944 resultados para 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors


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Cell death is mediated by distinct pathways including apoptosis and oncosis in response to various death signals. To characterize molecules involved in cell death, a panel of mAbs was raised by immunizing mice with apoptotic cells. One of these antibodies, designated anti-Porimin (for pro-oncosis receptor inducing membrane injury), was found to directly induce a unique type of cell death in Jurkat cells. Anti-Porimin defines a 110-kDa cell surface receptor on Jurkat cells. Functionally, anti-Porimin alone rapidly mediates pore formation on the plasma membrane and induces cell death without participation of complement. Both the cellular expression and functional characteristics of the Porimin antigen indicate that it is distinct from the CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) and other cell receptors known to induce apoptosis. Anti-Porimin-mediated cell death was preceded by cell aggregation, formation of plasma membrane pores, and the appearance of membrane blebs. More important, these cells show neither DNA fragmentation nor apoptotic bodies, but display lethal damage of the cell membrane. Cell death by anti-Porimin is distinct from complement-dependent cytolysis or complement-independent apoptosis but is similar to that described for oncosis, a form of cell death accompanied by the membrane damage followed by karyolysis. The induction of cell death by anti-Porimin may represent a unique cell surface receptor-mediated pathway of cell death in the human lymphoid system.


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The functioning of the neuronal dendrite results from a variety of biological processes including mRNA transport to and protein translation in the dendrite. The complexity of the mRNA population in dendrites suggests that specific biological processes are modulated through the regulation of dendritic biology. There are various classes of mRNAs in dendrites whose translation modulates the ability of the dendrite to receive and integrate presynaptic information. Among these mRNAs are those encoding selective transcription factors that function in the neuronal soma and ionotropic glutamate receptors that function on the neuronal membrane. Conclusive evidence that these mRNAs can be translated is reviewed, and identification of the endogenous sites of translation in living dendrites is presented. These data, as well as those described in the other articles resulting from this colloquium, highlight the complexity of dendritic molecular biology and the exquisitely selective and sensitive modulatory role played by the dendrite in facilitating intracellular and intercellular communication.


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Binding of a hormone agonist to a steroid receptor leads to the dissociation of heat shock proteins, dimerization, specific DNA binding, and target gene activation. Although the progesterone antagonist RU486 can induce most of these events, it fails to activate human progesterone receptor (hPR)-dependent transcription. We have previously demonstrated that a conformational change is a key event leading to receptor activation. The major conformational distinction between hormone- and antihormone-bound receptors occurs within the C-terminal portion of the molecule. Furthermore, hPR mutants lacking the C terminus become transcriptionally active in the presence of RU486. These results suggest that the C terminus contains a repressor domain that inhibits the transcriptional activity of the RU486-bound hPR. In this study, we have defined a 12 amino acid (12AA) region in the C terminus of hPR that is necessary and sufficient for the repressor function when fused to the C-terminal truncated hPR or to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain. Mutations in the 12AA domain (aa 917-928) generate an hPR that is active in the presence of RU486. Furthermore, overexpression of the 12AA peptide activates the RU486-bound wild-type hPR without affecting progesterone-dependent activation. These results suggest that association of the 12AA repressor region with a corepressor might inactivate hPR activity when it is bound to RU486. We propose that binding of a hormone agonist to the receptor changes its conformation in the ligand-binding domain so that association with coactivator is promoted and activation of target gene occurs.


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The neuronal nicotinic synapse in tissue slices of the adrenal medulla was studied with whole-cell patch-clamp. Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) were evoked by local field stimulation or occurred spontaneously especially when external [K+] was increased. EPSCs were carried by channels sharing biophysical and pharmacological properties of neuronal-type nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). A single-channel conductance (gamma) of 43-45 pS was found from nonstationary variance analysis of EPSCs. Spontaneous EPSCs were tetrodotoxin-insensitive and Ca(2+)-dependent and occurred in burst-like clusters. Quantal analysis of spontaneous EPSCs gave a quantal size of 20 pA and amplitude histograms were well described by binomial models with low values of quantal content, consistent with a small number of spontaneously active release sites. However, rare large amplitude EPSCs suggest that the total number of sites is higher and that extrajunctional receptors are involved. Our estimates of quantal content and size at the chromaffin cell neuronal nicotinic synapse may be useful in characterizing central neuronal-type nicotinic receptor-mediated cholinergic synaptic transmission.


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N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are blocked at hyperpolarizing potentials by extracellular Mg ions. Here we present a detailed kinetic analysis of the Mg block in recombinant wild-type and mutant NMDA receptors. We find that the Mg binding site is the same in the wild-type and native hippocampal NMDA receptor channels. In the mutant channels, however, Mg ions bind with a 10-fold lower affinity. On the basis of these results, we propose that the energy well at the Mg binding site in the mutants is shallow and the binding is unstable because of an increase in the rate of dissociation. We postulate that the dipole formed by the amide group of asparagine 614 of the epsilon 1 subunit contributes to the structure of the binding site but predict that additional ligands will be involved in coordinating Mg ions.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins associate with and transduce signals from TNF receptor 2, CD40, and presumably other members of the TNF receptor superfamily. TRAF2 is required for CD40- and TNF-mediated activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa B. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of a novel TRAF-interacting protein, I-TRAF, that binds to the conserved TRAF-C domain of the three known TRAFs. Overexpression of I-TRAF inhibits TRAF2-mediated NF-kappa B activation signaled by CD40 and both TNF receptors. Thus, I-TRAF appears as a natural regulator of TRAF function that may act by maintaining TRAFs in a latent state.


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All immunoglobulins and T-cell receptors throughout phylogeny share regions of highly conserved amino acid sequence. To identify possible primitive immunoglobulins and immunoglobulin-like molecules, we utilized 3' RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) and a highly conserved constant region consensus amino acid sequence to isolate a new immunoglobulin class from the sandbar shark Carcharhinus plumbeus. The immunoglobulin, termed IgW, in its secreted form consists of 782 amino acids and is expressed in both the thymus and the spleen. The molecule overall most closely resembles mu chains of the skate and human and a new putative antigen binding molecule isolated from the nurse shark (NAR). The full-length IgW chain has a variable region resembling human and shark heavy-chain (VH) sequences and a novel joining segment containing the WGXGT motif characteristic of H chains. However, unlike any other H-chain-type molecule, it contains six constant (C) domains. The first C domain contains the cysteine residue characteristic of C mu1 that would allow dimerization with a light (L) chain. The fourth and sixth domains also contain comparable cysteines that would enable dimerization with other H chains or homodimerization. Comparison of the sequences of IgW V and C domains shows homology greater than that found in comparisons among VH and C mu or VL, or CL thereby suggesting that IgW may retain features of the primordial immunoglobulin in evolution.


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Interleukin 2 (IL-2)-deficient (IL-2-/-) mice develop hemolytic anemia and chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Importantly, the induction of disease in IL-2-deficient mice is critically dependent on CD4+ T cells. We have studied the requirements of T cells from IL-2-deficient mice for costimulation with B7 antigens. Stable B7-1 or B7-2 chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell transfectants could synergize with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) to induce the proliferation of CD4+ T cells from IL-2-/- mutant mice. Further mechanistic studies established that B7-induced activation resulted in surface expression of the alpha chain of the IL-2 receptor. B7-induced proliferation occurred independently of IL-4 and was largely independent of the common gamma chain of the IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15 receptors. Finally, anti-B7-2 but not anti-B7-1 mAb was able to inhibit the activation of IL-2-/- T cells induced by anti-CD3 mAb in the presence of syngeneic antigen-presenting cells. The results of our experiments indicate that IL-2-/- CD4+ T cells remain responsive to B7 stimulation and raise the possibility that B7 antagonists have a role in the prevention/treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.


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Retinoids exert pleiotropic effects on the development of vertebrates through the action of retinoic acid receptors (RAR) and retinoid X receptors (RXR). We have investigated the effect of synthetic retinoids selective for RXR and RAR on the development of Xenopus and zebrafish embryos. In Xenopus, both ligands selective for RAR and RXR caused striking malformations along the anterior-posterior axis, whereas in zebrafish only ligands specific for RAR caused embryonic malformations. In Xenopus, RAR- and RXR-selective ligands regulated the expression of the Xlim-1, gsc, and HoxA1 genes similarly as all-trans-retinoic acid. Nevertheless, RXR-selective ligands activated only an RXR responsive reporter but not an RAR responsive reporter introduced by microinjection into the Xenopus embryo, consistent with our failure to detect conversion of an RXR-selective ligand to different derivatives in the embryo. These results suggest that Xenopus embryos possess a unique response pathway in which liganded RXR can control gene expression. Our observations further illustrate the divergence in retinoid responsiveness between different vertebrate species.


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Chemotactic signaling in Escherichia coli involves transmission of both negative and positive signals. In order to examine mechanisms of signal processing, behavioral responses to dual inputs have been measured by using photoactivable "caged" compounds, computer video analysis, and chemoreceptor deletion mutants. Signaling from Tar and Tsr, two receptors that sense amino acids and pH, was studied. In a Tar deletion mutant the photoactivated release of protons, a Tsr repellent, and of serine, a Tsr attractant, in separate experiments at pH 7.0 resulted in tumbling (negative) or smooth-swimming (positive) responses in ca. 50 and 140 ms, respectively. Simultaneous photorelease of protons and serine resulted in a single tumbling or smooth-swimming response, depending on the relative amounts of the two effectors. In contrast, in wild-type E. coli, proton release at pH 7.0 resulted in a biphasic response that was attributed to Tsr-mediated tumbling followed by Tar-mediated smooth-swimming. In wild-type E. coli at more alkaline pH values the Tar-mediated signal was stronger than the Tsr signal, resulting in a strong smooth-swimming response preceded by a diminished tumbling response. These observations imply that (i) a single receptor time-averages the binding of different chemotactic ligands generating a single response; (ii) ligand binding to different receptors can result in a nonintegrated response with the tumbling response preceding the smooth-swimming response; (iii) however, chemotactic signals of different intensities derived from different receptors can also result in an apparently integrated response; and (iv) the different chemotactic responses to protons at neutral and alkaline pH may contribute to E. coli migration toward neutrality.


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The homologous LAG-2 and APX-1 membrane proteins are putative signaling ligands in the GLP-1/LIN-12 signal-transduction pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans. Normally, LAG-2 and APX-1 mediate distinct cell interactions. Here, we demonstrate that APX-1, which normally interacts with GLP-1 in the early embryo, can substitute for LAG-2 throughout development. When expressed under control of the lag-2 promoter, an apx-1 cDNA can completely rescue a lag-2 null mutant. To substitute for LAG-2, APX-1 must be able to interact with both GLP-1 and LIN-12 receptors and to mediate a variety of cell interactions during development. Therefore, APX-1 and LAG-2 are essentially equivalent in their ability to influence receptor activity. On the basis of this result, we suggest that the existence of multiple-signaling ligands in the LIN-12/GLP-1 signal transduction pathway does not reflect the evolution of functionally distinct proteins but rather the imposition of distinct controls of gene expression upon functionally similar proteins. Finally, we propose that the specification of distinct cell fates by the LIN-12/GLP-1 signal-transduction pathway relies on activities functioning downstream of the ligand and receptor, rather than on specific ligand-receptor interactions.


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Mutational analysis based on the pharmacological differences between mammalian and amphibian angiotensin II receptors (AT receptors) previously identified 7 aa residues located in transmembrane domains (TMs) III (Val-108), IV (Ala-163), V (Pro-192, Thr-198), VI (Ser-252), and VII (Leu-300, Phe-301) of the rat AT receptor type 1b (rAT1b receptor) that significantly influenced binding of the nonpeptide antagonist Losartan. Further studies have shown that an additional 6 residues in the rAT1b receptor TMs II (Ala-73), III (Ser-109, Ala-114, Ser-115), VI (Phe-248), and VII (Asn-295) are important in Losartan binding. The 13 residues required for Losartan binding in the mammalian receptor were exchanged for the corresponding amino acids in the Xenopus AT receptor type a (xATa receptor) to generate a mutant amphibian receptor that bound Losartan with the same affinity as the rAT1b receptor (Losartan IC50 values: rAT1b, 2.2 +/- 0.2 nM: xATa, > 50 microM; mutant, 2.0 +/- 0.1 nM). To our knowledge, this is the first report of a gain-of-function mutant in which the residues crucial to formation of a ligand binding site in a mammalian peptide hormone receptor were transferred to a previously unresponsive receptor by site-directed mutagenesis. Ala substitutions and comparison of mammalian and amphibian combinatorial mutants indicated that TM III in the rAT1b receptor plays a key role in Losartan binding. Identification of residues involved in nonpeptide ligand binding will facilitate studies aimed at elucidating the chemical basis for ligand recognition in the AT receptor and peptide hormone receptors in general.


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We describe a nonpeptide mimetic analog of an invertebrate peptide receptor. Benzethonium chloride (Bztc) is an agonist of the SchistoFLRFamide (PDVDHVFLRFamide) receptors found on locust oviducts. Bztc competitively displaces [125I-labeled Y1]SchistoFLRFamide binding to both high- and low-affinity receptors of membrane preparations. Bztc mimics the physiological effects of SchistoFLRFamide on locust oviduct, by inhibiting myogenic and induced contractions in a dose-dependent manner. Bztc is therefore recognized by the binding and activation regions of the SchistoFLRFamide receptors. This discovery provides a unique opportunity within insects to finally target a peptide receptor for the development of future pest management strategies.


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Bombesin is a tetradecapeptide originally isolated from frog skin and demonstrated to have a wide range of actions in mammals. Based on structural homology and similar biological activities, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) has been considered the mammalian equivalent of bombesin. We previously reported that frogs have both GRP and bombesin, which therefore are distinct peptides. We now report the cloning of a bombesin receptor subtype (BB4) that has higher affinity for bombesin than GRP. PCR was used to amplify cDNAs related to the known bombesin receptors from frog brain. Sequence analysis of the amplified cDNAs revealed 3 classes of receptor subtypes. Based on amino acid homology, two classes were clearly the amphibian homologs of the GRP and neuromedin B receptors. The third class was unusual and a full-length clone was isolated from a Bombina orientalis brain cDNA library. Expression of the receptor in Xenopus oocytes demonstrated that the receptor responded to picomolar concentrations of [Phe13]-bombesin, the form of bombesin most prevalent in frog brain. The relative rank potency of bombesin-like peptides for this receptor was [Phe13]bombesin > [Leu13]bombesin > GRP > neuromedin B. In contrast, the rank potency for the GRP receptor is GRP > [Leu13]bombesin > [Phe13]bombesin > neuromedin B. Transient expression in CHOP cells gave a Ki for [Phe13]bombesin of 0.2 nM versus a Ki of 2.1 nM for GRP. Distribution analysis showed that this receptor was expressed only in brain, consistent with the distribution of [Phe13]-bombesin. Thus, based on distribution and affinity, this bombesin receptor is the receptor for [Phe13]bombesin. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this receptor separated prior to separation of the GRP and neuromedin B receptors; thus, BB4 receptors and their cognate ligands may also exist in mammals.


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The experimental manipulation of peptide growth hormones and their cellular receptors is central to understanding the pathways governing cellular signaling and growth control. Previous work has shown that intracellular antibodies targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) can be used to capture specific proteins as they enter the ER, preventing their transport to the cell surface. Here we have used this technology to inhibit the cell surface expression of the alpha subunit of the high-affinity interleukin 2 receptor (IL-2R alpha). A single-chain variable-region fragment of the anti-Tac monoclonal antibody was constructed with a signal peptide and a C-terminal ER retention signal. Intracellular expression of the single-chain antibody was found to completely abrogate cell surface expression of IL-2R alpha in stimulated Jurkat T cells. IL-2R alpha was detectable within the Jurkat cells as an immature 40-kDa form that was sensitive to endoglycosidase H, consistent with its retention in a pre- or early Golgi compartment. A single-chain antibody lacking the ER retention signal was also able to inhibit cell surface expression of IL-2R alpha although the mechanism appeared to involve rapid degradation of the receptor chain within the ER. These intracellular antibodies will provide a valuable tool for examining the role of IL-2R alpha in T-cell activation, IL-2 signal transduction, and the deregulated growth of leukemic cells which overexpress IL-2R alpha.