789 resultados para César, Cayo Julio, 100-44 a. C..


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to study the interaction of His-tagged peptide with three different metal surfaces in explicit water. The equilibrium properties are analyzed by using pair correlation functions (PCF) to give an insight into the behavior of the peptide adsorption to metal surfaces in water solvent. The intermolecular interactions between peptide residues and the metal surfaces are evaluated. By pulling the peptide away from the peptide in the presence of solvent water, peeling forces are obtained and reveal the binding strength of peptide adsorption on nickel, copper and gold. From the analysis of the dynamics properties of the peptide interaction with the metal surfaces, it is shown that the affinity of peptide to Ni surface is the strongest, while on Cu and An the affinity is a little weaker. In MD simulations including metals, the His-tagged region interacts with the substrate to an extent greater than the other regions. The work presented here reveals various interactions between His-tagged peptide and Ni/Cu/Au surfaces. The interesting affinities and dynamical properties of the peptide are also derived. The results give predictions for the structure of His-tagged peptide adsorbing on three different metal surfaces and show the different affinities between them, which assist the understanding of how peptides behave on metal surfaces and of how designers select amino sequences in molecule devices design. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Se está desarrollando el cultivo de jícaro (Crescentia alata) y el procesamiento de sus frutos provee un subproducto: la Pulpa. Se vio necesario verificar el efecto que esta ejerce sobre el cambio químico y fermentativo en el proceso de ensilaje al mezclarla con forraje Taiwán. En la hacienda “las Mercedes” ubicada en el kilómetro once y medio de la carretera norte, Managua, se estableci un ensayo que duró 101 días, el que consistió en analizar el efecto de mezclar Taiwán con pulpa de jícaro a diferentes proporciones, sobre los cambios químicos y fermentativos que éste ejerce durante el proceso de ensilaje. Las porciones utilizadas fueron A-100% Taiwán, B 95% Taiwán más 5%, C-90% mas 10% pulpa y D 85% mas 15% pulpa. Se utilizaron solo de tipo trinchera a escala experimental con capacidad de 41.6 kg., los que fueron muestreados a los 30, 40, y 50 días para sus respectivos análisis bromatológicos. Los resultados reportaron que el valor nutritivo de los ensilajes fue superior al encontrado en el material antes de ensilar: El alto contenido de proteína bruta encontrada en la proporcin D, no favoreci un mejor comportamiento de los A:G:V:, ya que esta condujo a un cambio del patrón fermentativo en relación con las demás proporciones, predominantes en esta la fermentación acética: este cambio se debió al efecto temporizaste que las proteínas ejercen sobre el ensilaje dificultando la estabilidad del mismo. La proporcin que mostró mejor comportamiento en los parámetros fermentativos fue la B, la que también registro un contenido de proteínas bruta por encima del 10%. Se requiere continuar estudios con el fin de encontrar un valor proporcional óptimo de Taiwán, mas pulpa de jícaro en el rango comprendido entre 5 y 10%.


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Con el propósito de diagnosticar la prevalencia de la Brucelosis bovina en los departamentos de Boaco, Chontales y Matagalpa, durante los meses de Septiembre, Octubre y Noviembre de 1977, se realizaron pruebas de seroaglutinacion en placas sobre un total de 195 fincas visitadas en los tres departamentos. Los datos del estudio obedecen a una muestra de 14,542 sueros extrados de una poblacion aproximada de 1,069,685 vacunos existentes en los tres departamentos. Con esta muestra se encontraron reacciones serologicas positivas a Brucelosis, equivalentes al 5.2% con la prueba de seroaglutinacion rápida en placas y utilizando 50 y 100 unidades internacionales. Los resultados demostraron que existe una diferencia de 2.76% entre el promedio nacional de 2.44% que se utilizo como base para las estimaciones u los datos obtenidos. Las pruebas serologicas para el diagnostico de prevalencia de Brucelosis, señalaron que en el 76.7% de las fincas visitadas se encontró por lo menos un animal infectado, demostrando el mayor indice el departamento de Chontales. Esto demuestra que la enfermedad se encuentra ampliamente diseminada en los tres departamentos muestreados. La tasa mas elevada de prevalencia, se encontró en el Departamento de Matagalpa (6.6%). Sin embargo, ninguno de los indicadores llego al 10%, lo cual significa que los niveles de infección son bajos, de acuerdo al criterio tecnico de los expertos en brucelosis FAO/OMS. Las perdidas economicas causadas por la Brucelosis en los tres departamentos se calcularon en C 17,865.890. Esto representa un valor significativo en la economía nacional y la erradicación de esta zoonosis debe ser prioritaria dentro de los programas de sanidad animal.


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La investigación se realizó en el municipio de Camoapa departamento de Boaco. El objetivo fue Caracterizar las enfermedades monitoreadas por el sistema de vigilancia de salud animal (SIVE) en bovinos del municipio en el periodo 2011–2014. El trabajo consistió en determinar la presencia, distribucin temporal y espacial así como el comportamiento de las enfermedades zoonóticas, analizando los datos obtenidos de la base de datos del SIVE del Instituto de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria (IPSA) entre el 2011-2014, obtenidas de los reportes realizados por el médico veterinario de Camoapa. Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal (retrospectivo) donde se evaluó el comportamiento de las enfermedades en el período. El procesamiento estadístico de las variables e indicadores se realizó utilizando el programa Microsoft Exel 2010. Los resultados derivados del análisis demostraron una presencia de agentes infecciosos como: Áscari 37.50%, Babesia spp. 5.60%, Brucellla spp 0.04%, Coccidia spp. 47.75%, Escherichia coli (E. coli) 100%, Rinot raqueítis infecciosa bovina (RIV/VPI) 100%, Paratuberculosis 100%, Trichostrongilosis 77.7%, La distribucin en el periodo en estudio (2011–2014) fue: en el ao 2011 de 6% de los casos, en el 2012 de 54%, 2013 de 23% y en el 2014 de 16% de un total de 111 casos. El ao 2012 se identifi con mayores índices de muestras positivas, con el 54%, en la distribucin por mes el ao, 2011 en el mes de julio se encontró una mayor distribucin con el 86%, en el 2012 en Marzo con 42% y en 2013 nuevamente en Marzo con 38% y para el ao 2014 en septiembre con 56% de presencia de enfermedades, la distribucin espacial demuestra que la comarca Bijagua presento 18% de casos y Zarrigo 15% de los casos en el periodo 2011-2014. En la distribucin por ao, Platanar norte se encontró una mayor distribucin con el 100% en el 2012, Zarrigo con 27% en 2013 Tolinapa con 38% y para el 2014 Matamba con 44% de los casos. Se concluye que se identifi presencia de agentes infecciosos productores de enfermedades importantes para el consumidor, como: bacterias del genero Brucella spp., Escherichia coli, y parásitos nematodos como trichostrongylus, Áscaris y protozoarios como Coccidia Spp. Se recomienda elaborar un diseño muestreal para determinar la prevalencia real de la enfermedades en el municipio, ya que hay enfermedades que son de notificación obligatoria para la OIE, el involucramiento de los productores en mantener el estatus sanitario del municipio al notificar los problemas sanitarios con respecto a las enfermedades zoonóticas e implementar calendarios sanitarios, así como llenar registros de control sanitario, además de incorporar el municipio a los programas de trazabilidad bovina y certificación de hatos libres de brucelosis y tuberculosis.


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The center of low pressure of a tropical disturbance which moved northward in the Gulf of Mexico, reached land between Panama City and Port St. Joe, Florida, on September 20, 1969. This system was nearly stationary for 48 hours producing heavy rainfall in the Quincy-Havana area, 70-80 miles northeast of the center. Rainfall associated with the tropical disturbance exceeded 20 inches over a part of Gadsden County, Florida, during September 20 through 23, 1969, and the maximum rainfall of record occurred at Quincy with 10.87 inches during a 6-hour period on September 21. The 48-hour maximum of 17.71 inches exceeded the 1 in 100-year probability of 16 inches for a 7-day period. The previous maximum rainfall of record at Quincy (more than 12 inches) was on September 14-15, 1924. The characteristics of this historical storm were similar in path and effect to the September 1969 tropical disturbance. Peak runoff from a 1.4-square mile area near Midway, Florida, was 1,540 cfs (cubic feet per second) per square mile. A peak discharge of 45,600 cfs on September 22 at the gaging station on the Little River near Quincy exceeded the previous peak of 25,400 cfs which occurred on December 4, 1964. The peak discharge of 89,400 cfs at Ochlockonee River near Bloxham exceeded the April 1948 peak of 50,200 cfs, which was the previous maximum of record, by 1.8 times. Many flood-measurement sites had peak discharges in excess of that of a 50-year flood. Nearly $200,000 was spent on emergency repairs to roads. An additional $520,000 in contractual work was required to replace four bridges that were destroyed. Agricultural losses were estimated at $1,000,000. (44 page document)


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La microfauna bentónica y planctnica se ha convertido en una herramienta precisa de detección de las variaciones paleoceanográficas y paleoclimáticas. La combinación de grupos faunísticos diferentes, cuya respuesta ante los mismos factores ecológicos puede ser diversa, permite analizar de manera an más concreta los cambios oceanográficos y climáticos en la misma área de estudio. Así mismo, el estudio de las asociaciones microfaunísticas concnicas isotópicas y sedimentológicas, posibilitan la determinación del grado de afectacin de los parámetros ecológicos considerados en las especies identificadas. La comparación de las variaciones espeficas detectadas en el pasado con la distribucin de dichas asociaciones en los modelos actuales, permite caracterizar los cambios pretéritos del medio que habitaban estos organismos. El presente trabajo está estructurado en dos bloques principales: por un lado, se estudia la microfauna (foraminíferos bentónicos, planctnicos y ostrácodos) en muestras superficiales de la plataforma, con el objetivo de determinar los parámetros ecológicos que controlan su distribucin a lo largo del área de estudio. Por otra parte, se analizan 5 sondeos obtenidos a diferente profundidad, que permiten definir las variaciones oceanográficas y climáticas acontecidas en la plataforma Vasca a finales del Cuaternario, basándonos en los cambios de las asociaciones de microfauna que se suceden a lo largo de los sondeos. Estas variaciones faunísticas denotan, por tanto, cambios ambientales.


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The National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. 1431, as amended) gives the Secretary of Commerce the authority to designate discrete areas of the marine environment as National Marine Sanctuaries and provides the authority to promulgate regulations to provide for the conservation and management of these marine areas. The waters of the Outer Washington Coast were recognized for their high natural resource and human use values and placed on the National Marine Sanctuary Program Site Evaluation List in 1983. In 1988, Congress directed NOAA to designate the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (Pub. L. 100-627). The Sanctuary, designated in May 1994, worked with the U.S. Coast Guard to request the International Maritime Organization designate an Area to be Avoided (ATBA) on the Olympic Coast. The IMO defines an ATBA as "a routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits in which either navigation is particularly hazardous or it is exceptionally important to avoid casualties and which should be avoided by all ships, or certain classes of ships" (IMO, 1991). This ATBA was adopted in December 1994 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO, “in order to reduce the risk of marine casualty and resulting pollution and damage to the environment of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary”, (IMO, 1994). The ATBA went into effect in June 1995 and advises operators of vessels carrying petroleum and/or hazardous materials to maintain a 25-mile buffer from the coast. Since that time, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) has created an education and monitoring program with the goal of ensuring the successful implementation of the ATBA. The Sanctuary enlisted the aid of the U.S. and Canadian coast guards, and the marine industry to educate mariners about the ATBA and to use existing radar data to monitor compliance. Sanctuary monitoring efforts have targeted education on tank vessels observed transiting the ATBA. OCNMS's monitoring efforts allow quantitative evaluation of this voluntary measure. Finally, the tools developed to monitor the ATBA are also used for the more general purpose of monitoring vessel traffic within the Sanctuary. While the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary does not currently regulate vessel traffic, such regulations are within the scope of the Sanctuary’s Final Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plan. Sanctuary staff participate in ongoing maritime and environmental safety initiatives and continually seek opportunities to mitigate risks from marine shipping.(PDF contains 44 pages.)


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class="sa">c="http://img2.imagesbn.com/p/9780080412665_p0_v1_s260x420.gif" border="0" alt="" hspace="8" width="100" height="153" align="left" />Adiabatic shear localization is a mode of failure that occurs in dynamic loading. It is characterized by thermal softening occurring over a very narrow region of a material and is usually a precursor to ductile fracture and catastrophic failure. This reference source is the first detailed study of the mechanics and modes of adiabatic shear localization in solids, and provides a systematic description of a number of aspects of adiabatic shear banding. The inclusion of the appendices which provide a quick reference section and a comprehensive collection of thermomechanical data allows rapid access and understanding of the subject and its phenomena. The concepts and techniques described in this work can usefully be applied to solve a multitude of problems encountered by those investigating fracture and damage in materials, impact dynamics, metal working and other areas. This reference book has come about in response to the pressing demand of mechanical and metallurgical engineers for a high quality summary of the knowledge gained over the last twenty years. While fulfilling this requirement, the book is also of great interest to academics and researchers into materials performance.

Table of Contents

able border="0" id="yui_3_7_3_1_1356267270901_1331">1Introductionalign="right">11.1What is an Adiabatic Shear Band?align="right">11.2The Importance of Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">61.3Where Adiabatic Shear Bands Occuralign="right">101.4Historical Aspects of Shear Bandsalign="right">111.5Adiabatic Shear Bands and Fracture Mapsalign="right">141.6Scope of the Bookalign="right">202Characteristic Aspects of Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">242.1General Featuresalign="right">242.2Deformed Bandsalign="right">272.3Transformed Bandsalign="right">282.4Variables Relevant to Adiabatic Shear Bandingalign="right">352.5Adiabatic Shear Bands in Non-Metalsalign="right">443Fracture and Damage Related to Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">543.1Adiabatic Shear Band Induced Fracturealign="right">543.2Microscopic Damage in Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">573.3Metallurgical Implicationsalign="right">693.4Effects of Stress Statealign="right">734Testing Methodsalign="right">764.1General Requirements and Remarksalign="right">764.2Dynamic Torsion Testsalign="right">804.3Dynamic Compression Testsalign="right">914.4Contained Cylinder Testsalign="right">954.5Transient Measurementsalign="right">985Constitutive Equationsalign="right">1045.1Effect of Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Behaviouralign="right">1045.2Strain-Rate History Effectsalign="right">1105.3Effect of Temperature on Stress-Strain Behaviouralign="right">1145.4Constitutive Equations for Non-Metalsalign="right">1246Occurrence of Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">1256.1Empirical Criteria</td>align="right">1256.2One-Dimensional Equations and Linear Instability Analysisalign="right">1346.3Localization Analysisalign="right">1406.4Experimental Verificationalign="right">1467Formation and Evolution of Shear Bandsalign="right">1557.1Post-Instability Phenomena</td>align="right">1567.2Scaling and Approximationsalign="right">1627.3Wave Trapping and Viscous Dissipationalign="right">1677.4The Intermediate Stage and the Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">1717.5Late Stage Behaviour and Post-Mortem Morphologyalign="right">1797.6Adiabatic Shear Bands in Multi-Dimensional Stress Statesalign="right">1878Numerical Studies of Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">1948.1Objects, Problems and Techniques Involved in Numerical Simulationsalign="right">1948.2One-Dimensional Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Bandingalign="right">1998.3Simulation with Adaptive Finite Element Methodsalign="right">2138.4Adiabatic Shear Bands in the Plane Strain Stress Statealign="right">2189Selected Topics in Impact Dynamics</td>align="right">2299.1Planar Impactalign="right">2309.2Fragmentationalign="right">2379.3Penetrationalign="right">2449.4Erosionalign="right">2559.5Ignition of Explosivesalign="right">2619.6Explosive Weldingalign="right">26810Selected Topics in Metalworkingalign="right">27310.1Classification of Processesalign="right">27310.2Upsettingalign="right">27610.3Metalcuttingalign="right">28610.4Blankingalign="right">293 Appendicesalign="right">297A</td>Quick Reference</td>align="right">298BSpecific Heat and Thermal Conductivityalign="right">301Ctd>Thermal Softening and Related Temperature Dependence</td>align="right">312DMaterials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">335ESpecification of Selected Materials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bandsalign="right">341FConversion Factorsalign="right">357 Referencesalign="right">358 Author Indexalign="right">369 Subject Indexalign="right">375able>


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Galeria dos brasileiros illustres traz retratos copiados do natural e litografados das principais figuras brasileiras da política, cincias e letras, com biografias redigidas por diversos escritos da época, por alguns dos próprios biografados ou por membros de suas famílias. Considerada a mais importante de Sisson, esta obra teve tiragem reduzida e muitos exemplares foram desmanchados por antiquários que emolduravam os retratos, vendendo-os por alto preço. Segundo Borba de Moraes, "é muito difícil encontrar-se hoje em dia um exemplar perfeito e em boas condições" e que "só muito raramente aparece um exemplar à venda."


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Information on the biology and fishery resources of two common species of western Atlantic porgies, Calamus areli/rons and C. proridens, is compiled, reviewed, and analyzed in the FAO species synopsis style. (PDF file contains 25 pages.)


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Sustainable aquaculture Contrasting community management and revenue sharing practices of culture-based fisheries in Lao PDR Saphakdy, B., Phomsouvanh, A., Davy, B., Nguyen, T.T.T. and De Silva, S.S.; Floodplain aquaculture in Begumgonj: New horizon for rural livelihoods in Bangladesh Hossain, M. S.; Promoting small-scale inland aquaculture in Papua New Guinea Edwards, P.; Group approach to shrimp farming: The key to sustainability Kumaran, M.; Research and farming techniques Native catfish culture - a technology package for fish farmers Haniffa, M. A.; An assessment on the influence of salinity in the growth of black clam (Villorita cyprinoides) in cages in Cochin estuary with a special emphasis on the impact of Thennermukkom Salinity Barrier Arun, A. U.; Aquatic animal health EUS in Asia and Africa: Stimulus for regional initiatives!!! Mohan, C.V. Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Offshore opportunities for artisanal aquaculture Stock, C.; Grouper aquaculture in Brazil Sanches, E.G. and Von Seckendorff, R.W. NACA Newsletter


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Near-degenerative near-collinear phase-match geometry for broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) at approximate to 780 nm is calculated in comparison with nondegenerate noncollinear phase-match geometry. In an experiment on LBO-I near-degenerate near-collinear OPCPA, high gain with broad gain bandwidth (approximate to 71 nm, FWHM) at approximate to 780 nm is achieved by using an approximate to 390-nm pumping pulse. The stretched broadband chirped signal pulse near 780 nm is amplified to approximate to 412 mu J with a pumping energy of approximate to 15 mJ, and the total gain is > 3.7 X 10(6), which agrees well with the calculation. For a broadband (covering approximate to 100 nm) chirped signal pulse, the theoretical gain bandwidth has been attained experimentally for the first time. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Near-degenerative near-collinear phase-match geometry for broadband optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) at approximate to 780 nm is calculated in comparison with nondegenerate noncollinear phase-match geometry. In an experiment on LBO-I near-degenerate near-collinear OPCPA, high gain with broad gain bandwidth (approximate to 71 nm, FWHM) at approximate to 780 nm is achieved by using an approximate to 390-nm pumping pulse. The stretched broadband chirped signal pulse near 780 nm is amplified to approximate to 412 mu J with a pumping energy of approximate to 15 mJ, and the total gain is > 3.7 X 10(6), which agrees well with the calculation. For a broadband (covering approximate to 100 nm) chirped signal pulse, the theoretical gain bandwidth has been attained experimentally for the first time. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The synthesis of a sterically tailored ligand array (M)_2((C_5H_2-2-Si(CH_3)_3-4-C(CH_3)_3)S_2i(CH_3)_2]("M_2Bp") (M = Li, 16; K, 19) is described. Transmetallation of Li_2Bp with YCl_3(THF)_3 affords exclusively the C_2 symmetric product rac-[BpY(µ_2-Cl)_2Li(THF)_2], 20. A X-ray crystal structure of 20 has been determined; triclinic, P1, a= 13.110 (8), b = 17.163 (15), c = 20.623 (14) Å, α = 104.02 (7), β = 99.38 (5), γ = 100.24 (6)° , Z = 4, R = 0.056. Transmetallation of K_2Bp with YCl_3(THF)_3 affords the halide free complex rac-BpYCl, 23. The corresponding rac-BpLaCl, 28, is prepared in an anlogous manner. In all cases the achiral meso isomer is not obtained since only for the racemic isomers are the unfavorable steric interactions between the Si(CH3)_3 groups in the narrow portion of the [Cp-M'-Cp] wedge avoided. Alkylation of 20 or 23 with LiCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2 affords rac-BpYCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2, 26 in good yield. Alkylation of 28 with LiCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2 affords rac-BpLaCH(Si(CH_3)_3)_2 29. Hydrogenation of 26 cleanly affords the bridging hydride species [BpY(µ_2-H)]_2, 27, as the homochiral (R,R) and (S,S) dimeric pairs. 26 is an efficient initiator for the polymerization of ethylene to high molecular weight linear polyethylene. 27 catalyzes the polymerization of propylene (25% v/v in methylcyclohexane) and neat samples of 1-butene, 1-pentene, 1-hexene to moderately high molecular weight polymers: polypropylene (M_n = 4,200, PDI 2.32, T_m 157 °C); poly-1-butene (M_n = 8,500, PDI 3.44, T_m 105 °C); poly-1-pentene (M_n = 20,000, PDI 1.99, T_m 73 °C); poly-1-hexene (M_n = 24,000, PDI 1.75, T_m < 25 °C). ^(13)C NMR spectra at the pentad analysis level indicates that the degree of isotacticity is 99% mmmm for all polymer samples. 27 is the first single component iso-specific -olefin polymerization catalyst. The presumed origins of the high isospecificity are presented.


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Time-of-flight measurements of energetic He atoms, field ionization of cryogenic liquid helium clusters, and time-of-flight and REMPI spectroscopy of radical salt clusters were investigated experimentally. The excited He atoms were generated in a corona discharge. Two strong neutral peaks were observed, accompanied by a prompt photon peak and a charged peak. All peaks were correlated with the pulsing of the discharge. The neutral hyperthermal and metastable atoms were formed by different mechanisms at different stages of the corona discharge. Positively charged helium droplets were produced by ionization of liquid helium in an electrostatic spraying experiment. The fluid emerging from a thin glass capillary was ionized by a high voltage applied to a needle inside the capillary. Fine droplets (less than 10 µm in diameter) were produced in showers with currents as high as 0.4 µA at 2-4 kV. The high currents resulting from field ionization in helium and the low surface tension of He I, led to charge densities that greatly exceeded the Rayleigh limit, thus resulting in coulombic explosion of the liquid. In contrast, liquid nitrogen formed a well-defined Taylor cone with droplets having diameters comparable to the jet (≈100 µm) at lower currents (10 nA) and higher voltages (8 kV). The metal-halide clusters of calcium and chlorine were generated by laser ablation of calcium metal in a Ar/CCl4 expansion. A visible spectrum of the Ca<sub>2Cl<sub>3 cluster was observed from 651 to 630 nm by 1 +1' REMPI. The spectra were composed of a strong origin band at 15 350.8 cm<sup>-1 and several weak vibronic bands. Density functional calculations predicted three minimum energy isomers. The spectrum was assigned to the 2B2 ← X 2A<sub>1 transition of a planar Cub>2V structure having a ring of two Cl and two Ca atoms and a terminal Cl atom. The ring isomer of Ca<sub>2Cl<sub>3 has the unpaired electron localized on one Ca<sup>2+ ion to form a Ca<sup>+ chromophore. A second electronic band of Ca<sub>2Cl<sub>3 was observed at 720 nm. The band is sharply different from the 650 nm band and likely due to a different isomer.