998 resultados para Aeropuerto Enrique Olaya Herrera
In recent years, the continuous incorporation of new technologies in the learning process has been an important factor in the educational process (1). The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) promotes educational innovation processes and develops projects related to the improvement of the education quality. The experience that we present fits into the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) of the E.U. of Agricultural Engineering of Madrid. One of the main objectives of the EIP is to Take advantage of the new opportunities offered by the Learning and Knowledge Technologies in order to enrich the educational processes and teaching management (2).
Resumen: Descripción: retrato enmarcado en óvalo. En ángulo izquierdo, dos niños indios mostrando un documento:"Carta de América", y en el derecho un ancla inclinada
Wanton (Enrico) [Seudónimo del Conde Zacaris de Seriman, 1708-1784]". Palau, 373956
Geographic information technologies (GIT) are essential to many fields of research, such as the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage buildings, a category which includes traditional underground wine cellars. This article presents a methodology based on research carried out on this type of rural heritage building. The data were acquired using the following sensors: EDM, total station, close-range photogrammetry and laser scanning, and subsequently processed with a specific software which was verified for each case, in order to obtain a satisfactory graphic representation of these underground wine cellars. Two key aspects of this work are the accuracy of the data processing and the visualization of these traditional constructions. The methodology includes an application for geovisualizing these traditional constructions on mobile devices in order to contribute to raising awareness of this unique heritage.
The aim of this paper is to present the experience of using lecture recordings to support curriculum changes within the framework of the European convergence process, mainly courses that need to be promoted or discontinued. We will explain an integrated solution for recording lectures consisting of a web portal, a videoconferencing tool and an economical and easily transportable kit. The validation process was performed recording three different courses at the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM) and using different diffusion channels, such as Moodle, an open source web portal called GlobalPlaza that supports streaming and recordings and the YouTube UPM channel. To assess the efficiency of our solution, a formal evaluation was conducted and will be also presented in this paper. The results show that lecture recordings allow teachers to support discontinued and new courses and enable students from remote areas to participate in international educational programmes, also the resulting recordings will be used as learning objects for future virtual courses.
La nueva Terminal T2A del Aeropuerto de Heathrow se resuelve prácticamente en su totalidad mediante estructura metálica. En esta primera fase consta de, aproximadamente, 200 m2 construidos, con unas dimensiones en planta de 217x190 m. sin juntas. Como elementos singulares destacan la cubierta ondulada, que se resuelve mediante vigas principales tipo Vierendeel cada 18 m., y la fachada suspendida. La estabilidad horizontal del conjunto se resuelve mediante una docena de núcleos, distribuidos en el interior del edificio, y un arriostramiento en la fachada oeste.
El aeropuerto Internacional Adol fo Suarez Madrid-Barajas está entre los aeropuertos europeos con mayor tráfico aéreo y en los últi mos años ha estado sometido a trabajos de ampliación. A partir de los estudios de las evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental de los años 1996 y 200 1, ha sido necesario realizar actuaciones de mejora del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en edificaciones de usos residencial, docente, sanitario y cultural situadas en el entorno del aeropuerto. El número de viviendas a fectadas por la huella so nora del aeropuerto en las que se han realizado obras de mejora del aislamiento acústico e s aproximadamente de 13.000. Este proyecto es uno de los mayores trabajos de mediciones acústicas in situ rea lizados en el mundo. En esta comunicación se muestra la metodología utilizada en el trabajo y se realiza un estudio de los resultados obtenidos en la rehabilitación de edificaciones de uso residenc ial. Los ensayos acústicos fueron realizados por el Laboratorio de Acústica y Vibr aciones de la ETS de Arquitectura UPM, mediante la aplicación de la Norma UNE-EN ISO 140-5:1999.
Extreme events of maximum and minimum temperatures are a main hazard for agricultural production in Iberian Peninsula. For this purpose, in this study we analyze projections of their evolution that could be valid for the next decade, represented in this study by the 30-year period 2004-2034 (target period). For this purpose two kinds of data were used in this study: 1) observations from the station network of AEMET (Spanish National Meteorological Agency) for five Spanish locations, and 2) simulated data at a resolution of 50 50 km horizontal grid derived from the outputs of twelve Regional Climate Models (RCMs) taken from project ENSEMBLES (van der Linden and Mitchell, 2009), with a bias correction (Dosio and Paruolo, 2011; Dosio et al., 2012) regarding the observational dataset Spain02 (Herrera et al., 2012). To validate the simulated climate, the available period of observations was compared to a baseline period (1964-1994) of simulated climate for all locations. Then, to analyze the changes for the present/very next future, probability of extreme temperature events for 2004-2034 were compared to that of the baseline period. Although only minor changes are expected, small variations in variability may have a significant impact in crop performance.
[Comentario al proyecto de Enrique Lantero y Damián Galmés sobre urbanización en] Mallorca
Impreso en ángulo superior derecho: "R.E. 23.880 / Producido en España"