979 resultados para Antigenic typing


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An outbreak of infections affecting 311 patients who had undergone different invasive procedures occurred in 2004 and 2005 in the city of Belem, in the northern region of Brazil. Sixty-seven isolates were studied; 58 were from patients who had undergone laparoscopic surgeries, 1 was from a patient with a postinjection abscess, and 8 were from patients who had undergone mesotherapy. All isolates were rapidly growing nonpigmented mycobacteria and presented a pattern by PCR-restriction enzyme analysis of the hsp65 gene with BstEII of bands of 235 and 210 bp and with HaeIII of bands of 200, 70, 60, and 50 bp, which is common to Mycobacterium abscessus type 2, Mycobacterium bolletii, and Mycobacterium massiliense. hsp65 and. rpoB gene sequencing of a subset of 20 isolates was used to discriminate between these three species. hsp65 and rpoB sequences chosen at random from 11 of the 58 isolates from surgical patients and the postinjection abscess isolate presented the highest degrees of similarity with the corresponding sequences of M. massiliense. In the same way, the eight mesotherapy isolates were identified as M. bolletii. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) grouped all 58 surgical isolates, while the mesotherapy isolates presented three different PFGE patterns and the postinjection abscess isolate showed a unique PFGE pattern. In conclusion, molecular techniques for identification and typing were essential for the discrimination of two concomitant outbreaks and one case, the postinjection abscess, not related to either outbreak all of which were originally attributed to a single strain of M. abscessus.


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The majority of individuals in the chronic phase of Chagas disease are asymptomatic (indeterminate form, IF). Each year, similar to 3% of them develop lesions in the heart or gastrointestinal tract. Cardiomyopathy (CCHD) is the most severe manifestation of Chagas disease. The factors that determine the outcome of the infection are unknown, but certainly depend on complex interactions amongst the genetic make-up of the parasite, the host immunogenetic background and environment. In a previous study we verified that the maxicircle gene NADH dehydrogenase (mitochondrial complex 1) subunit 7 (ND7) from IF isolates had a 455 bp deletion compared with the wild type (WT) ND7 gene from CCHD strains. We proposed that ND7 could constitute a valuable target for PCR assays in the differential diagnosis of the infective strain. In the present study we evaluated this hypothesis by examination of ND7 structure in parasites from 75 patients with defined pathologies, from Southeast Brazil. We also analysed the structure of additional mitochondrial genes (ND4/CR4, COIII and COII) since the maxicircle is used for clustering Trypanosoma cruzi strains into three clades/haplogroups. We conclude that maxicircle genes do not discriminate parasite populations which induce IF or CCHD forms. Interestingly, the great majority of the analysed isolates belong to T cruzi 11 (discrete typing unit, (DTU) IIb) genotype. This scenario is at variance with the prevalence of hybrid (DTU IId) human isolates in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The distribution of WT and deleted ND7 and ND4 genes in T cruzi strains suggests that mutations in the two genes occurred in different ancestrals in the T cruzi 11 cluster, allowing the identification of at least three mitochondrial sub-lineages within this group. The observation that T. cruzi strains accumulate mutations in several genes coding for complex I subunits favours the hypothesis that complex I may have a limited activity in this parasite. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Trypanosoma cruzi is highly diverse genetically and has been partitioned into six discrete typing units (DTUs), recently re-named T. cruzi I-VI. Although T. cruzi reproduces predominantly by binary division, accumulating evidence indicates that particular DTUs are the result of hybridization events. Two major scenarios for the origin of the hybrid lineages have been proposed. It is accepted widely that the most heterozygous TcV and TcVI DTUs are the result of genetic exchange between TcII and TcIII strains. On the other hand, the participation of a TcI parental in the current genome structure of these hybrid strains is a matter of debate. Here, sequences of the T. cruzi-specific 195-bp satellite DNA of TcI, TcII, Tat, TcV, and TcVI strains have been used for inferring network genealogies. The resulting genealogy showed a high degree of reticulation, which is consistent with more than one event of hybridization between the Tc DTUs. The data also strongly suggest that Tat is a hybrid with two distinct sets of satellite sequences, and that genetic exchange between TcI and TcII parentals occurred within the pedigree of the TcV and TcVI DTUs. Although satellite DNAs belong to the fast-evolving portion of eukaryotic genomes, in >100 satellite units of nine T. cruzi strains we found regions that display 100% identity. No DTU-specific consensus motifs were identified, inferring species-wide conservation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study was conducted to examine factors associated with blaming the target of sexual harassment. Participants' experiences of sexual harassment, sexist attitudes, gender, gender role identity, age, worker or student status, and belief in a just world were included as independent variables. Level of blame was evaluated using a series of 12 vignettes that manipulated the gender of the target and harasser as well as the seriousness of the harassing behavior. The sample comprised 30 female and 32 male workers from two workplaces, whose ages ranged from 18 to 65 (M = 35) years, and 102 female and 18 male university students whose ages ranged from 17 to 40 (M = 21) years. Approximately 70% of the sample were from Anglo Australian background, and 30% from European, Middle Eastern or Asian background. Females experienced more sexual harassment than males did, although the male rate was higher than expected. Although the majority of subjects attributed little blame to the target, males blamed the target of sexual harassment more than females did, and workers blamed the target of harassment more than university students did. Worker status, sexist attitudes, and gender significantly predicted blame for the total sample. Gender-typing increased the blame of the target by males but not by females. Attribution of blame was significantly influenced by worker versus student status, which supports the social psychological perspective that gender-related behavior is context dependent. The findings from this study suggest that organisational culture and environment influence respondents' attitudes to sexually harassing behavior.


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Objective : To describe time adolescents spend using electronic media (television, computer, video games, and telephone); and to examine associations between self-reported health/well-being and daily time spent using electronic media overall and each type of electronic media.

Methods :
Design–Cross-sectional data from the third (2005) wave of the Health of Young Victorians Study, an Australian school-based population study. Outcome Measures–Global health, health-related quality of life (HRQoL; KIDSCREEN), health status (Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0; PedsQL), depression/anxiety (Kessler-10), and behavior problems (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire). Exposure Measures–Duration of electronic media use averaged over 1 to 4 days recalled with the Multimedia Activity Recall for Children and Adolescents (MARCA) computerized time-use diary. Analysis–Linear and logistic regression; adjusted for demographic variables and body mass index z score.

Results :
A total of 925 adolescents (mean ± standard deviation age, 16.1 ± 1.2 years) spent, on average, 3 hours 16 minutes per day using electronic media (television, 128 minutes per day; video games, 35; computers, 19; telephone, 13). High overall electronic media use was associated with poorer behavior, health status, and HRQoL. Associations with duration of specific media exposures were mixed; there was a favorable association between computer use (typing/Internet) and psychological distress, whereas high video game use was associated with poorer health status, HRQoL, global health, and depression/anxiety. Television and telephone durations were not associated with any outcome measure.

Conclusions :
Despite television's associations with obesity, time spent in other forms of media use appear more strongly related to adolescent health and well-being. This study supports efforts to reduce high video game use and further exploration of the role of computers in health enhancement.


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A sustained increase in Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow notifications in South Eastern Australia between September 1997 and May 1998 instigated a case-control study and environmental investigations. Cases were defined as having locally acquired culture-confirmed S. Virchow phage-type 8 infection and diarrhoeal disease. Matched controls were selected by progressive digit dialling based on cases telephone numbers. An exposure and food history questionnaire was administered by telephone. Phage typing and pulse field gel electrophoresis were performed on case and environmental isolates. Thirty-two notifications of S. Virchow infection met the case definition, 37% reported bloody diarrhoea and S. Virchow was isolated from blood in 13% of cases. Twelve patients were admitted to hospital and one died. Fresh garlic (OR 4·1, 95% CI 1·3-12·8) and semi-dried tomatoes (OR 12·6, 95% CI 1·5-103·1) were associated with these cases. The associations remained significant after adjusting for sex and age. S. Virchow (PT 8) was cultured from two brands of semi-dried tomatoes associated with cases in two different states. We provide sufficient evidence for semi-dried tomatoes and fresh garlic to be considered as potential risk foods in future Salmonella outbreak investigations.


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Monoclonal antibodies were developed against pathogenic vibrios for use in rapid identification in disease situations of humans, fish and shellfish. Of the 12 fusions performed using V. alginolyticus, V. anguillarum, V. carchariae, V. cholerae, V. damsela, V. furnissii, V. harveyi, V. ordalii, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus, a total of 102 hybridomas were obtained. Based on cross-reactivity of a wide range of Vibrio strains and other gram-negative bacteria, three broad types of monoclonal antibodies were found. The three categories were: (1) ones that were species-specific or specific to a particular surface antigen, (2) a large number that reacted with several Vibrio species, and (3) three that reacted with most Vibrio strains but no other gram-negative bacteria. Each species-specific monoclonal antibody only recognized its corresponding Vibrio species and was used for identifying unknown species, confirming diagnosis of clinical isolates. In addition, several monoclonal antibodies only cross-reacted with similar Vibrio species, e.g. V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus which share a common H-antigen. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with several Vibrio species were not of particular use in diagnostic situations. Three monoclonal antibodies of the last group did not react with other genera of the family Vibrionaceae, namely Aeromonas, Photobacterium and Plesiomonas nor a wide range of gram-negative enteric bacteria. These data indicated the existence of an antigenic surface determinant common to Vibrio species. One monoclonal reacted with the heat-stable antigenic determinants on the cell surface as v as lipopolysaccharide extracted from all the vibrios studied, thus making it useful for large- scale screening of acute infections of vibrios. In a blind test, seven Vibrio species, isolated from 6 marine and a freshwater source were identified by two laboratories using phenetic tests. Results of immunotyping using monoclonals, three of seven were diagnosed as the same species, another three were designated as Vibrio species but could not be classified further due to the library not having the corresponding monoclonal, and one was diagnostically questionable. Two further tests were carried out. An unknown Vibrio formalin-fixed isolated from diseased marine animal was identified as V. parahaemolyticus by ELISA and FITC. Clinical human isolates of V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus were confirmed by monoclonals. Australian isolates of V. anguillarum appeared to be mostly of serotype O1. monoclonals raised to V. anguillarum AFHRL 1 reacted with only serotype O1 from Denmark but also most Australian isolates. All vibrios pathogenic to fish and shellfish, i.e. V. anguillarum, V. ordalii, V. alginolyticus, V. carchariae, V. cholerae, V. damsela, V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus, were used for attachment studies to fish cells using phase contrast and FITC-immunofluorescence microscopy. Of these vibrios, V. anguillarum, V. ordalii and V. perahaemolyticus, were found to adhere to different cells and tissues of rainbow trout while others did not appear to attach. However, attachment was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies specific to only these three vibrios. Lipopolysaccharide is well known as being a contributing factor in pathogenicity of gram-negative bacteria. PAGE electrophoresis of extracted LPS from 9 strains covering 6 Vibrio species showed the presence of a common 15,000 D fragment. This fragment was verified by immunoblotting with a genus-specific monoclonal antibody (i.e. F11P411F) recognizing nearly all vibrios. The common LPS fragment was separated and used to raise polyclonal antisera in mouse which reacted strongly with LPS itself, live as well as sodium azide-killed vibrios, but not with other gram-negative bacteria. This raised the possibility of developing vaccine from Vibrio LPS. Monoclonal antibodies developed in the present study enabled rapid identification of a number of pathogenic Vibrio species. There is still further work to produce monoclonal antibodies against additional vibrios that are probably pathogenic. These included V. fluvialis, V. hollisae, V. metschnikovii, V. minicus, V. salmonella and V. tubiashii. Together the application will be of significance in clinical diagnostic work, in the monitoring of vibriosis in fish farms and in quarantine.


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Seasonal influenza virus infection is a leading cause of illness and mortality in young children and the elderly each year. Current influenza vaccines generate protective antibody responses; however, these must be given annually to provide protection against serologically distinct viruses. By contrast, CD8.sup.+ T cells are capable of recognizing conserved antigenic determinants within the influenza virion and, as such, may provide protection against a number of variant strains of the virus. CD8.sup.+ T cells play a critical key role in controlling and resolving influenza virus infections via the production of cytokines and cytolytic mediators. This article focuses on the induction of the influenza-specific CD8.sup.+ T-cell response and how these cells acquire and maintain effector function after induction. Moreover, we discuss how cytotoxic T-lymphocyte function correlates with protection following vaccination.


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A central obstacle to the design of a global HIV vaccine is viral diversity. Antigenic differences in envelope proteins result in distinct HIV serotypes, operationally defined such that antibodies raised against envelope molecules from one serotype will not bind envelope molecules from a different serotype. The existence of serotypes has presented a similar challenge to vaccine development against other pathogens. In such cases, antigenic diversity has been addressed by vaccine design. For example, the poliovirus vaccine includes three serotypes of poliovirus, and Pneumovax® presents a cocktail of 23 pneumococcal variants to the immune system. It is likely that a successful vaccine for HIV must also comprise a cocktail of antigens. Here, data relevant to the development of cocktail vaccines, designed to harness diverse, envelope-specific Bcell and T-cell responses, are reviewed.


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Despite decades of work, an effective HIV vaccine remains elusive. In an effort to elicit protective immunity, investigators have sought to define vaccines able to elicit durable HIV-specific B-cell and T-cell activities. Additionally, vaccines are sought which can induce antibodies of a variety of isotypes, as each isotype possesses unique attributes in terms of opsonization, Fc receptor binding capacity, complement fixation and location. One prominent new vaccine strategy, applied to numerous distinct antigenic systems is the prime boost-regimen, with DNA, vaccinia virus (VV), and/or purified recombinant protein. To examine the durability, location and isotype distribution of responses induced by prime-boost regimens, we tested successive immunizations with DNA, VV and protein (D-V-P), comparing three forms of protein inoculations: (i) purified protein administered intramuscularly with complete Freunds adjuvant, (ii) purified protein administered intranasally, and (iii) purified protein conjugated to oxidized mannan, administered intranasally. We found that all three protocols elicited serum antibodies of multiple isotypes, with serum IgA being most prominent among mice immunized with mannan-conjugated protein. All D-V-P protocols, regardless of protein form or route, also elicited antibody responses at mucosal surfaces. In bronchoalveolar lavage, a tendency toward IgA production was again most prominent in mice boosted with the protein–mannan conjugate. Both B-cell and T-cell responses were sustained for more than 1 year post-immunization following each form of vaccination. Contemporaneous with long-lasting serum and mucosal antibodies were antibody forming cells in the bone marrow of primed animals. Results highlight the D-V-P vaccination strategy as a promising approach for attaining durable, multi-isotype B-cell and T-cell activities toward HIV.


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A central obstacle to the design of a global HIV vaccine is viral diversity. Antigenic differences in envelope proteins result in distinct HIV serotypes, operationally defined such that antibodies raised against envelope from one serotype will not bind envelope molecules from a different serotype. The existence of serotypes has presented a similar challenge to vaccine development against other pathogens. In such cases, antigenic diversity has been addressed by vaccine design: for example, the poliovirus vaccine includes 3 serotypes of poliovirus, and Pneumovax® presents a cocktail of 23 pneumococcal variants to the immune system. It is likely that a successful vaccine for HIV must also comprise a cocktail of antigens. Here, data relevant to the development of cocktail vaccines, designed to harness diverse, envelope-specific B-cell and T-cell responses, are reviewed.


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Sialic acids (SA) usually linked to galactose (Gal) in an α2,6- or α2,3-configuration are considered the main cell receptors for influenza viruses, in particular for their hemagglutinins (HA). The typing of influenza virus HA receptor selectivity is relevant for understanding the transmissibility of avian and swine viruses to the human population. In this study we developed a simple and inexpensive gel-capture assay (GCA) of the influenza virus HA receptor-binding selectivity. Its principle is the binding of soluble influenza virus to pentasaccharide analogs, representatives of receptors of human and avian influenza viruses, immobilized on a gel resin. The human and avian analogs consisted of a sialyllactose-N-tetraose c (LSTc) [Neu5Ac(α2,6)Gal(β1-3)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc] and a sialyllactose-N-tetraose a (LSTa) [Neu5Ac(α2,3)Gal(β1-3)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc], respectively. Following equilibration, the unbound virus is washed away and the bound one is assayed via HA by densitometry as a function of the analog concentration. Using GCA, the receptor selectivity of three influenza viruses of different HA subtype was investigated. The results showed that the egg-adapted A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) virus exhibited an avian α2,3-linked LSTa selectivity, however, it retained the ability to bind to the α2,6-linked LSTc human receptor analog. Influenza B virus B/Florida/4/2006 showed α2,6-linked LSTc selectivity and a poor α2,3-linked LSTa avidity. The H3N2 virus A/Wisconsin/15/2009 displayed almost comparable avidity for both receptor analogs with a marginally greater α2,3-linked LSTa avidity. The described assay protocol provides a simple and rapid method for the characterization of influenza virus HA receptor binding selectivity. Keywords: influenza virus; hemagglutinin; receptor; sialyllactose-N-tetraose; gel-capture assay.


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A polyclonal antiserum and monoclonal antibodies have been prepared to purified pollen exines of Calocedrus decurrens Florin. The location of the antigen is in the exine, as shown by light-and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. The greatest reduction in antibody binding follows treatment of the exine with chemicals known to alter sporopollenin. These results provide evidence that sporopollenin is antigenic. Exines of ten species of gymnosperms and angiosperms also bound the polyclonal antiserum, indicating similarity of sporopollenin structure.


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Exposure to airborne pollen from certain plants can cause allergic disease, leading to acute respiratory symptoms. Whole pollen grains, 15–90 μ m-sized particles, provoke the upper respiratory symptoms of rhinitis (hay fever), while smaller pollen fragments capable of depositing in the lower respiratory tract have been proposed as the trigger for asthma. In order to understand factors leading to pollen release and fragmentation we have examined the rupture of Chinese elm pollen under controlled laboratory conditions and in the outdoor atmosphere. Within 30 minutes after immersion in water, 70% of fresh Chinese pollen ruptures, rapidly expelling cytoplasm. Chinese elm flowers, placed in a controlled atmosphere chamber, emitted pollen and pollen debris after a sequential treatment of 98% relative humidity followed by drying and a gentle disturbance. Immunologic assays of antigenic proteins specific to elm pollens revealed that fine particulate material (D p < 2 μ m) collected from the chamber contained elm pollen antigens. In a temporal study of the outdoor urban atmosphere during the Chinese elm bloom season of 2004, peak concentrations of pollen and fine pollen fragments occurred at the beginning of the season when nocturnal relative humidity (RH) exceeded 90%. Following later periods of hot dry weather, pollen counts decreased to zero. The Chinese elm pollen fragments also decreased during the hot weather, but later displayed additional peaks following periods of more moderate RH and temperature, indicating that pollen counts underestimate total atmospheric pollen allergen concentrations. Pollen fragments thus increase the biogenic load in the atmosphere in a form that is no longer recognizable as pollen and, therefore, is not amenable to microscopic analysis. This raises the possibility of exposure of sensitive individuals to pollen allergens in the form of fine particles that can penetrate into the lower airways and pose potentially severe health risks.


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In the Office SFX is a sound effect of a busy office.