963 resultados para ACCRETION DISCS


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In order to evaluate the effects of broiler genotype and of heat exposure on performance, carcass characteristics, and protein and fat accretion, six hundred one-day-old male broilers were randomly assigned in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, according to the following factors: genetic group (selected and non-selected broilers) and pair-feeding scheme (Ad(32) - reared under heat stress and fed ad libitum; Ad(23) - reared at thermoneutrality and fed ad libitum; Pf(23) - reared at thermoneutrality and pair fed with Ad(32)), with a total of six treatments with four replicates of 25 birds each. Independent of pair-feeding scheme, selected broilers showed better feed conversion, higher carcass yield, and lower abdominal fat deposition rate. However, as compared to non-selected broilers, they reduced more intensively feed intake when heat exposed, which promoted significant breast-yield decrease, and more pronounced changes on carcass chemical composition. These findings allows concluding that, in both genetic groups, both environmental temperature and feed-intake restriction influence abdominal fat deposition rate and other carcass characteristics; however, the impact of heat exposure on broiler performance is more noticeable on the selected line.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar parâmetros operacionais de um conjunto mecanizado envolvendo trator e semeadora, assim como o rendimento da cultura do milho semeada nas diferentes configurações das máquinas e combinações com o ambiente de produção. Os tratamentos consistiram de tipos de sulcadores (discos duplos e hastes), os quais foram avaliados em experimentos em que a operação de semeadura direta do milho foi efetuada transversalmente ao declive (em nível) e em aclive e declive. A semeadura contra o declive e o uso de haste sulcadora implicaram maior demanda de esforço de tração, patinagem do trator e consumo de combustível por área trabalhada e não influenciaram o volume de solo mobilizado, a população de plantas e a produtividade de grãos do milho, em relação à operação realizada em declive e uso de sulcador de discos duplos, respectivamente. A utilização de sulcador do tipo haste resultou em menor número de plantas acamadas e quebradas, em relação ao uso de discos duplos, independentemente do sentido da operação. A principal diferença entre semear em nível ou em declive é a formação de sulcos orientados no sentido do terreno, pela ação de sulcadores do tipo haste e elevada patinagem dos rodados do trator, já que o consumo de combustível por área trabalhada e capacidade operacional não foram afetados por aquelas variáveis.


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Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, avaliar dois métodos de estimativa da área foliar, em plantas de laranja Pêra, pela análise da imagem digital obtida com scanner e câmera fotográfica digital. Para determinar a área das folhas, um grupo de discos foi colocado sobre um leitor de scanner, sendo que a imagem obtida foi armazenada. Os mesmos grupos de discos foram fixados sobre cartolina branca e fotografados com câmera fotográfica digital. As imagens obtidas da câmera fotográfica e do scanner foram processadas utilizando ferramentas de um editor de imagem que permite a contagem de pixels de determinada cor, no caso verde. Para a comparação dos métodos, os discos foram submetidos a integrador óptico de área foliar modelo LICOR-3100, utilizando os mesmos agrupamentos. Foram coletadas 20 folhas (cinco em cada quadrante da planta) por parcela de um experimento para comparação de fertilizantes comerciais e doses de zinco, aplicados via foliar, em plantas de sete anos de idade. O experimento foi composto de sete tratamentos e quatro repetições, num total de 28 parcelas. Os dois métodos apresentaram alta correlação com a área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área, considerado como método de referência. O método da análise da imagem obtida com câmera fotográfica, na resolução de 5.0 megapixel, foi mais precisa quando comparada à área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área.


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Nos solos com restrições físicas e, ou, físico-hídricas ao crescimento de raízes, aumentar o potencial de armazenagem de água por meio de melhorias na infiltração pode ser uma estratégia viável para aumento da produtividade das culturas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a infiltração de água em um Nitossolo Vermelho distrófico, com três sistemas de rotação de culturas sob semeadura direta com e sem escarificação inicial. O sistema de rotação de culturas constou de: (1) milheto/soja/sorgo/milho/sorgo (M/S/So/Mi/So), (2) milheto/soja/Brachiaria ruziziensis/milho/Brachiaria ruziziensis (M/S/B/Mi/B) e (3) milheto/soja/Brachiaria ruziziensis + mamona/milho/Brachiaria ruziziensis + mamona (M/S/B+Ma/Mi/B+Ma). A infiltração de água no solo foi avaliada em campo com anéis concêntricos instalados na superfície, a 0,10 e 0,20 m de profundidade, em 2006 e 2007. Após o primeiro ano, o manejo com escarificação inicial do solo apresentou a maior infiltração de água. A rotação Brachiaria ruziziensis + mamona proporcionou maior infiltração da água no solo. A atividade do sistema radicular das espécies nas parcelas sem escarificação inicial aumentou a velocidade de infiltração da água no solo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, estabelecer a relação entre os pigmentos fotossintéticos extraídos em DMSO e as leituras obtidas no clorofilômetro portátil ClorofiLOG® 1030, gerando modelos matemáticos capazes de predizer os teores de clorofila e de carotenóides em folhas de mamoneira. O trabalho foi conduzido na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Algodão, situada em Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba, em outubro de 2010. Para a análise indireta, foi utilizado um equipamento portátil, sendo realizada a leitura em discos foliares com diferentes tonalidades de verde, sendo feita, nesses mesmos discos, a determinação da clorofila pelo método clássico. Para a extração da clorofila, utilizaram-se 5 mL de dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), a qual foi mantida em banho-maria a 70ºC, por 30 minutos, e retirou-se 3 mL da alíquota para leitura em espectrofotômetro nos comprimentos de onda de 470, 646 e 663 nm. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância e regressão polinomial. A leitura obtida no clorofilômetro portátil foi a variável dependente, e os pigmentos fotossintéticos determinados pelo método clássico foi a variável independente. Os resultados indicaram que o clorofilômetro portátil ClorofiLOG® 1030, associado a modelos matemáticos, permitiu estimar a concentração dos pigmentos fotossintéticos, exceto a clorofila b, com alta precisão, com economia de tempo e com reagentes normalmente utilizados nos procedimentos convencionais.


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In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a series of technical innovations have been commercially and widespread on some urban groups everyday, in Brazil. Some of these technological innovations have played an important role in large-scale distribution of artistic works, which until then had an extremely limited potential for diffusion. Development of devices that can record and play music has been mechanically inserted into this logic, while the gramophones, phonographs, cylinders and discs became popular. By this time a new moment for production and consumption of music had started. Especially since the begging of electrical system for registration and production of sounds, this process bought important meaning to the way some peoples in Rio would leasing and sense music, besides it had contributed substantially to changes in the spatial references of these individuals


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The present experiment used cell culture to analyze the adhesion capacity of mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament to different titanium surfaces. Grade II ASTM F86 titanium discs 15mm in diameter and 1.5mm thick were used and received 2 distinct surface treatments (polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding). The cells were isolated from the mouse bone marrow and rat periodontal ligament and cultured in α-MEM basic culture medium containing antibiotics and supplemented with 10% FBS and 5% CO2, for 72 hours at 37ºC in a humidified atmosphere. Subculture cells were cultured in a 24-well plate with a density of 1 x 104 cells per well. The titanium discs were distributed in accordance with the groups, including positive controls without titanium discs. After a 24-hour culture, the cells were counted in a Neubauer chamber. The results show that both the mouse mesenchymal bone marrow cells and rat periodontal ligament cells had better adhesion to the control surface. The number of bone marrow cells adhered to the polished Ti surface was not statistically significant when compared to the same type of cell adhered to the Ti surface treated by cathodic cage plasma nitriding. However a significant difference was found between the control and polished Ti groups. In relation to periodontal ligament cell adhesion, a significant difference was only found between the control and plasma-treated Ti surfaces. When comparing equal surfaces with different cells, no statistically significant difference was observed. We can therefore conclude that titanium is a good material for mesenchymal cell adhesion and that different material surface treatments can influence this process


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In the last years, many scientific researches in implantology have been focused on alternatives that would provide higher speed and quality in the process of osseointegration. Different treatment methods can be used to modify the topographic and chemical properties of titanium surface in order to optimize the tissue-implant reactions by a positive tissue response. This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion and proliferation of mesenchymal cells from human periodontal ligament on two different titanium surfaces, using cell culture techniques. Grade II titanium discs received different surface treatments, forming two distinct groups: polished and cathodic cage plasma nitriding. Human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells were cultured on titanium discs in 24-well cell culture plates, at a density of 2 x 104 cells per well, including wells with no discs as positive control. Data obtained by counting the cells that adhered to the titanium surfaces (polished group and cathodic cage group) and to the plastic surface (control group), in the 24, 48 and 72-hour periods after plating, were used to analyze cell adhesion and proliferation and to obtain the cell growing curve in the different groups. The data were submitted to nonparametric analysis and the differences between groups were compared by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman statistical tests. No statistically significant differences were found in the cells counts between the groups (p>0.05). It was concluded that both treatments produced surfaces compatible with the adhesion and proliferation of human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells


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O corte de materiais por disco abrasivo é um dos processos que apresentam as melhores características de economia, eficiência e rapidez sendo muito utilizado no meio industrial. Fatores como porcentagens e homogeneidade da mistura dos componentes, tamanho, forma (abrasividade), tenacidade e dureza dos grãos abrasivos, tipos de ligantes e de abrasivos, velocidade de corte e velocidade de mergulho influenciam na segurança, no desempenho e comportamento da operação. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a influência da dureza dos discos abrasivos no desempenho do processo de corte em operações do tipo remoção a seco. O aumento da dureza dos discos propiciou um aumento da força tangencial de corte e da relação G, devido à mais forte ligação entre o grão e o ligante no compósito. Os resultados mostram que a dureza dos discos abrasivos afeta a economia, pois influencia na vida útil dos discos abrasivos em termos de números de cortes proporcionados; a produtividade, pois está relacionada com o número de trocas de discos desgastados; os esforços necessários para a operação, pois estão relacionados com as forças tangenciais de corte.


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Particles in Saturn's main rings range in size from dust to kilometer-sized objects. Their size distribution is thought to be a result of competing accretion and fragmentation processes. While growth is naturally limited in tidal environments, frequent collisions among these objects may contribute to both accretion and fragmentation. As ring particles are primarily made of water ice attractive surface forces like adhesion could significantly influence these processes, finally determining the resulting size distribution. Here, we derive analytic expressions for the specific self-energy Q and related specific break-up energy Q(star) of aggregates. These expressions can be used for any aggregate type composed of monomeric constituents. We compare these expressions to numerical experiments where we create aggregates of various types including: regular packings like the face-centered cubic (fcc), Ballistic Particle Cluster Aggregates (BPCA), and modified BPCAs including e.g. different constituent size distributions. We show that accounting for attractive surface forces such as adhesion a simple approach is able to: (a) generally account for the size dependence of the specific break-up energy for fragmentation to occur reported in the literature, namely the division into "strength" and "gravity" regimes and (b) estimate the maximum aggregate size in a collisional ensemble to be on the order of a few tens of meters, consistent with the maximum particle size observed in Saturn's rings of about 10 m. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The complexity of the Phenomenon of fluid flow in porous way causes a difficulty in its explicit description. Different in the cases where the flow is given through a pipe, where it is possible to measure the length and diameter of the pipe and to determine their ability to flow as a function of pressure, which is a complicated task in porous way. However, we try to approach clearly the equations used to conjecture the behavior of fluid flow in porous way. We made use of the Gambit to create a fractal geometry with the fluent we give the contour´s conditions we would want to analyze the data. The triangular mesh was created; it makes interactions with the discs of different rays, as barriers putted in the geometry. This work presents the results of a simulation with a flow of viscous fluids (oilliquid). The oil flows in a porous way constructed in 2D. The behavior evaluation of the fluid flow inside the porous way was realized with graphics, images and numerical results used for different datas analysis. The study was aimed in relation at the behavior of permeability (k) for different fractal dimensions. Taking into account the preservation of porosity and increasing the fractal distribution of the discs. The results showed that k decreases when we increase the numbers of discs, although the porosity is the same for all generations of the first simulation, in other words, the permeability decreases when we increase the fractality. Well, there are strong turbulence in the flow each time we increase the number of discs and this hinders the passage of the same to the exit. These results permitted to put in evidence how the permeability (k) is affected in a porous way with obstacles distributed in a diversified form. We also note that k decreases when we increase the pressure variation (P) within geometry. So, in front of the results and the absence of bibliographic subsidies about other theories, the work realized here can possibly by considered the unpublished form to explain and reflect on how the permeability is changed when increasing the fractal dimension in a porous way


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In the current work are presented the results about the study of digital mapping of analogs referents the fluvial oil reservoirs in the Açu Formation. With the regional recognizing in the south corner of Potiguar Basin was selected a area of 150 Km square in the west of Assu city. In this area was chosen the outcrops for the digital mapping and from the data fields and remote sensors were done the depositional architectural for the fluvial deposits, which it was named coarse meandering fluvial systems. In the deposits were individualized 3 (three) fluvial cycles, which they was separated by bounding surface of fifth order. Such cycles are preferentially sandy, with fining-upward sequence finished in flood plain deposits. Inner of the sandy levels of the filling channels were characterized least cycles, normaly incomplete, constituted by braided sandy bodies and bounding surfaces of fourth order. In the mapped area was chosen a outcrop with great exposition, where it was possible to see tipical deposits of filling channel and was in this outcrop that was done the digital mapping. In this outcrop was used diverse technics and tools, which they integrated sedimentological, altimetric (GPS, Total Station), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), digital photomosaic of high resolution and of the inner geometries (Ground Penetration Radar) data sets. For the integrating, interpretation and visualization of data was used software GoCAD®. The final product of the outcrop digital mapping was the photorealistic model of part of the cliff (or slope) because the observed reflectors in the radargrams were absents. A part of bar oblique accretion was modeled according to GPR gride of 200x200 meters in the alluvial Assu river probable recent analog. With the data of inner geometries was developed the three-dimentional sedimentary architectural, where it was possible characterize sand sheet deposits and many hierarchy of braided channels. At last, simulations of sedimentary geometries and architectures of the Potiguar Basin Fluvial Reservoirs were done with PetBool software, in order to understand the capacity of this program in simulations with a lot of numbers of conditioning wells. In total, 45 simulations was acquired, where the time and the channel numbers increase in relation of the conditioning wells quantity. The deformation of the meanders was detected from the change of simulated dominion dimensions. The presence of this problem was because the relationship between the simulated dominion and the width of the meander