992 resultados para Areia - Minas e mineração


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A Teoria dos Ciclos Político-Econômicos relata que os políticos influenciam o comportamento da economia por meio de manipulações das variáveis econômicas e de instrumentos políticos, visando à maximização de votos, por saberem que a situação econômica incide sobre as decisões eleitorais. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar se existem evidências de ciclos políticos no Brasil, no período de 2002 a 2010. Para isso, procederam-se análises gráficas da evolução do saldo orçamentário dos estados de São Paulo e de Minas Gerais desta época. Os resultados apontaram que em alguns períodos estes ciclos ainda estão presentes, embora eles tendam a desaparecer devido à implantação da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal de 2000, a qual objetiva um maior controle das contas públicas


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With the increase of stakeholders and consequently increase of amount of nancial transaction the study of news investment strategies in the stock market with data mining techniques has been the target of important researches. It allows that great historical data base to be processed and analysed looking for pattern that can be used to take a decision in investments. With the idea of getting pro t more than the real indexs' gain, we propose a strategy method of transactions using rules built by algorithm classi cation. For that, diary historical data of Ibovespa index and Petrobras stocks are organized and processed to nding the most important attribute that act decisively when taking a investment decision.To test the accuracy of proposed rules, a non real portfolio management is created, showing the decisions' performance over the real index and stocks' performance. Following the proposed rules, the results show that the strategy of investment give me back a high return that Stock market's return. The exclusive characteristics of algorithms maximize the gain inside the analysed time allowing to determine the techniques' return and the number of the days necessary to double the initial investment. The best classi er applied on the time series and its use on the propose investments strategy will demand 104 days to double the initial capital


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This paper concerns about the durability of new material in construction. It is noteworthy the fact that increases increasingly searching for alternative materials that do not depend only of natural resources and at the same time be an alternative for reuse of industrial waste. Since the construction materials have a long life and a high cost of civil works and maintenance, it is crucial to estimate the behavior of a new product. Thus , this work discuss the durability of mixed mortar lining , made with waste from the process Kraft pulp production , known as dregs and grits , in partial replacement of sand. Tests were conducted to simulate conditions as adverse environments of constant heat and fire, with the aim of analyzing the behavior of mortar mixed matched the behavior of standard mortar


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We are included in a society where the use of the Internet became very important to our everyday life. The relationships nowadays usually happen through technological devices instead of face to face contact, for instance, Internet forums where people can discuss online. However, the global analysis is a big challenge, due to the large amount of data. This work investigates the use of visual representations to support an exploratory analysis of contents in messages from discussions forums. This analysis considers the thematic and the chronology. The target forums refer to the educational area and the analysis happens manually, i.e. by direct reading message-by-message. The proprieties of perception and cognition of the human visual system allow a person the capacity to conduct high-level tasks in information extraction from a graphical or visual representation of data. Therefore, this work was based on Visual Analytics, an area that aims create techniques that amplify these human abilities. For that reason we used software that creates a visualization of data from a forum. This software allows a forum content analysis. But, during the work, we identified the necessity to create a new tool to clean the data, because the data had a lot of unnecessary information. After cleaning the data we created a new visualization and held an analysis seeking a new knowledge. In the end we compared the new visualization with the manual analysis that had been made. Analyzing the results, it was evident the potential of visualization use, it provides a better correlation between the information, enabling the acquisition of new knowledge that was not identified in the initial analysis, providing a better use of the forum content


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The yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is the etiologic agent of cryptococcosis, an infectious cosmopolitan disease that affects humans. Although rare, this disease is potentially fatal, especially for immunocompromised hosts. This pathogen is frequently isolated from excrements of pigeons and parrots, with many environmental sources such as birds, pigeon droppings, eucalyptus leaves, decaying trees, towers, churches and places of storage of grain (the port area). The isolation of this microorganism has been obtained also from the aquatic environment. The identification of environmental sources is needed to protect human health, especially susceptible populations such as immunocompromised. Therefore, this study investigated the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans in yeast isolates obtained from samples of sea water and sand from three regions of São Paulo: São Sebastião Channel, Santos and Ubatuba. Isolates were analyzed according to micro-and macroscopic characteristics and biochemical tests: microculture, urease, ink nankin, auxanograma, zymogram and phenol. We analyzed 199 isolates, 175 of which had features suggestive for Cryptococcus spp. in microculture. All these 175 isolates were sown in the Christensen urea middle to verify the production of urease and submitted to the technique nankin ink to visualize the capsule. Of these, only 24 were selected for the next test that was the auxanograma (assimilation of carbohydrate and nitrogen). Of the 24, 10 were tested in zymograms (fermented sugar), from which 5 were selected for the phenoloxidase test in medium containing dopamine. None of the 5 isolates tested had black or brown color characteristic of Cryptococcus neoformans. According to these tests, we arrived at 5 isolates identified to the genus Cryptococcus, but not the neoformans specie


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The environmental diagnosis of any area affected for mining activities contributes in a positive form for the analysis of the characteristics of the environment, biological and social, thus being able to establish control parameters. The clay extration for red ceramics promotes the environment degradation as any another one cultivates of mineral goods, but in lesser scale, which had to the dimensions of potteries. Being thus, some decurrent environment characteristics of the clay extration had been inquired clearly used for potteries located in the city of Rio Claro, SP. For this, the followed method was the cadastre of these areas and potteries in created tables, searching, with this, the contribution for the involved people in the extract activity of related potteries and the facilitation in the visualization of the main problems, necessities and proposals for each one. It could be perceived that the environmental diagnosis of the areas had in common presented referring points to the places where if they find the activities. The same ones are located in the region the northwest of Rio Claro and well next one to the others. Moreover, they have in common, referring characteristics to the process of manufacture of bricks. In common, all the responsibility for the administration and course of the activities competes to the proper families, since the administrative part, even though to the process of manufacture of the bricks. Moreover, from the comment of the areas through field work, the prominent use of diverse areas in the region for the clay extration is noticed, making with that the region has great importance in the regional scene.


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The mining of sand, currently, is essential for urban growth, by providing input for the building industry. The consequences of this mining activity to environmental triggers may be severe and irreversible. Among the major impacts caused by sand mining the riparian vegetation removal is detached. The riparian vegetation is essential for balance and maintaining the local ecosystem. For all that had been shown, is possible to verify the importance of environmental studies in areas wich there are mining. This study aimed specially to assess environmental impacts triggered by a mining, located near the headwaters of the stream Mandu, situated in Ajapi, District of Rio Claro-SP. For this purpose, we used remote sensing techniques and GIS to produce thematic maps of slope, pedology, geology, land use and occupation of the soil, and riparian vegetation, using the capabilities of GIS / ArcGIS. The slope map was based on data from the Cartographic IGC 1979, scale 1:10,000. For the production of pedological and geological maps were used Semi-Detailed soil survey of the state of São Paulo, 1981 (1:100,000) and the Geological Map of Zaine (1994), scale 1:50,000, respectively. Since the maps of Use and Land Occupation and Riparian Forest were obtained by visual interpretation of the image of CBERS 2010 following the merger between the HRC and CCD images. From these mappings, and through multi-criteria analysis, map of susceptibility to erosion was made, which supported the environmental assessment of the studied area, indicating susceptible and unsuitable areas for the deployment of economic activities and urban sprawl. This study serves as a model can be replicated in other watersheds, assisting in the proper use planning and land use, aiming at the rational use of natural resources


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Fresh cheeses such as Minas frescal and ricotta are excellent means for undesirable microorganisms to thrive, damaging quality and wholesomeness of these products. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the contaminating microorganisms in the processing line of fresh cheese, namely Minas frescal and ricotta, of a dairy plant nestled in the city of São José do Rio Preto-SP. The analyses were carried out with the following steps: water, pasteurized milk, curd, mass, whey, palmar surface and coagulation tank, and cheeses with zero and five days of shelf life. Such steps were monitored by determining the MLN of total coliforms and thermotolerants; counting of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus and mesophilic aerobic bacteria; search of Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. Twelve samples were evaluated in each step. Among the water samples, three are provided with higher values than the ones recommended in terms of mesophilic aerobic bacteria. Three milk samples did not comply with thermotolerant coliforms. The mass samples, curd and whey showed a decrease in the counting for all microorganisms. Both palm surface and coagulation tank showed low counting for all bioindicators. All milk samples showed compliance regarding phosphatase/peroxidase.


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In order to assure the maintenance of foods integrity and quality, for avoiding chemical, physical or biological contamination, it is essential to follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Among the techniques used for evaluating GMP there is the observational analysis carried out by means of a check-list form application. The present study evaluated the suitability of GMP in a dairy industry producer of Minas fresh and ricotta cheeses, located in São José do Rio Preto, SP, by applying a check-list form. A significant improvement in conformity was evidenced, increasing from 43% to 78%. Neither the blocks related to the handlers nor the existing documentation in the company showed any improvements, as poor conditions unchanged. All of the other evaluated blocks showed significant improvement after applying the GMPrelated corrective measures. Based on these findings, the observance of corrective measures by the dairy industry on dairy products, physical environment, GMP, and handlers training was crucial for assuring the improvements and to increase the product quality and consumers safety.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)