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The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
Foram comparadas as características de carcaça de novilhos cruza Charolês x Nelore, desmamados aos 90 (T90) ou 210 (T210) dias. Utilizaram-se 63 terneiros, castrados, os quais foram terminados em pastagem cultivada de Avena strigosa + Lolium multiflorum + Trifolium vesiculosum e abatidos aos 24 meses de idade. Não houve diferença significativa em relação às características peso de fazenda (T90=437 kg e T210=467 kg), rendimento de carcaça quente (T90=53,33% e T210=52,21%), peso de carcaça quente (T90=233 kg e T210=244 kg) e peso de carcaça fria (T90=226 kg e T210=238 kg). As carcaças dos dois tratamentos apresentaram conformação semelhante (T90=10,8 pontos e T210=11,0 pontos). Também as porcentagens de dianteiro, costilhar e traseiro não diferiram significativamente entre os dois tratamentos, assim como as variáveis comprimento de carcaça, comprimento de perna, comprimento de braço, perímetro de braço e espessura de coxão. A espessura de gordura de cobertura não diferiu significativamente entre os dois grupos de carcaças (T90=2,56 mm e T210=2,27 mm). Os resultados mostraram que o desmame precoce aos 90 dias não afeta as características de carcaça de novilhos abatidos aos 24 meses de idade, desde que as condições de alimentação durante o período de recria e terminação tenham sido adequadas.
La Loi vaudoise sur l'information (LInfo), en vigueur depuis le 1er septembre 2003, contient les bases légales relatives à l'information communiquée par l'Etat aux médias et au public. A l'image de plus en plus de législations en la matière, elle consacre le principe de l'information sur demande, selon lequel tout individu a désormais le droit de consulter des documents officiels et d'obtenir de l'information de la part des autorités sans devoir motiver sa demande. La présente évaluation s'intéresse à comprendre comment ce principe de transparence est défini dans cette loi, quelle est son application par l'administration, dans quelle mesure il est utilisé par les citoyens et enfin quels sont ses effets six ans après son entrée en vigueur. Das waadtländische Informationsgesetz (LInfo), in Kraft seit dem 1. September 2003, liefert die rechtliche Grundlage betreffend Informationen die durch den Kanton an die Medien und die Öffentlichkeit kommuniziert werden. Als Grundlage dient dazu das Prinzip um Erhalt von Informationen, nach welchem jede Person das Recht hat offizielle Dokumente einzusehen und Informationen von den Behörden zu erhalten ohne die Anfrage begründen zu müssen. Der vorliegende Beitrag hinterfragt wie dieses Transparenzprinzip im Gesetz definiert ist und wie es durch die Verwaltung angewendet wird. Weiter wird untersucht in welchem Ausmass es durch die Bürger und Bürgerinnen angewendet wird und was das Gesetz sechs Jahre nach seinem Inkrafttreten bewirkt hat.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
[spa] Este texto forma parte de un proyecto de investigación Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que nos planteamos explorar los cambios los ámbitos de la legislación, laorganización institucional, la investigación, la gestión y la docencia en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo del estudio era profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Estapublicación recoge la 24 historias de vida profesional realizas con o sobre otros tantos docentes universitarios. Sus relatos analizados y contextualizados, significan una contribución significativa al conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, a nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.
Research was undertaken, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation, to identify specific locations where rumble strips could be expected to improve highway safety. The objective of the research was to recommend warrants for their use on rural highways. An inventory of rumble strip installations on the rural highway systems in the state was conducted in 1981. A total of 685 installations was reported on secondary roads and 147 on primary highways. Over 97 percent of these were in advance of stop signs at. intersections. Most of the other installations were in advance of railroad grade crossings. The accident experience with and without rumble strips was compared in two ways. A before-and-after comparison was made for the same location if accident records were available for at least one full year both preceding and following the installation of rumble strips. Accident records for this purpose were available from a statewide computerized record system covering the period from 1977 through 1980. The accident experience at locations having rumble strips installed before 1978 was compared with a sample of comparable locations not having rumble strips.
Technical Guide to Forestry Practices Manual.
Assessing the total energy expenditure (TEE) and the levels of physical activity in free-living conditions with non-invasive techniques remains a challenge. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the accuracy of a new uniaxial accelerometer for assessing TEE and physical-activity-related energy expenditure (PAEE) over a 24 h period in a respiratory chamber, and to establish activity levels based on the accelerometry ranges corresponding to the operationally defined metabolic equivalent (MET) categories. In study 1, measurement of the 24 h energy expenditure of seventy-nine Japanese subjects (40 (SD 12) years old) was performed in a large respiratory chamber. During the measurements, the subjects wore a uniaxial accelerometer (Lifecorder; Suzuken Co. Ltd, Nagoya, Japan) on their belt. Two moderate walking exercises of 30 min each were performed on a horizontal treadmill. In study 2, ten male subjects walked at six different speeds and ran at three different speeds on a treadmill for 4 min, with the same accelerometer. O2 consumption was measured during the last minute of each stage and was expressed in MET. The measured TEE was 8447 (SD 1337) kJ/d. The accelerometer significantly underestimated TEE and PAEE (91.9 (SD 5.4) and 92.7 (SD 17.8) % chamber value respectively); however, there was a significant correlation between the two values (r 0.928 and 0.564 respectively; P<0.001). There was a strong correlation between the activity levels and the measured MET while walking (r(2) 0.93; P<0.001). Although TEE and PAEE were systematically underestimated during the 24 h period, the accelerometer assessed energy expenditure well during both the exercise period and the non-structured activities. Individual calibration factors may help to improve the accuracy of TEE estimation, but the average calibration factor for the group is probably sufficient for epidemiological research. This method is also important for assessing the diurnal profile of physical activity.
Being prepared means making an emergency plan, building an emergency kit and being aware of the hazards that can impact you. Whether you are at home or at work, emergencies like tornadoes, flooding or winter storms can occur quickly and without warning. We can’t prevent emergencies, but we can prepare for them.
On January 29, 1998, a task force was convened by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) to address the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics in Iowa. The purpose of this task force was to evaluate and monitor the prevalence of resistance in Iowa, to monitor the status of the problem, and to develop strategies to diminish the risk to the population of Iowa. The goals of the Iowa Antibiotic Resistance Task Force (IARTF) are to facilitate appropriate use of antibiotics, discourage prescribing practices that promote the development of antibiotic resistance, and decrease the spread of antibiotic-resistant organisms with appropriate prevention and control measures. This group has been meeting since 1998 to accomplish these goals.
Paleoclimatic reconstructions coupled with species distribution models and identification of extant spatial genetic structure have the potential to provide insights into the demographic events that shape the distribution of intra-specific genetic variation across time. Using the globeflower Trollius europaeus as a case-study, we combined (1) Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms, (2) suites of 1000-years stepwise hindcasted species distributions and (3) a model of diffusion through time over the last 24,000 years, to trace the spatial dynamics that most likely fits the species' current genetic structure. We show that the globeflower comprises four gene pools in Europe which, from the dry period preceding the Last Glacial Maximum, dispersed while tracking the conditions fitting its climatic niche. Among these four gene pools, two are predicted to experience drastic range retraction in the near future. Our interdisciplinary approach, applicable to virtually any taxon, is an advance in inferring how climate change impacts species' genetic structures.
Letter regarding a review of payments made by the Secretary of State’s Office to Jim Gibbons, former Deputy Director, from May 24, 2012 through December 31, 2012
Report on a special investigation of the Mahaska County Soil and Water Conservation District for the period March 24, 2006 through August 31, 2013