979 resultados para β agonist adrenergic
Os agonistas beta-adrenérgicos (βAA) são conhecidos por aumentar a hipertrofia muscular e lipólise, neste caso uma maneira de se reduzir o efeito da lipólise seria a imunocastração. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar o efeito dos βAA e da imunocastração sobre a qualidade da carne de bovinos Nelore. Foram utilizados noventa e seis bovinos Nelore, sendo que metade dos animais (n=48) receberam uma dose da vacina de imunocastração, e após 30 dias receberam a segunda dose. A outra metade dos animais (n=48) não recebeu nenhuma dose da vacina. Durante 70 dias os animais foram alimentados com uma dieta padrão composta de 24% volumoso e 76% de concentrado. Após 70 dias de confinamento os animais foram divididos em três grupos, dentro de bloco (peso inicial) e condição sexual e foram alimentados por 30 dias, com umas das seguintes dietas: CON - dieta padrão utilizada na fase anterior, sem a adição de βAA; ZIL - dieta padrão acrescida de 80 mg/dia Cloridrato de Zilpaterol; RAC - dieta padrão acrescida de 300 mg/dia Cloridrato de Ractopamina. Ao final desse período os animais foram abatidos e colhidas amostras do músculo Longissimus dorsi para as avaliações de qualidade de carne, lipídeos totais, perfil de ácidos graxos, análise sensorial do consumidor, perfil morfométrico muscular, expressão dos genes calpaína e calpastatina, comprimento de sarcômero. Para a maioria das características avaliadas não foram observadas interações entre os tratamentos. Ao avaliar o efeito da condição sexual, os animais imunocastrados apresentaram maiores intensidades de cor L, a e b, lipídios totais, ácidos oleico, palmítico e total de monoinsaturados e maior frequência para as fibras oxidativas (FO) e glicolíticas (FG) em relação aos não-castrados. Contudo, os animais não-castrados tiveram uma tendência a apresentarem uma carne mais macia na análise sensorial e obtiveram maior frequência das fibras oxidativasglicolíticas (FOG) em relação aos imunocastrados. Quanto ao efeito dos βAA, o grupo ZIL apresentaram uma carne menos macia na força de cisalhamento, maiores concentrações de ácidos heptadecanoico, linoleico, araquidonico ácido C20:3 N6C8C11C14, ômega 6, maior frequência para as FO e menor para FG em comparação ao grupo RAC e CON. No entanto, os animais do grupo CON e ZIL apresentaram maior área para as FO em comparação ao grupo RAC, enquanto que para as FOG, os animais do grupo CON tiveram maior área do que os animais do grupo RAC e ZIL. Na análise sensorial, os grupos RAC e ZIL receberam menores notas para os atributos textura e qualidade global em relação ao CON. Não foi observado efeito da condição sexual e dos βAA sobre a expressão dos genes e comprimento de sarcômero. Conclui-se que a condição sexual e a suplementação com os βAA podem alterar a qualidade da carne, perfil de ácidos graxos e morfométrico muscular, sem, contudo, alterar a expressão dos genes e do comprimento de sarcômero.
Cannabinoids have been demonstrated to exert neuroprotective effects on different types of neuronal insults. Here we have addressed the therapeutic potential of the synthetic cannabinoid HU210 on photoreceptor degeneration, synaptic connectivity and functional activity of the retina in the transgenic P23H rat, an animal model for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP). In P23H rats administered with HU210 (100 μg/kg, i.p.) from P24 to P90, ERG recordings showed an amelioration of vision loss, as compared to vehicle-administered animals. Under scotopic conditions, the maximum a-wave amplitudes recorded at P60 and P90 were higher in HU210-treated animals, as compared to the values obtained in untreated animals. The scotopic b-waves were significantly higher in treated animals than in untreated rats at P30, P60 and P90. This attenuation of visual deterioration correlated with a delay in photoreceptor degeneration and the preservation of retinal cytoarchitecture. HU210-treated animals had 40% more photoreceptors than untreated animals. Presynaptic and postsynaptic elements, as well as the synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and bipolar or horizontal cells, were also preserved in HU210-treated P23H rats. These results indicate that HU210 preserves cone and rod structure and function, together with their contacts with postsynaptic neurons, in P23H rats. These data suggest that cannabinoids are potentially useful to delay retinal degeneration in RP patients.
Binocular rivalry occurs when different images are presented simultaneously to corresponding points within the left and right eyes. Under these conditions, the observer's perception will alternate between the two perceptual alternatives. Motivated by the reported link between the rate of perceptual alternations, symptoms of psychosis and an incidental observation that the rhythmicity of perceptual alternations during binocular rivalry was greatly increased 10 h after the consumption of LSD, this study aimed to investigate the pharmacology underlying binocular rivalry and to explore the connection between the timing of perceptual switching and psychosis. Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, PY) was chosen for the study because, like LSD, it is known to act as an agonist at serotonin (5-HT)(1A) and 5-HT2A receptors and to produce an altered state sometimes marked by psychosis-like symptoms. A total of 12 healthy human volunteers were tested under placebo, low-dose ( 115 mg/kg) and high-dose ( 250 mg/kg) PY conditions. In line with predictions, under both low- and high-dose conditions, the results show that at 90 min postadministration ( the peak of drug action), rate and rhythmicity of perceptual alternations were significantly reduced from placebo levels. Following the 90 min testing period, the perceptual switch rate successively increased, with some individuals showing increases well beyond pretest levels at the final testing, 360 min postadministration. However, as some subjects had still not returned to pretest levels by this time, the mean phase duration at 360 min was not found to differ significantly from placebo. Reflecting the drug-induced changes in rivalry phase durations, subjects showed clear changes in psychological state as indexed by the 5D-ASC ( altered states of consciousness) rating scales. This study suggests the involvement of serotonergic pathways in binocular rivalry and supports the previously proposed role of a brainstem oscillator in perceptual rivalry alternations and symptoms of psychosis.
The objective was to compare testis characteristics of Zebu bulls treated with the GnRH agonist, deslorelin, at different times and for different durations during their development. An additional objective was to determine the usefulness of a stain for the transcription factor GATA-binding protein 4 (GATA-4) as a specific marker for Sertoli cell nuclei in cattle. Bulls (54) were allocated to nine groups (n = 6) and received s.c. deslorelin implants as follows: G1 = from birth to 3 mo of age; G2 = from 3 to 6 mo; G3 = from 6 to 9 mo; G4 = from 9 to 12 mo; G5 = from birth to 15 mo; G6 = from 3 to 15 mo; G7 = from 6 to 15 mo; G8 = from 12 to 15 mo; and G9 (control) = no implant. Bulls were castrated at 19 mo of age. Paraffin sections (10 mu m) were subjected to quantitative morphometry and GATA-4 immunohistochemistry. At castration, all bulls in the control group (6/6) had attained puberty (scrotal circumference ! 28 cm), whereas a smaller proportion (P < 0.05) had reached puberty in G2 (2/5) and G6 (1/ 6). Bulls in G2 and G6 also had a lesser (P < 0.05) testis weight compared with the control group. Total volume of seminiferous epithelium and total daily sperm production in G2 and G6 were only half that observed in the control group. Spermatids were observed in less than 50% of seminiferous tubules in G2, G6, and G7 compared with 82% in the control group (P < 0.05). Staining for GATA-4 was specific for and abundant in the Sertoli cell nucleus in both pre- and postpubertal bulls, and no other cell nucleus inside the seminiferous tubule was positive for GATA-4. Total number of Sertoli cells was not affected by treatment (P = 0.45), but nuclear volume was smaller in G2 and G6 (P < 0.05) compared with the control group. In conclusion, treatment of Zebu bulls with deslorelin had no apparent beneficial effect on testis development and delayed puberty when treatment was initiated at 3 mo of age. Staining for GATA-4 was a useful method for identifying and quantifying Sertoli cell nuclei in both pre- and postpubertal bulls.
The C terminus is responsible for all of the agonist activity of C5a at human C5a receptors (C5aRs). In this report we have mapped the ligand binding site on the C5aR using a series of agonist and antagonist peptide mimics of the C terminus of C5a as well as receptors mutated at putative interaction sites ( Ile(116), Arg(175), Arg(206), Glu(199), Asp(282), and Val(286)). Agonist peptide 1 (Phe-Lys-Pro-D-cyclohexylalanine-cyclohexylalanine-D-Arg) can be converted to an antagonist by substituting the bulkier Trp for cyclohexylalanine at position 5 ( peptide 2). Conversely, mutation of C5aR transmembrane residue Ile(116) to the smaller Ala (I116A) makes the receptor respond to peptide 2 as an agonist (Gerber, B. O., Meng, E. C., Dotsch, V., Baranski, T. J., and Bourne, H. R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 3394 - 3400). However, a potent cyclic hexapeptide antagonist, Phe-cyclo-[Orn-Pro-D-cyclohexylalanine-Trp-Arg] ( peptide 3), derived from peptide 2 and which binds to the same receptor site, remains a full antagonist at I116AC5aR. This suggests that although the residue at position 5 might bind near to Ile(116), the latter is not essential for either activation or antagonism. Arg(206) and Arg(175) both appear to interact with the C-terminal carboxylate of C5a agonist peptides, suggesting a dynamic binding mechanism that may be a part of a receptor activation switch. Asp(282) has been previously shown to interact with the side chain of the C-terminal Arg residue, and Glu(199) may also interact with this side chain in both C5a and peptide mimics. Using these interactions to orient NMR-derived ligand structures in the binding site of C5aR, a new model of the interaction between peptide antagonists and the C5aR is presented.
Many marine reptiles and birds possess extrarenal salt glands that facilitate the excretion of excess sodium and chloride ions accumulated as a consequence of living in saline environments. Control of the secretory activity of avian salt glands is under neural control, but little information is available on the control of reptilian salt glands. Innervation of the lingual salt glands of the salt water crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, was examined in salt water-acclimated animals using histological methods. Extensive networks of both cholinergic and adrenergic nerve fibres were identified close to salt-secreting lobules and vasculature. The identification of both catecholamine-containing and cholinergic neurons in the salt gland epithelium and close to major blood vessels in the tissue suggests the action of the neurotransmitters on the salt-secreting epithelium itself and the rich vascular network of the lingual salt glands.
Testosterone secretion in mammals typically occurs in random pulses such that a single blood sample provides limited information on reproductive endocrine status. However, it has been shown in several species that an index of the prevailing testosterone biosynthetic capacity of the testes can be obtained by measuring the increase in circulating testosterone after injection of a GnRH agonist or human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Hence, the aims of the present study were to examine fluctuations in testosterone secretion in the koala (n = 6) over a 24-hour period and then characterise testosterone secretion after injection of the GnRH agonist buserelin (4 mu g) or hCG (1000 IU). The latter was used to establish an index of the prevailing testosterone biosynthetic capacity of the koala testis. Individual koalas showed major changes in blood testosterone concentrations over 24 hours, but there was no apparent diurnal pattern of testosterone secretion (P >.05). Injection of buserelin and hCG resulted in an increase (P