974 resultados para Alcohol Safety Action Project--Kansas City, Mo.
1st & 6th President In Office: 1880-1898, 1922-1923 Inman E. Page was the first individual named "president" at Lincoln University of Missouri. He was born a slave, bought his and his family's freedom, graduated from Brown University in Washington and was nominated there as Class Orator. During his tenure he brought in many new instructors, built several campus buildings, was president of the Negro Teacher's Association, worked with the state government for meaningful funding of the institute and was popular with the press because he was well spoken. In 1889, the Board tried to oust him, to put in a new person, but the move was so highly controversial that the candidate withdrew from the process. While Inman was president, in 1891, Lincoln University became a Land-Grant Institution under the Morrill Land-Grant Fund and the first Memorial Hall was built. He also began instituting college-level courses, which faced some serious opposition, but inevitably led to Lincoln Institute becoming Lincoln University. Reference Marshall, A. P. (1966). Soldiers' Dream: A Centennial History of Lincoln University of Missouri. Lincoln University: Jefferson City, MO.
This is LUCER-MC Report #03-11 Published by Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research (LUCER) Media Center; 900 Chestnut Street, 301 Allen Hall; Jefferson City, MO 65101.
This is LUCER-MC Report #04-12 Published by Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research (LUCER) Media Center; 900 Chestnut Street, 301 Allen Hall; Jefferson City, MO 65101.
This is LUCER-MC Report #01-14 Published by Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research (LUCER) Media Center; 900 Chestnut Street, 301 Allen Hall; Jefferson City, MO 65101.
The report for the third annual Lincoln University Sonia Kovalevsky (LUSK) Math for Girls Day held on April 18th, 2008 from 8:30am to 2:00pm on the campus of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO.
Report for the Fifth Annual Lincoln University Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day that was held on April 23, 2010 from 8:00am to 2:00pm on the campus of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO.
Report for the 7th Annual Lincoln University Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day that was held on April 27th, 2012 from 8:00am to 2:00pm on the campus of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO.
Libraries Transforming Communities: The Value in an Academic Library Community at Lincoln University
Inman E. Page Library is coined as an, “Information Mall.” It houses special collections, archives, general reference services, computers, artistic programming, technological resources and space for different types of events. It is a modern academic library in the 21st century that was built on a legacy of scholarly opportunities for Lincoln University students, faculty, and our community in Jefferson City, MO and surrounding cities. The value that needs to be placed on this library is that it is an institution within an institution and should be given top priority as it pertains to continued funding, faculty support, and a place of higher learning that has a library etiquette. As well as, students need to understand the importance of how a library will affect their academic careers.
Following the decision, northern newspapers hailed it as “the Supreme Court speaking out in defense of the quality of human rights.” The Kansas City Call, one of the leading black newspapers in Missouri, declared, “If keeping the races separate is so important to Missourians that coeducation is unthinkable then let them count the cost!” The NAACP’s long-term plan for casting financial burden upon the Jim Crow states was now a reality.
Charles Hamilton Houston and other NAACP attorneys assembled in early October 1939 to take depositions in preparation for the hearing scheduled a week later in Columbia to determine whether the university had complied with the Gaines decision. Attorneys took depositions from all of the instructors of the new LU law school as their preparation for the court proceedings wound down. The deposition of Lloyd Gaines was next. Attorneys planned to ask Gaines whether he considered Lincoln to be as good of a law school as Missouri and whether he planned to enroll. Called for questioning, Gaines did not respond. He could not be located anywhere. Lloyd’s mother, Callie Gaines, recalled that in January her son “left here to go to Kansas City to make a speech. That’s the last I saw of him.” While in Kansas City, Gaines spoke at the Centennial Methodist Church. He also looked for work, but not finding any caught a train for Chicago, telling people in Kansas City that he would stay a few days and return home.
National Poetry Month is in full effect at Inman E. Page Library (April 2016)! Get ready to write, perform, and dialogue about the written word. We look forward to hearing your voice on the microphone.
Yearbook of Lincoln Institute and its later name Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.) for the academic year 1924-1925. Includes photographs of students, faculty, staff, campus buildings, class notes and histories.
Yearbook of Lincoln Institute and its later name Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.) for the academic year 1923-1924.
Yearbook of Lincoln Institute and its later name Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.) for the academic year 1925-1926. Includes photographs of students, faculty, staff, campus buildings, class notes and histories.
Yearbook of Lincoln Institute and its later name Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.) for the academic year 1927-1928. Includes photographs of students, faculty, staff, campus buildings, class notes and histories.