975 resultados para Buccal neoplasia
The aims of the current study were to assess the prevalence of von Willebrand disease (vWD) in dogs from the region of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, and to evaluate laboratory tests to diagnose this disease. The study included 350 dogs of various ages, different breeds, and both sexes. Dogs included in the study had no historical or clinical evidence of abnormal bleeding. von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), buccal mucosal bleeding time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and factor VIII activity were evaluated in their ability to diagnose vWD. The prevalence of vWD in dogs was 1.43% in the Botucatu region of Brazil. Determination of vWF:Ag was the best laboratory test to diagnose vWD.
The pathological findings in a 2-years-old Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with a cutaneous myxosarcoma are described. Grossly, there was a large cutaneous mass in the right cervical region. Microscopical evaluation revealed a myxosarcoma characterized by pleomorphic, fusiform cells loosely arranged, randomly distributed, and presenting a moderate amount of basophilic amorphous stroma. There were hemorrhagic areas within the tumor. The basophilic amorphous stroma was positive to Alcian blue confirming the presence of a mucopolysaccharide matrix. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells expressed vimentin, and were negative for cytokeratin or glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).
Relata-se o diagnóstico de linfoma primário no sistema nervoso central em um cão Labrador Retrievier, de 10 anos de idade, que apresentava episódios convulsivos, incoordenação nos membros posteriores, head tilt, ataxia e sensibilidade diminuída no lado esquerdo. Constataram-se alterações laterais esquerdas, como ausências de propriocepção e de posicionamento tátil, alterações posteriores nas provas de carrinho de mão e de reação ao pulo e diminuição da extensão da postura e hemilocomoção. No líquido cefalorraquidiano (LCR), houve predomínio de linfócitos atípicos, caracterizados pela presença de anisocitose e anisocariose, nucléolos evidentes e anisonucleose, basofilia e microvacuolização citoplasmáticas, mitoses atípicas e corpúsculos linfoglandulares, compatíveis com linfoma, confirmado pelo exame histológico e imunocitoquímico, o qual revelou origem T, com expressão CD3+ e CD79-. A tomografia computadorizada não foi conclusiva e evidenciou diversas áreas hipodensas e intensificação de contraste na região de sulcos e giros do parênquima encefálico. A coleta do LCR foi essencial na rapidez do diagnóstico definitivo, indicando a natureza rara desta lesão primária.
A expressão de receptores de estrógeno (ER) e progesterona (PR) por meio da técnica de q-PCR foi avaliada em 26 cadelas portadoras de neoplasias mamárias e cinco cadelas sem afecções mamárias (grupo controle). Os resultados mostraram que os três grupos de animais estudados - com tumor maligno ou benigno e controle - expressaram receptores de estrógeno alfa, beta e progesterona. A quantificação relativa mostrou tendência para uma expressão maior de receptores no grupo controle e menor no grupo de animais com neoplasias malignas. Além disso, observou-se expressão maior de ERα em relação ao ERβ, e as neoplasias malignas de origem mista apresentaram maiores concentrações dos receptores PR, ERα e ERβ que as neoplasias de origem epitelial.
A perfusão total do fígado e suas contribuições relativas, pelo sistema portal e pela artéria hepática, podem estar alteradas por vários processos hepáticos, como doença hepato-celular difusa, neoplasia e shunts intra-hepáticos. O estudo do comportamento do fluxo sangüíneo nos vasos do fígado por meio da ultra-sonografia Doppler tem demonstrado que este é um método viável não-invasivo e de grande auxílio, principalmente na avaliação da hemodinâmica portal. São duas as modalidades de ultra-sonografia Doppler com maior aplicação na rotina para avaliação de fluxo nos vasos abdominais, o Doppler espectral e o Doppler colorido. Na doença hepática crônica, ocorre alteração da complacência hepática devido à fibrose ou à cirrose, as quais acarretam alterações vasculares, levando ao aumento da pressão venosa portal. As principais indicações desse exame são os casos em que há suspeita de hipertensão portal. A hemodinâmica portal é avaliada pela mensuração de sua área, da velocidade média, do volume de fluxo no vaso e do índice de congestão portal. Esta revisão de literatura tem como objetivo descrever os princípios físicos básicos da ultra-sonografia Doppler e sua aplicação na avaliação da hemodinâmica portal nos cães.
Background: the purpose of this study was to histomorphometrically evaluate the response of periodontal tissues covering Class V resin restorations in dogs.Methods: After raising a mucoperiosteal flap, bony defects measuring 5 x 5 mm were created on the buccal aspect of the canines of five dogs followed by cavity preparations on the root surface measuring 3 x 3 x 1 mm. Before repositioning the flap to cover the bone defect, the cavities were restored with composite resin (CR) or resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) or were left unrestored as control (C). The dogs were euthanized 90 days after surgery. Specimens comprising the tooth and periodontal tissues were removed, processed routinely, cut into longitudinal serial sections in the bucco-lingual direction, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or Masson's trichrome. The most central sections were selected for histomorphometric analysis.Results: Histomorphometric analysis revealed apical migration of epithelial tissue onto the restorative materials (RMGIC and CR). The C group presented significantly longer connective tissue attachment (P < 0.05) than the RMGIC and CR groups and significantly higher bone regeneration (P < 0.05) compared to the RMGIC group. Histologically, the cervical third (CT) of all groups had the most marked chronic inflammatory infiltrate.Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that the restorative materials used exhibit biocompatibility; however, both materials interfered with the development of new bone and the connective tissue attachment process.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histological alterations occurred in the periradicular region of rat molars after intentional subluxation using an experimental method to induce dentoalveolar trauma. Eighteen adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were selected for the study. The dentoalveolar trauma was experimentally induced by the application of an occlusogingival force on the occlusal surface of the maxillary right first molar using a tensiometer secured on a fully articulated support with adjustable steel shafts. The animals were assigned to six groups (n = 3), according to the intensity of the force applied to induce trauma: Group I (GI, control) - no force application; Groups II-VI (GII-GVI) - the animals were subjected to 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 cN force, respectively. After experimental induction of trauma, the animals were sacrificed by anesthetic overdose and the right maxillas were removed and processed for histological analysis under light microscopy. In the animals of GII, GIII and GIV, the histological alterations were similar to those described for GI. GVI (1000 cN) presented the most severe alterations, with the occurrence of buccal bone plate fracture, alveolar fracture and root fracture, which are not present in mild traumatic injuries like subluxation. The 900 cN force (GV) was capable to produce clinical and histological alterations in the gingival and periodontal tissues compatible with those observed in subluxation.
Objectives: This pilot study aims to investigate the prevalence of noncarious cervical lesions (NCCLs) in a student population at the Faculty of Dentistry of Aracatuba-UNESP and to assess the potential relation between buccal hygiene habits and the presence and number of NCCLs.Methods: This study was conducted with a sample of 58 young volunteers (15 men and 43 women; mean age, 23.6 +/- 1.8 years and 22.3 +/- 2.4 years, respectively). The research was divided into three steps: 1) clinical assessment; 2) oral-hygiene practices self-report questionnaire; and 3) analysis of toothbrush filament deformations. After the clinical exam the participants were divided into two groups, a control group (without NCCLs) and a test group (NCCLs), according to NCCL presence. The data were statistically analyzed with SPSS 16.0 software, using t-test, chi(2), Fisher exact test, and Spearman correlation.Results: NCCLs were present in 53% of the subjects. The presence of NCCLs was marginally statistically associated with age (p=0.15) and proportionally more prevalent in male (80%) subjects (p=0.01). NCCLs were more concentrated in the posterior-superior quadrant (93%) in both the right (90%) and left (55%) sides of the mouth. The direct rank correlation was presented between presence of NCCLs and toothbrush firmness; and between number of NCCLs and age and force applied during toothbrushing.Conclusion: Within the limitations of this pilot study, the use of medium and hard toothbrushes and greater force applied during toothbrushing might contribute to the development and/or aggravation of NCCLs.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the histometry of ligature-induced periodontitis in rats at different histological section depths. Sixteen male adult Wistar rats were randomly assigned to two groups: ligature and control. In the ligature group, rats received a sterile 4/0 silk ligature around the maxillary right 2nd molar. Thirty serial sections containing the 1st and 2nd molars, in which the coronal and root pulp, cementoenamel junction (CEJ) in the mesial side of the 2nd molar, interproximal alveolar bone and connective fiber attachment were clearly visible, were selected for histometric analysis. The histological sections were clustered in groups of 10 sections corresponding the buccal (B), central (C) and lingual (L) regions of the of periodontal tissue samples. The distance between the CEJ in the mesial side of the 2nd molar and the attached periodontal ligament fibers (CEJ-PL) as well as the distance between the CEJ and the alveolar bone crest (CEJ-BC) were determined. From CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC distances measured for each specimen, the measurements obtained in the B, L and C regions were recorded individually and together. Data were submitted to statistical analysis. Significant differences (p<0.001) were observed between the control and ligature groups regarding CEJ-PL (0.05 mm and 0.26 mm, respectively) and CEJ-BC (0.47 mm and 0.77 mm, respectively) measurements. Regarding the depth of the buccal, central and lingual planes, the means of CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC of both groups showed no statistically significant differences (p>0.05). In conclusion, the selection of 10 serial sections of the central region of periodontal tissue samples at any depth can be considered as representative for the evaluation of periodontal ligament fiber attachment and bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats.
The present study aimed at reporting a clinical and surgical case of bilateral coronoidectomy, using an intraoral approach. The patient is a 26-year-old man, who sought attendance complaining of a gradual reduction of his oral opening in the past 3 years; however, he had an aggravation in the last 2 months. After clinical examination and imaging evaluation, the diagnosis of coronoid process hyperplasia was confirmed, and the surgical treatment was proposed. Under general anesthesia, with nasotracheal intubation guided by a nasofiberendoscope, using an intraoral approach, the bilateral coronoidectomy was performed. In the immediate postoperative period, an increase of the buccal opening measured 29 mm, representing an enhancement of 11 mm, and in the 30th postoperative day, it measured 31.12 mm. During the clinical follow-up period, a reestablishment of the mandibular movements was observed. Therefore, coronoidectomy by an intraoral approach and the physiotherapy performed in the postoperative period were efficient procedures.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: This work intended to investigate, by means of a literature revision, the techniques and materials used for the rehabilitation of hemimandibular defect patients, prosthetic and occlusal aspects of these patients, and chewing and swallowing.Materials and Methods: For the confection of this revision, we consulted the database indexers Google Scholar, PubMed, and SciELO and found studies published between the periods 1972 and 2008. The terms used for the search had been "to hemimandibular defects," "to temporomandibular joint protheses," and "vascularized cap grafts," which had been searched separately and combined.Conclusions: Diverse techniques and materials used for the reconstruction of hemimandibular defects exist; however, great bone resorption is still observed, which will compromise the prosthetic rehabilitation of these patients. More prospective works and stories of clinical cases duly registered will be able to elucidate in a clearer form the anatomic and functional devolutions of the verbal socket of hemimandibular defect patients.
INTRODUÇÃO: as oclusopatias estão entre os principais problemas de saúde bucal em todo o mundo, juntamente com a cárie dentária e a doença periodontal, e vários índices têm sido utilizados para registrá-las. OBJETIVOS: verificar a prevalência de oclusopatias utilizando a Classificação de Angle e o Índice de Estética Dentária (DAI), sua severidade e a necessidade de tratamento ortodôntico registradas pelo DAI, e comparar os resultados de ambos os índices, visando correlacionar o padrão dos dados coletados e a viabilidade de utilizá-los de forma conjunta. MÉTODOS: a amostra consistiu de 734 escolares com idade de 12 anos, de ambos os sexos, da rede pública do município de Lins/SP. Foram realizados exames nos pátios das escolas com utilização de sondas IPC a olho nu. RESULTADOS: pela Classificação de Angle, encontrou-se 33,24% das crianças com oclusão normal e 66,76% com má oclusão. Pelo DAI, observou-se que 65,26% das crianças apresentavam-se sem anormalidades ou com más oclusões leves. A má oclusão definida esteve presente em 12,81%, a má oclusão severa foi observada em 10,90% e a muito severa ou incapacitante em 11,03%. A maioria das crianças (70,57%) apresentou relação molar normal, e o overjet maxilar anterior foi a alteração mais frequentemente observada. No cruzamento dos índices houve semelhanças e divergências. CONCLUSÃO: o DAI não foi sensível a alguns problemas de oclusão detectados pela Classificação de Angle, e a recíproca foi verdadeira, demonstrando que ambos os índices possuem pontos distintos na detecção das oclusopatias, podendo ser utilizados de forma reciprocamente complementar.
OBJETIVO: o presente trabalho propôs-se a comparar o perfil tegumentar pós-operatório de pacientes Classe II, Padrão Face Longa, submetidos ao tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico, com os parâmetros descritos na análise cefalométrica de Legan e Burstone. METODOLOGIA: 32 telerradiografias pós-cirúrgicas, com um mínimo de 6 meses de acompanhamento, foram submetidas a traçado manual (repetido 4 vezes) e digitalização (também repetida 4 vezes) no programa DFPlus para análise cefalométrica. RESULTADOS: os resultados permitiram verificar que 9 das 11 medidas avaliadas encontravam-se estatisticamente diferentes da norma avaliada; contudo, ao se verificar o desvio padrão permitido na norma, os achados deste trabalho situam-se dentro da mesma, com exceção do ângulo mentocervical. CONCLUSÃO: as condições experimentais deste estudo permitiram concluir que, embora a população estudada tenha obtido resultados estéticos-funcionais satisfatórios, não se enquadrou nas normas da análise de Legan e Burstone, o que indica que a avaliação após a cirurgia ortognática deve ser principalmente clínica e que a estética facial não está totalmente relacionada com as medidas préestabelecidas na análise cefalométrica.