927 resultados para Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Polyphosphate (iPOP) is a linear polymer of orthophosphate units linked together by high energy phosphoanhydride bonds. It is found in all organisms, localized in organelles called acidocalcisomes and ranges from a few to few hundred monomers in length. iPOP has been found to play a vast array of roles in all organisms, including phosphate and energy metabolism, regulation of enzymes, virulence, pathogenicity, bone remodelling and blood clotting, among many others. Recently it was found that iPOP levels were increased in myeloma cells. The growing interest in iPOP in human cell lines makes it an interesting molecule to study. However, not much is known about its metabolism in eukaryotes. Acidocalcisomes are electron dense, acidic organelles that belong to the group of Lysosome Related Organelles (LROs). The conservation of acidocalcisomes among all kingdoms of life is suggestive of their important roles for the organisms. However, they are difficult to analyse because of limited biochemical tools for investigation. Yeast vacuoles present remarkable similarities to acidocalcisomes in terms of their physiological and structural features, including synthesis and storage of iPOP, which make them an ideal candidate to study biological processes which are shared between vacuoles and acidocalcisomes. The availability of tools for genetic manipulation and isolation of vacuoles makes yeast a candidate of choice for the characterization of iPOP synthesis in eukaryotes. Our group has identified the Vacuolar Transporter Chaperone (VTC) complex as iPOP polymerase and identified the catalytic subunit (Vtc4). The goal of my study was to characterize the process of iPOP synthesis by isolated vacuoles and to reconstitute iPOP synthesis in liposomes. The first step was to develop a method for monitoring iPOP by isolated vacuoles over time and comparing it with previously known methods. Next, a detailed characterization was performed to determine the modulators of the process, both for intact as well as solubilized vacuoles. Finally, attempts were made to purify the VTC complex and reconstitute it in liposomes. A parallel line of study was the translocation and storage of synthesized iPOP in the lumen of the vacuoles. As a result of this study, it is possible to determine distinct pools of iPOP- inside and outside the vacuolar lumen. Additionally, I establish that the vacuolar lysate withstands harsh steps during reconstitution on liposomes and retains iPOP synthesizing activity. The next steps will be purification of the intact VTC complex and its structure determination by cryo-electron microscopy. - Les organismes vivants sont composés d'une ou plusieurs cellules responsables des processus biologiques élémentaires tels que la digestion, la respiration, la synthèse et la reproduction. Leur environnement interne est en équilibre et ils réalisent un très grand nombre de réactions chimiques et biochimiques pour maintenir cet équilibre. A différents compartiments cellulaires, ou organelles, sont attribuées des tâches spécifiques pour maintenir les cellules en vie. L'étude de ces fonctions permet une meilleure compréhension de la vie et des organismes vivants. De nombreux processus sont bien connus et caractérisés mais d'autres nécessitent encore des investigations détaillées. L'un de ces processus est le métabolisme des polyphosphates. Ces molécules sont des polymères linéaires de phosphate inorganique dont la taille peut varier de quelques dizaines à quelques centaines d'unités élémentaires. Ils sont présents dans tous les organismes, des bactéries à l'homme. Ils sont localisés principalement dans des compartiments cellulaires appelés acidocalcisomes, des organelles acides observés en microscopie électronique comme des structures denses aux électrons. Les polyphosphates jouent un rôle important dans le stockage et le métabolisme de l'énergie, la réponse au stress, la virulence, la pathogénicité et la résistance aux drogues. Chez l'homme, ils sont impliqués dans la coagulation du sang et le remodelage osseux. De nouvelles fonctions biologiques des polyphosphates sont encore découvertes, ce qui accroît l'intérêt des chercheurs pour ces molécules. Bien que des progrès considérables ont été réalisés afin de comprendre la fonction des polyphosphates chez les bactéries, ce qui concerne la synthèse, le stockage et la dégradation des polyphosphates chez les eucaryotes est mal connu. Les vacuoles de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae sont similaires aux acidocalcisomes des organismes supérieurs en termes de structure et de fonction. Les acidocalcisomes sont difficiles à étudier car il n'existe que peu d'outils génétiques et biochimiques qui permettent leur caractérisation. En revanche, les vacuoles peuvent être aisément isolées des cellules vivantes et manipulées génétiquement. Les vacuoles comme les acidocalcisomes synthétisent et stockent les polyphosphates. Ainsi, les découvertes faites grâce aux vacuoles de levures peuvent être extrapolées aux acidocalcisomes des organismes supérieurs. Le but de mon projet était de caractériser la synthèse des polyphosphates par des vacuoles isolées. Au cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai mis au point une méthode de mesure de la synthèse des polyphosphates par des organelles purifés. Ensuite, j'ai identifié des composés qui modulent la réaction enzymatique lorsque celle-ci a lieu dans la vacuole ou après solubilisation de l'organelle. J'ai ainsi pu mettre en évidence deux groupes distincts de polyphosphates dans le système : ceux au-dehors de la vacuole et ceux en-dedans de l'organelle. Cette observation suggère donc très fortement que les vacuoles non seulement synthétisent les polyphosphates mais aussi transfère les molécules synthétisées de l'extérieur vers l'intérieur de l'organelle. Il est très vraisemblable que les vacuoles régulent le renouvellement des polyphosphates qu'elles conservent, en réponse à des signaux cellulaires. Des essais de purification de l'enzyme synthétisant les polyphosphates ainsi que sa reconstitution dans des liposomes ont également été entrepris. Ainsi, mon travail présente de nouveaux aspects de la synthèse des polyphosphates chez les eucaryotes et les résultats devraient encourager l'élucidation de mécanismes similaires chez les organismes supérieurs. - Les polyphosphates (iPOP) sont des polymères linéaires de phosphates inorganiques liés par des liaisons phosphoanhydres de haute énergie. Ces molécules sont présentes dans tous les organismes et localisées dans des compartiments cellulaires appelés acidocalcisomes. Elles varient en taille de quelques dizaines à quelques centaines d'unités phosphate. Des fonctions nombreuses et variées ont été attribuées aux iPOP dont un rôle dans les métabolismes de l'énergie et du phosphate, dans la régulation d'activités enzymatiques, la virulence, la pathogénicité, le remodelage osseux et la coagulation sanguine. Il a récemment été montré que les cellules de myélome contiennent une grande quantité de iPOP. Il y donc un intérêt croissant pour les iPOP dans les lignées cellulaires humaines. Cependant, très peu d'informations sur le métabolisme des iPOP chez les eucaryotes sont disponibles. Les acidocalcisomes sont des compartiments acides et denses aux électrons. Ils font partie du groupe des organelles similaires aux lysosomes (LROs pour Lysosome Related Organelles). Le fait que les acidocalcisomes soient conservés dans tous les règnes du vivant montrent l'importance de ces compartiments pour les organismes. Cependant, l'analyse de ces organelles est rendue difficile par l'existence d'un nombre limité d'outils biochimiques permettant leur caractérisation. Les vacuoles de levures possèdent des aspects structuraux et physiologiques très similaires à ceux des acidocalcisomes. Par exemple, ils synthétisent et gardent en réserve les iPOP. Ceci fait des vacuoles de levure un modèle idéal pour l'étude de processus biologiques conservés chez les vacuoles et les acidocalcisomes. De plus, la levure est un organisme de choix pour l'étude de la synthèse des iPOP compte-tenu de l'existence de nombreux outils génétiques et la possibilité d'isoler des vacuoles fonctionnelles. Notre groupe a identifié le complexe VTC (Vacuole transporter Chaperone) comme étant responsable de la synthèse des iPOP et la sous-unité Vtc4p comme celle possédant l'activité catalytique. L'objectif de cette étude était de caractériser le processus de synthèse des iPOP en utilisant des vacuoles isolées et de reconstituer la synthèse des iPOP dans des liposomes. La première étape a consisté en la mise au point d'un dosage permettant la mesure de la quantité de iPOP synthétisés par les organelles isolés en fonction du temps. Cette nouvelle méthode a été comparée aux méthodes décrites précédemment dans la littérature. Ensuite, la caractérisation détaillée du processus a permis d'identifier des composés modulateurs de la réaction à la fois pour des vacuoles intactes et des vacuoles solubilisées. Enfin, des essais de purification du complexe VTC et sa reconstitution dans des liposomes ont été entrepris. De façon parallèle, une étude sur la translocation et le stockage des iPOP dans le lumen des vacuoles a été menée. Il a ainsi été possible de mettre en évidence différents groupes de iPOP : les iPOP localisés à l'intérieur et ceux localisés à l'extérieur des vacuoles isolées. De plus, nous avons observé que le lysat vacuolaire n'est pas détérioré par les étapes de reconstitution dans les liposomes et conserve l'activité de synthèse des iPOP. Les prochaines étapes consisteront en la purification du complexe intact et de la détermination de sa structure par cryo-microscopie électronique.
Do our brains implicitly track the energetic content of the foods we see? Using electrical neuroimaging of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) we show that the human brain can rapidly discern food's energetic value, vis à vis its fat content, solely from its visual presentation. Responses to images of high-energy and low-energy food differed over two distinct time periods. The first period, starting at approximately 165 ms post-stimulus onset, followed from modulations in VEP topography and by extension in the configuration of the underlying brain network. Statistical comparison of source estimations identified differences distributed across a wide network including both posterior occipital regions and temporo-parietal cortices typically associated with object processing, and also inferior frontal cortices typically associated with decision-making. During a successive processing stage (starting at approximately 300 ms), responses differed both topographically and in terms of strength, with source estimations differing predominantly within prefrontal cortical regions implicated in reward assessment and decision-making. These effects occur orthogonally to the task that is actually being performed and suggest that reward properties such as a food's energetic content are treated rapidly and in parallel by a distributed network of brain regions involved in object categorization, reward assessment, and decision-making.
We study the gravitational dual of a high-energy collision in a confining gauge theory. We consider a linearized approach in which two point particles traveling in an AdS-soliton background suddenly collide to form an object at rest (presumably a black hole for large enough center-of-mass energies). The resulting radiation exhibits the features expected in a theory with a mass gap: late-time power law tails of the form t −3/2, the failure of Huygens" principle and distortion of the wave pattern as it propagates. The energy spectrum is exponentially suppressed for frequencies smaller than the gauge theory mass gap. Consequently, we observe no memory effect in the gravitational waveforms. At larger frequencies the spectrum has an upward-stairway structure, which corresponds to the excitation of the tower of massive states in the confining gauge theory. We discuss the importance of phenomenological cutoffs to regularize the divergent spectrum, and the aspects of the full non-linear collision that are expected to be captured by our approach.
Neurodegeneration is a complex process involving different cell types and neurotransmitters. A common characteristic of neurodegenerative disorders is the occurrence of a neuroinflammatory reaction in which cellular processes involving glial cells, mainly microglia and astrocytes, are activated in response to neuronal death. Microglia do not constitute a unique cell population but rather present a range of phenotypes closely related to the evolution of neurodegeneration. In a dynamic equilibrium with the lesion microenvironment, microglia phenotypes cover from a proinflammatory activation state to a neurotrophic one directly involved in cell repair and extracellular matrix remodeling. At each moment, the microglial phenotype is likely to depend on the diversity of signals from the environment and of its response capacity. As a consequence, microglia present a high energy demand, for which the mitochondria activity determines the microglia participation in the neurodegenerative process. As such, modulation of microglia activity by controlling microglia mitochondrial activity constitutes an innovative approach to interfere in the neurodegenerative process. In this review, we discuss the mitochondrial KATP channel as a new target to control microglia activity, avoid its toxic phenotype, and facilitate a positive disease outcome.
Neurodegeneration is a complex process involving different cell types and neurotransmitters. A common characteristic of neurodegenerative disorders is the occurrence of a neuroinflammatory reaction in which cellular processes involving glial cells, mainly microglia and astrocytes, are activated in response to neuronal death. Microglia do not constitute a unique cell population but rather present a range of phenotypes closely related to the evolution of neurodegeneration. In a dynamic equilibrium with the lesion microenvironment, microglia phenotypes cover from a proinflammatory activation state to a neurotrophic one directly involved in cell repair and extracellular matrix remodeling. At each moment, the microglial phenotype is likely to depend on the diversity of signals from the environment and of its response capacity. As a consequence, microglia present a high energy demand, for which the mitochondria activity determines the microglia participation in the neurodegenerative process. As such, modulation of microglia activity by controlling microglia mitochondrial activity constitutes an innovative approach to interfere in the neurodegenerative process. In this review, we discuss the mitochondrial KATP channel as a new target to control microglia activity, avoid its toxic phenotype, and facilitate a positive disease outcome.
The calcaneus gives shape to the heel. Its special position places it in direct contact with the floor, upon which rests the weight of the body. It assures the transition between the vertical skeleton and horizontal surface of the foot, thus permitting ambulation. The calcaneus is subjected to high physical stress, yet at the same time its complex articulating surfaces permit fine adaptation to the ground. Fractures of the calcaneus result from a high energy injury, usually a fall from a height. The treatment of such fractures poses difficult problems. The functional sequelae of the injury may be severe, prolonged, and frequently results in a permanent disability. This is due not only to the type of fracture, but the orthopaedic management as well. Careful evaluation of the patient, fracture pattern, soft tissue condition, and treatment modalities is obligatory to achieve the optimal result.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the aggregate stability of tropical soils under eucalyptus plantation and native vegetation, and assess the relationships between aggregate stability and some soil chemical and physical properties. Argisols, Cambisol, Latosols and Plinthosol within three eucalyptus-cultivated regions, in the states of Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais, Brazil, were studied. For each region, soils under native vegetation were compared to those under minimum tillage with eucalyptus cultivation. The aggregate stability was measured using the high-energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) technique, i.e., the moisture release curve at very low suctions. This method compares the resistance of aggregates to slaking on a relative scale from zero to one. Thus, the aggregate stability from different soils and management practices can be directly compared. The aggregate stability ratio was greater than 50% for all soils, which shows that the aggregate stability index is high, both in eucalyptus and native vegetation areas. This suggests that soil management adopted for eucalyptus cultivation does not substantially modify this property. In these soils, the aggregate stability ratio does not show a good relationship with clay or soil organic matter contents. However, soil organic matter shows a positive relationship with clay content and cation exchange capacity.
Less-lethal weapons are used in law enforcement to neutralize combative individuals and to disperse riot crowds. Local police recently used such an impact weapon, the Flash-Ball, in two different situations. This gun fires large rubber bullets with kinetic energies around 200 J. Although it is designed to avoid skin penetration, impacts at such energies may still create major trauma with associated severe injuries to internal organs. This is a report of 2 patients shot with the Flash-Ball who required medical attention. One could be discharged quickly, but the other required hospitalization for heart and lung contusion. Both patients required advanced investigations including computed tomography (CT) scan. The medical literature on injuries induced by less-lethal impact weapons is reviewed. Impacts from the Flash-Ball can cause significant injury to internal organs, even without penetration. Investigations as for other high-energy blunt traumas are called for in these cases.
Kaatopaikalle sijoitetut biohajoavat orgaaniset jätteet muodostavat jätetäytön hapettomissa olosuhteissa kaatopaikkakaasua, joka koostuu pääasiassa metaanista ja hiilidioksidista. Kaatopaikkakaasun sisältämän metaanin takia, kaasusisältää merkittävästi energiaa, joka on hyödynnettävissä eri tavoin. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli tarkastella vaihtoehtoja Anjalankosken Keltakankaan kaatopaikoilla muodostuvan kaatopaikkakaasun hyödyntämiseksi. Tarkastellut vaihtoehdot tarjoavat ympäristöllisten hyötyjen lisäksi liiketoiminnallista hyötyä Ekoparkissa toimiville yrityksille. Tutkimuksessa tehdyt laskelmatosoittivat, että työssä tarkastellut kaatopaikkakaasun hyötykäyttövaihtoehdot ovat sekä taloudellisesti että kaasun riittävyyden kannalta hyödynnettävissä. Esimerkiksi kaatopaikkakaasun hyödyntämisellä kaukolämmön tuotannossa voidaan kattaa noin kolmannes Anjalankosken vuotuisesta kaukolämmön tarpeesta. Kaatopaikkakaasun lietteen kuivauskapasiteetti kattaa Pohjois-Kymenlaaksossa muodostuvan jätevesilietteen käsittelytarpeen. Biopolttoaineen kuivauskapasiteetti on riittävä olemassa oleviin valmistuslaitosten tuotantokapasiteetteihin verrattuna. Myös perinteisillä sähkön- ja lämmöntuotantotekniikoilla voidaan kattaa Ekoparkin oma sähkön- ja lämmöntarve. Kaatopaikkavesien haihdutus ei tulosten perusteella ole sekä taloudellisesti että kaasun riittävyyden kannalta hyödynnettävissä. Tuhkan vitrifioinnissa haasteen muodostaa investointikustannuksen suuruus. Anjalankosken Ekoparkin yritykset voivat hyödyntää työn tuloksia uuden liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen. Lisäksi tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää soveltaen eri kokoluokan kaatopaikkojen kaatopaikkakaasujen hyötykäyttöä suunniteltaessa.
Thermal energy storage (TES) can increase the thermal energy effieresa, of a process by reusing the waste heat from industrial process, solar energy or other sources. There are different ways to store thermal energy: by sensible heat, by latest heat, by sorption process or by chemical reaction. This thesrs provides a-state-of-the-art review of the experimental performance of TES systems based on solid gas sorption process and chemical reactions. The importance of theses processes is that provides a heat loss free storage system with a high energy density.
Position sensitive particle detectors are needed in high energy physics research. This thesis describes the development of fabrication processes and characterization techniques of silicon microstrip detectors used in the work for searching elementary particles in the European center for nuclear research, CERN. The detectors give an electrical signal along the particles trajectory after a collision in the particle accelerator. The trajectories give information about the nature of the particle in the struggle to reveal the structure of the matter and the universe. Detectors made of semiconductors have a better position resolution than conventional wire chamber detectors. Silicon semiconductor is overwhelmingly used as a detector material because of its cheapness and standard usage in integrated circuit industry. After a short spread sheet analysis of the basic building block of radiation detectors, the pn junction, the operation of a silicon radiation detector is discussed in general. The microstrip detector is then introduced and the detailed structure of a double-sided ac-coupled strip detector revealed. The fabrication aspects of strip detectors are discussedstarting from the process development and general principles ending up to the description of the double-sided ac-coupled strip detector process. Recombination and generation lifetime measurements in radiation detectors are discussed shortly. The results of electrical tests, ie. measuring the leakage currents and bias resistors, are displayed. The beam test setups and the results, the signal to noise ratio and the position accuracy, are then described. It was found out in earlier research that a heavy irradiation changes the properties of radiation detectors dramatically. A scanning electron microscope method was developed to measure the electric potential and field inside irradiated detectorsto see how a high radiation fluence changes them. The method and the most important results are discussed shortly.
This thesis describes the development of advanced silicon radiation detectors and their characterization by simulations, used in the work for searching elementary particles in the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN. Silicon particle detectors will face extremely harsh radiation in the proposed upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider, the future high-energy physics experiment Super-LHC. The increase in the maximal fluence and the beam luminosity up to 1016 neq / cm2 and 1035 cm-2s-1 will require detectors with a dramatic improvement in radiation hardness, when such a fluence will be far beyond the operational limits of the present silicon detectors. The main goals of detector development concentrate on minimizing the radiation degradation. This study contributes mainly to the device engineering technology for developing more radiation hard particle detectors with better characteristics. Also the defect engineering technology is discussed. In the nearest region of the beam in Super-LHC, the only detector choice is 3D detectors, or alternatively replacing other types of detectors every two years. The interest in the 3D silicon detectors is continuously growing because of their many advantages as compared to conventional planar detectors: the devices can be fully depleted at low bias voltages, the speed of the charge collection is high, and the collection distances are about one order of magnitude less than those of planar technology strip and pixel detectors with electrodes limited to the detector surface. Also the 3D detectors exhibit high radiation tolerance, and thus the ability of the silicon detectors to operate after irradiation is increased. Two parameters, full depletion voltage and electric field distribution, is discussed in more detail in this study. The full depletion of the detector is important because the only depleted area in the detector is active for the particle tracking. Similarly, the high electric field in the detector makes the detector volume sensitive, while low-field areas are non-sensitive to particles. This study shows the simulation results of full depletion voltage and the electric field distribution for the various types of 3D detectors. First, the 3D detector with the n-type substrate and partial-penetrating p-type electrodes are researched. A detector of this type has a low electric field on the pixel side and it suffers from type inversion. Next, the substrate is changed to p-type and the detectors having electrodes with one doping type and the dual doping type are examined. The electric field profile in a dual-column 3D Si detector is more uniform than that in the single-type column 3D detector. The dual-column detectors are the best in radiation hardness because of their low depletion voltages and short drift distances.
A weak version of the cosmic censorship hypothesis is implemented as a set of boundary conditions on exact semiclassical solutions of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. These boundary conditions reflect low-energy matter from the strong coupling region and they also serve to stabilize the vacuum of the theory against decay into negative energy states. Information about low-energy incoming matter can be recovered in the final state but at high energy black holes are formed and inevitably lead to information loss at the semiclassical level.
After the release of the gamma-ray source catalog produced by the Fermi satellite during its first two years of operation, a significant fraction of sources still remain unassociated at lower energies. In addition to well-known high-energy emitters (pulsars, blazars, supernova remnants, etc.), theoretical expectations predict new classes of gamma-ray sources. In particular, gamma-ray emission could be associated with some of the early phases of stellar evolution, but this interesting possibility is still poorly understood. Aims: The aim of this paper is to assess the possibility of the Fermi gamma-ray source 2FGL J0607.5-0618c being associated with the massive star forming region Monoceros R2. Methods: A multi-wavelength analysis of the Monoceros R2 region is carried out using archival data at radio, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths. The resulting observational properties are used to estimate the physical parameters needed to test the different physical scenarios. Results: We confirm the 2FGL J0607.5-0618c detection with improved confidence over the Fermi two-year catalog. We find that a combined effect of the multiple young stellar objects in Monoceros R2 is a viable picture for the nature of the source.
SEPServer is a three-year collaborative project funded by the seventh framework programme (FP7-SPACE) of the European Union. The objective of the project is to provide access to state-of-the-art observations and analysis tools for the scientific community on solar energetic particle (SEP) events and related electromagnetic (EM) emissions. The project will eventually lead to better understanding of the particle acceleration and transport processes at the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. These processes lead to SEP events that form one of the key elements of space weather. In this paper we present the first results from the systematic analysis work performed on the following datasets: SOHO/ERNE, SOHO/EPHIN, ACE/EPAM, Wind/WAVES and GOES X-rays. A catalogue of SEP events at 1 AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68-MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and electron recordings of the events by SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM are presented. A total of 115 energetic particle events have been identified and analysed using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) for protons and time-shifting analysis (TSA) for electrons and protons in order to infer the SEP release times at the Sun. EM observations during the times of the SEP event onset have been gathered and compared to the release time estimates of particles. Data from those events that occurred during the European day-time, i.e., those that also have observations from ground-based observatories included in SEPServer, are listed and a preliminary analysis of their associations is presented. We find that VDA results for protons can be a useful tool for the analysis of proton release times, but if the derived proton path length is out of a range of 1 AU < s[3 AU, the result of the analysis may be compromised, as indicated by the anti-correlation of the derived path length and release time delay from the asso ciated X-ray flare. The average path length derived from VDA is about 1.9 times the nominal length of the spiral magnetic field line. This implies that the path length of first-arriving MeV to deka-MeV protons is affected by interplanetary scattering. TSA of near-relativistic electrons results in a release time that shows significant scatter with respect to the EM emissions but with a trend of being delayed more with increasing distance between the flare and the nominal footpoint of the Earth-connected field line.