998 resultados para Castejón, Juán Antonio
Intra-abdominal adhesions constitute a significant clinical and surgical problem that can lead to complications such as pain and bowel occlusion or subocclusion. These adhesions are frustrating and potentially fatal, representing a major postoperative complication in abdominal surgery. It is estimated that 32% of horses undergoing laparotomy will present clinical symptoms due to adhesions, but the true prevalence is not known because a large proportion of animals with postoperative recurrent colics are medically treated or submitted to euthanasia without necropsy. Adhesions are highly cellular, vascularized, dynamic structures that are influenced by complex signaling mechanisms. Understanding their pathogenesis could assist in applying better therapeutic strategies and in developing more effective antiadhesion products. Currently, there are no definitive strategies that prevent adhesion formation, and it is difficult to interpret the results of existing studies due to nonstandardization of an induction model and evaluation of their severity. The best clinical results have been obtained from using minimally traumatic surgical techniques, anti-inflammatory agents, antimicrobials, anticoagulants, and mechanical separation of serosal surfaces by viscous intraperitoneal solutions or physical barriers. This paper aims to review adhesion formation pathogenesis, guide the understanding of major products and drugs used to inhibit adhesion formation, and address their effectiveness in the equine species.
Digital venography is a contrast angiography technique used to study digital vascularity. The technique is simple to be carried out and can be performed under field conditions using a standard radiographic unit. The venogram examination is used to complement conventional radiographic examinations in animals affected by foot diseases. Discrepancy in the contrast vascular pattern may be observed before the clinical signs of the foot disease. Digital venography studies in ruminants are in smaller number than those in horses. The herein presented review discusses digital venography techniques used in ruminants as well as the differences and similarities between ruminants (cattle, sheep and goat) and horses.
O Projeto de Iniciação Científica foi desenvolvido na Farmácia-Escola Prof. Dr. Antônio Alonso Martinez, uma unidade auxiliar da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UNESP-Araraquara e que é parte integrante do NAC (Núcleo de Atendimento à Comunidade). Por ser vinculada à uma instituição pública ela serve como modelo para toda a comunidade, além de ser um estabelecimento de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Por isso, ela tem o compromisso de cumprir com todas as exigências legais de maneira exemplar, garantindo a qualidade dos produtos manipulados. Realizou-se a revisão e adequação dos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão (POPs) presente no Manual de Boas Práticas de Manipulação da Farmácia-Escola, baseando-se nas diretrizes da RDC 67/07 (Anexo I - Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácia) e também uma inspeção na rotina dos processos envolvidos na manipulação e dispensação dos produtos manipulados. Fez-se a aplicação do Roteiro de Inspeção para Farmácia - Anexo VII da RDC 67/07 com a finalidade de constatar e avaliar o cumprimento das Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácias (BPMF). Verificou-se que a Farmácia-Escola ainda não está em conformidade com todos os critérios estabelecidos pela RDC 67/07, mas que mesmo com as dificuldades enfrentadas para se adequar ela atende à quase todos os itens considerados imprescindíveis. Segundo as farmacêuticas responsáveis, medidas corretivas vêm sendo estudadas para que aos poucos todos os itens constantes na Resolução em questão sejam cumpridos.
Hydrological samples were collected on the continental shelf of the Amazon river to determine particulate organic and inorganic matter, dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), phosphate, total particulate phosphorus (TPP), chlorophyll a, temperature, salinity, pH, water transparency, dissolved oxygen (DO) and saturation rate. The objective was to study the forms of DOP, phosphate and TPP. In the euphotic layer, the fluvial discharge from the Amazon river favored the distribution of phosphate, TPP and DOP. In the aphotic layer, the phosphate concentration increased due to the decomposition of DOP and TPP. This increase is due to the absence of photosynthetic processes.
As ligas Al-Sn são amplamente utilizados em aplicações tribológicas. Nesse estudo, análises térmica, microestrutural e dureza (HV) foram realizadas ao longo de um lingote da liga Al-5,5%Sn, obtido por solidificação direcional horizontal transitória. Os principais parâmetros analisados incluem a velocidade de deslocamento da isoterma liquidus (VL) e a taxa de resfriamento (TR). Esses parâmetros térmicos desempenham um papel fundamental na formação da microestrutura. A microestrutura dendrítica foi caracterizada através dos espaçamentos dentríticos primários (λ1), os quais foram determinados, experimentalmente, e correlacionados com VL, e TR. O comportamento apresentado pela liga Al- 5,5% Sn, durante a solidificação,é semelhante ao de outras ligas de alumínio, isto é, observa-se rede dendrítica mais grosseira com a diminuição da taxa de resfriamento, indicando que a imiscibilidade entre o alumínio e estanho não tem um efeito significativo sobre o relação entre o espaçamento dendrítico primário e taxa de resfriamento. A dependência da microdureza em VL, TR e no λ1 foi também analisada. Verificaram-se menores valores de HV para maiores TR. Por outro lado, os valores HV aumentam com valores crescentes de λ1.
O Projeto de Iniciação Científica foi desenvolvido na Farmácia-Escola Prof. Dr. Antônio Alonso Martinez, uma unidade auxiliar da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UNESP-Araraquara e que é parte integrante do NAC (Núcleo de Atendimento à Comunidade). Por ser vinculada à uma instituição pública ela serve como modelo para toda a comunidade, além de ser um estabelecimento de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Por isso, ela tem o compromisso de cumprir com todas as exigências legais de maneira exemplar, garantindo a qualidade dos produtos manipulados. Realizou-se a revisão e adequação dos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão (POPs) presente no Manual de Boas Práticas de Manipulação da Farmácia-Escola, baseando-se nas diretrizes da RDC 67/07 (Anexo I - Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácia) e também uma inspeção na rotina dos processos envolvidos na manipulação e dispensação dos produtos manipulados. Fez-se a aplicação do Roteiro de Inspeção para Farmácia - Anexo VII da RDC 67/07 com a finalidade de constatar e avaliar o cumprimento das Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácias (BPMF). Verificou-se que a Farmácia-Escola ainda não está em conformidade com todos os critérios estabelecidos pela RDC 67/07, mas que mesmo com as dificuldades enfrentadas para se adequar ela atende à quase todos os itens considerados imprescindíveis. Segundo as farmacêuticas responsáveis, medidas corretivas vêm sendo estudadas para que aos poucos todos os itens constantes na Resolução em questão sejam cumpridos.
In tropical forests, the environmental heterogeneity can provide niche partitioning at local scales and determine the diversity and plant species distribution. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the variations of tree species structure and distribution in response to relief and soil profile features in a portion of the largest remnant of Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. All trees >= 5 cm diameter at breast height were recorded in two 0.99 ha plots. Topographic survey and a soil characterization were accomplished in both plots. Topsoil samples (0-20 cm) were taken from 88 quadrats and analyzed for chemical and particle size properties. Differences for both diversity and tree density were identified among three kinds of soils. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the specific abundance varied among the three kinds of soils mapped: a shallow Udept - Orthent / Aquent gradient, probably due to differences in soil drainage. Nutrient content was less likely to affect tree species composition and distribution than relief, pH, Al3+, and soil texture. Some species were randomly distributed and did not show restriction to relief and soil properties. However, preferences in niche occupation detected in this study, derived from the catenary environments found, rise up as an important explanation for the high tree species diversity in tropical forests.
To obtain a probiotic caprine Coalho cheese naturally enriched in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), goats' diet was supplemented with soybean oil to produce CLA-enhanced milk, and Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 was incorporated into cheeses. CLA concentration and probiotic viability were evaluated during 60 days. Four pilot-scale cheese-making trials were manufactured, in triplicates. Cheeses T1 and T2 were produced with control milk, and T3 and T4 with CLA-enhanced milk. L. acidophilus was added to cheeses T2 and T4 during processing. The CLA content (isomer C18:2 cis-9, trans-11) in T3 and T4 was 246% to 291% higher than in T1 and T2 (P < 0.01). Populations of L. acidophilus were around 7.5 log cfu g(-1) in T2 and T4 during the study, and the highest CLA content in T4 did not influence the probiotic viability (P > 0.01). The CLA-enriched probiotic caprine Coalho cheese obtained is proposed as a vehicle for beneficial microorganisms and fatty acids. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the IgE serum levels in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients and to evaluate possible associations with clinical and laboratory features, disease activity and tissue damage. METHODS: The IgE serum concentrations in 69 consecutive juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients were determined by nephelometry. IgG, IgM and IgA concentrations were measured by immunoturbidimetry. All patients were negative for intestinal parasites. Statistical analysis methods included the Mann-Whitney, chi-square and Fisher's exact tests, as well as the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. RESULTS: Increased IgE concentrations above 100 IU/mL were observed in 31/69 (45%) juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients. The mean IgE concentration was 442.0 +/- 163.4 IU/ml (range 3.5- 9936.0 IU/ml). Fifteen of the 69 patients had atopic disease, nine patients had severe sepsis and 56 patients presented with nephritis. The mean IgE level in 54 juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients without atopic manifestations was 271.6 +/- 699.5 IU/ml, and only nine of the 31 (29%) patients with high IgE levels had atopic disease. The IgE levels did not statistically differ with respect to the presence of atopic disease, severe sepsis, nephritis, disease activity, or tissue damage. Interestingly, IgE concentrations were inversely correlated with C4 levels ( r = -0.25, p = 0.03) and with the SLICC/ACR-DI score (r = -0.34, p = 0.005). The IgE concentration was also found to be directly correlated with IgA levels (r = 0.52, p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrated for the first time that juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients have increased IgE serum levels. This increase in IgE levels was not related to allergic or parasitic diseases. Our results are in line with the hypothesis that high IgE levels can be considered a marker of immune dysregulation.
The main objective of the present work was to study nutritive strategies for lessening the CH4 formation associated to ruminant tropical diets. In vitro gas production technique was used for evaluating the effect of tannin-rich plants, essential oils, and biodiesel co-products on CH4 formation in three individual studies and a small chamber system to measure CH4 released by sheep for in vivo studies was developed. Microbial rumen population diversity from in vitro assays was studied using qPCR. In vitro studies with tanniniferous plants, herbal plant essential oils derived from thyme, fennel, ginger, black seed, and Eucalyptus oil (EuO) added to the basal diet and cakes of oleaginous plants (cotton, palm, castor plant, turnip, and lupine), which were included in the basal diet to replace soybean meal, presented significant differences regarding fermentation gas production and CH4 formation. In vivo assays were performed according to the results of the in vitro assays. , when supplemented to a basal diet (Tifton-85 hay sp, corn grain, soybean meal, cotton seed meal, and mineral mixture) fed to adult Santa Ines sheep reduced enteric CH4 emission but the supplementation of the basal diet with EuO did not affect ( > 0.05) methane released. Regarding the microbial studies of rumen population diversity using qPCR with DNA samples collected from the in vitro trials, the results showed shifts in microbial communities of the tannin-rich plants in relation to control plant. This research demonstrated that tannin-rich , essential oil from eucalyptus, and biodiesel co-products either in vitro or in vivo assays showed potential to mitigate CH4 emission in ruminants. The microbial community study suggested that the reduction in CH4 production may be attributed to a decrease in fermentable substrate rather than to a direct effect on methanogenesis.
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains widely used for industrial fuel-ethanol production have been developed by selection, but their underlying beneficial genetic polymorphisms remain unknown. Here, we report the draft whole-genome sequence of the S. cerevisiae strain CAT-1, which is a dominant fuel-ethanol fermentative strain from the sugarcane industry in Brazil. Our results indicate that strain CAT-1 is a highly heterozygous diploid yeast strain, and the similar to 12-Mb genome of CAT-1, when compared with the reference S228c genome, contains similar to 36,000 homozygous and similar to 30,000 heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms, exhibiting an uneven distribution among chromosomes due to large genomic regions of loss of heterozygosity (LOH). In total, 58 % of the 6,652 predicted protein-coding genes of the CAT-1 genome constitute different alleles when compared with the genes present in the reference S288c genome. The CAT-1 genome contains a reduced number of transposable elements, as well as several gene deletions and duplications, especially at telomeric regions, some correlated with several of the physiological characteristics of this industrial fuel-ethanol strain. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that some genes were likely associated with traits important for bioethanol production. Identifying and characterizing the allelic variations controlling traits relevant to industrial fermentation should provide the basis for a forward genetics approach for developing better fermenting yeast strains.
The purpose of this study was to compare the inorganic content and morphology of one nanofilled and one nanohybrid composite with one universal microhybrid composite. The Vickers hardness, degree of conversion and scanning electron microscope of the materials light-cured using LED unit were also investigated. One nanofilled (Filtek (TM) Supreme XT), one nanohybrid (TPH (R) 3) and one universal microhybrid (Filtek (TM) Z-250) composite resins at color A2 were used in this study. The samples were made in a metallic mould (4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness). Their filler weight content was measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TG). The morphology of the filler particles was determined using scanning electron microscope equipped with a field emission gun (SEM-FEG). Vickers hardness and degree of conversion using FT-IR spectroscopy were measured. Filtek (TM) Z-250 (microhybrid) composite resin shows higher degree of conversion and hardness than those of Filtek (TM) Supreme XT (nanofilled) and TPH (R) 3 (nanohybrid) composites, respectively. The TPH3 (R) (nanohybrid) composite exhibits by far the lowest mechanical property. Nanofilled composite resins show mechanical properties at least as good as those of universal hybrids and could thus be used for the same clinical indications as well as for anterior restorations due to their high aesthetic properties. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:758765, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc
Background: The development of sugarcane as a sustainable crop has unlimited applications. The crop is one of the most economically viable for renewable energy production, and CO2 balance. Linkage maps are valuable tools for understanding genetic and genomic organization, particularly in sugarcane due to its complex polyploid genome of multispecific origins. The overall objective of our study was to construct a novel sugarcane linkage map, compiling AFLP and EST-SSR markers, and to generate data on the distribution of markers anchored to sequences of scIvana_1, a complete sugarcane transposable element, and member of the Copia superfamily. Results: The mapping population parents ('IAC66-6' and 'TUC71-7') contributed equally to polymorphisms, independent of marker type, and generated markers that were distributed into nearly the same number of co-segregation groups (or CGs). Bi-parentally inherited alleles provided the integration of 19 CGs. The marker number per CG ranged from two to 39. The total map length was 4,843.19 cM, with a marker density of 8.87 cM. Markers were assembled into 92 CGs that ranged in length from 1.14 to 404.72 cM, with an estimated average length of 52.64 cM. The greatest distance between two adjacent markers was 48.25 cM. The scIvana_1-based markers (56) were positioned on 21 CGs, but were not regularly distributed. Interestingly, the distance between adjacent scIvana_1-based markers was less than 5 cM, and was observed on five CGs, suggesting a clustered organization. Conclusions: Results indicated the use of a NBS-profiling technique was efficient to develop retrotransposon-based markers in sugarcane. The simultaneous maximum-likelihood estimates of linkage and linkage phase based strategies confirmed the suitability of its approach to estimate linkage, and construct the linkage map. Interestingly, using our genetic data it was possible to calculate the number of retrotransposonscIvana_1 (similar to 60) copies in the sugarcane genome, confirming previously reported molecular results. In addition, this research possibly will have indirect implications in crop economics e. g., productivity enhancement via QTL studies, as the mapping population parents differ in response to an important fungal disease.
Objetivo: Identificar e analisar, à luz de referencial ético, as escolhas e justificativas de profissionais de saúde pública em situações hipotéticas de priorização de pacientes em casos de limitações de recursos no atendimento de emergências médicas. Métodos: Pesquisa qualiquantitativa, mediante entrevistas com 80 profissionais de saúde pública, pós-graduandos (mestrado e doutorado) em Saúde Pública, aos quais foram apresentadas situações hipotéticas, envolvendo os critérios de sexo, idade e responsabilidade, sendo requeridos que escolhessem entre alternativas que se referiam à existência de pessoas, correndo risco igual de vida, que necessitam de atendimento em um serviço de emergência. Resultados: As escolhas priorizaram crianças, jovens, mulheres e casadas, com a tomada de decisão invocando os princípios éticos de vulnerabilidade, utilidade social e equidade. Conclusão: A pesquisa mostra clara tendência de justificativas das escolhas feitas, orientadas pela ética utilitarista.
Objectives: To describe the epidemiological profile, risk behaviors, and the prior history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in women living with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Methods: Cross-sectional study, performed at the Centro de Referencia e Treinamento em DST/AIDS of Sao Paulo. The social, demographic, behavioral, and clinical data such as age, schooling, marital status, age at first sexual intercourse, number of sexual partners, parity, use of drugs, time of HIV diagnosis, CD4 count, and viral load determination were abstracted from the medical records of women living with AIDS who had gynecological consultation scheduled in the period from June 2008 to May 2009. Results: Out of 710 women who were scheduled to a gynecological consultation during the period of the study, 598 were included. Previous STD was documented for 364 (60.9%; 95% CI: 56.9%-64.8%) women. The associated factors with previous STDs and their respective risks were: human development index (HDI) <0.50 (ORaj = 5.5; 95% CI: 2.8-11.0); non-white race (ORaj = 5.2; 95% CI: 2.5-11.0); first sexual intercourse at or before 15 years of age (ORaj = 4.4; 95% CI: 2.3-8.3); HIV infection follow-up time of nine years or more (ORaj = 4.2; 95% CI: 2.3-7.8)]; number of sexual partners during the entire life between three and five partners (ORaj = 2.2; 95% CI: 1.1-4.6), and six or more sexual partners (ORaj = 3.9; 95% CI: 1.9-8.0%); being a sex worker (ORaj = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.1-3.1). Conclusions: A high prevalence of a prior history of STDs in the studied population was found. It is essential to find better ways to access HIV infection prevention, so that effective interventions can be more widely implemented. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.