators in improving performance of various vaccines used for counteracting most threatening infectious diseases, mechanisms behind their action and criteria for development of novel immunomodulators. Expert opinion: Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying immune response is a prerequisite for development of effective therapeutics as these are often exploited by pathogens for their own propagation. Keeping this in mind, the present research in the field of immunotherapy focuses on developing immunomodulators that would not only enhance the protection against pathogen, but also generate a long-term memory response. With the introduction of advanced formulations including combination of different kinds of immunomodulators, one can expect tremendous success in near future.
Interferon-gamma (Ifn gamma), a known immunomodulatory cytokine, regulates cell proliferation and survival. In this study, the mechanisms leading to the selective susceptibility of some tumor cells to Ifn gamma were deciphered. Seven different mouse tumor cell lines tested demonstrated upregulation of MHC class I to variable extents with Ifn gamma; however, only the cell lines, H6 hepatoma and L929 fibrosarcoma, that produce higher amounts of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are sensitive to Ifn gamma-induced cell death. NO inhibitors greatly reduce Ifn gamma-induced ROS; however, ROS inhibitors did not affect the levels of Ifn gamma-induced NO, demonstrating that NO regulates ROS. Consequently, NO inhibitors are more effective, compared to ROS inhibitors, in reducing Ifn gamma-induced cell death. Further analysis revealed that Ifn gamma induces peroxynitrite and 3-nitrotyrosine amounts and a peroxynitrite scavenger, FeTPPS, reduces cell death. Ifn gamma treatment induces the phosphorylation of c-jun N-terminal kinase (Jnk) in H6 and L929 but not CT26, a colon carcinoma cell line, which is resistant to Ifn gamma-mediated death. Jnk activation downstream to NO leads to induction of ROS, peroxynitrite and cell death in response to Ifn gamma. Importantly, three cell lines tested, i.e. CT26, EL4 and Neuro2a, that are resistant to cell death with Ifn gamma alone become sensitive to the combination of Ifn gamma and NO donor or ROS inducer in a peroxynitrite-dependent manner. Overall, this study delineates the key roles of NO as the initiator and Jnk, ROS, and peroxynitrite as the effectors during Ifn gamma-mediated cell death. The implications of these findings in the Ifn gamma-mediated treatment of malignancies are discussed. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Interferon-gamma (Ifn gamma), a known immunomodulatory cytokine, regulates cell proliferation and survival. In this study, the mechanisms leading to the selective susceptibility of some tumor cells to Ifn gamma were deciphered. Seven different mouse tumor cell lines tested demonstrated upregulation of MHC class I to variable extents with Ifn gamma; however, only the cell lines, H6 hepatoma and L929 fibrosarcoma, that produce higher amounts of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are sensitive to Ifn gamma-induced cell death. NO inhibitors greatly reduce Ifn gamma-induced ROS; however, ROS inhibitors did not affect the levels of Ifn gamma-induced NO, demonstrating that NO regulates ROS. Consequently, NO inhibitors are more effective, compared to ROS inhibitors, in reducing Ifn gamma-induced cell death. Further analysis revealed that Ifn gamma induces peroxynitrite and 3-nitrotyrosine amounts and a peroxynitrite scavenger, FeTPPS, reduces cell death. Ifn gamma treatment induces the phosphorylation of c-jun N-terminal kinase (Jnk) in H6 and L929 but not CT26, a colon carcinoma cell line, which is resistant to Ifn gamma-mediated death. Jnk activation downstream to NO leads to induction of ROS, peroxynitrite and cell death in response to Ifn gamma. Importantly, three cell lines tested, i.e. CT26, EL4 and Neuro2a, that are resistant to cell death with Ifn gamma alone become sensitive to the combination of Ifn gamma and NO donor or ROS inducer in a peroxynitrite-dependent manner. Overall, this study delineates the key roles of NO as the initiator and Jnk, ROS, and peroxynitrite as the effectors during Ifn gamma-mediated cell death. The implications of these findings in the Ifn gamma-mediated treatment of malignancies are discussed. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Following transmission, HIV-1 adapts in the new host by acquiring mutations that allow it to escape from the host immune response at multiple epitopes. It also reverts mutations associated with epitopes targeted in the transmitting host but not in the new host. Moreover, escape mutations are often associated with additional compensatory mutations that partially recover fitness costs. It is unclear whether recombination expedites this process of multi-locus adaptation. To elucidate the role of recombination, we constructed a detailed population dynamics model that integrates viral dynamics, host immune response at multiple epitopes through cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and viral evolution driven by mutation, recombination, and selection. Using this model, we compute the expected waiting time until the emergence of the strain that has gained escape and compensatory mutations against the new host's immune response, and reverted these mutations at epitopes no longer targeted. We find that depending on the underlying fitness landscape, shaped by both costs and benefits of mutations, adaptation proceeds via distinct dominant pathways with different effects of recombination, in particular distinguishing escape and reversion. When adaptation at a single epitope is involved, recombination can substantially accelerate immune escape but minimally affects reversion. When multiple epitopes are involved, recombination can accelerate or inhibit adaptation depending on the fitness landscape. Specifically, recombination tends to delay adaptation when a purely uphill fitness landscape is accessible at each epitope, and accelerate it when a fitness valley is associated with each epitope. Our study points to the importance of recombination in shaping the adaptation of HIV-1 following its transmission to new hosts, a process central to T cell-based vaccine strategies. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.
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