988 resultados para óleo-resina de copaíba


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This paper presents a study on coastal hydrodynamics and the spread of an oil spill in waters off Macau and Galinhos, on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. This area has a very marked coastal dynamic owing to the complexity of its geomorphological features, developed in a regime of semidiurnal mesotides involving reefs, spits, estuaries, mangroves, lakes and dunes. The region also plays an important role in the socioeconomic development of the state, given that the production of oil, natural gas, salt and shrimp is concentrated there. The series of oil platforms is interconnected by a pipeline system that carries oil to the local terminal. This pipeline could leak at any moment, causing immense ecological damage. To gauge the risks of an oil leak and resulting contamination of the coastal region, two hydrodynamic scenarios were simulated. The results obtained were used to implement a contaminant transport model with the creation of various oil leak scenarios modeled at different volumes (from small to large) and intensities (sporadic and continuous), at points considered critical for the model (on two platforms and at two pipeline intersections), under different wind (summer and winter) and tidal (high and low at new, full and quarter moon phases) conditions. The use of hydrodynamic circulation computer models as a tool for representing a real project design has been increasingly frequent in recent years, given that they enable the realistic simulation of the hydrodynamic circulation pattern in bodies of water and an analysis of the impacts caused by contaminants released into the water. This study used the computer models contained in SisBAHIA®, in continuous development in the area of Coastal Engineering and Oceanography at COPPE/UFRJ


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work is to identify, to chart and to explain the evolution of the soil occupation and the envirionment vulnerability of the areas of Canto do Amaro and Alto da Pedra, in the city of Mossoró-RN, having as base analyzes it multiweather of images of orbital remote sensors, the accomplishment of extensive integrated works of field to a Geographic Information System (GIS). With the use of inserted techniques of it analyzes space inserted in a (GIS), and related with the interpretation and analyzes of products that comes from the Remote Sensoriamento (RS.), make possible resulted significant to reach the objectives of this works. Having as support for the management of the information, the data set gotten of the most varied sources and stored in digital environment, it comes to constitute the geographic data base of this research. The previous knowledge of the spectral behavior of the natural or artificial targets, and the use of algorithms of Processing of Digital images (DIP), it facilitates the interpretation task sufficiently and searchs of new information on the spectral level. Use as background these data, was generated a varied thematic cartography was: Maps of Geology, Geomorfológicals Units soils, Vegetation and Use and Occupation of the soil. The crossing in environment SIG, of the above-mentioned maps, generated the maps of Natural and Vulnerability envirionmental of the petroliferous fields of I Canto do Amaro and Alto da Pedra-RN, working in an ambient centered in the management of waters and solid residuos, as well as the analysis of the spatial data, making possible then a more complex analysis of the studied area


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness during a twelve-month period, of resin-modified glass ionomer (Vitremer@) used as fissure sealants compared to supervised teeth brushing in the prevention of oclusal caries in permarient molars of pubIlc school children from 5 to 7 years of age. A total of 91 children participated in the study, being randomly divided up into three groups of investigation: group with sealant (n=31), group of supervised brushing (m=30), and control gorup (n=30). After 12 months, a total of 28.5% of tosses in the sample of 26 children was registered, and although there wasn t a significant diference between these losses and the groups studles (p = 0.6355), there was a considerable reduction in the sample. The results showed that none of the independentIy studied variables (present caries experience, biofilm, bleeding, sealant retention, position of the tooth in the arch, and sex) interfered in the final results, and that there was no significant difference between applying the sealant in question, perfornling supervised dental brushing, or not intervening at alI (p=0.542). These results could have been a consequence of the limitations found alI through the study, especially relating to the losses occurred because of school evasion, transfer, or because of the accident in the Marise Paiva Municipal School, Keeping students away for approximately one semester, so tht a new reseach had to be developed sos as to better clarify the effects among the treatments done there


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The aim of this work was the preparation of polyols from reactions between castor oil and dietanolamine to increase the hydroxyl content and the network degree in the products to application in electronic devices. The polyols and the mixtures obtained were characterized by nuclear magnetic ressonance. Castor oil (CO) is a natural triglyceride - based polyol possessing hydroxyl groups, which allow several reactions that produce many different products. Among them are the polyurethanes (PU), which have been considered an ideal product for the covering of electricelectronic circuits, due to their excellent electrical, shock-absorbing, solvents resistance and hydrolytic stability properties. About 90% of the fatty acids present in the castor oil are ricinoleic acid (12-hydroxyoleic acid), while the remaining 10% correspond to non-hydroxylated fatty acids, mainly linoleic and oleic acids. The chemical analysis of castor oil indicates a hydroxyl number of 2.7. In this work, a polyol was obtained by the reaction of the CO with diethanolamine (DEA), in order to elevate the hydroxyl value from 160 to 230 or to 280 mgKOH/g, and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 1H and 13C (Mercury 200). The polyadition of the resulting polyol with isophorone diisocianate (IPDI) was carried out at 60°C, and the reaction kinetics was followed by rheological measurements in a Haake RS150 rheometer. The electrical properties were determined in a HP LCR Meter 4262A, at 1.0 Hz and 10.0 KHz. The chemical analysis showed that the polyols obtained presented hydroxyl number from 230 to 280 mgKOH/g. The polyadition reaction with IPDI produced polyurethane resins with the following properties: hardness in the range from 45 shore A to 65 shore D (ASTM D2240); a dielectric constant of 3.0, at 25°C (ASTM D150). Those results indicate that the obtained resins present compatible properties to the similar products of fossil origin, which are used nowadays for covering electric-electronic circuits. Therefore, the PUs from castor oil can be considered as alternative materials of renewable source, free from the highly harmful petroleum - derived solvents


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An interesting development in surfactants science and technology is their application as corrosion inhibitors, since they act as protective films over anodic and cathodic surfaces. This work aims to investigate the efficiency of saponified coconut oil (SCO) as corrosion inhibitor and of microemulsified system (SCO + butanol + kerosene oil + distilled water), in saline medium, using an adapted instrumented cell, via techniques involving linear polarization resistance (LPR) and mass loss coupons (MLC). For this, curves of efficiency versus SCO concentration (ranging between 0 and 75 ppm) have been constructed. According to the obtained results, the following efficiency levels were reached with OCS: 98% at a 75 ppm concentration via the LPR method and 95% at 75 ppm via the MLC method. The microemulsified system, for a concentration of 15 ppm of SCO, obtained maximum inhibition of 97% (LPR) and 93% (MLC). These data indicate that it is possible to optimize the use of SCO in similar applications. Previous works have demonstrated that maximal efficiencies below 90% are attained, typically 65% as free molecules and 77% in microemulsified medium, via the LPR method in a different type of cell. Therefore, it can be concluded that the adapted instrumented cell (in those used methods) showed to be an important tool in this kind of study and the SCO was shown effective in the inhibition of the metal


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Due to the need of increasing production in reservoirs that are going through production decline, methods of advanced recovery have frequently been used in the last years, as the use of conventional methods has not been successful in solving the problem of oil drifting. In this work, the efficiency of different microemulsionated systems in the flow of oil from cores from Assu and Botucatu formations. Regarding drifting tests, cores were calcinated at a temperature of 1000°C, for 18 hours, with the aim of eliminating any organic compound present in it, increasing the resultant permeability. Following, the cores were isolated with resin, resulting in test specimens with the following dimensions: 3.8 cm of diameter and 8.7 cm of length. Cores were saturated with brine, composed of aqueous 2 wt % KCl, and oil from Guamaré treatment station (Petrobras/RN). A pressure of 20 psi was used in all tests. After core saturation, brine was injected again, followed by oil at constant flow rate. The system S3 - surfactant (anionic surfactant of short chain), isoamillic alcohol, pine oil, and water - presented the best drift efficiency, 81.18%, while the system S1E commercial surfactant, ethyl alcohol, pine oil, and distilled water presented low drift efficiency, 44,68%


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Corrosion inhibitors in solution are utilized to minimize processes from corrosion in steel. Of the present dissertation was evaluated the efficiency by inhibition from the surfactant saponified coconut oil (OCS) in the carbon steel 1020 through in linear polarization electrochemistry technique, well as, studied the process from adsorption through from the isotherms from Langmuir, Frumkin and Temkin. The corrosion current was determined through in Tafel extrapolation from the curves in the polarization, and then, was calculated the efficiency in the inhibitor to each concentration and temperature. Were studied four concentrations (12,5 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, and 75 ppm) in the inhibitor OCS and one in the NaCl salt (10.000 ppm) in six temperatures (301 K, 308 K, 313 K, 318 K, 323 K, and 328 K) in triplicate. By the results obtained observed that the technique applied can evaluated with rapidity and efficiency corrosion inhibitors. In relation to the isotherms, the than best appropriated was the in Langmuir and in the concentrations studied, the that obtained the best efficiency was the concentration of 75 ppm


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The catalytic cracking of triglycerides presents itself as a possible alternative to the production of biofuels with low emission of pollutants. In this work were synthesized the SAPO-5, the catalysts for the cracking reaction of soybean oil is presented. The solids were powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The analyses indicated that the synthesis method has employed to obtain materials with high surface area and high acid. The soybean oil thermal and thermal catalytic cracking, realized from the room temperature to 450 ºC in a simple distillation system, has allowed obtaining two liquid fractions, each consisting of two phases, one aqueous and another organic, organic liquid (OL). The OL obtained from first fractions has shown high acid index, even in the thermal catalytic process. The products obtained in the cracking of soybean oil were analyzed by distillation, acid number, infra-red spectroscopy, density, viscosity, carbon residue, cetane number determination and characterization. The analysis of the products obtained in the presence and in the absence of the SAPO-5 permitted to conclude that all the solids tested presented catalytic activity in the deoxygenation of final products only at the second step of the cracking process


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In this work, expanded perlite, a mineral clay, consisting of SiO2 and Al2O3 in the proportions of 72.1 and 18.5%, respectively, was used as an adsorbent for oil in its pure expanded form as well as hydrofobized with linseed oil. Thermogravimetry (TG), Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) were used to study the thermal behavior and quantify the percent adsorption of perlite in differents processes comparing the results with the ones obtained using Gravimetric Analysis. In the process of hydrophobization with linseed oil granulometric fractions > 20, 20-32 and 32-60 mesh were used and adsorption tests with crude oil were performed in triplicate at room temperature. The results obtained by TG/DTG in dynamic atmosphere of air showed mass losses in a single step for the expanded perlite with pure adsorbed oil, indicating that the adsorption of oil was limited and that the particle size did not in this process. Linseed oil has performed well as an agent of hydrophobized perlite (32 to 60 mesh) indicating a maximum percentage of 59.9% and 68.6% the linseed with a fraction range from considering the data obtained by thermogravimetry and Gravimetry, respectively. The adsorption of oil in the expanded perlite and hydrofobized pure perlite with linseed oil did not produce good results, characterizing an increase of 0.5 to 4.6% in pure perlite and 3.3% in hydrofobized perlite with granulometric 32 to 60 mesh


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This study proposes to find a biodiesel through transesterification of rice bran oil with KI/Al2O3 checking the influence of two types of alumina (Amorphous and Crystalline) for conversion into methyl esters. The catalyst was synthesized by the wet impregnation method. Adding 30 mL of 35% KI(aq.) in 10 g of alumina, under stirring at 80 °C for 3 hours. The reaction conditions used in this study were optimized, with a molar ratio methanol:oil of 15:1, 8 h of reaction time and reflux temperature. The catalyst amount was varied in the range of 1 to 5 % wt. The solid catalysts materials were analyzed by: x-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry (TG), N2 adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and basicity, for the identification of its structure and composition, verifying the presence of basic sites. The results showed that Al2O3(A) presents an amorphous structure, high surface area and a better catalytic activity, in relation to the catalyst synthesized with Al2O3(C) support that proved to have a more crystalline structure, having as well, a lesser surface area, enabling difficulties for the incorporation of active sites. The obtained biodiesel with 5% wt. KI/Al2O3(A) presented physicochemical properties within the standards specified by the Resolution No 7/2008 ANP and obtained the best reaction yield with 95.2%, according to quantitative measurement from the TG, which showed 96.2% conversion into methyl esters. It was furthermore found that with the increasing amount of the quantity of the catalyst in the reaction, there was also an increase in the ester content obtained. The specific mass and the kinematic viscosity were reduced with the increase of the amount of quantity of the catalyst, indicating an increase in the conversion of triglycerides


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Produced water has lately aroused interest due to their high degree of salinity, suspended oil particles, chemicals added in various manufacturing processes, heavy metals and radioactivity sometimes. Along with oil and due to its high volume production, water production is one of the pollutants of most concern in the process of oil extraction. PAHs due to their ubiquity and their characteristics carcinogenic or mutagenic and teratogenic even have attracted the attention of every scientific society. Formed from the incomplete combustion of organic matter may be natural or anthropogenic. Some materials have been researched with the goal of cleaning up environmental matrices that may be contaminated by hydrocarbons. Among these materials researched various clays have been employed, of which highlights the vermiculite. The family of phyllosilicates, vermiculite for its potential and its high hydrophobic surface area has been a tool widely used in the decontamination of water in processes of oil spills. However, when it loses its capacity expanded hydrophobic having the necessity of using a hidrofobizante to make it organophilic. Among the numerous hidrofobizantes researched and used the linseed oil was the pioneer. In this study sought to evaluate the capacity of removal of PAHs using the vermiculite hydrofobized with linseed oil and wax also, for it was made use of the 24 full factorial design as the main tool for the experiments. We also evaluated the clay grain size (-20 +48 and -48 +80 #), the percentage of hidrofobizante applied (5 and 10%) and salinity of the water produced synthesized in our laboratory (35,000 and 55,000 ppm). The molecular fluorescence spectroscopy due to its sensitivity and speed was used to verify the adsorption capacity of clay, as well as gas chromatography served as an auxiliary technique to identify and quantify the PAHs in solution. In order to characterize the vermiculite was made use of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The infrared and thermogravimetry were essential to note hydrophobization and the amount of coating of clay. According to the fluorescence analysis showed that the test 12 was the best result in about 98% adsorption of fluorescent compounds, however the high salinity, the smallest particle size, the highest percentage of hidrofobizante and the use of linseed oil showed greater efficiency in the removal capacity of these hydrocarbons, in accordance with the trend followed by the analysis of the major factors of the factorial design. To verify the adsorption capacity of clay using a fixed volume of water produced synthetically, used as the test base 12, at their respective levels and factors. Thus, it was observed that after adding about 1 ½ liters of water solution produced synthetically, about 300 times its volume in mass, the vermiculite was able to adsorb 80% of fluorescent species present in solution


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Cutting fluids are lubricants used in metal-mechanical industries. Their complex composition varies according to the type of operation carried out, also depending on the metals under treatment or investigation. Due to the high amount of mineral oil produced in Northeastern Brazil, we have detected the need to better use this class of material. In this work, two novel formulations have been tested, both based on naphthenic mineral oil and additives, such as: an emulsifying agent (A), an anticorrosion agent (B), a biocide (C) and an antifoam agent (D). Each formulation was prepared by mixing the additives in the mineral oil at a 700-rpm stirring velocity for 10 min, at 25°C, employing a 24 factorial planning. The formulations were characterized by means of density, total acid number (TAN), viscosity, flash point and anticorrosion activity. In a subsequent study, oil-in-water emulsions were prepared from these novel formulations. The emulsions were analyzed in terms of stability, corrosion degree, percentage of foam formation, conductivity, accelerated stability and particle size. The samples were appropriately labeled, and, in special, two of them were selected for featuring emulsion properties which were closer to those of the standards chosen as references (commercial cutting oils). Investigations were undertaken on the ability of NaCl and CaCl2 to destabilize the emulsions, at concentrations of 2%, 5% and 10%, at an 800-rpm stirring velocity for 5 min and temperatures of 25º, 40º, 50º and 60ºC. The recovered oils were chemically altered by reincorporating the same additives used in the original formulations, followed by preparation of emulsions with the same concentrations as those of the initial ones. The purpose was to assess the possibility of reusing the recovered oil. The effluents generated during the emulsion destabilization step were characterized via turbidity index, contents of oil and grease, pH, and contents of anions and cations, observing compliance with the parameters established by the current environmental legislation (Brazil s CONAMA 357/05 resolution). It could be concluded that the formulations presented excellent physicochemical properties as compared to commercial cutting fluids, showing that the quality of the newly-prepared fluids is superior to that of the formulations available in the market, enabling technically and environmentally-safe applications


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The separation oil-water by the use of flotation process is characterized by the involvement between the liquid and gas phases. For the comprehension of this process, it s necessary to analyze the physical and chemical properties command float flotation, defining the nature and forces over the particles. The interface chemistry has an important role on the flotation technology once, by dispersion of a gas phase into a liquid mixture the particles desired get stuck into air bubbles, being conduced to a superficial layer where can be physically separated. Through the study of interface interaction involved in the system used for this work, was possible to apply the results in an mathematical model able to determine the probability of flotation using a different view related to petroleum emulsions such as oil-water. The terms of probability of flotation correlate the collision and addition between particles of oil and air bubbles, that as more collisions, better is the probability of flotation. The additional probability was analyzed by the isotherm of absorption from Freundlich, represents itself the add probability between air bubbles and oil particles. The mathematical scheme for float flotation involved the injected air flow, the size of bubbles and quantity for second, the volume of float cell, viscosity of environment and concentration of demulsifier. The results shown that the float agent developed by castor oil, pos pH variation, salt quantity, temperature, concentration and water-oil quantity, presented efficient extraction of oil from water, up to 95%, using concentrations around 11 ppm of demulsifier. The best results were compared to other commercial products, codified by ―W‖ and ―Z‖, being observed an equivalent demulsifier power between Agflot and commercial product ―W‖ and superior to commercial product ―Z‖