628 resultados para CATFISH SILURIFORMES


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Triplicate groups of juvenile suribim were fed for 183 days one of four different isonitrogenous (47.6% crude protein) and isolipidic (18.7% lipid) diets formulated using three different lipid sources: 100% fish oil (FO, diet 1); 100% pig lard (L, diet 2); 100% soybean oil (SO, diet 3), and FO/L/SO (1:1:1, w/w/w; diet 4). The tissue levels of fatty acids 18:2n - 6 and 18:3n - 3 decreased relative to corresponding dietary fatty acid values. The 20:5n - 3 and 22:6n - 3 composition of muscle and liver neutral lipids were linearly correlated with corresponding dietary fatty acid composition. In contrast, the 22:6n - 3 composition of the brain and eye were similar among treatments. The 22:6n - 3 level was enriched in all tissues, particularly in the neural tissues. Similar results were observed for tissue polar lipids: fatty acids content reflected dietary composition, with the exception of the 22:6n - 3 level, which showed enrichment and no differences between groups. Given these results, the importance of the biochemical functions (transport and/or metabolism) of 22:6n - 3 in the development of the neural system of surubim warrants further investigation. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the zootechnical performance and chemical composition of jundia juveniles Rhandia voulezi fed with mash, pelletized and extruded diets and cultivated in cages. One hundred and fifty fish were distributed in fifteen cages (0.20 m3), arranged in cages (5m3), in the hydroelectric plant of Governador José Richa, in Iguaçu River (Paraná-Brazil). The fish were fed five times a day, with mash, pelletized and extruded diets, containing 30% of protein and 3250 Kcal/kg of digestible energy/kg. At the end of 60 days, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed on fish performance. The fish that were fed with pelletized diet, presented higher average of final weight (44.08g), final length (16.51cm) and weight gain (36.65g). The different processes did not influence fish survival. The averages of protein and mineral matter of carcass chemical composition did not differ statistically (p<0.05), while the values of humidity and lipideos presented differences among treatments. The highest average of lipideos (8.59%) was observed in peletized diet. The mash diet provided fish with lower lipideo (5.45%) and higher humidity (75.98%) rates. A pelleted diet is most suitable for juvenile catfish R. voulezi cultivation in cages.


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A considerable problem in the catfish larvae rearing is related to the first feeding. This study aimed to determine the larvae growth and the survival of silver catfish submitted to feeding with Artemia sp. in different time periods. The study was conducted in the Aquaculture Laboratory of the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, with four treatments and five replications, constituted by feeding with Artemia sp. in 5, 10, 15 and 20 days, and after each period of time, by its replacement by ration. We used 200 larvae distributed into 20 aquariums, soon after the eggs hatched. The larvae were fed 4 times a day until apparent satiation for 30 days. The Artemia sp. feeding for 15 days provided the best results on weight gain, final length and survival.


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The fishes of the present study were collected in the headwater streams of the Sorocaba, Paranapanema and Ribeira de Iguape river basins during the dry period in 2010. A total of 2892 fishes, grouped in 53 species, were captured. The composition of the ichthyofauna captured in the streams of Sorocaba and Paranapanema river basin was greatly similar. On the other hand, the fish fauna of the streams of Ribeira de Iguape river basin were quite different from the ones captured in the others basins, with the occurrence of endangered species (Isbrueckerichthys epakmos and I. duseni) and exotic species (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus). The previous list of fish for the Sorocaba river basin increased with the addition of seven species of Characiformes, one Gymnotiformes and four Siluriformes. © 2012 Check List and Authors.


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The objective was to characterize female germ cell renewal during the annual reproductive cycle in two species of ostariophysian fish with distinct reproductive strategies: a siluriform, Pimelodus maculatus, in which oocyte development is group synchronous and the annual reproductive period is short; and a characiform, Serrasalmus maculatus, with asynchronous oocyte development and a prolonged reproductive period. These reproductive strategies result in fish determinate and indeterminate fecundity, respectively. Annual reproductive phases were determined by biometric and histologic analysis of gonads and interpreted according to new proposals for phase classification and stages of oocyte development (with special attention to germinal epithelium activity). Histologically, there were two types of oogonia in the germinal epithelium: single oogonia and those in mitotic proliferation. Oogonial proliferation and their entry into meiosis resulted in formation of cell nests (clusters of cells in the ovarian lamellae). Morphometric analysis was used to estimate germ cell renewal. Based on numbers of single oogonia in the lamellar epithelium, and nests with proliferating oogonia or early prophase oocytes throughout the annual reproductive cycle, oogonial proliferation and entrance into meiosis were more intense during the regenerating phase and developing phase, but decreased sharply (P < 0.05) during the spawning-capable phase. Oogonial proliferation gradually recovered during the regressing phase. We concluded that, independent of species or features of the reproductive cycle, germ cell renewal occurred during the regenerating phase, ensuring availability of eggs for the spawning event. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Background: The megadiverse Neotropical freshwater ichthyofauna is the richest in the world with approximately 6,000 recognized species. Interestingly, they are distributed among only 17 orders, and almost 80% of them belong to only three orders: Characiformes, Siluriformes and Perciformes. Moreover, evidence based on molecular data has shown that most of the diversification of the Neotropical ichthyofauna occurred recently. These characteristics make the taxonomy and identification of this fauna a great challenge, even when using molecular approaches. In this context, the present study aimed to test the effectiveness of the barcoding methodology (COI gene) to identify the mega diverse freshwater fish fauna from the Neotropical region. For this purpose, 254 species of fishes were analyzed from the Upper Parana River basin, an area representative of the larger Neotropical region.Results: Of the 254 species analyzed, 252 were correctly identified by their barcode sequences (99.2%). The main K2P intra- and inter-specific genetic divergence values (0.3% and 6.8%, respectively) were relatively low compared with similar values reported in the literature, reflecting the higher number of closely related species belonging to a few higher taxa and their recent radiation. Moreover, for 84 pairs of species that showed low levels of genetic divergence (<2%), application of a complementary character-based nucleotide diagnostic approach proved useful in discriminating them. Additionally, 14 species displayed high intra-specific genetic divergence (>2%), pointing to at least 23 strong candidates for new species.Conclusions: Our study is the first to examine a large number of freshwater fish species from the Neotropical area, including a large number of closely related species. The results confirmed the efficacy of the barcoding methodology to identify a recently radiated, megadiverse fauna, discriminating 99.2% of the analyzed species. The power of the barcode sequences to identify species, even with low interspecific divergence, gives us an idea of the distribution of inter-specific genetic divergence in these megadiverse fauna. The results also revealed hidden genetic divergences suggestive of reproductive isolation and putative cryptic speciation in some species (23 candidates for new species). Finally, our study constituted an important contribution to the international Barcoding of Life (iBOL.org) project, providing barcode sequences for use in identification of these species by experts and non-experts, and allowing them to be available for use in other applications. © 2013 Pereira et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)