800 resultados para Aspirations


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In a large metropolis, students from different neighbourhoods can experience very different life opportunities. This can influence their attitude towards schooling and learning, including the learning of mathematics. We interviewed a group of six students from a favela in a large city in the interior of the state of São Paulo in Brazil. We invited the students to look into their future and explore whether or not there could be learning motives that linked mathematics in school to possible out-of-school practices, either in terms of possible future jobs or further studies. We identified some themes in the students' descriptions of their experiences. The first theme is discrimination. The students feel discriminated against due to the fact that they come from a poor neighbourhood. They fear being trapped in some stereotypes. The second theme is escape. There is a strong motivation to begin a new life away from the favela. A third theme concerns the obscurity of mathematics. It seems clear to everybody that education is relevant to ensure a change in life. However, the mathematics lessons do not provide any clues regarding how mathematics might function is this respect. The fourth theme is uncertainty with respect to the future. The students could easily formulate almost unattainable aspirations, while reality might impose some very heavy limitations. In this article we introduce a theoretical framework for discussing the relation between favela students' life conditions in relation to their educational experiences and opportunities. Students' intentions for learning are related to their foregrounds, that is, how they perceive their future possibilities, as made evident to them by their social environment. Students in a favela could experience what we call a borderland position, a relational space where individuals meet their social environment and come to terms with the multiple choices that cultural and economic diversity make available to them.


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A foreground is formed through the possibilities, tendencies, propensities, obstructions, barriers, hindrances, et cetera, which his or her context provides for a person. Simultaneously, a foreground is formed through the person's interpretations of these possibilities, tendencies, propensities, obstructions, barriers, hindrances. A foreground is a fragmented, partial, and inconsistent constellation of bits and pieces of aspirations, hopes, and frustrations. It might be both promising and frightening; it is always being rebuilt and restructured. Foregrounds are multiple as one person might see very different possibilities; at the same time they are collective and established through processes of communication. In this article educational meaning is discussed in terms of relationships between the students' foregrounds and activities in the classroom. I illustrate how students' dreams might be kept in cages, and how this has implications for how they engage or do not engage in learning processes. I investigate how a foreground might be ruined, and in what sense a ruined foreground might turn into a learning obstacle. Finally, I discuss processes of inclusion and exclusion with reference to the notion of foreground. © 2012. The Authors.


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Goal Programming (GP) is an important analytical approach devised to solve many realworld problems. The first GP model is known as Weighted Goal Programming (WGP). However, Multi-Choice Aspirations Level (MCAL) problems cannot be solved by current GP techniques. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Choice Mixed Integer Goal Programming model (MCMI-GP) for the aggregate production planning of a Brazilian sugar and ethanol milling company. The MC-MIGP model was based on traditional selection and process methods for the design of lots, representing the production system of sugar, alcohol, molasses and derivatives. The research covers decisions on the agricultural and cutting stages, sugarcane loading and transportation by suppliers and, especially, energy cogeneration decisions; that is, the choice of production process, including storage stages and distribution. The MCMIGP allows decision-makers to set multiple aspiration levels for their problems in which the more/higher, the better and the less/lower, the better in the aspiration levels are addressed. An application of the proposed model for real problems in a Brazilian sugar and ethanol mill was conducted; producing interesting results that are herein reported and commented upon. Also, it was made a comparison between MCMI GP and WGP models using these real cases. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar a possibilidade da utilização de fêmeas zebuínas de elevada qualidade genética, com problemas de fertilidade, adquiridos após um programa de transferência convencional de embriões, como doadoras de ovócitos em um programa de Ovum Pick Up e Produção In Vitro de embriões. Fêmeas da raça Nelore (n=16) (Bos taurus indicus), com idade média de 11 anos e 7 meses, foram submetidas às mesmas condições de ambiente, alimentação e manejo. Estes animais foram retirados do programa de T.E. por apresentarem problemas de fertilidade (cistos ovarianos, infecções genitais, mucometra e alguns casos de repetições de cio sem causa aparente). Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos conforme o tipo de patologia: GRUPO I (n=08) composto por animais que apresentaram patologias ovarianas (cistos) e GRUPO II (n=08) formado por animais com patologias extra ovarianas, ambos os grupos foram submetidos à aspiração folicular (OPU) utilizando dois tipos de agulhas (21G ; 19G ) e pressões (55 e 70mmHg) divididos em quatro tratamentos (T1 = 55/21G; T2 = 55/19G; T3 = 70/21G e T4 = 70/19G), posteriormente os ovócitos submeteramse a PIV. Foram realizadas 149 aspirações e colhidos 879 ovócitos (5,9 4,88) onde GRAU I = 16%; GRAU II = 43%; GRAU III = 21% e GRAU IV = 20%. As médias de ovócitos colhidos no GRUPO I foram (T1 = 7,06 5,10; T2= 7,00 3,64; T3 = 10,60 6,51 e T4 = 2,78 2,59) para os animais pertencentes ao GRUPO II obteve-se (T1= 4,90 4,47; T2= 2,93 3,05; T3 = 6,11 4,11 e T4 = 2,70 2,00). Para as médiasde ovócitos viáveis os resultados foram os seguintes: (T1 = 4,35 3,01; T2 = 4,88 2,96; T3 = 6,87 3,91 e T4 = 1,89 1,90) para o GRUPO I e (T1 = 2,70 2,22; T2 =1,92 1,98; T3 = 3,47 2,27 e T4 = 2,00 1,05) para o GRUPO II. Neste experimento foram levados à PIV 538 ovócitos dos quais 161 (32,85%) clivaram e 65 (13,26%) resultaram em Mórula ou Blastocistos. A análise estatística dos resultados não demonstrou diferença significativa entre os grupos quanto a colheita ovocitária. Quando analisada somente a pressão de sucção, foi observado que o tipo de agulha está diretamente relacionado a pressão da bomba de vácuo. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o tratamento T3 = 70/21G, além disso pode-se observar que as melhores médias de ovócitos colhidos foram as obtidas no grupo de animais que apresentaram cistos ovarianos (GRUPO I). Desta forma, concluímos neste experimento que a utilização da técnica de OPU/PIV é uma alternativa de grande utilidade no prolongamento da vida reprodutiva de animais zebuínos com alterações na fertilidade.