977 resultados para Anoplosolenia brasiliensis
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento e a producao da borracha de clones seringueira [Havea brasiliensis ( Wild. Ex Adr. De Juss.) Muell. Arg.] sob diferentes sistemas de sangria, em condição de Cerrado dos Municipios de Barro Alto Goianesia no Estado de Goais. O plantio foi feito em fevereiro de 1992, no espacamento de 8,0 x 2,5 m (500 plantas/ha), em talhoes de 8 a 10 hectares para cada um dos clones RRIM 600, GT 1, PB 217, PB 235, PR 107 e PR 255 os quais receberam as mesmas praticas de manejo. Aos oito anos de idade, foram feitas as seguintes avaliacoes: estande final; circunferencia do caule a 1,20 m do solo; porcentagens de plantas aptas a sangria; producao de borracha acumulada na caneca pesada mensalmente; incidencia de seca de painel. A producao foi avaliada em nove sistemas de sangria em meia espiral (1/2 S), praticados cinco dias por semana (5d/7) e 10 meses ao ano (10m/12), variando na frequência de sangria (d/4 e d/7 = a cada 4 e 7 dias), a concentracao de Ethephon (ET 0,25%, 2,5%,3,3% e 5,0%) e sua frequencia de aplicacao durante o periodo chuvoso ( a cada 22, 28 e 35 dias), como segue: 1) 1/2S, d/7, ET 2,5% a cada 22 dias; 2)1/2S, d/7, ET 2,5% a cada 30 dias (referncia); 3) 1/2S. d/4, ET 2,5% a cada 30 dias; 4) 1/2S, d/7, ET 3,3% a cada 22 dias; 5)1/2S, d/7, ET 3,3% a cada 30 dias; 6) 1/2S. d/7, ET 5,0% a cada 22 dias 7) 1/2S, d/7, ET 5,0% a cada 30 dias; 8) 1/2S, d/7, ET 5,0% a cada 35 dias; 9) 1/2S, d/7, ET 0,25% (pulverizando 10 ml por painel) a cada 22 dias. Nos sistemas 1 a 8, o Ethephon foi pincelado ( 1mL) na canaleta de corte e ate 2 cm acima dela (Pa e La). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repeticoes de 10 plantas poe parcela. Cada clone constitui um experimento separado, sendo os resultados de producao acumulada anual submetidos a analise de variancia e, nos caso de significancia, as medias dos sistemas foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Nao foi constatada qualquer incidencia de seca de painel e os resultados possibilitaram as seguintes conclusoes para as condicoes da regiao: 1) o sistema 1/2S, d/7, ET 2,5% a cada 30 dias e o mais indicado par a sangria dos clones PR 255, PR 107, PB 235, PB 217 e GT 1; 2) o sistema 1/2S, d/7, ET 3,3% a cada 30 dias e o mais indicado para a sangria do clone RRIM 600; 3) a producao individual de borracha em kg/planta/ano e maior nos clones RRIM 600, PB 217 e PR 255, enquanto a producao total em kg/ha/ano e superior nos clones RRIM 600 e PB 235; 4)os clones PB 217 e PR 255 sao menos adaptados a regiao, apresentando menores valores de estande final, circunferencia do caule, porcentagem de plantas em sangria e de producao total de borracha por hectare.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a morfologia e as síndromes de dispersão de Myracrodruon urundeuva, Schinopsis brasiliensis (Anacardiaceae), Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Sapotaceae) e Amburana cearensis (Leguminosae), contribuindo para o entendimento da ecologia dessas espécies, em área de Caatinga, na Reserva Legal do Projeto Salitre, Juazeiro, BA. Para os estudos morfológicos, 200 frutos de cada espécie foram coletados em diferentes indivíduos da população e mensurados. De acordo com o tipo de fruto, foi adotado um método de avaliação da dispersão dos diásporos em campo: parcelas de 1m2 para os frutos secos e observação em campo no período de 5h às 18h, para os frutos carnosos. Para avaliar a taxa de sobrevivência no campo, plântulas das quatro espécies foram identificadas e acompanhadas quinzenalmente por um período de 6 meses. M. urundeuva, S. brasiliensis e A. cearensis apresentaram frutos secos do tipo anemocórico enquanto S. obtusifolium apresentou frutos carnosos adaptados à dispersão zoocórica, podendo ser considerada como importante fonte alimentar para a avifauna da região. Quanto ao estabelecimento das plantas jovens, verificou-se que nas espécies anemocóricas a dispersão ocorre a curta distância, o que ocasionaria a distribuição agregada das mesmas. Para as espécies anemocóricas foram registradas taxas de sobrevivência inferiores a 30%, indicando que o recrutamento de plantas jovens está comprometido, podendo estar associado às condições climáticas adversas e à predação por animais silvestres e domésticos.
Por ser especie heliofila, a seringueira e' plantada em pleno sol. Por esse motivo, foi testado o comportamento de plantio, em trilhas abertas na capoeira, de toco alto que, por medir de 2,10m a 2,40m de altura e possuir maior quantidade de reservas do que as mudas tradicionais, traria as vantagens de reducao do custo de preparo da area, evitando a derruba e queima, com preservacao da materia organica do solo, alem da incorporacao gradual da biomassa da capoeira. As copas de Hevea pauciflora apresentam derrama natural tardia, sugerindo que seu ponto de compensacao luminosa e' mais baixo do que o de H. brasiliensis. Desse modo, copas enxertadas com H. pauciflora poderiam tolerar melhor a fase de crescimento a sombra parcial da capoeira. O tratamento com copa propria apresentou o menor perimetro de caule, com valores tambem baixos nos blocos em pleno sol. Os incrementos anuais em perimetro de caule, apos a decapitacao dos enxerto de copa, permaneceram muito baixos na capoeira, nos tres anos consecutivos, e atingiram valores sucessivamente mais altos em pleno sol, exceto com a copa propria. Os resultados com as copas enxertadas de H. pauciflora demostram, portanto, ser inviavel o plantio em capoeira, nas condicoes descritas neste trabalho.
Os estudos dos insetos associados às culturas agrícolas e florestais são dinâmicos, em função da evolução dos sistemas de cultivo, do avanço da fronteira agrícola, da introdução de novas pragas e da resistência aos produtos químicos historicamente aplicados. Nesse contexto, os avanços nos estudos dos insetos-praga periodicamente precisam ser integrados em publicações de referência, que permitam fácil acesso a esses conhecimentos. Assim, o objetivo desta publicação é documentar o ataque de lagartas do gênero Lonomia, popularmente conhecidas como lagartas-de-fogo, causando intensa desfolha em cultivos de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis) no Acre. Há um grande número de trabalhos publicados sobre esse gênero, no que tange aos problemas acarretados pelo contato direto de pessoas com as lagartas, provocando acidentes hemorrágicos graves, dependendo da área lesionada e da extensão do contato. No entanto, não havia relatos dessas lagartas causando intenso desfolhamento em seringais de cultivo, ocasionando prejuízos econômicos. A partir da intensificação do cultivo, surtos populacionais de insetos, considerados pragas secundárias em muitas culturas, podem acontecer com mais frequência, necessitando de conhecimento e estratégias de manejo que visem ao monitoramento, distribuição e controle de populações de insetos no Estado do Acre, a fim de prevenir surtos populacionais de pragas e, consequentemente, prejuízos elevados aos produtores acrianos.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología) UANL
Tesis [Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología] UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Inmunología) UANL, 2006
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con especialidad en Química Biomédica) U.A.N.L., FM 2006.
The research work which was carried out to characterization of wastes from natural rubber and rubber wood processing industries and their utilization for biomethanation. Environmental contamination is an inevitable consequence of human activity. The liquid and solid wastes from natural rubber based industries were: characterized and their use for the production of biogas investigated with a view to conserve conventional energy, and to mitigate environmental degradation.Rubber tree (flevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.), is the most important commercial source of natural rubber and in india. Recently, pollution from the rubber processing factories has become very serious due to the introduction of modern methods and centralized group processing practices.The possibility of the use of spent slurry as organic manure is discussed.l0 percent level of PSD, the activity of cellulolytic, acid producing,proteolytic, lipolytic and methanogenic bacteria were more in the middle stage of methanogenesis.the liquid wastes from rubber processing used as diluents in combination with PSD, SPE promoted more biogas production with high methane content in the gas.The factors that favour methane production like TS, VS, cellulose and hemicellulose degradation were favoured in this treatment which led to higher methane biogenesis.The results further highlight ways and means to use agricultural wastes as alternative sources of energy.
The research work which was carried out to characterization of wastes from natural rubber and rubber wood processing industries and their utilization for biomethanation. Environmental contamination is an inevitable consequence of human activity. The liquid and solid wastes from natural rubber based industries were: characterized and their use for the production of biogas investigated with a view to conserve conventional energy, and to mitigate environmental degradation.Rubber tree (flevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.), is the most important commercial source of natural rubber and in india. Recently, pollution from the rubber processing factories has become very serious due to the introduction of modern methods and centralized group processing practices.The possibility of the use of spent slurry as organic manure is discussed.l0 percent level of PSD, the activity of cellulolytic, acid producing,proteolytic, lipolytic and methanogenic bacteria were more in the middle stage of methanogenesis.the liquid wastes from rubber processing used as diluents in combination with PSD, SPE promoted more biogas production with high methane content in the gas.The factors that favour methane production like TS, VS, cellulose and hemicellulose degradation were favoured in this treatment which led to higher methane biogenesis.The results further highlight ways and means to use agricultural wastes as alternative sources of energy.
The traditional control of Imperata brasiliensis grasslands used by farmers in the Peruvian Amazon is to burn the grass. The objective of this study was to compare different methods of short-term control. Biological, mechanical, chemical and traditional methods of control were compared. Herbicide spraying and manual weeding have shown to be very effective in reducing above- and below-ground biomass growth in the first 45 days after slashing the grass, with effects persisting in the longer term, but both are expensive methods. Shading seems to be less effective in the short-term, whereas it influences the Imperata growth in the longer term. After one year shading, glyphosate application and weeding significantly reduced aboveground biomass by 94, 67 and 53%; and belowground biomass by 76, 65 and 58%, respectively, compared to control. We also found a significant decrease of Imperata rhizomes in soil during time under shading. Burning has proved to have no significant effect on Imperata growth. The use of shade trees in a kind of agroforestry system could be a suitable method for small farmers to control Imperata grasslands.
Artisanal columbite-tantalite (coltan) mining has had negative effects on the rural economy in the great Lakes region of Africa through labor deficits, degradation and loss of farmland, food insecurity, high cost of living, and reduced traditional export crop production alongside secondary impacts that remotely affect the quality of air, water, soil, plants, animals, and human wellbeing. The situation is multifaceted and calls for a holistic approach for short and long-term mitigation of such negative effects. This study focuses on the effects of mine land restoration on soil microbiological quality in the Gatumba Mining District of western Rwanda. Some coltan mine wastelands were afforested with pine and eucalyptus trees while farmers directly cultivated others due to land scarcity. Farmyard manure (FYM) is the sole fertilizer applied on the wastelands although it is insufficient to achieve the desired crop yields. Despite this, several multi-purpose plants such as Tithonia diversifolia, Markhamia lutea, and Canavalia brasiliensis thrive in the area and could supplement FYM. The potential for these “new” amendments to improve soil microbial properties, particularly in the tantalite mine soils was investigated. The specific objectives of the study were to: (a) evaluate the effects of land use on soil microbial indices of the tantalite mine soils; (b) investigate the restorative effects of organic amendments on a Technosol; and (c) estimate the short-term N and P supply potential of the soil amendments in the soils. Fresh soils (0-20 cm) from an unmined native forest, two mine sites afforested with pine and eucalyptus forests (pine and eucalyptus Technosols), an arable land, and two cultivated Technosols (Kavumu and Kirengo Technosols) were analyzed for the physicochemical properties. Afterwards, a 28-day incubation (22oC) experiment was conducted followed by measurements of mineral N, soil microbial biomass C, N, P, and fungal ergosterol contents using standard methods. This was followed by a 12-week incubation study of the arable soil and the Kavumu Technosol amended with FYM, Canavalia and Tithonia biomass, and Markhamia leaf litter after which soil microbial properties were measured at 2, 8, and 12 weeks of incubation. Finally, two 4-week incubation experiments each were conducted in soils of the six sites to estimate (i) potential mineralizable N using a soil-sand mixture (1:1) amended with Canavalia and goat manure and (ii) P mineralization mixtures (1:1) of soil and anion exchange resins in bicarbonate form amended with Tithonia biomass and goat manure. In study one, afforestation increased soil organic carbon and total N contents in the pine and eucalyptus Technosols by 34-40% and 28-30%, respectively of that in the native forest soil. Consequently, the microbial biomass and activity followed a similar trend where the cultivated Technosols were inferior to the afforested ones. The microbial indices of the mine soils were constrained by soil acidity, dithionite-extractable Al, and low P availability. In study two, the amendments substantially increased C and N mineralization, microbial properties compared with non-amended soils. Canavalia biomass increased CO2 efflux by 340%, net N mineralization by 30-140%, and microbial biomass C and N by 240-600% and 240-380% (P < 0.01), respectively after four weeks of incubation compared with the non-amended soils. Tithonia biomass increased ergosterol content by roughly 240%. The Kavumu Technosol showed a high potential for quick restoration of its soil quality due to its major responses to the measured biological parameters. In study three, Canavalia biomass gave the highest mineralizable N (130 µg g-1 soil, P < 0.01) in the Kavumu Technosol and the lowest in the native forest soil (-20 µg g-1 soil). Conversely, the mineralizable N of goat manure was negative in all soils ranging from -2.5 µg N g-1 to -7.7 µg N g-1 soil except the native forest soil. However, the immobilization of goat manure N in the “cultivated soils” was 30-70% lower than in the “forest soils” signifying an imminent recovery of the amended soils from N immobilization. The mineralization of goat manure P was three-fold that of Tithonia, constituting 61-71% of total P applied. Phosphorus mineralization slightly decreased after four weeks of incubation due to sulfate competition as reflected in a negative correlation, which was steeper in the Tithonia treatment. In conclusion, each amendment used in this research played a unique role in C, N, and P mineralization and contributed substantially to microbial properties in the tantalite mine soils. Interestingly, the “N immobilizers” exhibited potentials for P release and soil organic carbon storage. Consequently, the combined use of the amendments in specific ratios, or co-composting prior to application is recommended to optimize nutrient release, microbial biomass dynamics and soil organic matter accrual. Transport of organic inputs seems more feasible for smallholder farmers who typically manage small field sizes. To reduce acidity in the soils, liming with wood ash was recommended to also improve P availability and enhance soil biological quality, even if it may only be possible on small areas. Further, afforestation with mixed-species of fast-growing eucalyptus and legume or indigenous tree species are suggested to restore tantalite mine wastelands. It is emphasized most of this research was conducted under controlled laboratory conditions, which exclude interaction with environmental variables. Also fine fractions of the amendments were used compared with the usual practice of applying a mixture of predominantly coarser fractions. Therefore, the biological dynamics reported in the studies here may not entirely reflect those of farmers’ field conditions.
Las desigualdades económicas y sociales entre los Estados del Norte y del Sur son evidentes, ante esta premisa surge la Cooperación Sur-Sur como una herramienta eficaz para potencializar el desarrollo económico y social de las naciones del Sur bajos los principios de horizontalidad, consenso y equidad. En este sentido, se analizan las estrategias de Cooperación Sur-Sur entre Brasil y Colombia y su aplicación en uno de los sectores prioritarios de los Estados del Sur como es el sector agropecuario.
The mechanism of action and properties of a solid-phase ligand library made of hexapeptides (combinatorial peptide ligand libraries or CPLL), for capturing the "hidden proteome", i.e. the low- and very low-abundance proteins constituting the vast majority of species in any proteome, as applied to plant tissues, are reviewed here. Plant tissues are notoriously recalcitrant to protein extraction and to proteome analysis. Firstly, rigid plant cell walls need to be mechanically disrupted to release the cell content and, in addition to their poor protein yield, plant tissues are rich in proteases and oxidative enzymes, contain phenolic compounds, starches, oils, pigments and secondary metabolites that massively contaminate protein extracts. In addition, complex matrices of polysaccharides, including large amount of anionic pectins, are present. All these species compete with the binding of proteins to the CPLL beads, impeding proper capture and identification / detection of low-abundance species. When properly pre-treated, plant tissue extracts are amenable to capture by the CPLL beads revealing thus many new species among them low-abundance proteins. Examples are given on the treatment of leaf proteins, of corn seed extracts and of exudate proteins (latex from Hevea brasiliensis). In all cases, the detection of unique gene products via CPLL capture is at least twice that of control, untreated sample.