1000 resultados para Arte Estudo e ensino
Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR
The education research guidelines have shown the important contribution of the investigations that focus on analysis of the discursive dimension of teaching and learning of Science in actual classroom. An interesting proposal to analyze the effectiveness of an educational activity is to assess the potential of investigative activities in the development of argumentation in science classes. Several studies have taken into account the use of argument in the classroom as a way to provide students with new ways to know the science. Argument refers to the process of associating components that play a central role in the construction of explanations, models and theories. In order to investigate the potential of these activities took place the application of investigative activities with third-year high school students, recorded in audio and video, focusing on the development of the argument. The search, conducted ranks as a qualitative research with characteristics of a case study. The arguments collected during the activities contained the students' conceptions about the concepts discussed and all were recorded in audio and video. With the encouragement of the argument by the investigative activity we evaluate the learning experienced by the speech of students. It may be noted that students have appropriated the concept of oxidation involving electron transfer, thus the activity reached the goal, so that was planned, making it effective for the introduction of electrochemical concepts
Teaching cases are records, through written narratives, of an academic episode or incident, they appear in educational scenery as a rich strategy not only for the teacher's conformation but also for their investigation. The bibliography shows that young students are still not very much investigated and it contributes to the establishment of negative images of this social subject. In this sense, the objective of this work is to analyze the stories and episodes, called teaching cases, in narrative style, written by students from High School about their physical education classes. The participants of this study are High School students from two public schools from two cities in the countryside of So Paulo state. The researcher stayed in the schools for nine months and in this meantime she made contact with the students, asking, for the ones who showed interest, the construction of teaching cases. For this interested students, the researcher explained researcher explained what teaching cases are, as well as, she presented a template to guide them in the production. At the end of this process, twenty teaching cases were delivered to the researcher. They were analyzed under the qualitative approach, valuing the expressive wealth in the narratives, complemented by the interviews with the authors. Inset the mosaic of narratives and interviews, showing a variety of experiences and possibilities of distance and approximation of the students to the physical education classes, we can indicate that from the 20 cases, only one was set as a total distance from the physical education classes (this is the student's situation since she was in the second grade from elementary school). Mentioning the positive experiences and the approximation to the physical education classes, the association of teaching cases and interviews showed that seven students lived the context and until today present an affective proximity to the classes. These evidences can help...
O atual cenrio do ensino da Educao Fsica no Brasil caracteriza-se como um complexo campo de conflitos, no qual emergem e embrenham-se diferentes proposies terico-metodolgicas, originadas desde meados da dcada de 1980 no processo histrico de emancipao, superao e ressignificao da Educao Fsica. Tais concepes, em contraposio ao criticado e tradicional ensino tcnico-esportivista, prope que na escola os contedos abordados deveriam propiciar a apropriao crtica e autnoma das diversas manifestaes da Cultura de Movimento. Sendo assim, cabe analisar como os professores, autores e no meros aplicadores, lidam com mudanas curriculares. primordial analisar criticamente as prticas pedaggicas dos professores que vivenciam e implementam tais mudanas curriculares. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar como se caracteriza a relao saberes docentes-ensino de lutas entre professores da rede pblica estadual de So Paulo, no cenrio de implementao do currculo oficial de Educao Fsica. Foi realizado um estudo de natureza qualitativa; os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores e professoras atuantes na rede pblica. Os resultados evidenciaram que o dficit na formao inicial dos professores, contribuiu para o trato pedaggico superficial do contedo lutas em suas aulas. Com isso, dificultando o desenvolvimento do conhecimento pedaggico do contedo dos docentes, que atribuem sua principal fonte de conhecimentos sobre o tema a recortes oriundos da influncia miditica e da proposio de atividades a partir do Currculo de Educao Fsica do Estado de So Paulo. Percebemos aqui, a importncia da construo do conhecimento pedaggico do contedo, para o desenvolvimento da base de conhecimentos do educador. Acreditamos, conforme Shulman, que de suma importncia que o professor/a domine uma base de...
Como objetivo de pesquisa esta monografia buscou coletar dados descritivos que permitissem esclarecer as possibilidades educativas para o ensino de qumica em uma abordagem contextual utilizando histria e filosofia da qumica e da cincia. Esta monografia trata de uma interveno feita dentro do cronograma de aulas de uma escola pblica de Bauru, em que se buscou levar informaes que possibilitassem uma abertura na perspectiva de vida de alunos que estudam e/ou vivem em meio a violncia social e domstica. A interveno consistiu no estudo da histria da descoberta da radioatividade, ensinada atravs da biografia de Marie Curie, a mulher que denominou o fenmeno dos raios invisveis de radioatividade, em sua tese de doutorado. Ela tambm descobriu, por meio da mesma pesquisa que fundamentou a referida tese, dois elementos radioativos, o polnio e o rdio. Para o planejamento da pesquisa e a anlise dos dados se utilizou a metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, com enfoque na pesquisa-ao e tcnicas de anlise de contedo. Para a aplicao dessa aula foi elaborada uma atividade envolvendo histria da qumica e das cincias naturais dentro de uma atividade de leitura. Utilizou-se o livro GNIO OBSESSIVO: O MUNDO INTERIOR DE MARIE CURIE de Brbara Goldsmith como base para os textos utilizados em aula. Foi utilizado o livro MARIE CURIE E A BUSCA PELO RDIO de Beverly Birch, como fonte de ilustraes. Essas ilustraes, assim como outras imagens extradas da internet, foram utilizadas para relacionar os fatos ocorridos durante a pesquisa de Marie, realizada com o auxlio do marido Pierre Curie, que era professor e pesquisador em fsica e trabalhava com fenmenos relacionados a piezeletricidade, entre outros fenmenos eletromagnticos. A aula consistiu na aplicao de um questionrio inicial para averiguar as idias prvias que os alunos apresentavam sobre a radioatividade e o contexto...
Athletics in most of its history, turned to competition, giving it little pedagogical knowledge, prevailing knowledge grounded in records, indexes and competitions. Thus, although it is considered a classic content of Physical Education, this modality is still not widespread in schools. The present study aimed to investigate possible progress in the teaching and learning of athletics in the State Schools of Bauru from the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of So Paulo for Teaching Physical Education. We attempted to checking the perspective of teachers and students, the changes in teaching and learning as well as difficulties encountered from the deployment. To that end, we conducted survey of the theoretical and practical alternatives developed by Physical Education teachers, about athletics theme, since the implementation of the Curriculum of the State of So Paulo for the Teaching of Physical Education in 2008, in seven (7) state schools in Bauru-Sao Paulo, randomly chosen, prioritizing different regions of the county. There was the purpose of investigating, through questionnaires, interviews (applied to teachers and students), what progress has been achieved with regard to the approach of collegiate athletics in the teaching/learning process, if there are difficulties, what are these and how they could be addressed in order to improve teaching and learning in school athletics. The collected data were analyzed comparatively, before and after implementation of the Curriculum of the State of So Paulo for Physical Education, gathering and specifying negative and/or positive aspects raised by teachers and students. It was concluded that the students' knowledge of the sport has increased, but the practice of sport is still far from being normal to them, doing so is necessary to include content from the earliest school years. Teachers attribute the greatest difficulties to lack of infrastructure and materials suitable for this...
Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC
Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC
Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC
Ps-graduao em Educao - FCT
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Ps-graduao em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Ps-graduao em Engenharia Mecnica - FEG
Ps-graduao em Geografia - FCT