870 resultados para Annette
BACKGROUND The mechanisms of childhood and perinatal arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) are poorly understood. Multiple risk factors include cerebral arteriopathy, congenital cardiac disease, infection, sickle cell disease, and maternal-fetal conditions in neonates. For infections and parainfectious conditions being the most important a possible inflammatory pathophysiology has long been suspected. This pilot study aims to detect, whether there are any abnormalities of inflammatory markers associated with childhood and neonatal stroke. METHODS The concentration of 23 different metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs), endothelial factors, vascular cell adhesion proteins, and cytokines in plasma were measured in 12 children with AIS, 7 healthy age matched controls and 6 full term neonates with perinatal AIS. RESULTS At the time of the acute event children with AIS had significantly elevated levels of MMP-9, TIMP4, IL-6, IL-8 and CRP compared to controls (p < 0.05). Except for lower IL-6 and CRP levels the pattern of children with a history of varizella-zoster virus (VZV) and other viral infections did not differ to the non-infectious group. Median levels of MMP-1, MMP-2, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, sE-selectin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha, VEGF, Fetuin A were found to be higher in the neonatal group when compared with older children. CONCLUSION This pilot study supports the assumption of an inflammatory process and up-regulation of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors, and altered pattern of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, CRP and vWF levels in pediatric and neonatal AIS. It highlights the feasibility but also difficulties for similar larger future studies that should aim to clarify childhood stroke etiopathogenesis and consecutive further therapeutic options.
Edited by Annette Kern-Stähler, Beatrix Busse, and Wietse de Boer The essays collected in The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England examine the interrelationships between sense perception and secular and Christian cultures in England from the medieval into the early modern periods. They address canonical texts and writers in the fields of poetry, drama, homiletics, martyrology and early scientific writing, and they espouse methods associated with the fields of corpus linguistics, disability studies, translation studies, art history and archaeology, as well as approaches derived from traditional literary studies. Together, these papers constitute a major contribution to the growing field of sensorial research that will be of interest to historians of perception and cognition as well as to historians with more generalist interests in medieval and early modern England.
Ever since the first exploratory expeditions in the early modern period, North America has epitomized to Europeans a promise and the hope for the fulfilment of great expectations, be it of more freedom, greater wealth, social liberation or religious tolerance. While numerous features in this dialogic intercontinental relationship will hold true for North America in its entirety, the vast northern territories which we know as Canada today began to emerge early on as a specific iconic location in European mind-maps, and they definitely acquired a distinctive profile after the formation of the USA. As a rich source of cultural exchange and an important partner in political and economic cooperation Canada has come to occupy an important position in the cultural discourses of many European nations. It is these refractions and images of Canada which this volume thoroughly explores in European literature and culture. The contributions include literature, philosophy, language, life-writing and the concept of 'Heimat' (homeland) as well as the cultural impact of the World Wars. While there is an emphasis on literary texts, other fields of cultural representation are also included.
Literature, literary interpretation and criticism have always had an interestingly paradoxical relationship with fundamentalism: fundamentalisms are generally built on texts, which can be sacred and exclusive, and on a claim to exclusive authority for interpretation. Therefore they tend to see the cornucopian profusion of texts and interpretations so typical of Western concepts of Literature as a threat; a circumstance which has been widely exploited by writers and critics to engage with fundamentalism on its home turf. The volume addresses the cultural given that the term ‘fundamentalism’ has acquired such wide-spread currency, at least in the West. In their various approaches, the contributions examine what fundamentalism has come to signify for those who use the term so extensively and so indiscriminately; and they try to establish what this implies for reaching more productive and positive positions in negotiating fundamentalisms. In doing so, the contributors offer investigations of literary approaches to fundamentalism across a wide range of important contemporary discourses and from a number of cultural perspectives. Readers will expand their understanding of the significance of fundamentalism, and of the value of literature as a highly specialized medium for explorations in this field.
Die Arbeit untersucht erstmals die Mitwirkung britischer Literaten an Besatzung, Entnazifizierung und Umerziehung im Deutschland der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit und die bis in die Gegenwart andauernde engagierte literarische Auseinandersetzung mit den in der Erfahrung mit Nazi- und Nachkriegsdeutschland bewusst gewordenen Problemstellungen. Anhand einer Fülle von z.T. unveröffentlichtem Archivmaterial zeigt sie, auf welch vielfältige Weise britische Literaten zur geistigen Neuorientierung der Deutschen beitrugen - mit Vorträgen und Theateraufführungen, der Erstellung von Anthologien, der Sekretierung von Bibliotheksbeständen u.v.m.; sie erforscht die Bewertung von Besatzung, Entnazifizierung und Umerziehung durch diese Literaten sowie die Neuperspektivierung und -akzentuierung dieser Prozesse im historischen Erzählen bis zur Gegenwart. Sie eröffnet damit, vor dem Hintergrund der Sinn und Orientierung stiftenden Funktion des Geschichtsbewusstseins, neue Perspektiven auf die gesellschaftliche Rolle von Literaten und die Funktion von Literatur, die neuerdings wieder verstärkt in das Interesse der literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschung gerückt sind. Zu den behandelten Autoren zählen u.a. Stephen Spender, Christopher Isherwood, W. H. Auden und T. S. Eliot sowie Ian McEwan, Julia Pascal, David Edgar und Ian Rankin.
Frauen werden im englischen Spätmittelalter auf den Innenraum von Haus und Kirche verwiesen. Wie sie diese Räume nutzten und kreativ (um-)gestalteten und auf welche Weise es ihnen gelang, reale Räume mental zu transgredieren und durch mentale Innenräume auszuwechseln, zeigt diese Arbeit. Dabei wird Raum - in Anlehnung an Giddens’ Theory of Structuration und den poststrukturalistischen Ansatz der Archäologie - als sowohl wirkmächtig als auch verschieden interpretierbar und transformierbar verstanden. Der Rückzug in den mentalen Innenraum führte im Extremfall dazu, daß neben der realen eine zweite Existenz aufgebaut wurde. Beide Existenzweisen konnten, wie insbesondere an den Biographien von Margaret Beaufort sowie Cicely und Margaret von York ablesbar ist, problemlos nebeneinander bestehen oder - wie am Beispiel von Margery Kempe gezeigt wird - so unvereinbar miteinander sein, daß gesellschaftliche Sanktionen die Folge waren.
Ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Entscheide des Jahres 2015 im Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht.
AIMS High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are considered as anti-atherogenic. Recent experimental findings suggest that their biological properties can be modified in certain clinical conditions by accumulation of serum amyloid A (SAA). The effect of SAA on the association between HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and cardiovascular outcome remains unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS We examined the association of SAA and HDL-C with mortality in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study, which included 3310 patients undergoing coronary angiography. To validate our findings, we analysed 1255 participants of the German Diabetes and Dialysis study (4D) and 4027 participants of the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg (KORA) S4 study. In LURIC, SAA concentrations predicted all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. In patients with low SAA, higher HDL-C was associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. In contrast, in patients with high SAA, higher HDL-C was associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, indicating that SAA indeed modifies the beneficial properties of HDL. We complemented these clinical observations by in vitro experiments, in which SAA impaired vascular functions of HDL. We further derived a formula for the simple calculation of the amount of biologically 'effective' HDL-C based on measured HDL-C and SAA from the LURIC study. In 4D and KORA S4 studies, we found that measured HDL-C was not associated with clinical outcomes, whereas calculated 'effective' HDL-C significantly predicted better outcome. CONCLUSION The acute-phase protein SAA modifies the biological effects of HDL-C in several clinical conditions. The concomitant measurement of SAA is a simple, useful, and clinically applicable surrogate for the vascular functionality of HDL.
The perforation of the plasmalemma by pore-forming toxins causes an influx of Ca(2+) and an efflux of cytoplasmic constituents. In order to ensure survival, the cell needs to identify, plug and remove lesions from its membrane. Quarantined by membrane folds and isolated by membrane fusion, the pores are removed from the plasmalemma and expelled into the extracellular space. Outward vesiculation and microparticle shedding seem to be the strategies of choice to eliminate toxin-perforated membrane regions from the plasmalemma of host cells. Depending on the cell type and the nature of injury, the membrane lesion can also be taken up by endocytosis and degraded internally. Host cells make excellent use of an initial, moderate rise in intracellular [Ca(2+)], which triggers containment of the toxin-inflicted damage and resealing of the damaged plasmalemma. Additional Ca(2+)-dependent defensive cellular actions range from the release of effector molecules in order to warn neighbouring cells, to the activation of caspases for the initiation of apoptosis in order to eliminate heavily damaged, dysregulated cells. Injury to the plasmalemma by bacterial toxins can be prevented by the early sequestration of bacterial toxins. Artificial liposomes can act as a decoy system preferentially binding and neutralizing bacterial toxins.
Background and purpose: Breast cancer continues to be a health problem for women, representing 28 percent of all female cancers and remaining one of the leading causes of death for women. Breast cancer incidence rates become substantial before the age of 50. After menopause, breast cancer incidence rates continue to increase with age creating a long-lasting source of concern (Harris et al., 1992). Mammography, a technique for the detection of breast tumors in their nonpalpable stage when they are most curable, has taken on considerable importance as a public health measure. The lifetime risk of breast cancer is approximately 1 in 9 and occurs over many decades. Recommendations are that screening be periodic in order to detect cancer at early stages. These recommendations, largely, are not followed. Not only are most women not getting regular mammograms, but this circumstance is particularly the case among older women where regular mammography has been proven to reduce mortality by approximately 30 percent. The purpose of this project was to increase our understanding of factors that are associated with stage of readiness to obtain subsequent mammograms. A secondary purpose of this research was to suggest further conceptual considerations toward the extension of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change to repeat screening mammography. ^ Methods. A sample (n = 1,222) of women 50 years and older in a large multi-specialty clinic in Houston, Texas was surveyed by mail questionnaire regarding their previous screening experience and stage of readiness to obtain repeat screening. A computerized database, maintained on all women who undergo mammography at the clinic, was used to identify women who are eligible for the project. The major statistical technique employed to select the significant variables and to examine the man and interaction effects of independent variables on dependent variables was polychotomous stepwise, logistic regression. A prediction model for each stage of readiness definition was estimated. The expected probabilities for stage of readiness were calculated to assess the magnitude and direction of significant predictors. ^ Results. Analysis showed that both ways of defining stage of readiness for obtaining a screening mammogram were associated with specific constructs, including decisional balance and processes of the change. ^ Conclusions. The results of the present study demonstrate that the TTM appears to translate to repeat mammography screening. Findings in the current study also support finding of previous studies that suggest that stage of readiness is associated with respondent decisional balance and the processes of change. ^
A combination of psoralens and ultraviolet-A radiation referred to as PUVA, is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. PUVA therapy is highly effective in killing hyperproliferative cells, but its mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated. Psoralen binds to DNA, and upon photoactivation by UVA, it forms monofunctional adducts and interstrand cross-links. PUVA treatment has been shown to be mutagenic and to produce tumors in animals. In addition, epidemiological studies have reported a 10 to 15 percent increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma in individuals treated chronically with PUVA. However, it remains a treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis because its benefits outweigh its risks. The widespread use of PUVA therapy and its associated cancer risk requires us to understand the molecular mechanisms by which PUVA induces cell death. Immortalized JB6 mouse epidermal cells, p53−/− mice, and Fas Ligand−/− (gld) mice were used to investigate the molecular mechanism by which PUVA kills cells. Treatment of JB6 cells with 10 μg/ml 8-methoxypsoralen followed by irradiation with 20 kJ/m2 UVA resulted in cell death. The cells exhibited morphological and biochemical characteristics of apoptosis such as chromatin condensation, DNA ladder formation, and TUNEL-positivity. PUVA treatment stabilized and phosphorylated p53 leading to its activation, as measured by nuclear localization and induction of p21Waf/Cip1, a transcriptional target of p53. Subsequent in vivo studies revealed that there was statistically significantly less apoptosis in p53 −/− mice than in p53+/+ mice at 72 hours after PUVA. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis revealed more Fas and FasL expression in p53+/+ mice than in p53−/− mice, suggesting that p53 is required to transcriptionally activate Fas, which in turn causes the cells to undergo apoptosis. Studies with gld mice confirmed a role for Fas/FasL interactions in PUVA-induced apoptosis. There was statistically significantly less apoptosis in gld mice compared with wild-type mice 24, 48, and 72 hours after PUVA. These results demonstrate that PUVA-induced apoptosis in mouse epidermal cells requires p53 and Fas/FasL interactions. These findings may be important for designing effective treatments for diseases such as psoriasis without increasing the patient's risk for skin cancer. ^