997 resultados para 1995_03300448 TM-57 4502101


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Due to motor limitations of students with cerebral palsy, in many cases, there is the need to adapt pedagogical resources or indicate among available materials which is more accessible according to their Motor Skills to plan teaching strategies. It is known, however, that for these procedures you must perform an assessment not only able to identify their difficulties in relation to the motor act, but their skills related to resource access and what is expected with the handling. However, it is not so easy to evaluate specific characteristics of each student, since the literature has considered that teachers, even those with training in special education, have had difficulty not only in assessing students with disabilities, but also to consider data assessment to plan an effective intervention in teaching these students. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the motor skills of five students with cerebral palsy using the instrument called ASPA-PC. The results indicated that the use of ASPA-PC enabled the identification of motor skills in relation to access to the materials specifically to each student and therefore was possible : 1) adapting teaching resource; 2) contraindicate the use of a particular feature due to difficulties physical and the energy expenditure of the student performing the movement and 3) indicate more accessible materials to the student, taking into account its design. Furthermore, the evaluation result corroborated to develop teaching strategies for each student according to their characteristics.


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Exergames are a new educational tool, and have been used by teachers in physical education classes because it is an activity that provides entertainment and caloric expenditure. The goal of this study was to verify the opinion of students in an elementary school class on a program of adapted physical activity using the videogame, developed during physical education classes. Study participants were students in a fourth-grade elementary school class that had a student with disability. The researcher and the Physical Education teacher elaborated the planning program of an adapted physical activity with the use of videogames. The classes were recorded in a log book and group interviews were conducted at the end of each class. The results showed that the classes were nice, fun and interesting experiences. The study concluded that the program was successful.


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This article tells the experience of some scholarship holders of Subproject PIBID Pedagogy Literacy FFC, who have developed, between its activities: planning, analysis, confection and adequacy of books of infantile histories so that they can be read and better understood for a child with visual deficiency. The idea arose from the fact that the school in which the pupil is enrolled does not have in its collection such resources. The books followed the criteria of adequacy and present in the literature of specific preparation area and the results pointed to the schoolgirl showed interest and motivation to run the task to read the stories with the adjustments that are made.


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A aplicação de conceitos de Antonio Gramsciao temário internacional, os estudos relacionadosao desenvolvimento, às desigualdades globais e àsorganizações internacionais são alguns dos temasde pesquisa do Professor Craig N. Murphy,vinculado à Universidade Massachussets Boston.O único texto do autor traduzido no Brasil foiescrito a quatro mãos com o falecido diplomataitaliano de carreira Enrico Augelli (AUGELLI &MURPHY, 2007) e versa sobre uma interpretaçãode conceitos gramscianos voltados aos EstadosUnidos e sua política exterior recente com oTerceiro Mundo. Faz parte de uma coletâneareunida por Stephen Gill (GILL, 2007) dedicada aanálises que têm como tema articulador opensamento de Gramsci e as relaçõesinternacionais. Apresentar e avaliar criticamente olivro de Murphy informado acima é o objetivo destetexto.


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The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the whole Philosophy History, since the ancient Greece to the contemporary period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.


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In Brazil, smoking incidence varies between 9.5% and 21.2% and it is more common among men. In college students incidence can reach 14% depending on the region, which is quite disturbing. Joining college is a crucial period for the commencement or maintenance of smoking. The Knowledge among college students about tobacco use is critical to devise strategies for intervention in this population. The objectives were to establish the occurrence of smoking and risk factors, nicotine dependence in college students and college goers. We interviewed students, teachers and administrative personnel from the Philosophy and Science School at UNESP at Marilia, from both sexes, regardless their age, which visited the First Week Against Tobacco event. The sociodemographic data, smoking status, time as a smoker, cigarettes smoked, date when they started smoking, history of smoking in the family, friends or associates were questioned. We also assessed the degree of motivation to quit smoking and the degree of nicotine dependence. Data were presented using descriptive statistics. Comparisons between categorical variables were made using the chi-square test (p <0.05). A total of 432 people, 180 men and 252 women, average aged 22.6 ± 6.9 years were researched. From the volunteers studied, 267 (61.8) had tried cigarettes and 171 of them (64%) reported that they were offered by friends. As a whole, 79 (18.3%) of these people were smokers, 52 (65.8%) reported intending to quit smoking and in 37 of them (46.8%), the degree of nicotine dependence was very low. Of all the smokers, 63 had smokers in the family and all of them had friends who smoked. 28.9% of all men were smokers and 10.7%of all women. The occurrence of smoking was 18.3% and the risk factor associated to smoking habit is related to friendship and family, and very low nicotine dependence.


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Este artigo pretende, à luz da teoria de Vygotsky e seus colaboradores, desvelar as contribuições dos Jogos de Faz-de-conta para aquisição da linguagem escrita pelas crianças. O trabalho apresentado é decorrência dos estudos realizados para elaboração da monografia de conclusão de curso, e tem como objetivos: perceber se os jogos de faz-de-conta estão presentes na rotina das crianças pesquisadas; fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o assunto, para entender o que diferentes autores pensam a respeito e discutir à luz da perspectiva histó- rico-cultural o valor que os jogos de faz-de-conta têm na aquisição da escrita pelas crianças. Cumpre salientar que os resultados apresentados são provenientes apenas dos estudos teóricos realizados, visto que fazem parte de um projeto de pesquisa ainda em andamento.


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Injustice and power according to Noam Chomsky. In the beginning of the Politics, Aristotle establishes the two lesser forms of sociability: the relationships between man and woman and between master and the slave. In this context, he observes that “Hellenes are natural masters of barbarians” and the reason is that Greeks know philosophy and barbarians still resort to violence (ARISTOTLE, Politics, 1252a.). Shortly after defines “just war” as a war that has a fair cause, that is, which is well justified by philosophy or a fair speech (ARISTOTLE, Politics, 1255a.). This scene briefly expresses the manner in which the USA understands their role in the contemporary world. Chomsky points out the political use of massive military force of his country and denounces how it articulates internally and externally. He affirms that politics is excessively submitted to “ideology”, to doxa, as opposed to natural sciences. His militancy, thus, only advocates freedom and unrestricted right to information. In Camelot, the Kennedy years (1993), for example, the MIT’s professor collects information from congressmen’s speeches and government officials and from secret documents made public and he explicits the methods and actions of the US government. Thereby he can conclude that the US has, for historical reasons, an internal posture that is advocate or contrary to what they imposes to other countries. Power and justice on the one hand, force and injustice on the other –according to their own political discourse.


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A presente pesquisa tem como foco verificar como se dá a apropriação da escrita por crianças no início da alfabetização, especificamente quais os recursos utilizados pelas crianças quanto às escolhas das letras durante o ato de escrever. Tem como objetivo geral analisar o processo de aquisição da escrita; verificar quais são escolhas realizadas pelas crianças durante esse processo e como objetivos específicos verificar quais os recursos utilizados pelas crianças na apropriação da linguagem escrita; como se dá o processo de escolhas das letras na apropriação da linguagem escrita por crianças no início da alfabetização e se as escolhas das letras são feitas com base somente no oral ou se são feitas tendo como foco a função que a letra ocupa na palavra durante o ato discursivo. Para alcançar os objetivos o procedimento metodológico adotado é da pesquisa-ação. Os pressupostos teóricos têm com base os conceitos defendidos por Bakhtin sobre linguagem, enunciação, gênero do discurso, e de função e de estrutura por Vygotsky entre outros, e contribuições de Smith, sobre equivalência funcional das letras. O levantamento de dados empíricos será realizado em uma Escola Estadual na cidade de Marília, com crianças de primeiro e segundo ano do ensino fundamental. A pesquisa encontra-se em estágio inicial, mas com base nos autores mencionados podemos concluir que as crianças utilizam diversos recursos no momento de escolhas das letras e não se apóiam somente na relação grafo - fônica.


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Indivíduos com Paralisia Cerebral apresentam desenvolvimento motor atípico, caracterizado por alterações posturais, de coordenação motora e de tônus muscular, que resulta em limitações no desempenho de atividades funcionais. Neste contexto destaca-se a prescrição e confecção de recursos de tecnologia assistiva com objetivo de maximizar as habilidades funcionais destas pessoas e prover sua inclusão social. Os indivíduos com paralisia cerebral, muitas vezes, têm dificuldade para a manutenção da dinâmica corporal, principalmente na postura sentada. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de confeccionar uma cadeira e mesa escolar adaptadas com material de baixo custo e verificar sua eficácia no desempenho grafomotor de uma criança com paralisia cerebral. O participante foi uma criança com diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral diplégica, do gênero masculino. A coleta e registro dos dados foram feitos em três momentos, com a criança posicionada no mobiliário adaptado, no mobiliário escolar comum e novamente no mobiliário adaptado, para se estabelecer a comparação. A análise de dados se deu por meio de testes estatísticos não paramétricos. Não houve significância estatística e foi verificada uma inconstância nos dados apresentados, já que não se pode afirmar ao certo qual mobiliário foi mais eficaz na realização da atividade proposta e nem se houve aprendizado motor com a sua repetição. Esse fato não invalida a adequação de mobiliário escolar ao aluno com paralisia cerebral, visto que este é um fator importante para favorecer o controle e estabilidade postural ao individuo, o que interfere na coordenação motora fina destes indivíduos, influenciando no seu desempenho em atividades escolares.


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What for some is cultural difference, can be expression of social inequality for others. The disputes and confusions over this question do not occur accidentally and have, obviously, serious political consequences. Based on two examples – Candomblé and the racial relations in Brazil –, this essay proposes to deepen the theoretical reflection on three concepts – culture, difference and (in)equality – which is, according to the author, fundamental if we want to comprehend some of the crucial current problems of our world and thus take position in it hopefully more competently.


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The aim of this research is to point out the most productive researchers and institutions in the “Social Network” theme, in the ENANCIBs, from 2009 to 2010, as well as to describe their institutional scientific collaboration network. As research procedure, we searched for works with the entry network in the annuals of the event. 169 works were found, from which 120 were developed in co-authorship by 40 institutions. A matrix with the institutional coauthorships was created and the scientific collaboration network was reached. The results point out the same number of both most productive institutions and most productive authors. As for the scientific collaboration network, it is relevant that 37 institutions are interconnected by co-authorship. It’s also relevant that the studies in social network have been more and more present in the Information Science, mainly as investigative method for the construction of knowledge.


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The social attitudes of teachers are considered highly relevant variables in the process of construction of school inclusion. The aim of the study was to describe the elementary school teachers’ social attitudes towards the inclusion and to identify the variables related to them. The sample consisted of 172 female teachers with ages ranging from 18 to 57, mean age of 37 and standard deviation of 7,9 years of age. A questionnaire was used to describe the participants. A Likert Scale of social attitudes towards inclusion was used. The results show that the chronological age, the level of basic training, the area of specialization, and the time of teaching experience have no significant effect on the social attitudes. The teachers with experience in teaching disabled students were more favorable towards the inclusion than those without such experience. It was concluded that the social attitudes towards inclusion may be complexly determined by different variables, demanding further studies for its enlightenment.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA