994 resultados para Aurora (Steamship)


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the sensory profile of eleven peach cultivars grown in an experimental orchard located in the city of Lapa (PR, Brazil) in two seasons. The peach cultivars analyzed were Aurora I, Chimarrita, Chiripá, Coral, Eldorado, Granada, Leonense, Maciel, Marli, Premier, and Vanguarda. The sensory analysis was performed by previously trained panelists; 20 of them in the first season and 10 in the second season. The sensory evaluation was performed using Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, in which the following attributes were measured: appearance, aroma, flesh color, flesh firmness, flavor, and juiciness. The results showed preference for sweet, soft, and juicy fruits. Chimarrita, Chiripá, and Coral fruits showed better sensorial performance than the other peach cultivars. It was also verified that the analysis of the attributes aroma, flesh firmness, and flavor is enough for performing the sensory profile of peach fruits for in natura consumption.


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Contient : 1 « Nomina corum omnium, quae in HIERONYMI libro de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis continentur », extraits ; 2 « GENNADIUS in virorum illustrium catalogo. Cyrus, genere Alexandrinus, arte medicus et ex philosopho monachus, vir dicendi peritus, scripsit adversus Nestorem,... ». En latin ; 3 « De medicis ». En latin ; 4 Notice sur « sainte Collette », religieuse et réformatrice de l'ordre de Sainte-Claire. « Environ l'an 1435 vivoit une femme sainte et devote... » ; 5 « Satyra in questiones quodlibeticas F. Garassii, jussu et auctoritate supremi senatus laceratas et combustas, 17 januarii 1626 » ; 6 « Scotinographie de PIERRES DE VERIGNY » ; 7 « Extraict du tome second de l'Affrique, titre des licornes que l'on trouve à l'environ de Mecca, etc. Du costé du temple y a une grande cour fermée de murailles, où nous veismes deux licorne[s] ... » ; 8 Note concernant Antonin et Sévère. Tirée d'Hérodien ; 9 Quatre vers latins sur Hippocrate et Apelle ; 10 Traduction en quatre vers grecs des vers latins ci-dessus indiqués. Au-dessous on lit, comme nom d'auteur : « M. WEYMS, Flamand » ; 11 « Harengue prononcée par Mr le premier president DE VERDUN devant le roy [Louis XIII] au pallais, le mardy 18 fevrier 1620, en presence de M. de Luines » ; 12 « Versus quos papa misit imperatori cum uno agnus Dei, et hoc pro munere magno ; 13 « Autres vers » ; 14 « Que S. Pierre n'a point esté à Rome, disent les heretiques ». Discussion de cette proposition ; 15 Vers « à l'honneur de la Vierge » (fol. 6) ; 16 « L'adjuration et demandes du catholique à Mrs les cardinaux, prelats, confesseurs et ausmoniers du roy, devant et apres le cruel massacre de Mrs le duc et le cardinal de Guise freres, et le tout à la face des estats, à Blois, du XXIIIe et XXIIIIe decembre 1588 » ; 17 « Pour sçavoir l'an de bissexte, le nombre d'or, l'epacte et le jour de la nouvelle lune », note ; 18 « Extraict du traicté de paix entre le roy et l'empereur, à Cambray (1529), par lequel appert qu'il n'y a pas d'aubins d'un costé ny d'aultre » ; 19 Notices sur « Edouard, roy d'Angleterre... Robert, surnommé Courbecuisse,... Guillaume le Bastard, roy d'Angleterre... Guillaume, surnommé le Roux,... Robert, duc de Normandie... Guillaume le Roux, roy d'Angleterre... Henry,... roy d'Angleterre... Mathilde, fille du roy Henry d'Angleterre... Henry d'Angleterre » ; 20 « De Jesabelis anglicae parricidiis ad piae reginae Mariae Stuardae manes carmen » ; 21 « Sonnet » contre la reine Élisabeth d'Angleterre ; 22 « Ad praeceptorem doctissimum dominum Sanjacobaeum epigramma » ; 23 « Ad suum praeceptorem ANT. SCIPIO DE JOYEUSE flebile carmen » ; 24 « Epigramma » ; 25 « Ad charissimum et apprime eruditum praeceptorem HENRICI DE JOYEUSE carmen flebile » ; 26 « Ad eundem epigramma » ; 27 « Elegia » ; 28 « Ad praeceptorem observandissimum GEORGII GAUDIOSANI flebile carmen » ; 29 « In clarissimi domini Sanjacobaei Harduini, doctoris medici, nuptiarum solennia epithalamium » ; 30 « Epithalame ou chant nuptial sur le mariage de noble homme Me Philippe Harduyn de S. Jacques, docteur en medecine, et dame Catherine Gervais, son espouse... mariez à Paris, le 13 janvier 1587, pièce en vers ; 31 « Ad convivas » ; 32 « Clarissimo spectatissimoque viro domino a Sancto Jacobo S. D. PETRUS DICUNOWART » ; 33 « Sonnet » ; 34 « Responce de la noblesse aux harangues des lieutenans deputez du tiers estat » ; 35 « Quatrain » ; 36 « Sixain » ; 37 « Autre » sixain ; 38 « Epigramma » ; 39 « Huictain » ; 40 « Quatrain » ; 41 « Huictain » ; 42 « Autre quatrain » ; 43 « Vents ordinaires au pays de Congo » ; 44 « Le royaume de Monomotapa », note ; 45 « Nom du Prete-Jan », note ; 46 « Prophetie d'un jacobin, traduite en françois, tirée et extraite d'un livre fort ancien, escript à la main, en langue flamande » ; 47 « Pour la statue du roy Henry le Grand, qui est sur le Pont Neuf » ; 48 « Pour le pont », vers latins ; 49 « Vita sanctae Odiliae » ; 50 « Vers chronographe sur la mort de Barnevelt » ; 51 « Autres vers » en latin, « faict[s] sur le synode tenu à Dordrecht, l'an 1619 ; 52 « Devise de la reine mere Catherine de Medicis, apres la mort de son mary, le roy Henry II ; 53 Citation extraite de « GERARDUS DORN, in epistola dedicatoria », placée en tête de l'ouvrage de Paracelse qui a pour titre : « Aurora, sive thesaurus philosophorum ». En latin ; 54 « IAMBLICHUS de mysteriis, statim initio, ex Marsilii Ficini versione. Mercurius praeest sapientiae et eloquio... ». En latin ; 55 « Epigramme faict sur la mort de Mr de Luynes, connestable de France, qui est mort de la peste devant Monheurt, soubz le nom de Sabinus » ; 56 « Plaintes de l'espée de Mr le connestable de Luynes » ; 57 « Sur le Te Deum chanté pour la prise de Montheur (sic) et la mort du connestable, epigramme » ; 58 « Autre sur la mesme mort » ; 59 « Autre » ; 60 « Autre » ; 61 « Tombeau du connestable, 1622 » ; 62 « Sur la vanité de Monsigot, secretaire du connestable, epigramme » ; 63 « Sur sa calotte » ; 64 « Sur sa retraicte de la chambre des comptes » ; 65 « Imperatoris Caroli V elogium, inscriptum velis navis Victoriae, quae rotis imposita et equis tracta, pompam illius funebrem Bruxellis, anno 1558, decoravit, et quotannis, dominica sexta post Pascha, circumducitur in encoeniis ejusdem urbis bruxellensis ». En latin ; 66 « Ejusdem triumphi ordine recensiti ». En latin ; 67 « Ad columnas Herculis » ; 68 « Serenissimi Alberti austriaci, Belgarum principis, cenotaphium ». En latin ; 69 « De Elisabeth, regina Angliae, epigramma ». En latin ; 70 « Aliud, de Roma ». En latin ; 71 « Sur la mort du mareschal d'Ancre » ; 72 « Summission de ceux de la religion pretendue reformée au roy de France et de Navarre Louis XIIIe, dict le Juste, entrant dedans la ville de Montpellier, M.DC.XXII », discours ; 73 « Prophetia S. MALACHIAE, archiepiscopi... ardinacensis... de summis pontificibus » ; 74 « Prophetiae LEONIS, sapientissimi imperatoris, inventae Romae in Vaticana bibliotheca » ; 75 « Apologie pour la Compagnie de Jesus, extraite de la predication du R. P. et docteur F. PIERRE DOZA, religieux de l'ordre S. Dominique, prononcée en l'eglise de la maison professe de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la cité de Valence, le 26 janvier de l'an 1610, pour la beatification du glorieux pere Ignace de Loyola, fondateur de la mesme compagnie; traduite par le Père FRANÇOIS SOLIER, religieux de la Compagnie de Jesus. Imprimé à Poitiers par Antoine Mesnier, imprimeur et libraire ordinaire du roy en l'Université, 1611 » ; 76 « Les muses lanternieres, par LAMY » ; 77 « Epigramme sur le mesme sujet » ; 78 « Sixain » ; 79 Épigramme ; 80 « Autre » ; 81 « Sur la journée du mariage de Madame, soeur du roy, avec le roy d'Angleterre, qu'il pleut tout le jour, l'an 1625 » ; 82 Vers latins ; 83 « Sur l'arrivée du cardinal Barberin, legat en France, l'an 1625 » ; 84 « Le marchand de soye de Paris » ; 85 « Autre pour le mesme marchand » ; 86 « Epitaphe de M. Servin, advocat general du parlement de Paris, et du R. P. Cotton, decedez quasi en mesme temps, en mars de l'an 1626 » ; 87 Vers sur Lucrèce ; 88 « La solitude » ; 89 « La berne » ; 90 « La pluye » ; 91 « Satyre » ; 92 « Hymne du fromage » ; 93 « Voeu à Bacchus » ; 94 Vers ; 95 « La Nuict » ; 96 Vers ; 97 Suite de notes historiques ; Note ; Note sur le partage de 842 et l'origine du nom de Lorraine ; Note sur Baudouin Bras de Fer, comte de Flandre ; Date de l'entrée à Paris de Philippe, archiduc d'Autriche ; Note sur le mariage de Marguerite, soeur de Philippe, archiduc d'Autriche ; Note concernant les papes Alexandre VI, Pie III, Jules II, Leon X ; Note concernant Isabelle, reine d'Espagne, morte en 1506, le mariage du roi d'Espagne Ferdinand, avec la soeur du comte de Foix, la mort dudit roi, en 1515, et celle de Philippe, archiduc d'Autriche, en 1506 ; Note concernant le mariage du roi François Ier et de Claude de France, fille de Louis XII, et celui du roi Louis XII avec Marie, soeur du roi d'Angleterre, Henri VIII ; Note sur le mariage de la veuve du roi Louis XII avec le duc de Suffolk ; Note sur l'origine des derniers ducs de Bourgogne ; Naissances de Louis, duc d'Orléans, et de Jean, duc de Bourgogne ; Mariage de Jean, comte de Nevers, fils de Philippe le Hardi, duc de Bourgogne, avec Marguerite, fille du comte de Hainaut ; Mort de Louis de Masle, comte de Flandre ; Mort de Charles le Mauvais, roi de Navarre ; Notes concernant le titre de Filles de France, les armoiries des princes du sang de France, les reines regentes, le lieu du sacre de plusieurs reines de France ; Notes sur les épithètes dont on accompagne les noms de certaines familles nobles ; Ce que c'est que le « praeteur praetorian » ; Note sur l'origine des Fran çais, la signification de certains noms francs, les pénalités de la loi salique ; Note sur l'antiquité du titre de roi tres chrétien, donné au roi de France ; Que les rois de France sont souverains et indépendants ; Que le titre de reine donne aux femmes quelque chose « de plus auguste que ce que leur sexe ne leur octroye » ; 98 « Voyage de Mr PHILIPPES HARDUIN DE S. JAQUES, pour lors medecin ordinaire des bandes françoises de l'Estat et couronne de France » ; 99 Note concernant la maison de Bourbon ; a « Source de la maison de Bourbon », d'après OLIVIER DE LA MARCHE ; b « Pourquoi la maison de Bourbon quereloit la couronne de France contre la maison de Valois » ; c Tableau généalogique de la descendance de S. Louis ; 100 « Epitaphe de Santarelli et autres de sa cabale » ; 101 « Extraict d'ANTONIUS SANCTARELLUS, de haeresi, schismate, apostasia et sollicitatione in sacramento poenitentiae, et de auctoritate summi pontificis in his delictis puniendis » ; 102 ; 103 « Censura sacrae Facultatis theologiae parisiensis, lata in librum qui inscribitur ANTONII SANCTARELLI e societate Jesu tractatus de haeresi, schismate, apostasia, sollicitatione in sacramento poenitentiae, et de potestate summi pontificis in his delictis puniendis... » ; 104 « Ex libello cui titulus : G. G. R., theologi, ad Ludovicum XIII, Galliae et Navarrae regem Christianissimum, admonitio », extrait ; 105 « Arrest de la cour de parlement, prononcé contre les PP. du college de Clairmont, le 17 mars 1626. Extraict des registres de la cour de parlement » ; 106 « Soubscription des PP. jesuites » ; 107 « Questiones quodlibeticae huic tempori accomodatae, disputandae in antiqua Sorbona parisiensi, mense decembri, diebus saturnalitiis, et dedicatae illustrissimo S. R. E. cardinali de Richelieu, sive de Rupella, negotiorum status in regno Galliae supremo praefecto, anno Domini M. DC. XXV, 13 decemb. mane » ; 108 « Inscrizione dell' arco trionfale di Verua », inscription en latin ; 109 « Ex libello cui titulus : Veritas odiosa, fragmenta varia colloquii Machiavelli et Mercurii, 1626. Ex schedis M. S. RICHARDI ATTONITI, eboracensis, protocancellarii nuper classis anglicancae. Oxonii, apud Gualtherum Mapes, Academiae bidellum » ; 110 « Catalogus librorum mystico-politorum (sic) qui autumnalibus nundinis francofordiensibus anni 1626 in lucem prodibunt » ; 111 « Ex libello cui titulus : Jubilus con foederatorum, alias Nova novorum, in quibus magnae victoriae et laeti terra marique progressus anni 1625 continentur, ad nobilem historicum D. Ferrerium gallum Nemausensium Reipubl. apud christianissimum regem Ludovicum XIII oratorem, editio ultima, ab authore recognita et emendata, M.DC.XXVI » ; 112 « Appendix ad catalogum librorum mystico-politicorum qui proximis nundinis francfurtensibus prodibunt » ; 113 Vers latins, composés à propos de la tentative des jésuites, qui avaient essayé de substituer dans l'almanach la fête de S. Ignace de Loyola à celle de S. Germain, qui se célébrait le 31 juillet ; 114 « Bibliotheca mystica clarissimi viri Ludovici Servini, sex aliis longe ditioribus scilicet Arnaldi, Paschasii, Martyllerii, Hardivillerii, Turgotii et Tarini, in antecessum praemissa... 1626 » ; 115 « Contract de mariage de Henry IV,... roy de France et de Navarre, avec Marguerite de Valois ». 17 août 1572 ; 116-117 Contrats de mariage de Louis XIII avec Anne d'Autriche, et du prince d'Espagne, don Philippe, avec Élisabeth de France. 1612 ; 118 Contrat de mariage de Henri d'Orléans, duc de Longueville, avec Louise de Bourbon. Paris, 5 mars 1617 ; 119 Mémoire « pour l'accompagnement et voyage de Madame jusques à la frontiere, et de la reyne, revenant de lad. frontiere jusques à Bordeaux » ; 120 Mémoire intitulé : « L'homme d'Estat françois vrayment catholique », dédié au roi Louis XIII « par le Sr DE CHIREMONT » ; 121 « Instruction de M. de Schomberg, comte de Nanteuil, conseiller du roy en son conseil d'Estat, lieutenant general de S. M. es pays de Lymosin, haute et basse Marche, pour son voyage d'Allemagne » ; 122 « Cronique de S. Clou » ; 123 « Lettre de Cloris à Lysis » ; 124 « Reponse de Lysis à Cloris » ; 125 « La mouche et le courtisan »


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Ontario Editorial Bureau (O.E.B.)


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During the 1950’s, the Rittenhouse family of Vineland in the Niagara Peninsula opened a craft store and studio. Within a short period of time, they realized that resources for the craft of rug hooking were in demand and they began to build their business around this niche. Edna Rittenhouse, the mother, was the wool dyer; Margaret Rowan, the daughter, was the pattern designer; Ted Rowan, the son-in-law, changed careers and became the manager of the family business. The 1960’s were a prosperous time, not only in the Niagara Peninsula, but also for the Rittenhouse business. Edna Rittenhouse had been hooking rugs for decades but she and her family worked at developing and sharing newer techniques with newer materials. Shading manuals were authored and published; students became teachers; creativity abounded in the demand for and the creation of new designs. Instead of using woolen yarn, they were using pure woolen fabric; instead of using a standard cutter, they began using a uniquely designed cutter; instead of using frames, they employed a table top method. The new material and technique resulted in a rug with a smooth, uniform texture and a soft nap. Since many crafters belonged to crafters guilds, Margaret and Ted Rowan began promoting the idea of a guild for rug hookers and in time the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild was also a reality. A joint project between Chatelaine magazine and the Rittermere studio for Canada’s centennial year of 1967 was extremely well received within the circle of hooking crafters and the Rittermere Farm Craft Studio became a North American landmark for crafters. From this point onward the studio had a large customer base not only in North America but also overseas. The studio remained popular until 1984 when Margaret and Ted Rowan decided to retire. The Rittermere name has been preserved in the name of Rittermere-Hurst-Field which is a similar business located in Aurora which is just north of Toronto.


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In March 1931, Captain Bruce Angus was sent to Sarnia by Gordon C. Leitch, general manager of Toronto Elevators. He was sent to inspect the Sarnian to ensure it was still seaworthy. Leitch was a savvy business man, who had been active in the business community for a number of years. Leitch began his career with a partner in the lumber business. When that went under he moved into graineries and worked for the Winnipeg Wheat Pool for 12 years. After Winnipeg he moved to Toronto, which was closer to his home town of Ridgetown, Ontario. In Toronto Leitch became manager of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Wheat Pool. While managing the wheat pools in Toronto Leitch became aware of huge costs associated with shipping the grains from the praries into the Toronto area. He felt that there was no need for such costs and decided to do something to make them better and cheaper for the business. Originally the grain was loaded onto Lakers that would bring the grain from the praries to Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. It was stored there until needed by the Toronto graineries and then hauled across land by either truck or train. The land journey was the most expensive and the one which Leitch wanted to eliminate. This was a fine plan except for 2 obstacles that were quickly overcome. First of all the Welland canals were not large enough to accommodate the large carriers that were bringing in the grain. This was changing as the expansion and widening of the canals was already underway. The second issue was the lack of storage in Toronto for the grain. The grain elevators had been destroyed by fire in the late 1880s and never replaced. Leitch propsed his company built its own storage elevators along the water front to allow not only for easier access to the grain, and more timely production of products. The elevators would aslo create a reduction in shipping costs and an overall more competitoive price for the customers of the grainery. The company refused, so Leitch went elsewhere to friends and contacts within the grain industry. The elevators were built and Leitch quit his job with the Canadian Wheat Pool and became the general manager of the elevators. Although the elevators were built and ready for storage the next issue was filling them. None of the carriers wanted to do business with Leitch because the competition in Georgian Bay threatened to cancel their contracts if they did. Leitch saw no way around this, but to provide his own transportation. This is when he sent Captain Bruce Angus to scout out potential ships. The ship was purchased for $37,000 and after another $30,000 was spent to fix it up, it was ready for business. The need for transportation and the finding of a seaworthy ship, lead to the beginnings of the Northland Steamship Company. The Sarnian proved to not be enough for the business underway. Leitch decided another ship was necessary. He joined forces with James Norris the owner of the Norris Grain Company. He proposed they join forces to create a more economical means of transportating their products.


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The John O. McKellar was a ship that belonged to the Scott Misener fleet. The first ship named after McKellar was launched on Januaray 25, 1929, from Wallsend, England, and was bound for Sault St. Marie, Ontario. This ship became part of the Colonial Steamship Company in 1950, and in 1952 was renamed the J.G. Irwin when construction of a new John O. McKellar was completed. John Oscar McKellar was born on June 28, 1878 in Lobo Township, Middlesex County, west of London, Ont. He worked as a marine engineer, and became acquainted with Robert Scott Misener when the two were shipmates serving with the Algoma central fleet. In 1919, the two men joined forces to run a shipping company. Together, they purchased the wooden steamer "Simon Langell", and worked together on the ship for the next three years. Throughout his career with Misener's company, John McKellar served as Chief Engineer, then Marine Superintendent, and finally Secretary-Treasurer. He died on September 19, 1951.


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The National Seaman’s Association was a labour recruiter hiding behind a union-like name. It was run by H.N. McMaster who collected fees from companies and dues from workers. With McMaster in charge, shipping interests could claim that their seamen had a union, but ship-owners were free to push their vessels and their workers to the breaking point. In 1935, the members on the Great Lakes decided to strike. One year later, they created their own union and amalgamated with a Montreal-based independent body to create the Canadian Seamen’s Union headed by a ship’s cook who became a union leader, John Allan Patrick “Pat” Sullivan. By the late 1940s, almost all sailors on Canadian ships were CSU members. Right from its inception in 1936, Communists were prominent among the leaders of the union. Sullivan had been recruited to the Communist party that year and the union had a close rapport with the party. On June 8, 1940, Pat Sullivan was arrested because of his affiliation with the Communist party. He was incarcerated until March 20, 1942. No charges were laid, no bail was set and there was no trial. After his release, Sullivan was elected second vice-president of the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada. In 1943, Percy Bengough was elected as president and Sullivan was elected as secretary treasurer of the TLC while maintaining his role as president of the CSU. On March 14, 1947 Sullivan made a shocking announcement that he was resigning from the CSU and the Labor-Progressive Party. He claimed that the CSU was under the full control of the Communists. Within a month of this announcement, he emerged as the president of the Canadian Lake Seamen’s Union. Ship-owners never really reconciled themselves to having their industry unionized, and in 1946 there was a seamen’s strike in which the union won the eight-hour day. In 1949, the shipping companies had a plan to get rid of the union and were negotiating behind their back with the Seafarers International Union (SIU). In a brutal confrontation, led by Hal Banks, an American ex-convict, the SIU was able to roust the CSU and take over the bargaining rights of Canadian seamen. On July 15, 1948, Robert Lindsay, who was Sullivan’s Welland business agent said that to the best of his knowledge, Sullivan’s outfit, the CLSU, was under the control of some of the Steamship Companies. Lindsay had heard that there was a movement to get rid of Bengough of the Trades and Labour Congress as well as elements of the CSU. He also had heard that the CLSU wanted to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor. Lindsay’s allegations raised the questions: Were the ship-owners powerful enough to oust Percy Bengough because he supported the seamen? Could the CLSU get an affiliation with the American Federation of Labor? and Would the American Federation of Labor actually affiliate with a union that was siding with employers against a locked-out union?


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Includes schedules and rates.


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Port Weller Dry Docks Limited was officially established on April 25, 1946, near Lock 1 of the Welland Canal. Charles A. Ansell was the company’s first President and General Manager. Initially, the company focused on repairing ships, but in June, 1951, built their first ship, the Scott Misener. In 1956, the Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Co. purchased all of the shares of Port Weller Dry Docks Limited. In the mid-eighties, ULS (Upper Lakes Shipping) International (which owned the Port Weller dry docks), and Canada Steamship Lines, merged their operations. As a result, the Port Weller Dry Docks became a division of this newly formed company, known as Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited. In 2007, Seaway Marine & Industrial Inc. took over ownership of the Port Weller Dry Docks, but declared bankruptcy in July 2013.