998 resultados para Albatross IV (1963)
We present ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared data of the Type Ibn supernovae (SNe) 2010al and 2011hw. SN 2010al reaches an absolute magnitude at peak of M-R = -18.86 +/- 0.21. Its early light curve shows similarities with normal SNe Ib, with a rise to maximum slower than most SNe Ibn. The spectra are dominated by a blue continuum at early stages, with narrow P-Cygni He I lines indicating the presence of a slow-moving, He-rich circumstellar medium. At later epochs, the spectra well match those of the prototypical SN Ibn 2006jc, although the broader lines suggest that a significant amount of He was still present in the stellar envelope at the time of the explosion. SN 2011hw is somewhat different. It was discovered after the first maximum, but the light curve shows a double peak. The absolute magnitude at discovery is similar to that of the second peak (M-R = -18.59 +/- 0.25), and slightly fainter than the average of SNe Ibn. Though the spectra of SN 2011hw are similar to those of SN 2006jc, coronal lines and narrow Balmer lines are clearly detected. This indicates substantial interaction of the SN ejecta with He-rich, but not H-free, circumstellar material. The spectra of SN 2011hw suggest that it is a transitional SN Ibn/IIn event similar to SN 2005la. While for SN 2010al the spectrophotometric evolution favours a H-deprived Wolf-Rayet progenitor (of WN-type), we agree with the conclusion of Smith et al. that the precursor of SN 2011hw was likely in transition from a luminous blue variable to an early Wolf-Rayet (Ofpe/WN9) stage.
Effective collision strengths for electron-impact excitation of the N-like ion NeIV are calculated in the close-coupling approximation using the multichannel R-matrix method. Specific attention is given to the 10 astrophysically important fine-structure forbidden transitions among the 4So, 2Do and 2Po levels in the 2s22p3 ground-state configuration. The expansion of the total wavefunction incorporates the lowest 11 LS eigenstates of NeIV, consisting of eight n = 2 terms with configurations 2s22p3, 2s2p4 and 2p5, together with three n = 3 states of configuration 2s22p23s. We present in graphical form the effective collision strengths obtained by thermally averaging the collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of velocities, for all 10 fine-structure transitions, over the range of electron temperatures log T(K) = 3.6 to log T(K) = 6.1 (the range appropriate for astrophysical applications). Comparisons are made with the earlier, less sophisticated close-coupling calculation of Giles, and excellent agreement is found in the limited temperature region where a comparison is possible [log T(K) = 3.7 to log 7(K) = 4.3]. At higher temperatures the present data are the only reliable results currently available.
The multichannel R-matrix method is used to compute electron impact excitation collision strengths in Ar IV for all fine-structure transitions among the 4S°, 2D° and 2P° levels in the 3s 23p 3 ground configuration. Included in the expansion of the total wavefunction are the lowest 13 LS target eigenstates of Ar iv formed from the 3s 23p 3, 3s3p 4 and 3s 23p 23d configurations. The effective collision strengths, obtained by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities, are presented for all 10 fine-structure transitions over a wide range of electron temperatures of astrophysical interest (T e = 2000-100 000 K). Comparisons are made with an earlier 7-state close-coupling calculation by Zeippen, Butler & Le Bourlot, and significant differences are found to occur for many of the forbidden transitions considered, in particular those involving the 4S° ground state, where discrepancies of up to a factor of 3 are found in the low-temperature region. © 1997 RAS.
Accurate determination of electron excitation rates for the Fe-peak elements is complicated by the presence of an open 3d-shell in the description of the target ion, which can lead to hundreds of target state energy levels. Furthermore, the low energy scattering region is dominated by series of Rydberg resonances, which require a very fine energy mesh for their delineation. These problems have prompted the development of a suite of parallel R-matrix codes. In this work we report recent applications of these codes to the study of electron impact excitation of Ni III and Ni IV.
No âmbito do Mestrado em Química, com especialização em Química Orgânica e Produtos Naturais, será apresentado nesta dissertação o trabalho desenvolvido sobre a síntese e caracterização de fosfatos e fosfonatos metálicos tetravalentes, assim como a avaliação da sua capacidade catalítica em reações de esterificação. Iniciou-se este trabalho pela síntese de vários fosfatos e fosfonatos metálicos tetravalentes, que apresentam a fórmula geral MIV(HXO4)2.nH2O e MIV(RXO3)2.nH2O, respetivamente, onde MIV = Zr, X = P, W, Mo e R = grupo orgânico. Os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados por espetroscopia de infravermelho, difração de raios-X de pós e por análise elementar e termogravimétrica. Os fosfatos e fosfonatos metálicos tetravalentes foram avaliados como catalisadores em reações de esterificação de Fischer entre os ácidos acético, ou benzóico, e diferentes álcoois. Após esta avaliação foram efetuados estudos de otimização das condições reacionais para a síntese de cada éster. Em cada um dos casos foi utilizado o catalisador com o qual se obtiveram os melhores rendimentos nos estudos iniciais, ou seja com o molibdato-fenilfosfonato de zircónio(IV), ZrMoPhP. Todas as reações foram monitorizadas por cromatografia gasosa ou por cromatografia líquida de alta pressão. Todos os ésteres foram identificados por comparação com os padrões correspondentes.
Curso superior de traducción, concebido fundamentalmente como una actividad práctica, en la que la automotivación es esencial a fin de que el alumno adquiera las habilidades necesarias para transmitir de manera integral el sentido de un texto en lengua extranjera (francés) a su lengua materna (español).
A agricultura biológica tem futuro e o futuro é hoje! É o mote do IV Colóquio Nacional de Horticultura Biológica, que decorre de 17 a 19 de março, no Anfiteatro Verde da Universidade do Algarve, em Faro. Uma iniciativa da Associação Portuguesa de Horticultura (APH) em parceria com a Universidade do Algarve e a Direção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Algarve. O IV Colóquio Nacional de Horticultura Biológica pretende ser um espaço de troca de conhecimento, de experiências e de debate que contribua para demonstrar o potencial produtivo, económico e ambiental da agricultura biológica (AB). Este modo de produção agrícola tem vindo a crescer na União Europeia nos últimos 10 anos a uma taxa média anual de 8% em área e de 11,6% em mercado, ultrapassando em 2012 os 20 000 milhões de euros em vendas. No mesmo ano, a AB ocupava em Portugal 226 425 hectares, distribuídos por 2885 produtores, principalmente pelo Alentejo e Beira Interior e em Trás-os-Montes, com predomínio das pastagens e do olival.
Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine überarbeitete Version einer Hausarbeit im Modul Research Management im Masterstudiengang Unternehmensentwicklung im Sommersemester 2014 bei Prof. Dr. Sven Litzcke. In der Arbeit wird untersucht, ob die oftmals vorherrschende Meinung zutrifft, dass Studierende wirtschaftsorientierter Studiengänge ihre Studiengangwahl aufgrund der positiven Karriere- und Verdienstmöglichkeiten und unter Vernachlässigung ihrer persönlichen Neigungen und Interessen getroffen haben. Mittels eines Fragebogens werden die Ausprägungen der Motivationsformen extrinsische und intrinsische Motivation von Studierenden der Fakultät IV Wirtschaft und Informatik der Hochschule Hannover gemessen. Da Studierenden von künstlerischen und kreativen Studiengängen dieses Verhalten nicht unterstellt wird, werden Studierende der Fakultät III Medien, Information und Design der Hochschule Hannover als Vergleichsgruppe herangezogen. Die Untersuchung orientiert sich an der Hypothese, dass die extrinsische Motivation von Studierenden der Fakultät IV der Hochschule Hannover in Bezug auf ihr Studium stärker ausgeprägt ist als die von Studierenden an der Fakultät III der Hochschule Hannover. Da vermutet wird, dass die Fakultät IV der Hochschule Hannover nicht aus einer homogenen Gruppe besteht, untersucht diese Arbeit zudem die Hypothese, dass die extrinsische Motivation von Studierenden im Studiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Bezug auf ihr Studium stärker ausgeprägt ist, als die von Studierenden der Angewandten Informatik. Die Auswertung von 312 Fragebögen hat beide Hypothesen bestätigt. Studierende der Fakultät III sind weniger extrinsisch und stärker intrinsisch motiviert als Studierende der Fakultät IV. Zudem sind Studierende der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule Hannover stärker extrinsisch motiviert als Studierende der Angewandten Informatik an der Hochschule Hannover.
Es werden die Kosten der H-Milchabteilung bei drei verschiedenen Kapazitätsgrößen mit jeweils variierter Kapazitätsauslastung nach einer speziellen Form der Teilkostenrechnung bestimmt. Die Kapazitätsgrößen betragen 3300, 6600 und 9900 1-l-Packungen pro Stunde. Im Jahr werden zwischen 2,9 und 53,6 Mio. Einheiten hergestellt; dabei variieren die Stückkosten zwischen 30,65 und 18,85 Pf/1-l-Packung. Es zeigt sich dabei, daß die Kostendegression entscheidend stärker durch den Grad der Kapazitätsauslastung als durch die Kapazitätsgröße beeinflußt wird.
Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Social), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2015
Recommendations report produced as part of the EC-funded BESTUFS project on urban freight transport.
Concert program for Margaret Ann Nessel, Soprano, January 11, 1963
Concert program for University Symphony and Student Soloists in a Concerto Concert, January 13, 1963
Concert program for Golden Lion, January 23, 25, and 26, 1963
A thin-layer chromatography (TLC)-bioautographic method was developed with the aim to detect dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) inhibitors from plant extracts. The basic principle of the method is that the enzyme (DPP IV) hydrolyzes substrate (Gly-Pro-p-nitroaniline) into p-nitroaniline (pNA), which diazotizes with sodium nitrite, and then reacts with N-(1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride in turn to form a rose-red azo dye which provides a rose-red background on the TLC plates. The DPP IV inhibitors showed white spots on the background as they blocked enzymolysis of the substrate to produce pNA. The method was validated with respect to selectivity, sensitivity, linearity, precision, recovery, and stability after optimizing key parameters including plate type, time and temperature of incubation, concentration of substrate, enzyme and derivatization reagents, and absorption wavelength. The results showed good lineary within amounts over 0.01–0.1 μg range for the positive control, diprotin A, with the coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.9668. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were 5 and 10 ng, respectively. The recoveries ranged from 98.9% to 107.5%. The averages of the intra- and inter-plate reproducibility were in the range of 4.1–9.7% and 7.6–14.7%, respectively. Among the nine methanolic extracts of medicinal herbs screened for DPP IV inhibitors by the newly developed method, Peganum nigellastrum Bunge was found to have one white active spot, which was then isolated and identified as harmine. By spectrophotometric method, harmine hydrochloride was found to have DPP-IV inhibitory activity of 32.4% at 10 mM comparing to that of 54.8% at 50 μM for diprotin A.