983 resultados para Autonomy, School
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Education plays a very important role in society’s development in order to promote good citizenship and individual rights and freedom. To this end, it is fundamental that girls be included in the education process. Inmost developed and developing countries, theoretically, both males and females have access to education. Cape Verde is no exception; however, the reality is that even in Cape Verde, promoting girls’ education and creating conditions to motivate girls to stay in school remains a challenge. Whereas girls have access to education many girls drop out for gender-related reasons. This paper will investigate girls’ education initiatives in general, and Cape Verde specific to offer recommendations and strategies to keep girls in school.
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Reaudit report on the WACO Community School District for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006
Independent accountant's report on applying agreed upon procedures of the Ames Community School District for the period October 15, 2003 to November 14, 2006
Special investigation of selected accounts at Burlington High School for the period July 1, 2004 through February 16, 2006
The organisation of inpatient care provision has undergone significant reform in many southern European countries. Overall across Europe, public management is moving towards the introduction of more flexibility and autonomy . In this setting, the promotion of the further decentralisation of health care provision stands out as a key salient policy option in all countries that have hitherto had a traditionally centralised structure. Yet, the success of the underlying incentives that decentralised structures create relies on the institutional design at the organisational level, especially in respect of achieving efficiency and promoting policy innovation without harming the essential principle of equal access for equal need that grounds National Health Systems (NHS). This paper explores some of the specific organisational developments of decentralisation structures drawing from the Spanish experience, and particularly those in the Catalonia. This experience provides some evidence of the extent to which organisation decentralisation structures that expand levels of autonomy and flexibility lead to organisational innovation while promoting activity and efficiency. In addition to this pure managerial decentralisation process, Spain is of particular interest as a result of the specific regional NHS decentralisation that started in the early 1980 s and was completed in 2002 when all seventeen autonomous communities that make up the country had responsibility for health care services.Already there is some evidence to suggest that this process of decentralisation has been accompanied by a degree of policy innovation and informal regional cooperation. Indeed, the Spanish experience is relevant because both institutional changes took place, namely managerial decentralisation leading to higher flexibility and autonomy- alongside an increasing political decentralisation at the regional level. The coincidence of both processes could potentially explain why some organisation and policy innovation resulting from policy experimentation at the regional level might be an additional featureto take into account when examining the benefits of decentralisation.
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2006
Nesta dissertação procura-se analisar a problemática da “Centralização versus Descentralização na Governação do Sistema Educativo de Cabo Verde: lógicas em análise” no período compreendido entre (1975 a 2006). Constata-se que Cabo Verde, depois de se tornar um país soberano e independente, assistiu a momentos de grande concentração e de grande centralização na administração do Sistema Educativo. Ao longo deste período assistiuse também a momentos de desconcentração e de ideias de descentralização que culminaram com a abertura do sistema político pluripartidário. Essa abertura abriu a possibilidade de uma nova dinâmica de transformação nos deferentes sectores da administração do sistema educacional. As mudanças políticas verificadas no país, permite-nos conhecer e desocultar as razões, as lógicas e as racionalidades que presidem a manutenção de um sistema centralizado de governação do Sistema Educativo, apesar da presença de forças políticas com diversidades ideológicas. Uma vez conhecido o historial da organização, administração e gestão do Sistema Educativo Cabo-verdiano, a partir de uma retrospectiva histórica, debruçámo-nos sobre as principais teorias que estão na base das perspectivas da centralização e descentralização, e seus conceitos associados enquanto modelo de análise teórica, para tentar perceber este aparente paradoxo. Na parte empírica, a metodologia utilizada apoia-se na abordagem qualitativa de investigação, na qual utilizámos a entrevista, a análise documental e conversas informais, que nos permitiram confirmar ou infirmar a problemática inicialmente formulada. Os dados obtidos dez entrevistados, nomeadamente os responsáveis da política educativa, os administradores do sistema, e os directores dos estabelecimentos de ensino público, levam-nos a tirar várias conclusões sobre um Sistema Educativo centralizado, com uma relativa margem de autonomia. Apesar de encontrarem algumas vantagens no modelo centralizado, a maioria dos entrevistados sublinha a relevância da opção por um modelo descentralizado de governação do Sistema Educativo.
Audit report on Mid-Iowa School Improvement Consortium, Carlisle, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007
La thèse traite des injonctions à l'autonomie dans le champ scolaire et des pratiques destinées à favoriser son développement chez les élèves. Elle se base sur une enquête ethnographique réalisée dans une école primaire genevoise, réunissant des observations menées durant deux ans et demi dans des classes allant de la 2° enfantine à la 3e primaire (2P-5P, selon HARMOS) et des entretiens d'enseignants, complétée par des observations dans les familles et des entretiens d'enfants et de leurs parents. Elle met en évidence le paradoxe auquel sont quotidiennement confrontés les enseignants qui doivent amener les élèves à découvrir et s'approprier les savoirs et les règles scolaires de manière autonome, tout en encadrant leurs pratiques afin que ceux-ci se conforment aux attentes de l'institution scolaire. La notion de dispositif, en tant qu'échelle intermédiaire d'analyse (Bonnéry, 2009), rend possible l'articulation des niveaux macro- et micro-sociologique dans l'analyse des pratiques. L'analyse des dispositifs scolaires de l'autonomie considère la traduction de la norme d'autonomie et des injonctions institutionnelles dans les pratiques individuelles. L'autonomie est ici définie comme un principe de socialisation, sur le mode de l'engagement : les dispositifs scolaires de l'autonomie visent à amener les élèves à choisir, vouloir, aimer ce que l'institution scolaire leur demande. Cette analyse permet de dégager plusieurs types de dispositifs et surtout de mettre en lumière leurs contradictions internes lorsque ne sont pas perçues ou partagées par les acteurs les attentes implicites ou explicites contenues dans les dispositifs. L'analyse des dispositifs porte également, dans une perspective plus interactionniste, sur les stratégies individuelles de gestion des contradictions et la retraduction des normes par les acteurs. Les dispositifs sont alors examinés sous l'angle des processus d'étiquetage réalisé par les enseignants et des formes de déviances qu'ils font apparaître chez les élèves et les parents. - The thesis deals with injunctions to autonomy in the field of education and practices used to facilitate its development in students. It is based on an ethnographic survey in Geneva elementary school, bringing together observations made during two and a half years in classes ranging from 2P to 5P (according HARMOS), interviews with teachers, observations in families and interviews with children and their parents. It highlights the paradox that teachers are daily confronted to, as they should encourage students to discover and acquire the knowledge and school rules independently, while framing their practices so that they conform to the expectations of the educational institution. The concept of dispositif as an intermediary level of analysis (Bonnéry, 2009) makes possible the articulation of the macro- and micro-sociological analysis in practices. The analysis of pedagogic dispositives considers the translation of the norm of autonomy and institutional injunctions in individual practices. In this perspective, autonomy is defined as principle of socialization, on the mode of engagement : pedagogic autonomy dispositives designed to encourage students to choose, want, love what institution demands. This analysis identifies several types of dispositives and highlights their internal contradictions when actors do not share expectations. In a more interactionnist perspective, the analysis also includes individual strategies to deal with contradictions and the retranslation of norms by actors. The dispositives are then examined in term of the labelling process conducted by teachers and forms of deviance among students and parents.