999 resultados para 7140-203
Contient : « Procès-verbaux de production de preuves de noblesse, faites par-devant M. Bouchu, intendant en Bourgogne »
Cross-sectional study, carried out at the outpatient clinic of an oncology hospital. Data were collected from 88 caregivers of cancer patients using the Caregiver General Comfort Questionnaire (GCQ) to assess the caregivers’ comfort. The caregivers’ GCQ score mean was 203.9; better comfort scores was associated with age, care time and current occupation; positive aspects of comfort were related to the fact that caregivers felt loved, to patients’ physical and environmental comfort and to caregivers’ spirituality. 203.9; better comfort scores were associated with age of the caregiver and current occupation; positive aspects of comfort were related to the fact that caregivers felt loved, to patients’ physical and environmental comfort and to caregivers’ spirituality. Caregivers, who didn’t have a paid job or leisure’s activities showed a worse GCQ. The GCQ scale can help to identify factors that interfere in caregivers’ comfort, as well as needs that can be modified through health professionals’ interventions.
BACKGROUND: Because ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is not available everywhere, the objective of the study was to determine whether nurse-measured blood pressure could be an acceptable substitute to ABPM. METHODS: We analyzed the data of 2385 consecutive patients referred to our hypertension clinic for the performance of ABPM. Before ambulatory monitoring was performed, a nurse-measured BP was obtained three times using a Y-tube connecting the sphygmomanometer and the recorder. We compared the mean value of the three nurse-measured blood pressures with that of the 12h daytime ambulatory monitoring, considered as the reference. RESULTS: The difference between the nurse-measured and the ambulatory blood pressure was small but statistically significant, indicating that nurse-measured blood pressure tends to overestimate both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. The difference between the nurse blood pressure and ABPM was greater among treated hypertensive patients than untreated patients. To diagnose hypertension, defined as a blood pressure of over 140/90mmHg by ABPM, the positive predictive value of the nurse blood pressure was 0.81 and the negative predictive value 0.63. However, these predictive values could be improved with less stringent cut-off values of blood pressure. Thus, for a diastolic blood pressure above 100mmHg, the positive predictive value of nurse blood pressure was 0.55 and the negative predictive value 0.91. These figures were relatively similar for previously treated and untreated patients. CONCLUSION: Nurse blood pressure is less accurate than ABPM in diagnosing hypertension, defined as a blood pressure of over 140/90mmHg. It could, however, be an acceptable substitute, especially to exclude people who do not need to be treated, in situations where lower resources require a less rigorous definition of hypertension.
Sampling of an industrial drill string from the northeastern Paris Basin (Montcornet, France) provides early Jurassic magnetostratigraphic data coupled with biochronological control. About 375 paleomagnetic samples were obtained from a 145 m thick series of Pliensbachian rocks. A composite demagnetization thermal up to 300 C and an alternating field up to 80 mT were used to separate the magnetic components. A low unblocking temperature component (<250degreesC) with an inclination of about 64 is interpreted as a present-day field overprint. The characteristic remanent component with both normal and reversed antipodal directions was isolated between 5 and 50 mT. Twenty-nine polarity intervals were recognized. Correlation of these new results from the Paris Basin with data from the Breggia Gorge section (Ticino, southern Alps, Switzerland), which is generally considered as the reference section for Pliensbachian magnetostratigraphy, reveals almost identical patterns of magnetic polarity reversals. However, the correlation implies significant paleontological age discrepancies. Revised age assignments of biostratigraphic data of Breggia as well as an objective evaluation of the uncertainties on zonal boundaries in both Breggia and Moncornet resolve the initial discrepancies between magnetostratigraphic correlations and biostratigraphic ages. Hence, the sequence of magnetic reversals is significantly strengthened and the age calibration is notably improved for the Pliensbachian, a stage for which sections combining adequate magnetic signal and biostratigraphic constraints are still very few. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
O aumento da competitividade das empresas caboverdeanas impõe-se sobretudo por causa do momento histórico que particularmente o país atravessa. A graduação para país de rendimento médio, a adesão à Organização Mundial de Comércio e o estatuto de parceria especial com a União Europeia constituem razões de grande vulto para as empresas nacionais e outras que empreendem no mercado caboverdeano, definirem eficazmente e eficientemente os seus processos organizacionais de forma a atingirem patamares de produtividade e performance aos níveis internacionais. A envolvente externa às empresas caboverdeanas tem sido alvo de alterações profundas com a globalização dos mercados e o novo paradigma de economia baseada no conhecimento. Para que as empresas mantenham posições competitivas são muitos os desafios que terão que superar. Inexoravelmente, terão que reorganizar e redefinir os seus processos de negócio e suas estratégias de forma coerente. Os SI/TI constituem o factor potencial de reorganização e modernização, a alavanca de diferenciação competitiva e da concretização de negócios e resultados adicionais. O objectivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento e a validação de uma metodologia de enquadramento, análise e avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI. O procedimento proposto é fundamentado pela literatura e nas práticas das empresas cabo-verdianas e visa apoiar as empresas a atingirem estágios de performance e produtividade elevados, decorrentes da utilização optimizada dos recursos oferecidos pelos SI/TI. Porque elevadas somas de recursos financeiros são investidos em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação e nem todos os benefícios associados são quantificáveis e dado que os riscos associados são elevados, propõe-se com este trabalho um procedimento metodológico de apoio às empresas. Esta metodologia simplificada de análise de investimentos em Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informação propõe uma abordagem científica, sólida e objectiva de avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI, visando propiciar incremento do valor acrescentado dos produtos e/ou serviços das empresas. Os resultados obtidos a partir das análises quantitativas e qualitativas elaboradas permitem retratar a prática das empresas caboverdeanas no domínio de análise e avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI e gerar inferências importantes sobre o comportamento dos responsáveis empresariais e de SI/TI. The increase in competition by the Capeverdean companies is taking place mainly because of the historic moment the country is going through. The recent nomination of Cape Verde as a medium development country, the adhesion to the WCO (World Commerce Organization) and the special partnership with the European Union are relevant reasons for the national companies and others that operate in the Capeverdean market to define efficiently their organizational processes in order to reach levels of productivity and performance comparable to the international ones. The external component of the Capeverdean companies has been undergoing deep changes with market globalization and with the new economic paradigma based on kowledge. In order to maintain their competitive position there are many challenges to overcome. Surely and steadily, they will have to reorganize and redefine their business processes and strategies in a coherent way. The IS/IT (information systems / information technologies) constitute the potential factor of reorganization and modernization, the boost-lever that will produce competitive diferentiation and concretization of businesses and additional results. The main goal of this work is development and validation of a methology of insertion, analysis and evaluation of investments in the IS/IT. The proposed procedure is fundamented by the literature and practice of the Capeverdian companies, and aims at supporting these companies so that they can reach high stages of performance and productivity due to the correct use of the resources offered by the IS/IT. As high amounts of financial resources are invested in Information Systems and Tehnologies, and because of the fact that not all associated benefits may be quantified, and since the associated risks are high, with this work we propose a methodological procedure to support these companies. This simplified analysis methodology in Information and Technologies Systems proposes a sound and objective scientific approach to evaluate investments in IS/IT aiming at providing an increase of the added value of the products and/or services supplied by these companies. The incoming results from the quantitative and qualitative analyses made will allow portraying the practice of the capeverdean companies in the domain of analysis and evaluation of investments in IS/IT and generating important inferences on the behaviour of the executives and IS/IT.
Kirje 17.4.1974
OBJECTIVE Identify resources that support learning mediated by technology in the field of neonatal nursing. METHOD Systematic review with searches conducted in MEDLINE, LILACS and SciELO. Titles and abstracts were independently evaluated by two experts. RESULTS Of the 2,051 references, 203 full-text articles were analyzed, resulting in the inclusion of nine studies on semiotics and semiology, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, general aspects of neonatal care, diagnostic reasoning and assessment of pain. Only two articles addressed the development of educational strategies and seven papers described the assessment of these strategies by experts and/or users. CONCLUSION Distance education is an important resource for education, and its improvement and updating, and it particularly adds advantages for neonatal nursing by approximating teaching and real-life situations and by minimizing the exposure of newborns for teaching purposes. The lack of educational initiatives mediated by technology suggests the need for the development, evaluation and dissemination of educational resources focused on nursing care of newborns and their families.
Kirje 7.9.1964
Abstract OBJECTIVE To investigate the association between handgrip strength (HS) and physical activity in physical frailty elderly. METHOD Cross-sectional quantitative study with a sample of 203 elderly calculated based on the population estimated proportion. Tests were applied to detect cognitive impairment and assessment of physical frailty. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis by binary logistic regression were used, and also Student's t-test and Fisher's exact test. RESULTS A total of 99 (64.3%) elderly showed decreased handgrip strength and 90 (58.4%) elderly presented decrease in physical activity levels. There was a statistically significant difference between these two components (p=0.019), in which elderly who have decreased HS have lower levels of physical activity. For low levels of physical activity and decreased HS, there was no evidence of significant difference in the probability of the classification as frail elderly (p<0.001). CONCLUSION The components handgrip strength and physical activity are associated with the frail elderly. The joint presence of low levels of physical activity and decreased handgrip strength leads to a significantly higher probability of the elderly to be categorized as frailty.