994 resultados para Biology, Cell|Health Sciences, Pharmacology


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Non-pregnant, female adult rats pretreated with either phenobarbital (PB) or (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF) through short-course intraperitoneal injections were shown by sodium dithionite-reduced carbon monoxide difference spectroscopy and NADPH-cytochrome c in vitro assay to contain cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-dependent reductase associated with the microsomal fraction of colon mucosa. These two protein components of the mixed function oxidase system were released from the microsomal membrane, resolved from each other, and partially purified by using a combination of techniques including solubilization in nonionic detergent followed by ultracentrifugation, anion exchange and adsorption column chromatographies, native gel electrophoresis, polyethylene glycol fractionation and ultrafiltration.^ In vitro reconstitution assays demonstrated the cytochrome P-450 fraction as the site of substrate and molecular oxygen binding. By the use of immunochemical techniques including radial immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony double diffusion and protein electroblotting, the cytochrome P-450 fraction was shown to contain at least 5 forms of the protein, having molecular weights as determined by SDS gel electrophoresis identical to the corresponding hepatic cytochrome P-450. Estimation of total cytochrome P-450 content confirmed the preferential induction of particular forms in response to the appropriate drug pretreatment.^ The colonic NADPH-dependent reductase was isolated from native gel electrophoresis and second dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis was performed in parallel to that for purified reductase from liver. Comparative electrophoretic mobilities together with immunochemical analysis, as with the cytochrome P-450s, reconstitution assays, and kinetic characterization using artificial electron acceptors, gave conclusive proof of the structural and functional homology between the colon and liver sources of the enzyme.^ Drug metabolism was performed in the reconstituted mixed function oxidase system containing a particular purified liver cytochrome P-450 form or partially pure colon cytochrome P-450 fraction plus colon or liver reductase and synthetic lipid vesicles. The two drugs, benzo{(alpha)}pyrene and benzphetamine, which are most representative of the action of system in liver, lung and kidney, were tested to determine the specificity of the reconstituted system. The kinetics of benzo{(alpha)}pyrene hydroxylation were followed fluorimetrically for 3-hydroxybenzo{(alpha)}pyrene production. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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Levodopa, the precursor of dopamine, is currently the drug of choice in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Recently, two direct dopamine agonists, bromocriptine and pergolide, have been tested for the treatment of Parkinson's disease because of reduced side effects compared to levodopa. Few studies have evaluated the effects of long-term treatment of dopamine agonists on dopamine receptor regulation in the central nervous system. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine whether chronic dopamine agonist treatment produces a down-regulation of striatal dopamine receptor function and to compare the results of the two classes of dopaminergic drugs.^ Levodopa with carbidopa, a peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor, was administered orally to rats whereas bromocriptine and pergolide were injected intraperitoneally once daily. Several neurochemical parameters were examined from 1 to 28 days.^ Levodopa minimally decreased striatal D-1 receptor activity but increased the number of striatal D-2 binding sites. Levodopa increased the V(,max) of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in all brain regions tested. Protein blot analysis of striatal TH indicated a significant increase in the amount of TH present. Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) activity was markedly decreased in all brain regions studied and mixing experiments of control and drug-treated cortices did not show the presence of an increased level of endogenous inhibitors.^ Bromocriptine treatment decreased the number of D-2 binding sites. Striatal TH activity was decreased and protein blot analysis indicated no change in TH quantity. The specificity of bromocriptine for striatal TH suggested that bromocriptine preferentially interacts with dopamine autoreceptors.^ Combination levodopa-bromocriptine was administered for 12 days. There was a decrease in both D-1 receptor activity and D-2 binding sites, and a decrease in brain HVA levels suggesting a postsynaptic receptor action. Pergolide produced identical results to the combination levodopa-bromocriptine studies.^ In conclusion, combination levodopa-bromocriptine and pergolide treatments exhibited the expected down-regulation of dopamine receptor activity. In contrast, levodopa appeared to up-regulate dopamine receptor activity. Thus, these data may help to explain, on a biochemical basis, the decrease in the levodopa-induced side effects noted with combination levodopa-bromocriptine or pergolide therapies in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. ^


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Human behavior appears to be regulated in part by noradrenergic transmission since antidepressant drugs modify the number and function of (beta)-adrenergic receptors in the central nervous system. Affective illness is also known to be associated with the endocrine system, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The aim of the present study was to determine whether hormones, in particular adrencorticotrophin (ACTH) and corticosterone, may influence behavior by regulating brain noradrenergic receptor function.^ Chronic treatment with ACTH accelerated the increase or decrease in rat brain (beta)-adrenergic receptor number induced by a lesion of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle or treatment with the antidepressant imipramine. Chronic administration of ACTH alone had no effect on (beta)-receptor number although it reduced norepinephrine stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain slices. Treatment with imipramine also reduced the cyclic AMP response to norepinephrine but was accompanied by a decrease in (beta)-adrenergic receptor number. Both the imipramine and ACTH treatments reduced the affinity of (beta)-adrenergic receptors for norepinephrine, but only the antidepressant modified the potency of the neurotransmitter to stimulate second messenger production. Neither ACTH nor imipramine treatment altered Gpp(NH)p- or fluoride-stimulated adenylate cyclase, cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, or cyclic GMP-stimulated cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase, or the activity of the guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gs). These findings suggested that post-receptor components of the cyclic nucleotide generating system are not influenced by the hormone or antidepressant. This conclusion was verified by the finding that neither treatment altered adenosine-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain tissue.^ A detailed examination of the (alpha)- and (beta)-adrenergic receptor components of norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP production revealed that ACTH, but not imipramine, administration reduced the contribution of the (alpha)-receptor mediated response. Like ACTH treatment, corticosterone diminished the (alpha)-adrenergic component indicating that adrenal steroids probably mediate the neurochemical responses to ACTH administration. The data indicate that adrenal steroids and antidepressants decrease noradrenergic receptor function by selectively modifying the (alpha)- and (beta)-receptor components. The functional similarity in the action of the steroid and antidepressants suggests that adrenal hormones normally contribute to the maintenance of receptor systems which regulate affective behavior in man. ^


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Human a2 -macroglobulin ( a2 M; homotetramer, Mr 720 kDa) is an essential scavenger of proteinases in the serum. Each of its four subunits has a ‘bait region’, with cleavage sequences for almost all endo-proteinases, an unusual thiol ester moiety and a receptor-binding domain (RBD). Bait region cleavage in native a2 M ( a2 M-N) by a proteinase results in rapid thiol ester breakage, with a large-scale structural transformation, in which a2 M uniquely entraps the proteinase in a cage-like structure and exposes receptor-binding domains for rapid endocytosis. Transformed a2 M ( a2 M-TR) contains up to two proteinases, which remain active to small substrates. 3-D electron microscopy is optimally suited to study this unusual structural change at resolutions near (1/30) Å−1. ^ The structural importance of the thiol esters was demonstrated by a genetically-engineered a2 M, with the cysteines involved in thiol ester formation mutated to serines, which appeared structurally homologous to a2 M-TR. This demonstrates that the four highly labile thiol esters alone maintain the a2 M-N structure, while the ‘closed trap’ formed by a2 M-TR is a more stable structural form. ^ Half-transformed a2 M ( a2 M-HT), with cleaved bait regions and thiol esters in only two of its four subunits, provides an important structural link between a2 M-N and a2 M-TR. A comparison with a2 M-N showed the two proteinase-entrapping domains were above and below the plane bisecting the long axis. Both a2 M-N and a2 M-TR consist of two dense, oppositely twisted strands with significant interconnections, indicating that the structural change involves a rotation of these strands. In a2 M-HT these strands were partially untwisted with large central openings, revealing the manner in which the proteinase enters the internal cavity of a2 M. ^ In reconstructions of a2 M-N, a2 M-HT and a2 M-TR labeled with a monoclonal Fab, the Fabs were located on distal ends of each constitutive strand, demonstrating an anti-parallel arrangement of the subunits. Separation between the top and bottom pairs of Fabs was nearly the same on all structures, but the pairs were rotated about the long axis. Taken together, these results indicate that upon proteinase cleavage the two strands in a2 M-N separate. The proteinase enters the structure, while the strands re-twist to encage it. In a2 M-TR, which displays receptor-binding arms, more than two subunits are transformed as strands in the transformed half of a2 M-HT were not separated. ^


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Analysis of recurrent events has been widely discussed in medical, health services, insurance, and engineering areas in recent years. This research proposes to use a nonhomogeneous Yule process with the proportional intensity assumption to model the hazard function on recurrent events data and the associated risk factors. This method assumes that repeated events occur for each individual, with given covariates, according to a nonhomogeneous Yule process with intensity function λx(t) = λ 0(t) · exp( x′β). One of the advantages of using a non-homogeneous Yule process for recurrent events is that it assumes that the recurrent rate is proportional to the number of events that occur up to time t. Maximum likelihood estimation is used to provide estimates of the parameters in the model, and a generalized scoring iterative procedure is applied in numerical computation. ^ Model comparisons between the proposed method and other existing recurrent models are addressed by simulation. One example concerning recurrent myocardial infarction events compared between two distinct populations, Mexican-American and Non-Hispanic Whites in the Corpus Christi Heart Project is examined. ^


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetically heterogeneous group of retinal degenerations that affects over one million people worldwide. To date, 11 autosomal dominant, 13 autosomal recessive, and 5 X-linked forms of retinitis pigmentosa have been identified through linkage analysis, but the disease-causing genes and mutations have been found for only half of these loci. My research uses a positional candidate cloning approach to identify the gene and mutations responsible for one type of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa, RP10. The premise is that identifying the genes and mutations responsible for disease will provide insight into disease mechanisms and provide treatment options. Previous research mapped the RP10 locus to a 5cM region on chromosome 7q31 between markers D7S686 and D7S530. Linkage and fine-point haplotype analysis was used to reduce and refine the RP10 disease interval to a 4cM region located between D7S2471 and a new marker located 45,000bp telomeric of D7S461. In order to identify genes located in the RP10 interval, an extensive EST map was created of this region. Five EST clusters from this map were analyzed to determine if mutations in these genes cause the RP10 form of retinitis pigmentosa. The genomic structure of a known metabotrophic glutamate receptor, GRMS8, was determined first. DNA sequencing of GRM8 in RP10 family members did not identify any disease-causing mutations. Four other EST clusters (A170, A173, A189, and A258) were characterized and determined to be part of the same gene, UBNL1 (ubinuclein-like 1). The full-length mRNA sequence and genomic structure of UBNL1 was determined and then screened in patients. No disease-causing mutations were identified in any of the RP10 family members tested. Recent data made available with the release of the public and Celera genome assemblies indicates that UBNL1 is outside of the RP10 disease region. Despite this complication, characterization of UBNL1 is still important in the understanding of normal visual processes and it is possible that mutations in UBNL1 could cause other forms of retinopathy. The EST map and list of RP10 candidates will continue to aid others in the search for the RP10 gene and mutations. ^


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Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the United States. In this study, evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that specific chromosomal aberrations (involving one or more chromosomal regions) are associated with prostate cancer progression from organ-confined to locally advanced tumors and that some aberrations seen in high frequency in metastatic tumors may also be present in a subset of primary tumors. To determine the appropriate approach to address this hypothesis, I have established a modified CGH protocol by microdissection and DOP-PCR for use in detecting chromosomal changes in clinical prostate tumor specimens that is more sensitive and accurate than conventional CGH methods. I have successfully performed the improved CGH protocol to screen for genetic changes of 24 organ confined (pT2) and 21 locally advanced (pT3b) clinical prostate cancer specimens without metastases (N0M0). Comparisons of tumors by stage or Gleason scores following contingency table analysis showed that seven regions of the genome differed significantly between pT2 and pT3b tumors or between low and high Gleason tumors suggesting that these regions may be important in local prostate cancer progression. These included losses on 6p21–25, 6q24–27, 8p, 10q25–26, 15q22–26, and 18cen–q12 as well as gain of 3p13–q13. Multivariate analyses showed that loss of 8p (step1) and loss of 6q25–26 (or 6p21–25 or 10q25–26) (step 2) were predictive of pathologic stage or Gleason groups with 80% accuracy. Additional 5–7 steps in the multivariate model increased the predictive value to 91–95%. Comparison of the CGH data from the primary prostate tumors of this study with those obtained from published literature on metastases and recurrent tumors showed that the clinically more aggressive stage pT3b tumors shared more abnormalities in high frequency with metastases and recurrent tumors than less aggressive stage pT2 tumors. Furthermore, loss of 11cen–q22 was shared only between the primary tumors and metastases while gain of Xcen–q13 and loss of 18cen–q12 were in common between primary and recurrent tumors. These analyses suggest that the multistage model of prostate cancer progression is not linear and that some early primary tumors may be predisposed to metastasize or evolve into recurrent tumors due to the presence of specific genetic alterations. ^


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Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the most common severely disabling birth defects in the United States, with a frequency of approximately 1–2 of every 1,000 births. This text includes the identification and evaluation of candidate susceptibility genes that confer risk for the development of neural tube defects (NTDs). The project focused on isolated meningomyelocele, also termed spina bifida (SB). ^ Spina bifida is a complex disease with multifactorial inheritance, therefore the subject population (consisting of North American Caucasians and Hispanics of Mexicali-American descent) was composed of 459 simplex SB families who were tested for genetic associations utilizing the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT), a nonparametric linkage technique. Three categories of candidate genes were studied, including (1) human equivalents of genes determined in mouse models to cause NTDs, (2) HOX and PAX genes, and (3) the MTHFR gene involved in the metabolic pathway of folate. ^ The C677T variant of the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene was the first mutation in this gene to be implicated as a risk factor for NTDs. Our evaluation of the MTHFR gene provides evidence that maternal C677T homozygosity is a risk factor for upper level spina bifida defects in Hispanics [OR = 2.3, P = 0.02]. This observed risk factor is of great importance due to the high prevalence of this homozygous genotype in the Hispanic population. Additionally, maternal C677T/A1298C compound heterozygosity is a risk factor for upper level spina bifida defects in non-Hispanic whites [OR = 3.6, P = 0.03]. ^ For TDT analysis, our total population of 1128 subjects were genotyped for 54 markers from within and/or flanking the 20 candidate genes/gene regions of interest. Significant TDT findings were obtained for 3 of the 54 analyzed markers: d20s101 flanking the PAX1 gene (P = 0.019), d1s228 within the PAX7 gene (P = 0.011), and d2s110 within the PAX8 gene (P = 0.013). These results were followed-up by testing the genes directly for mutations utilizing single-strand conformational analysis (SSCA) and direct sequencing. Multiple variations were detected in each of these PAX genes; however, these variations were not passed from parent to child in phase with the positively transmitted alleles. Therefore, these variations do not contribute to the susceptibility of spina bifida, but rather are previously unreported single nucleotide polymorphisms. ^


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are recognized as important pathogens and are particularly associated with foreign body infections. S. epidermidis accounts for approximately 75% of the infections caused by CNS. Three genes, sdrF, sdrG, and sdrH, were identified by screening a S. epidermidis genomic library with a probe encompassing the serine-aspartate dipeptide repeat-encoding region (region R) of clfA from S. aureus. SdrG has significant amino acid identity to ClfA, ClfB and other surface proteins of S. aureus. SdrG is also similar to a protein (Fbe) recently described by Nilsson, et al. (Infection and Immunity, 1998, 66:2666–73) from S. epidermidis. The N-terminal domain (A region) of SdrG was expressed as a his-tag fusion protein in E. coli. In an ELISA, this protein, rSdrG(50-597) was shown to bind specifically to fibrinogen (Fg). Western ligand blot analysis showed that SdrG binds the Bβ chain of Fg. To further characterize the rSdrG(50-597)-Fg interaction, truncates of the Fg Bβ chain were made and expressed as recombinant proteins in E. coli. SdrG was shown to bind the full-length Bβ chain (1462), as well as the N-terminal three-quarters (1-341), the N-terminal one-half (1-220) and the N-terminal one-quarter (1-95) Bβ chain constructs. rSdrG(50-597) failed to bind to the recombinant truncates that lacked the N-terminal 25 amino acid residues of this polypeptide suggesting that SdrG recognizes a site within this region of the Bβ chain. Inhibition ELISAs have shown that peptide mimetics, including β1–25, and β6–20, encompassing this 25 residue region can inhibit binding of rSdrG(50-597) to Fg coated wells. Using fluorescence polarization we were able to determine an equilibrium constant (KD) for the interaction of rSdrG(50-597) with the Fg Bβ chain peptide β1–25. The labeled peptide was shown to bind to rSdrG(50-597) with a KD of 0.14 ± 0.01μM. Because rSdrG(50-597) recognizes a site in the Fg Bβ chain close to the thrombin cleavage site, we investigated the possibility of the rSdrG(50-597) site either overlapping or lying close to this cleavage site. An ELISA showed that rSdrG(50-597) binding to thrombin-treated Fg was significantly reduced. In a clot inhibition assay rSdrG(50-597) was able to inhibit fibrin clot formation in a concentration dependent manner. Furthermore, rSdrG(50-597) was able to inhibit clot formation by preventing the release of fibrinopeptide B as determined by HPLC. To further define the interaction between rSdrG(50-597) and peptide β6–20, we utilized an alanine amino acid replacement strategy. The residues in β6–20 that appear to be important in rSdrG(50-597) binding to Fg, were confirmed by the rSdrG(273-597)-β6–20 co-crystal structure that was recently solved by our collaborators at University of Alabama-Birmingham. Additionally, rSdrG(50-597) was not able to bind to Fg from different animal species, rather it bound specifically to human Fg in an ELISA. This suggests that the sequence variation between Fg Bβ chains of different species, specifically with in the N-terminal 25 residues, affects the ability of rSdrG(50-597) binding to Fg, and this may explain why S. epidermidis is primarily a human pathogen. ^


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a name given to a group of inherited retinal dystrophies that lead to progressive photoreceptor degeneration, and thus, visual impairment. It is evident at both the clinical and the molecular level that these are heterogeneous disorders, with wide variation in severity, mode of inheritance, and phenotype. The genetics of RP are not simple; the disease can be inherited in dominant, recessive, X-linked, and digenic modes. Autosomal dominant RP (adRP) results from mutations in at least ten mapped loci, but there may be dozens of genetic loci where mutations can cause RP. To date, there are over a hundred genes known to cause retinal degenerative diseases, and less than half of these have been cloned (RetNet). Among the dozens of retinitis pigmentosa loci known to exist, only a few have been identified and the remainders are inferred from linkage studies. Today, the genes for seven of the twelve-adRP loci have been identified, and these are rhodopsin, peripherin/RDS, NRL, ROM1, CRX, RP13 and RP1. My research projects involved a combination of the continued search for genes involved in retinal dystrophies, as well the investigation into the role of peripherin/RDS and RP1 in the disease etiology of autosomal dominant RP. ^ Most of the mutations leading to inherited retinal disorders have been identified in predominately retina expressed genes like rhodopsin, peripherin/RDS, and RP1. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) that were retina-specific were culled from sequence databases and, together with laboratory analysis, were analyzed as potential candidate genes for retinal dystrophies. Thirteen of the fifty-five identified retina-specific ESTs mapped to within candidate regions for inherited retinopathies. One of these is RP1L1, a homologue of RP1 and a potential cause of adRP. ^ Once a disease-associated gene has been identified, elucidating the role of that gene in the visual process is essential for understanding what happens when the process is defective as it is in adRP. My next projects involved investigating the role of a novel 5′ donor +3 splice site mutation on the mRNA of peripherin/RDS in adRP affected individuals, and comparative sequencing in RP1 to define conserved regions of the protein. Comparative sequencing is a powerful way to delineate critical regions of a sequence because different regions of a gene have different functions, and each region is subject to different levels of functional or structural constraints. Establishing a framework of conserved domains is beneficial not only for structural or functional studies, but can also aid in determining the potential effects of mutations. With the completion of sequencing of human genome, and other organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans , and Drosophila, the facility of comparative sequencing will only increase in the future. Comparative sequencing has already become an established procedure for pinpointing conserved regions of a protein, and is an efficient way to target regions of a protein for experimental and/or evolutionary analysis. ^


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The histology of healing in a tooth extraction socket has been described in many studies. The focus of research in bone biology and healing is now centered on molecular events that regulate repair of injured tissue. Rapid progress in cellular and molecular biology has resulted in identification of many signaling molecules (growth factors and cytokines) associated with formation and repair of skeletal tissues. Some of these include members of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily (including the bone morphogenetic proteins), fibroblast growth factors, platelet derived growth factors and insulin like growth factors. ^ Healing of a tooth extraction socket is a complex process involving tissue repair and regeneration. It involves chemotaxis of appropriate cells into the wound, transformation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to osteoprogenitor cells, proliferation and differentiation of committed bone forming cells, extracellular matrix synthesis, mineralization of osteoid, maturation and remodeling of bone. Current data suggests that these cellular events are precisely controlled and regulated by specific signaling molecules. A plethora of cytokines; have been identified and studied in the past two decades. Some of these like transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are well conserved proteins involved in the initial response to injury and repair in soft and hard tissue. ^ The purpose of this study was to characterize the spatial and temporal localization of TGF-βl, VEGF, PDGF-A, FGF-2 and BMP-2, and secretory IgA in a tooth extraction socket model, and evaluate correlation of spatial and temporal changes of these growth factors to histological events. The results of this study showed positive correlation of histological events to spatial and temporal localization of TGF-β1, BMP-2, FGF-2, PDGF-A, and VEGF in a rabbit tooth extraction model. ^


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The spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) is the causative agent of Lyme disease. During infection, a strong immune response is elicited towards Bb by its host; however, the organism is able to persist and to disseminate to many different tissues. The vls locus is located on the linear plasmid lp28-1, a plasmid shown to be important for virulence in the mouse model. During infection, vlsE undergoes antigenic variation through a series of gene conversions, which results in the insertion of sequences from the silent, unexpressed cassettes into the vlsE cassette. We hypothesize that this antigenic variation is important in the spirochete's ability to persist within mammals by allowing it to evade the immune system. To define the role of vls in immune evasion, the immune response against VlsE was determined by using a recombinant form of VlsE (VlsE1-His) as an antigen to screen patient sera. Lyme patients produce antibodies that recognize VlsE, and these antibodies are present throughout the course of disease. Immunization with the VlsE1-His protein provided protection against infection with Bb expressing the same variant of VlsE (VlsE1), but was only partially protective when mice were infected with organisms expressing VlsE variants; however, subsequent VlsE immunization studies yielded inconsistent protection. Successful immunizations produced different antibody reactivities to VlsE epitopes than non-protective immunizations, but the reason for this variable response is unclear. In the process of developing genetic approaches to transform infectious Bb, it was determined that the transformation barrier posed by plasmids lp25 and lp56 could be circumvented by replacing the required lp25 gene pncA. To characterize the role of vlsE in infectivity, Bb lacking lp28-1 were complemented with a shuttle plasmid containing the lp25 encoded virulence determinant pncA and vlsE. Complemented spirochetes express VlsE, but the gene does not undergo antigenic variation and infectivity in the mouse model was not restored, indicating that either antigenic variation of vlsE is necessary for survival in the mouse model or that other genes on lp28-1 are important for virulence. ^


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The β-catenin pathway plays an important role in the progression of colon cancer as well as many other cancer types. Almost all colorectal tumors show an upregulation of β-catenin activity either through mutations in the β-catenin regulator APC or through mutations in β-catenin itself. Upregulation of β-catenin leads to the transcription of many target genes involved in tumorigenesis. NF-κB is a transcription factor which activates many target genes, including both anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic molecules. Recently, it has been shown that GSK-3β, a negative regulator of β-catenin, is involved in the activation of NF-κB. However, the mechanism of this regulation of NF-κB by GSK-3β is unclear. As GSK-3β inhibits β-catenin we hypothesized that β-catenin may be responsible for the regulation of NF-κB by GSK-3β; i.e. β-catenin may inhibit NF-κB activity. In this study we show that β-catenin physically interacts with NF-κB leading to the inhibition of NF-κB transcriptional and DNA-binding activities. We also show that in colon cancer cells with high β-catenin expression there is a suppressed NF-κB activity and depletion of β-catenin increases NF-κB activity. Similarly, in colon cancer cells that have a low level of β-catenin NF-κB activity is high and introduction of β-catenin reduces NF-κB activity. Importantly, we show that this suppression of NF-κB by β-catenin leads to a reduction of NF-κB target gene Fas expression. Also Fas-mediated apoptosis is reduced in β-catenin overexpressing cells, which can be reversed upon depletion of β-catenin. Introduction of the NF-κB subunit p65 can restore Fas expression indicating that the effect of β-catenin on Fas is through NF-κB. Furthermore, β-catenin expression was found to inversely correlate with Fas expression in human colon and breast primary tumor tissues. As Fas downregulation is important for tumors to evade immune surveillance, β-catenin inhibition of NF-κB and Fas downregulation likely plays and important role for colon cancer progression. Additionally, we found that phosphoinositide 3-kinase plays a role in the regulation of β-catenin inhibition of NF-κB through the disruption of the β-catenin/NF-κB complex. This study provides a link between two important signal transduction pathways as well as another mechanism of β-catenin oncogenesis. ^