793 resultados para Addiction


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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The purpose was to evaluate the reproductive performance of woolless ewes due to the feeding management of offsprings and weaning age in addition to measuring the effect of gender on weight gain of lambs. Sixty-four Santa Inês crossbred ewes were distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial 4 x 2 x 2 - four weaning ages (56, 70, 84 and 98 days), sex and feeding management of the offspring, each treatment with four replications. The ewes were managed with the offsprings at the foot in 14 paddocks of 1,5 or 2,0 hectares, formed with Brachiaria humidícola. The offsprings were born by single birth, of Santa Inês pure of origin (PO). After the weaning of all groups, sixty-four lambs (32 males and 32 females) were randomly assigned in individual stalls and confined for 30 days. The comparison of the parameters was carried out by the adjustment of the simple linear regression model. It was verified over time addiction of the offspring feed management of + 3,7% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and of + 1,4% (P<0,05) for the service period. There was increasing linear effect (P<0,05) of weaning age on calving intervals and service period. It was verified over time, addiction of the offspring sex of + 2,0% (P<0,05) for the calving intervals and + 0,8% (P<0,05) for the ewes service period. It was observed over time addiction of sex of + 35,2% and + 36,9% (P<0,05), respectively, for the daily weight gain of lambs from birth to weaning and post-weaning in feedlot. The supplementation of the offspring in private feeder and the anticipation of the weaning age reduce the calving intervals and the service period of woolless ewes in Brachiaria humidicula pasture. The offspring sex is the source of variation in the analysis of reproductive efficiency of ewe's mat rices and in the weight gain of Santa Inês crossbred lambs from birth to weaning, and after weaning.


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Na segunda metade do século passado iniciava-se um movimento revolucionário no cenário mundial da saúde mental: a Reforma Psiquiátrica. No mesmo momento nascia a proposta das Comunidades Terapêuticas, que mais tarde se tornaria um modelo consagrado de atendimento para a dependência do álcool e outras drogas. Por outro lado, com o alarmante crescimento deste problema no Brasil, assim como pela ausência de políticas públicas que dessem conta do problema, houve uma indiscriminada proliferação de locais de internação para dependentes químicos que, mesmo se autodenominando como Comunidades Terapêuticas, em nada se assemelham ao modelo inicial proposto. Estes locais apresentam práticas desumanas e iatrogênicas, muito semelhantes às criticadas pelo movimento da Reforma Psiquiátrica, o que tem provocado o descrédito para com o modelo das Comunidades Terapêuticas. Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, como as bases conceituais e metodológicas da Reforma Psiquiátrica se assemelham profundamente as do movimento das Comunidades Terapêuticas, tendo surgido na mesma época e pelo mesmo motivo, e como a falta de regulamentação dos locais de internação para dependentes químicos no Brasil tem contribuído com o atual descrédito deste modelo.


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Drug addiction has serious health and social consequences. In the last 50 years, a wide range of techniques have been developed to model specific aspects of drug-taking behaviors and have greatly contributed to the understanding of the neurobiological basis of drug abuse and addiction. In the last two decades, new models have been proposed in an attempt to capture the more genuine aspects of addiction-like behaviors in laboratory animals. The goal of the present review is to provide an overview of the preclinical procedures used to study drug abuse and dependence and describe recent progress that has been made in studying more specific aspects of addictive behavior in animals.


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BackgroundConditioned place preference (CPP) to ethanol (EtOH) is an important addiction-related alteration thought to be mediated by changed neurotransmission in the mesocorticolimbic brain pathway. Stress is a factor of major importance for the initiation, maintenance, and reinstatement of drug abuse and modulates the neurochemical outcomes of drugs. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of concomitant exposure to chronic EtOH and stress on CPP to this drug and alterations of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission in mice.MethodsMale Swiss mice were chronically treated with EtOH via a liquid diet and were exposed to forced swimming stress. After treatment, animals were evaluated for conditioning, extinction, and reinstatement of CPP to EtOH. Also, mice exposed to the same treatment protocol had their prefrontal cortex (PFC), nucleus accumbens (NAc), and amygdala dissected for the quantitation of dopamine, serotonin, and their metabolites content.ResultsData showed that previous chronic exposure to EtOH potentiated EtOH conditioning and increased dopaminergic turnover in PFC. Exposure to stress potentiated EtOH conditioning and decreased dopaminergic turnover in the NAc. However, animals exposed to both chronic EtOH and stress did not display alterations of CPP and showed an elevated content of dopamine in amygdala. No treatment yielded serotonergic changes.ConclusionsThe present study indicates that previous EtOH consumption as well as stress exposure induces increased EtOH conditioning, which can be related to dopaminergic alterations in the PFC or NAc. Interestingly, concomitant exposure to both stimuli abolished each other's effect on conditioning and PFC or NAc alterations. This protective outcome can be related to the dopaminergic increase in the amygdala.


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The process of spermatic division and differentiation (spermatogenesis) occurs with intratesticular temperature lower that the corporal temperature and for that is essential that the testicular thermoregulation mechanism occurs properly. For evaluation of the scrotal surface temperature can be used the infrared thermography or testicular sensors, besides that, can be evaluated the blood flux in the spermatic cord through the Doppler ultrasonography. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the testicular thermoregulation in adult buffaloes through scrotal thermography and Doppler ultrasound of testicular artery and verify its effect on sperm quality. For that were used seven healthy buffaloes, with age of 3 and 4 years, of the Murrah breed. The animals were subjected to 3 semen collections using artificial vagina, with one day of interval. In addiction, the retal temperature measurement (RT) with dry bulb thermometer, the measurement of scrotal surface temperature (SST) and body surface temperature (BST) through infrared thermography and the pulsatility (PI) and resistivity (RI) index of testicular artery by Doppler ultrasonography, were performed using 2 distinct moments: animals previously placed to shade (M1) and animals subjected to 4 hours of sun (M2). All parameters were compared by T test and the correlations were performed by Pearson test using the In Stat Graph Pad 3 (R) program. The significant level considered was 5%. There was an increase (p<0,05) of RT, SST, SNT and RI in M2. increasing trend was observed (0,05>p>0,01) PI and RI between M1 and M2. There was a low correlation between SST and semen quality. The results of this study allow us to conclude that adult buffaloes have low ability to perform body and testicular thermoregulation in situations of enviromental heat stress. However, this low capacity of testicular temperature maintenance demonstrated no correlation with the sperm kinetic parameters and sperm morphological defects in buffalo spermatozoa.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Introduction: We sought to evaluate the risk factors that may increase the propensity to use licit and illicit drugs among students at a public university. Methods: The project involved students (n = 268) enrolled in the first and fourth years of courses in the areas of the social and biological sciences at a public university. Data collection was conducted by means of self-administered, semistructured questionnaires, based on such standardized assessment instruments as Audit, Assist, Cage and Duse. Collected data were analyzed quantitatively by calculating the percentages and evaluating the data in terms of categories of risk, classifying them by age, gender, religion, schooling, use (before or after entering university) and contexts of use. By means of this survey the researchers were able to correlate the use of drugs to the risk factors that might increase the students’ propensity to use these substances. Results: The results revealed a high proportion of current drug-using students, but showed no significant differences between the first and fourth year students as regards contexts of use. However, 67% of students regarded the university environment as encouraging the use of drugs. Students pointed to such major risk factors as friends’ and fellow-students’ influence, university parties, excessive curiosity and desire to experiment. Conclusion: Due to the high rate of drug use among university students, by the determination of the risk factors related to the university environment and also knowing that the process of addiction is one of growing chemical dependence, the importance of the development and implementation of public health policies at all levels, especially in terms of approaches and specific interventions addressing this population, should be noted.


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The literature suggests an association between drug use and addiction and the repertoire of social skills of the individual. However, there are still relatively few studies focusing specifically on the relationship between smoking and social skills. Moreover, Brazilian studies on the subject are scarce. This paper presents a review of the literature about smoking and social skills, emphasizing the theoretical underpinning research, as well as the main data obtained so far. One of the most investigated issues is the relationship between assertiveness and smoking. It is assumed that the lack of assertiveness and in particular the ability to refuse the supply of drugs and / or peer pressure to consumption can be a risk factor for smoking initiation, especially in adolescents. However, the literature on this issue is still controversial. It is assumed that further studies to elucidate these associations could contribute to prevention programs and intervention for tobacco use, using social skills training as a strategy.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study of movements of ideals fluids is more simple that the viscous fluids because do not have the presence of tension of shear. The normal tensions are the one that must be considered in this analysis. The theory corresponding to these flows is the same used in other fields of the physics called Theory of Potentials Fields, which the vector identity is fundamental. Any flow into irrotational (null vorticity) physically possibly has a current function and a potential of velocity that satisfied the equation of Laplace. Reciprocally, any solution of equation of Laplace represents a current function or a potential of velocity of a flow into physically possible. Once the equation of Laplace is linear, the addiction of any numbers of solutions is also a solution. So, several potentials flows into can be constructed superposing configurations of elementary flows into. The purpose of the superposition of elementary flows into is a production of similar configurations to those of practical interest. The combination of mathematical elegancy with utility in the potential flow into attracted many for its study. Some of the most famous mathematician of history studied the theory and application of “hydrodynamic”, how was called the potential fluid into before 1900