998 resultados para Biochemical aspects
The European genus Ophrys (Orchidaceae) is famous for its insect-like floral morphology, an adaptation for a pseudocopulatory pollination strategy involving Hymenoptera males. A large number of endemic Ophrys species have recently been described, especially within the Mediterranean Basin, which is one of the major species diversity hotspots. Subtle morphological variation and specific pollinator dependence are the two main perceptible criteria for describing numerous endemic taxa. However, the degree to which endemics differ genetically remains a challenging question. Additionally, knowledge regarding the factors underlying the emergence of such endemic entities is limited. To achieve new insights regarding speciation processes in Ophrys, we have investigated species boundaries in the Fly Orchid group (Ophrys insectifera sensu lato) by examining morphological, ecological and genetic evidence. Classically, authors have recognized one widespread taxon (O. insectifera) and two endemics (O. aymoninii from France and O. subinsectifera from Spain). Our research has identified clear morphological and ecological factors segregating among these taxa; however, genetic differences were more ambiguous. Insights from cpDNA sequencing and amplified fragment length polymorphisms genotyping indicated a recent diversification in the three extant Fly Orchid species, which may have been further obscured by active migration and admixture across the European continent. Our genetic results still indicate weak but noticeable phylogeographic clustering that partially correlates with the described species. Particularly, we report several isolated haplotypes and genetic clusters in central and southeastern Europe. With regard to the morphological, ecological and genetic aspects, we discuss the endemism status within the Fly Orchid group from evolutionary, taxonomical and conservation perspectives.
A variety of host immunogenetic factors appear to influence both an individual's susceptibility to infection with Mycobacterium leprae and the pathologic course of the disease. Animal models can contribute to a better understanding of the role of immunogenetics in leprosy through comparative studies helping to confirm the significance of various identified traits and in deciphering the underlying mechanisms that may be involved in expression of different disease related phenotypes. Genetically engineered mice, with specific immune or biochemical pathway defects, are particularly useful for investigating granuloma formation and resistance to infection and are shedding new light on borderline areas of the leprosy spectrum which are clinically unstable and have a tendency toward immunological complications. Though armadillos are less developed in this regard, these animals are the only other natural hosts of M. leprae and they present a unique opportunity for comparative study of genetic markers and mechanisms associable with disease susceptibility or resistance, especially the neurological aspects of leprosy. In this paper, we review the recent contributions of genetically engineered mice and armadillos toward our understanding of the immunogenetics of leprosy.
Résumé Les télomères sont les structures ADN-protéines des extrémités des chromosomes des eucaryotes. L'ADN télomérique est constitué de courtes séquences répétitives. L'intégrité des télomères est essentielle pour protéger les extrémités des chromosomes contre les systèmes de dégradations et pour les distinguer des cassures de l'ADN double brin. Parce que la machinerie de la réplication de l'ADN n'est pas capable de répliquer l'extrémité des chromosomes, les télomères raccourcissent au fur et à mesure des cycles de réplication. Dès que les télomères atteignent une longueur critique, leur structure protectrice est perdue. Cela induit un signal de dommage de l'ADN et l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire. Pour contrebalancer le raccourcissement des télomères, les cellules qui s'auto régénèrent, dont les cellules de la moelle osseuse, les lymphocytes activés et 80-90% des cellules cancéreuses, expriment la télomérase. C'est une ribonucléoprotéine qui a la capacité de synthétiser des séquences télomériques par transcription inverse d'une courte séquence contenue dans sa propre sous-unité ARN avec laquelle elle est associée. La télomérase humaine est une enzyme processive au niveau de l'addition des nucléotides et aussi des répétitions télomériques. La télomérase de levure et la télomérase humaine sont toutes deux dimériques et il a été montré que la télomérase humaine recombinante contient deux ARN qui coopèrent pour fonctionner ainsi que deux sous-unités catalytiques. Cependant, il n'a pas encore été montré quel est le rôle de la dimérisation dans l'activité de la télomérase. Afin d'élucider ce rôle, nous avons exprimé, reconstitué et purifié la télomérase humaine dimérique recombinante. Et pour étudier l'effet d'ARN mutants sur l'activité de la télomérase, nous avons développé une méthode pour reconstituer et enrichir en hétérodimères de télomérase. Les hétérodimères contiennent une sous-unité ARN sauvage et une sous-unité ARN mutée au niveau de la séquence de la matrice. Sur l'ARN muté nous avons introduit une étiquette aptamer ARN-S1 puis nous avons purifié la télomérase via l'etiquette Si. Nous avons montré que la dimérisation est essentielle pour l'activité de la télomérase. Nos données indiquent que chaque télomérase du dimère allonge leur substrat, l'ADN télomérique, indépendamment l'une de l'autre à chaque cycle d'élongation mais que l'addition itérative de répétitions télomériques nécessite une coopération entre les deux télomérases du dimère. Nous proposons donc un modèle dans lequel les deux télomérases du dimères se lient et allongent deux substrats télomères et que pendant l'élongation processive les deux enzymes subissent un changement de conformation de manière coordonnée, ce changement va permettre le repositionnement des substrats pour d'autres cycles d'additions de répétitions télomériques. Dyskeratosis congenita est une maladie mortelle due majoritairement au disfonctionnement de la moelle osseuse. Dans la forme autosomale de la maladie, l'ARN de la télomérase contient des mutations. En utilisant notre système de reconstitution, nous avons montré que ces ARN mutés, qui ont perdu leur activité enzymatique dans le cas d'un homodimère de mutants, sont dominant négatifs quand ils sont présents dans les hétérodimères sauvage/mutant. Cet effet trans-dominant négatif pourrait contribuer à la progression de la maladie. Abstract Telomeres are protein-DNA structures at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. The telomeric DNA consists of tandemly repeated sequences. Telomeric integrity is essential to protect chromosomal ends from nucleolytic degradation and to prevent their recognition as DNA double strand breaks. Due to the inability of the conventional DNA replication machinery to replicate terminal DNA stretches, telomeres shorten with continuous rounds of DNA replication. As soon as telomeres reach a critical length, their protective structure is lost and the deprotected telomeres will induce a DNA damage response leading to cell cycle arrest. To counteract telomere shortening, self-renewing cells, including bone marrow cells, activated lymphocytes and 80-90% of cancer cells express the cellular reverse transcriptase telomerase, which has the capacity to synthesize telomeric repeats by reverse transcription of a short template sequence encoded by its stably associated RNA subunit. Human telomerase is a processive enzyme for nucleotide as well as repeat addition. Both yeast and human telomerase are dimeric enzymes and recombinant human telomerase has been shown to contain two functionally cooperating RNAs and most probably also two protein subunits. However, it has remained unclear how dimerization may contribute to telomerase activity. To study the role of dimerization, we expressed, reconstituted and purified recombinant human telomerase. We also developed a new method to reconstitute and enrich for telomerase heterodimers containing wild-type (wt) and mutant telomerase RNA subunits. To this end we introduced an S1-RNA-aptamer tag into telomerase RNA and purified telomerase reconstituted with a mixture of untagged and tagged RNA via the S1-tag. Using this experimental system, we introduced template mutations in the tagged RNA subunit and examined the effect of mutant RNAs on wt telomerase activity in wt/mutant heterodimers. We obtained evidence that dimerization is essential for telomerase activity. Our data indicate that the two subunits elongate telomere substrates independently of each other during single rounds of elongation, but that iterative addition of telomeric repeats requires cooperation between the two subunits. We suggest a model, in which dimeric telomerases bind and elongate two telomere substrates and that the two subunits undergo coordinated conformational changes during processive elongation that enable repositioning the substrates for subsequent rounds of repeat addition. Dyskeratosis congenita is a multisystemic disease with bone marrow failure as the major cause of death. The autosomal form of this disease was found to harbor mutations in the telomerase RNA. Using our reconstitution system, we tested whether mutant dyskeratosis telomerase RNAs behaved in a dominant negative manner. We observed that dyskeratosis telomerase RNA mutants, which lacked enzymatic activity were dominant negative, when present in wt/ mutant heterodimers. The transdominant negative effect of these mutants may contribute to disease progression.
To increase our knowledge of the natural susceptibility of Triatoma infestans to an organophosphate insecticide, we performed toxicological and biochemical studies on three sylvatic populations from Bolivia and two populations from domestic dwellings from Bolivia and Argentina. Fifty-per-cent lethal doses (LD50) were determined based on the topical application of fenitrothion on first instar nymphs and mortality was assessed at 24 h. Both type of populations exhibited LD50ratios significantly higher than 1 with a range of the values (1.42-2.47); the maximum value were found in a sylvatic (-S) population, Veinte de Octubre-S. Samples were biochemically analysed using a glutathione S-transferase activity assay. The highest significant activity was obtained for Veinte de Octubre-S and the lowest activity was obtained for the reference population (102.69 and 54.23 pmol per minute per mg of protein respectively). Two out of the three sylvatic populations (Veinte de Octubre-S and Kirus Mayu-S) exhibited significantly higher glutathione S-transferase activity than that of the reference population. Based on this analysis of the natural susceptibility of this organism to organophosphate insecticides, continental and focal surveys of organophosphate susceptibility should be conducted to evaluate the evolution and distribution of this phenomenon.
Lipophorin (Lp) is the main haemolymphatic lipoprotein in insects and transports lipids between different organs. In adult females, lipophorin delivers lipids to growing oocytes. In this study, the interaction of this lipoprotein with the ovaries of Rhodnius prolixus was characterised using an oocyte membrane preparation and purified radiolabelled Lp (125I-Lp). Lp-specific binding to the oocyte membrane reached equilibrium after 40-60 min and when 125I-Lp was incubated with increasing amounts of membrane protein, corresponding increases in Lp binding were observed. The specific binding of Lp to the membrane preparation was a saturable process, with a Kdof 7.1 ± 0.9 x 10-8M and a maximal binding capacity of 430 ± 40 ng 125I-Lp/µg of membrane protein. The binding was calcium independent and pH sensitive, reaching its maximum at pH 5.2-5.7. Suramin inhibited the binding interaction between Lp and the oocyte membranes, which was completely abolished at 0.5 mM suramin. The oocyte membrane preparation from R. prolixus also showed binding to Lp from Manduca sexta. When Lp was fluorescently labelled and injected into vitellogenic females, the level of Lp-oocyte binding was much higher in females that were fed whole blood than in those fed blood plasma.
During the influenza pandemic of 2009, the A(H1N1)pdm09, A/H3N2 seasonal and influenza B viruses were observed to be co-circulating with other respiratory viruses. To observe the epidemiological pattern of the influenza virus between May 2009-August 2011, 467 nasopharyngeal aspirates were collected from children less than five years of age in the city of Salvador. In addition, data on weather conditions were obtained. Indirect immunofluorescence, real-time transcription reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and sequencing assays were performed for influenza virus detection. Of all 467 samples, 34 (7%) specimens were positive for influenza A and of these, viral characterisation identified Flu A/H3N2 in 25/34 (74%) and A(H1N1)pdm09 in 9/34 (26%). Influenza B accounted for a small proportion (0.8%) and the other respiratory viruses for 27.2% (127/467). No deaths were registered and no pattern of seasonality or expected climatic conditions could be established. These observations are important for predicting the evolution of epidemics and in implementing future anti-pandemic measures.
AIM: To review the various pharmacological approaches currently proposed for the treatment of hypertension. RESULTS: With the evolution of pharmacological treatment of hypertension, various classes of agent (diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium antagonists and alpha 1-blockers) have become available for the initiation of antihypertensive therapy. As monotherapy, each type of agent will normalize blood pressure in about half of all hypertensive patients. Replacing one drug with another that acts through a different mechanism improves the probability of controlling blood pressure. Another way to increase the number of responders is to increase the dose; however, this often results in more side effects. A preferable way of improving efficacy is to combine low doses of drugs that have different impacts on the cardiovascular system, thus opposing the compensatory responses that tend to limit the blood pressure drop. CONCLUSION: Low-dose drug combinations are generally well tolerated and the treatment of hypertension can be simplified by using fixed-dose combinations. These combinations have the potential to become a valuable alternative in the initiation of antihypertensive therapy.
Plants possess a family of potent fatty acid-derived wound-response and developmental regulators: the jasmonates. These compounds are derived from the tri-unsaturated fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (18:3) and, in plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato, 7(Z)-, 10(Z)-, and 13(Z)-hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3). The lipoxygenase-catalyzed addition of molecular oxygen to alpha-linolenic acid initiates jasmonate synthesis by providing a 13-hydroperoxide substrate for formation of an unstable allene oxide by allene oxide synthase (AOS). This allene oxide then undergoes enzyme-guided cyclization to produce 12-oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA). These first steps take place in plastids, but further OPDA metabolism occurs in peroxisomes. OPDA has several fates, including esterification into plastid lipids and transformation into the 12-carbon prohormone jasmonic acid (JA). JA is itself a substrate for further diverse modifications, including the production of jasmonoyl-isoleucine (JA-Ile), which is a major biologically active jasmonate among a growing number of jasmonate derivatives. Each new jasmonate family member that is discovered provides another key to understanding the fine control of gene expression in immune responses; in the initiation and maintenance of long-distance signal transfer in response to wounding; in the regulation of fertility; and in the turnover, inactivation, and sequestration of jasmonates, among other processes.
The STAR family of proteins links signaling pathways to various aspects of post-transcriptional regulation and processing of RNAs. Sam68 belongs to this class of heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein particle K (hnRNP K) homology (KH) single domain-containing family of RNA-binding proteins that also contains some domains predicted to bind critical components in signal transduction pathways. In response to phosphorylation and other post-transcriptional modifications, Sam68 has been shown to have the ability to link signal transduction pathways to downstream effects regulating RNA metabolism, including transcription, alternative splicing or RNA transport. In addition to its function as a docking protein in some signaling pathways, this prototypic STAR protein has been identified to have a nuclear localization and to take part in the formation of both nuclear and cytosolic multi-molecular complexes such as Sam68 nuclear bodies and stress granules. Coupling with other proteins and RNA targets, Sam68 may play a role in the regulation of differential expression and mRNA processing and translation according to internal and external signals, thus mediating important physiological functions, such as cell death, proliferation or cell differentiation.
Contribution consécutive au séminaire organisé par le CEDIDAC sur le thème Aspects pratiques du droit de l'entreprise, le 3 février 2009
The identification of a distinct syndrome, designated eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), with its own clinical and histopathological characteristics, was first described in the early 1990s. Meanwhile intense research has uncovered many molecular, immunological and clinical aspects of this chronic-inflammatory disorder. This article focuses exclusively on basic and clinical insights of EoE gathered during the last few years. Regarding aetiopathogenesis it has become clear that EoE is a food-triggered disease with milk and wheat as the dominant culprit food categories. However, it is still debated whether a disturbed mucosal integrity allowing allergens to cross the mucosal barrier, or changes in wheat and milk manufacturing might induce these inflammatory responses. Furthermore, basic science and clinical studies have accordingly confirmed that a chronic eosinophilic inflammation leads to a remodelling of the oesophagus with micro- and macro-morphological alterations, ending in a strictured oesophagus with impaired function. Fortunately, long-term therapeutic trials, using either topical corticosteroids or dietary allergen avoidance, have demonstrated that this sequela can be prevented or even reversed. This finding is of clinical relevance as it supports the initiation of a consistent anti-inflammatory therapy. Nevertheless, EoE is still an enigmatic disease and the long list of unanswered questions will certainly stimulate further research.
INTRODUCTION: Fabry disease is an X-linked recessive abnormality of glycosphingolipid metabolism that is due to deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. CURRENT KNOWLEDGE AND KEY POINTS: A majority of hemizygous men develop severe multisystemic disease (classic form), dominated by renal failure, progressive neurological and cardiac involvement. Nevertheless, some affected men retain sufficient enzyme activity and long remain asymptomatic (atypical form); their main manifestation is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Female heterozygous carriers are usually asymptomatic; 15% of them, however, have severe involvement of one or several organs. Laboratory, histologic and molecular diagnosis identifies 100% of hemizygous and over 80% of heterozygous subjects. FUTURE PROSPECTS AND PROJECTS: With developments in molecular genetics, it is now possible to produce the human recombinant enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. Two recent studies had proven that this therapeutic approach was able to be clinically and histologically effective in men. In addition, the results of a trial of gene therapy in a Fabry gene knocked-out mouse appear promising.
Among pollutants released into the environment by human activities, residues of pharmaceuticals are an increasing matter of concern because of their potential impact on ecosystems. The aim of this study was to analyze differences of protein expression resulting from acute (2 days) and middle-term (7 days) exposure of aquatic microcrustacean Daphnia pulex to the anticancer drug tamoxifen. Using a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry shotgun approach, about 4000 proteins could be identified, providing the largest proteomics data set of D. pulex published up to now. Considering both time points and tested concentrations, 189 proteins showed a significant fold change. The identity of regulated proteins suggested a decrease in translation, an increase in protein degradation and changes in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism as the major effects of the drug. Besides these impacted processes, which reflect a general stress response of the organism, some other regulated proteins play a role in Daphnia reproduction. These latter results are in accordance with our previous observations of the impact of tamoxifen on D. pulex reproduction and illustrate the potential of ecotoxicoproteomics to unravel links between xenobiotic effects at the biochemical and organismal levels. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD001257.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to assess the association between remembered previous work place environment and return to work (RTW) after hospitalisation in a rehabilitation hospital. METHODS: A cohort of 291 orthopedic trauma patients discharged from hospital between 15 December 2004 and 31 December 2005 was included in a study addressing quality of life and work-related questions. Remembered previous work environment was measured by Karasek's 31-item Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), given to the patients during hospitalisation. Post-hospitalisation work status was assessed 3 months, 1, and 2 years after discharge, using a questionnaire sent to the ex-patients. Logistic regression models were used to test the role of four JCQ variables on RTW at each time point while controlling for relevant confounders. RESULTS: Subjects perceiving a higher physical demand were less likely to return to work 1 year after hospital discharge. Social support at work was positively associated with RTW at all time points. A high job strain appeared to be positively associated with RTW 1 year after rehabilitation, with limitations due to large confidence intervals. CONCLUSIONS: Perceptions of previous work environment may influence the probability of RTW. In a rehabilitation setting, efforts should be made to assess those perceptions and, if needed, interventions to modify them should be applied.