931 resultados para Assimilation


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Post-collisional, potassic igneous rocks are widely distributed in the Hoh Xil area of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Based on the field work, petrography, mineral chemistry, K-Ar geochronology, element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry, this thesis systematically studied the spatial and temporal distribution of the volcanic rocks, chemical characteristics, formation mechanism and partial melting mechanism of the magma source region, geodynamic setting of magmatism, as well as crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC). The results show that: 1. The Miocene (7.77-17.82 Ma) volcanic products dominantly are trachandesite and trachy, and subordinate rhyolites, associated with stike-slip faults and thrust faults, formed morphology of small lava platforms and cinder cones. 2. Phenocrysts in the lavas are augite, andesine, sanidine, calcic amphibole and subordinate orthopyroxene, biotite and Ti-Fe oxides, displaying typical quench texture. Equilibrium temperatures and pressures of clinopyroxene phenocrysts indicate the magma chamber is located in upper-middle crust. 3. Rhyolites are the products of crustal melting and fractionation of shoshonitic magmas. The source region of intermediate magmas is enriched continental lithospheric mantle, which contains residual minerals such as phlogopite, rutile and spinel, and enriched by subducted sediments during earlier multi-episodes of subduction. 4. Upwelling of asthenosphere provides heat for source region melting, and faults provide channels for magma eruption. 5. Northward underthrusting of Indian continental lithosphere and southward of backstop of Asian continental lithosphere resulted in upwelling of hot asthenosphere. Geochemical characteristics of the potassic magmatism in North Tibet are dominantly controlled by source region composition, partial melting, and crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC).


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Different conclusions from previous work are made from the geochemical study for the early Paleozoic volcanic rocks hosting massive sulfide deposits in the north Qilian Orogen. The main points are: (1)The geochemical characteristics of the basalts and rhyolites from the Baiyin deposit are not consistent with that of the volcanic rocks in the continental rift setting, but show the relationship with subduction. The basalts and rhyolites from the Baiyin deposit are probably individual tectonic slice piled by subduction, and there is no bimodal volcanic rock suite occurred in the Baiyin deposit. Zircon U-Pb dating constrains the magmatic emplacement of basalts and rhyolites at 475±10Ma and 453±12Ma, respectively. The basalts are characterized by enriched Th and Sr, and depleted Nb, Ta and Ti. They have relatively high Th/Nb ratios between 0.9 and 1.3. Their εNd(T) values vary from -1.2 to +3.4. The chemical and isotopic compositions display a typical subduction-related signature, and they suggest that an enriched component with the isotopic composition of EMII might have contributed to the generation of the Baiyin basalts. The basalts were likely formed in a mature island-arc or a volcanic arc built on comparatively young or thin continental crust in an active continental margin. The rhyoIites have low concentrations of LILE compared to the basalts. They do not seen to have a relationship with the basalts, because of their significantly higher εNd(T) values (+4.3~+7.7). The high and positive εNd(T) values also rule out their derivation from anatexis of the continental crust. A modeling study suggests that the source.of the Zhe-Huo and Xiaotieshan rhyolites is similar to boninite and IAT (island-arc tholeiite), and hence indicating an intra-oceanic arc environment. (2) The formation of the Shangliugou volcanic rocks from .Qilian area is also related to subduction. The basaltic andesite have low TiO_2(0.45~0.63%) and P_2O_5(0.04~0.09) content, and high Th/Nb ratios (0.3~0.6). They show flat REE patterns. Their εNd(T) values vary in a narrow range from +4.8 to +6.4. The chemical and isotopic compositions indicate that they are derived from a slightly depleted mantle source and are fromed in intra-island arc setting. The rhyolites show calc-alkaline trend. They show enriched LREE and fiat HREE patterns with obvious negative Eu anomaly. They have high Th/Ta ratios (5.0 ~ 11.7) and large negative εNd(T) values (-2.6 ~ -8.4). The rhyolites are formed in active continental margin and result from a mixed process of two endmembers, or crust assimilation. (3) The metal elements of the volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit have two sources, the copper and zinc are derived from rhyolitic magmas whereas the lead are probably related to old sediments overlying the rhyolites. (4) It is suggested here that the volcanic rocks hosting massive sulfide deposit in the north Qilian orogen, which are previously considered as a bimodal suite of Neo-proterozoic to middle Cambrian age in a continental rift, are virtually related to subduction magmatism in Ordovician age, and there might have no continental rift magmatism of Neo-proterozoic to middle Cambrian in the north Qilian.


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Impression formation is an important aspect of person perception and has important interpersonal consequences. There are assimilation and contrast effects in impression formation and is still considerable debate regarding the best way to account for them. This present research used trait-implying sentences as priming materials, trait inferences sever as self-generated primes, examined the effect of different trait knowledge in assimilation and contrast effects. Experiment 1 determined the priming and target stimuli of this research by pretest. In experiment 2, participants read trait-implying sentences and resulted in trait inference as self-generated primes, examined the influence of trait activation on impression formation. The results indicated that participants instructed to memorize trait-implying sentences showed assimilation effect, whereas participants instructed to form impression from trait-implying sentences showed contrast effect. Difference to previous studies that emphasized the impact of awareness of the prime in impression formation, this research paid attention to the impact of different trait knowledge that resulted from trait inference. Experiment 3 studied the influence of actor salience on impression formation. The results indicated that when trait-implying sentences that described actors with names and were accompanied with photos of the actors, participants showed contrast under both memorization and impression instructions. Experiment 4 studied the influence of attribution context on assimilation and contrasts. The results showed that contrast ensued when trait-implying sentences were accompanied with the information that suggested a person attribution, whereas assimilation ensued when that information suggested a situation attribution, independent of processing goals. Experiment 5 made a direct test of the effect of different trait knowledge in impression formation. The results discovered that when abstract trait concepts were activated they act as a general interpretation frame in encoding stage, whereas when specific actor-trait links were activated, the activated information is likely to be used as a comparative standard in judgment stage. All studied indicated that there are two types of activated trait knowledge in trait inference: abstract trait concepts versus specific actor-trait links. When trait inference activated abstract trait concepts, the activated information serves as interpretation frame and lead to assimilation effect during impression formation, when trait inference activated specific actor-trait links, the activated information is more likely to be used as a comparative standards and resulted in contrast effects. These findings have important implications for understanding the mechanism of impression formation and practical values for interpersonal communication.


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This dissertation presents a model of the knowledge a person has about the spatial structure of a large-scale environment: the "cognitive map". The functions of the cognitive map are to assimilate new information about the environment, to represent the current position, and to answer route-finding and relative-position problems. This model (called the TOUR model) analyzes the cognitive map in terms of symbolic descriptions of the environment and operations on those descriptions. Knowledge about a particular environment is represented in terms of route descriptions, a topological network of paths and places, multiple frames of reference for relative positions, dividing boundaries, and a structure of containing regions. The current position is described by the "You Are Here" pointer, which acts as a working memory and a focus of attention. Operations on the cognitive map are performed by inference rules which act to transfer information among different descriptions and the "You Are Here" pointer. The TOUR model shows how the particular descriptions chosen to represent spatial knowledge support assimilation of new information from local observations into the cognitive map, and how the cognitive map solves route-finding and relative-position problems. A central theme of this research is that the states of partial knowledge supported by a representation are responsible for its ability to function with limited information of computational resources. The representations in the TOUR model provide a rich collection of states of partial knowledge, and therefore exhibit flexible, "common-sense" behavior.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da nutricao nitrica e amoniacal na distribuicao de nitrato e na atividade in vitro da redutase do nitrato em plantas de capim coloniao ( Panicum maximum Jacq.). as plantas receberam 7 mM de nitrogenio nas forma N- NH4 +, N-NO3- ou combinadas nas seguintes proporcoes 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 e 100/0. A extracao enzigmatica foi feita em Tris-HCI 50mM pH 7,5, EDTA 0,5 mM e b-mercaptoetanol 10mM, e para o ensaio utilizou-se 200 mmoles de Tris-HCI pH 7,5, 20 mmoles KNO3, 0,1 mmol NADH e 0,1 mL de Triton X-100 1% no volume final de 2,0 mL. A concentracao de nitrato foi levemente superior na parte aerea quando as plantas receberam ambas as formas de nitrogenio, e na raiz seta decresceu com o aumento da proporcao de aminio. A atividade in vitro de redutase do nitrato so foi observada nas folhas e foi maior quando as plantas receberam ambas as formas de nitrogenio. Os resultados sugerem um efeito estimulador do amonio no tranporte de nitrato e na atividade de redutase do nitrato quando NO3- esta presente.


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Prescott, Sarah, ''What Foes more dang'rous than too strong Allies?': Anglo-Welsh relations in eighteenth-century London', The Huntington Library Quarterly (2006) 69 (4) pp.535-554 RAE2008


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Prescott, S. (2005). The Cambrian Muse: Welsh Identity and Hanoverian Loyalty in the Poems of Jane Brereton (1685-1740). Eighteenth -Century Studies. 38(4), pp.587-603. RAE2008


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J. H. Macduff and A. K. Bakken. (2003). Diurnal variation in uptake and xylem contents of inorganic and assimilated N under continuous and interrupted N supply to Phleum pratense and Festuca pratensis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (381) pp.431-444 Sponsorship: BBSRC / Norwegian Crop Research Institute RAE2008


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Ian M. Scott, Shannon M. Clarke, Jacqueline E. Wood and Luis A.J. Mur (2004). Salicylate accumulation inhibits growth at chilling temperature in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 135(2), 1040-1049. RAE2008


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Francja i Niemcy przez stulecia walczyły o zdobycie władzy i przejęcie wpływów na kontynencie europejskim i traktowały siebie nawzajem jako największe zagrożenie. Jednak tragiczna pierwsza połowa XX wieku przyniosła z jednej strony pragnienie zapewnienia, iż okropności wojny już nigdy się nie powtórzą, a z drugiej strony poczucie, że nieodzowna jest zmiana dwustronnych stosunków panujących między Berlinem a Paryżem. Konieczność stworzenia przestrzeni wolności i współpracy doprowadziła niegdysiejszych wrogów do stworzenia idei integracji najważniejszych części gospodarki. Pomysł zjednoczenia krajów Europy Zachodniej przekształcił się w kolejnych latach w symbol zaangażowania francusko-niemieckiego. Dwie republiki stały się rdzeniem europejskiej współpracy i spiritus movens zmian politycznych, ekonomicznych i instytucjonalnych w powojennej Europie. Po upadku komunizmu w 1989 roku ich rola zyskała nowy wymiar w odmiennych warunkach geopolitycznych - od momentu podpisania Traktatu z Maastricht w 1992 roku francusko-niemiecki duet powiększył swe znaczenie i wpływ na politykę nowej Unii Europejskiej. Realizacja zapisów Traktatu z Maastricht i kolejnych dokumentów, w tym Traktatu z Lizbony, koncentracja na kwestiach reform instytucjonalnych, jak również przygotowania do wschodniego rozszerzenia UE mogą być rozpatrywane jedynie w odniesieniu do wspólnych działań prowadzonych przez nadreński tandem. Realizacja trzech filarów integracji: współpracy w wymiarze ekonomicznym i społecznym, wspólnej polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa, jak również współpracy policyjnej i sądowej w sprawach karnych, podkreślają znaczenie couple franco-allemand i zwracają uwagę na rolę lidera, jaką Paryż i Berlin odgrywają w dziedzinie integracji.


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Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych


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© 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.This study assesses the skill of advanced regional climate models (RCMs) in simulating southeastern United States (SE US) summer precipitation and explores the physical mechanisms responsible for the simulation skill at a process level. Analysis of the RCM output for the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program indicates that the RCM simulations of summer precipitation show the largest biases and a remarkable spread over the SE US compared to other regions in the contiguous US. The causes of such a spread are investigated by performing simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, a next-generation RCM developed by the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. The results show that the simulated biases in SE US summer precipitation are due mainly to the misrepresentation of the modeled North Atlantic subtropical high (NASH) western ridge. In the WRF simulations, the NASH western ridge shifts 7° northwestward when compared to that in the reanalysis ensemble, leading to a dry bias in the simulated summer precipitation according to the relationship between the NASH western ridge and summer precipitation over the southeast. Experiments utilizing the four dimensional data assimilation technique further suggest that the improved representation of the circulation patterns (i.e., wind fields) associated with the NASH western ridge substantially reduces the bias in the simulated SE US summer precipitation. Our analysis of circulation dynamics indicates that the NASH western ridge in the WRF simulations is significantly influenced by the simulated planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes over the Gulf of Mexico. Specifically, a decrease (increase) in the simulated PBL height tends to stabilize (destabilize) the lower troposphere over the Gulf of Mexico, and thus inhibits (favors) the onset and/or development of convection. Such changes in tropical convection induce a tropical–extratropical teleconnection pattern, which modulates the circulation along the NASH western ridge in the WRF simulations and contributes to the modeled precipitation biases over the SE US. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the NASH western ridge is an important factor responsible for the RCM skill in simulating SE US summer precipitation. Furthermore, the improvements in the PBL parameterizations for the Gulf of Mexico might help advance RCM skill in representing the NASH western ridge circulation and summer precipitation over the SE US.


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PURPOSE: It is unclear whether sociocultural and socioeconomic factors are directly linked to type 2 diabetes risk in overweight/obese ethnic minority children and adolescents. This study examines the relationships between sociocultural orientation, household social position, and type 2 diabetes risk in overweight/obese African-American (n = 43) and Latino-American (n = 113) children and adolescents. METHODS: Sociocultural orientation was assessed using the Acculturation, Habits, and Interests Multicultural Scale for Adolescents (AHIMSA) questionnaire. Household social position was calculated using the Hollingshead Two-Factor Index of Social Position. Insulin sensitivity (SI), acute insulin response (AIRG) and disposition index (DI) were derived from a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIGT). The relationships between AHIMSA subscales (i.e., integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization), household social position and FSIGT parameters were assessed using multiple linear regression. RESULTS: For African-Americans, integration (integrating their family's culture with those of mainstream white-American culture) was positively associated with AIRG (β = 0.27 ± 0.09, r = 0.48, P < 0.01) and DI (β = 0.28 ± 0.09, r = 0.55, P < 0.01). For Latino-Americans, household social position was inversely associated with AIRG (β = -0.010 ± 0.004, r = -0.19, P = 0.02) and DI (β = -20.44 ± 7.50, r = -0.27, P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Sociocultural orientation and household social position play distinct and opposing roles in shaping type 2 diabetes risk in African-American and Latino-American children and adolescents.


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*Hydraulic redistribution (HR) of water via roots from moist to drier portions of the soil occurs in many ecosystems, potentially influencing both water use and carbon assimilation. *By measuring soil water content, sap flow and eddy covariance, we investigated the temporal variability of HR in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation during months of normal and below-normal precipitation, and examined its effects on tree transpiration, ecosystem water use and carbon exchange. *The occurrence of HR was explained by courses of reverse flow through roots. As the drought progressed, HR maintained soil moisture above 0.15 cm(3) cm(-3) and increased transpiration by 30-50%. HR accounted for 15-25% of measured total site water depletion seasonally, peaking at 1.05 mm d(-1). The understory species depended on water redistributed by the deep-rooted overstory pine trees for their early summer water supply. Modeling carbon flux showed that in the absence of HR, gross ecosystem productivity and net ecosystem exchange could be reduced by 750 and 400 g C m(-2) yr(-1), respectively. *Hydraulic redistribution mitigated the effects of soil drying on understory and stand evapotranspiration and had important implications for net primary productivity by maintaining this whole ecosystem as a carbon sink.