The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) promotes extracellular matrix degradation, invasion and metastasis. A first objective of this dissertation was to identify cis-elements and trans-acting factors activating u-PAR gene expression through a previously footprinted (–148/–124) promoter region. Mobility shifting experiments on nuclear extracts of a high u-PAR-expressing colon cancer cell line (RKO) indicated Sp1, Sp3 and a factor similar to, but distinct from, AP-2α bound to an oligonucleotide spanning –152/–135. Mutations preventing the binding of the AP-2α-related factor reduced u-PAR promoter activity. In RKO, the expression of a dominant negative AP-2 (AP-2αB) diminished u-PAR promoter activity, protein and u-PAR mediated laminin degradation. Conversely, u-PAR promoter activity in low u-PAR-expressing GEO cells was increased by AP-2αA expression. PMA treatment, which induces u-PAR expression, caused an increased amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex in GEO, and mutations preventing AP-2α-like and Sp1/Sp3 binding reduced the u-PAR promoter stimulation by PMA. In resected colon cancers, u-PAR protein amounts were related to the amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex. In conclusion, constitutive and PMA- inducible u-PAR gene expression and -proteolysis are mediated partly through transactivation via a promoter sequence (–152/435) bound with an AP-2α-related factor and Sp1/Sp3. ^ A second interest of this dissertation was to determine if a constitutively active Src regulates the transcription of the u-PAR gene, since c-src expression increases invasion in colon cancer. Increased u-PAR protein and laminin degradation paralleling elevated Src activity was evident in SW480 colon cancer cells stably expressing a constitutively active Src (Y- c-src527F). Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that this was due largely to transcriptional activation. While transient transfection of SW480 cells with Y-c-src527F induced a u-PAR-CAT-reporter, mutations preventing Sp1-binding to promoter region –152/435 abolished this induction. Mobility shift assays revealed increased Sp1 binding to region –152/135 with nuclear extracts of Src-transfected SW480 cells. Finally, the amounts of endogenous u-PAR in resected colon cancers significantly correlated with Src-activity. These data suggest that u-PAR gene expression and proteolysis are regulated by Src, this requiring the promoter region (–152/–135) bound with Sp1, thus, demonstrating for the first time that transcription factor Sp1 is a downstream effector of Src. ^
Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in air particulate matter contribute considerably to the health risk of air pollution. The objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence and variation in concentrations and sources of PM2.5-bound PACs [Oxygenated PAHs (OPAHs), nitro-PAHs and parent-PAHs] sampled from the atmosphere of a typical Chinese megacity (Xi'an), to study the influence of meteorological conditions on PACs and to estimate the lifetime excess cancer risk to the residents of Xi'an (from inhalation of PM2.5-bound PACs). To achieve these objectives, we sampled 24-h PM2.5 aerosols (once in every 6 days, from 5 July 2008 to 8 August 2009) from the atmosphere of Xi'an and measured the concentrations of PACs in them. The PM2.5-bound concentrations of Σcarbonyl-OPAHs, ∑ hydroxyl + carboxyl-OPAHs, Σnitro-PAHs and Σalkyl + parent-PAHs ranged between 5–22, 0.2–13, 0.3–7, and 7–387 ng m− 3, respectively, being markedly higher than in most western cities. This represented a range of 0.01–0.4% and 0.002–0.06% of the mass of organic C in PM2.5 and the total mass of PM2.5, respectively. The sums of the concentrations of each compound group had winter-to-summer ratios ranging from 3 to 8 and most individual OPAHs and nitro-PAHs had higher concentrations in winter than in summer, suggesting a dominant influence of emissions from household heating and winter meteorological conditions. Ambient temperature, air pressure, and wind speed explained a large part of the temporal variation in PACs concentrations. The lifetime excess cancer risk from inhalation (attributable to selected PAHs and nitro-PAHs) was six fold higher in winter (averaging 1450 persons per million residents of Xi'an) than in summer. Our results call for the development of emission control measures.
Intra-session network coding has been shown to offer significant gains in terms of achievable throughput and delay in settings where one source multicasts data to several clients. In this paper, we consider a more general scenario where multiple sources transmit data to sets of clients over a wireline overlay network. We propose a novel framework for efficient rate allocation in networks where intermediate network nodes have the opportunity to combine packets from different sources using randomized network coding. We formulate the problem as the minimization of the average decoding delay in the client population and solve it with a gradient-based stochastic algorithm. Our optimized inter-session network coding solution is evaluated in different network topologies and is compared with basic intra-session network coding solutions. Our results show the benefits of proper coding decisions and effective rate allocation for lowering the decoding delay when the network is used by concurrent multicast sessions.
Eukaryotic mRNAs with premature translation-termination codons (PTCs) are recognized and degraded by a process referred to as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). The evolutionary conservation of the core NMD factors UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3 would imply a similar basic mechanism of PTC recognition in all eukaryotes. However, unlike NMD in yeast, which targets PTC-containing mRNAs irrespectively of whether their 5' cap is bound by the cap-binding complex (CBC) or by the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), mammalian NMD has been claimed to be restricted to CBC-bound mRNAs during the pioneer round of translation. In our recent study we compared decay kinetics of two NMD reporter systems in mRNA fractions bound to either CBC or eIF4E in human cells. Our findings reveal that NMD destabilizes eIF4E bound transcripts as efficiently as those associated with CBC. These results corroborate an emerging unified model for NMD substrate recognition, according to which NMD can ensue at every aberrant translation termination event. Additionally, our results indicate that the closed loop structure of mRNA forms only after the replacement of CBC with eIF4E at the 5' cap.
Eukaryotic mRNAs with premature translation-termination codons (PTCs) are recognized and degraded by a process referred to as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). The evolutionary conservation of the core NMD factors UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3 would imply a similar basic mechanism of PTC recognition in all eukaryotes. However, unlike NMD in yeast, which targets PTC-containing mRNAs irrespectively of whether their 5' cap is bound by the cap-binding complex (CBC) or by the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), mammalian NMD has been claimed to be restricted to CBC-bound mRNAs during the pioneer round of translation. In our recent study we compared decay kinetics of two NMD reporter systems in mRNA fractions bound to either CBC or eIF4E in human cells. Our findings reveal that NMD destabilizes eIF4E bound transcripts as efficiently as those associated with CBC. These results corroborate an emerging unified model for NMD substrate recognition, according to which NMD can ensue at every aberrant translation termination event. Additionally, our results indicate that the closed loop structure of mRNA forms only after the replacement of CBC with eIF4E at the 5' cap.
Eukaryotic mRNAs with premature translation-termination codons (PTCs) are recognized and degraded by a process referred to as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). The evolutionary conservation of the core NMD factors UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3 would imply a similar basic mechanism of PTC recognition in all eukaryotes. However, unlike NMD in yeast, which targets PTC-containing mRNAs irrespectively of whether their 5' cap is bound by the cap-binding complex (CBC) or by the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), mammalian NMD has been claimed to be restricted to CBC-bound mRNAs during the pioneer round of translation. In our recent study we compared decay kinetics of two NMD reporter systems in mRNA fractions bound to either CBC or eIF4E in human cells. Our findings reveal that NMD destabilizes eIF4E bound transcripts as efficiently as those associated with CBC. These results corroborate an emerging unified model for NMD substrate recognition, according to which NMD can ensue at every aberrant translation termination event. Additionally, our results indicate that the closed loop structure of mRNA forms only after the replacement of CBC with eIF4E at the 5' cap.
Eukaryotic mRNAs with premature translation-termination codons (PTCs) are recognized and degraded by a process referred to as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). The evolutionary conservation of the core NMD factors UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3 would imply a similar basic mechanism of PTC recognition in all eukaryotes. However, unlike NMD in yeast, which targets PTC-containing mRNAs irrespectively of whether their 5' cap is bound by the cap-binding complex (CBC) or by the eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), mammalian NMD has been claimed to be restricted to CBC-bound mRNAs during the pioneer round of translation. In our recent study we compared decay kinetics of two NMD reporter systems in mRNA fractions bound to either CBC or eIF4E in human cells. Our findings reveal that NMD destabilizes eIF4E bound transcripts as efficiently as those associated with CBC. These results corroborate an emerging unified model for NMD substrate recognition, according to which NMD can ensue at every aberrant translation termination event. Additionally, our results indicate that the closed loop structure of mRNA forms only after the replacement of CBC with eIF4E at the 5' cap.
Einleitung Aktuelle empirische Befunde deuten darauf hin, dass Sportler/innen durch Stress und erhöhte Angst eine reduzierte Effizienz bei der Entscheidungsfindung aufweisen (Wilson, 2008). Erklärt werden kann dieser Befund durch die Attentional-Control-Theory (ACT, Eysenck et al., 2007), die postuliert, dass aufmerksamkeitslenkende Prozesse unter Angst gestört werden. Um diese Annahme für komplexe Situationen im Sport zu prüfen, wurden Fußballspieler unter erhöhten und regulären Druckbedingungen verglichen. Methode Je 11 Experten und Nicht-Experten hatten aus der Perspektive des Abwehrspielers die Aufgabe, in zwei mal 24 Spielsituationen so schnell und korrekt wie möglich verbal anzugeben, welche Aktion der ballführende Spieler (in naher vs. ferner Spielsituation) nach Ausblendung der Szene ausführen wird. Während im ersten Block der Druck nicht erhöht wurde, wurden Druckbedingungen im zweiten Block u.a. durch eine Wettkampfsituation und „falscher“ Ergebnisrückmeldung gesteigert. Entscheidungs- und Blickverhalten (u.a. Anzahl Fixationen), Pupillengröße, Zustandsangst und „Mental Effort“ (Wilson, 2008) wurden erfasst. Neben Expertiseunterschieden wurde erwartet, dass erhöhte Angst die Entscheidungseffizienz sowie das Blickverhalten stört (ACT-Annahme), was mit 2 (Experten/Nicht-Experten) x 2 (nahe/ferne Spielsituation) x 2 (hohe/reguläre Druckbedingung) ANOVAs (? = .05) mit Messwiederholungen auf den letzten beiden Faktoren geprüft wurde. Ergebnisse Druckmanipulationen führten zu höherer Zustandsangst und größeren Pupillendurchmessern. Neben Expertiseunterschieden – Experten antworteten schneller, korrekter und zeigten ein situationsangepasstes visuelles Suchverhalten – wiesen beide Gruppen in Drucksituationen längere Antwortzeiten und höheren Mental Effort auf. Erhöhter Druck führte bei Experten zur Reduktion der Fixationsortwechsel für ferne Spielsituationen. Nicht-Experten differenzierten ihr Suchverhalten weder zwischen Bedingungen noch für Spielsituationen. Diskussion Die Resultate bestätigen die ACT-Annahme, dass Angst und Stress die sportliche Leistung durch längere Reaktionszeiten, höhere kognitive Anstrengung und ein teilweise ineffizientes visuelles Suchverhalten negativ beeinflusst. Eine gestörte Balance zwischen Top-Down und Bottom-Up-Prozessen könnte die Ursache sein (Eysenck et al., 2007). Literatur Eysenck, M. W., Derakshan, N., Santos, R., & Calvo, M. G. (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: Attentional control theory. Emotion, 7, 336–353. Wilson, M. (2008). From processing efficiency to attentional control: A mechanistic account of the anxiety-performance relationship. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 184– 201. 2 Vorträge und Poster