995 resultados para ADHD-RS-IV
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar possíveis associações entre a variabilidade interdecadal das temperaturas mínima (Tmín) e máxima (Tmáx) diárias do ar e da amplitude térmica diária (ATD) em Santa Maria, RS, com a Oscilação Decadal do Pacífico (ODP). Foram usados os valores diários de Tmín e Tmáx de janeiro de 1912 a dezembro de 2009, e os valores mensais do índice da ODP do mesmo período. Há associação entre a variabilidade interdecadal da Tmín e Tmáx e da ATD com a ODP nesse local. Na fase fria da ODP, de 1947-1976, houve decréscimo nas Tmín e Tmáx. Nas duas fases quentes da ODP, 1925-1946 e de 1977-1998, houve aumento na Tmín no primeiro período e na Tmáx no segundo período. Durante a fase fria da ODP, de 1947-1976, houve redução da ATD, pela diminuição da Tmáx média e máxima. Houve aumento na ATD, no primeiro semestre na fase fria atual (1999-2009), em razão da diminuição na média da Tmín. Esses ciclos de aquecimento e resfriamento, na escala decadal, podem nortear estratégias de adaptação e mitigação na agricultura, por meio do melhoramento genético e desenvolvimento de cultivares tolerantes a tais oscilações de temperatura.
Access management involves balancing the dual roles that roadways must play - through travel and access to property and economic activity. When these roles are not in proper balance, the result is a roadway system that functions sub-optimally. Arterial routes that have a too high driveway density and provide overly extensive access to property have high crash rates and begin to suffer in terms of traffic operations. Such routes become congested, delays increase, and mean travel speeds decline. The Iowa access management research and awareness project has had four distinct phases. Phase I involved a detailed review of the extensive national access management literature so lessons learned elsewhere could be applied in Iowa. In Phase II original case study research was conducted in Iowa. Phase III of the project concentrated on outreach and education about access management. Phase IV of the Iowa access management project extended the work conducted during Phases II and III. The main work products for Phase IV were as follows: 1) three additional before and after case studies, illustrating the impacts of various access management treatments on traffic safety, traffic operations, and business vitality; 2) an access management handbook aimed primarily at local governments in Iowa; 3) a modular access management toolkit with brief descriptions of various access management treatments and considerations; and 4) an extensive outreach plan aimed at getting the results of Phases I through IV of the project out to diverse audiences in Iowa and elsewhere.
Besides benzodiazepine, antidepressant and neuroleptic agents, all of which have established roles in supportive care, other psychotropic drugs deserve consideration in selected conditions affecting patients with advanced cancer. This article briefly reviews relevant aspects of miscellaneous psychotropics available for secondline treatment, including nonbenzodiazepine sedative, hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs, anaesthetic agents, stimulants, and analgesic adjuvants acting on the central nervous system. The proper use of such subsidiary psychotropic agents requires that both their specificities and the particular characteristics of palliative care patients are taken into account.
Renovació integral d’un edifici existent conservant solament la seva estructura, per a la seva adequació als requeriments i prestacions propis dels actuals edificis d’oficines.
The treatment of stage IV melanoma has been revolutionized over the last years with the development of immunotherapies that, for the first time, have shown a significant benefit in overall survival, as well as with extremely effective targeted therapies, that also led to improved survival. These results are the fruits of an important translational research effort that allowed a rational approach with a very fast clinical development. The treatment of metastatic melanoma is, therefore, an illustration of the new paradigms of modern molecular research in oncology. In this review, we will present the various agents that have made the proof of their clinical benefit, as well as the scientific discoveries that allowed their development. Some of the remaining questions will be touched upon with the ongoing clinical trials. Inclusion of patients in these studies remains the top priority to improve on the clinical care.