745 resultados para "liberalismo heróico" weberiano
A filosofia da educação, para nós, será trabalhada dentro de uma visão histórica, ou seja, todos os conceitos relacionados à filosofia da educação trabalhados durante o curso são conceitos históricos, assim todos possuem uma dimensão histórica que remete ao entendimento do conceito a compreensão das condições históricas que foram responsáveis pela construção desses conceitos. É nesse sentido, que quando falamos do processo formativo não podemos deixar de nos remeter a grandes escritos que marcaram a civilização ocidental como, por exemplo, os textos de Homero, principalmente a Ilíada e a Odisséia. Devemos notar como as aventuras desses guerreiros míticos, seja Aquiles ou Ulisses, influenciaram na formação do cidadão grego, ou seja, é importante entender o modo que essas figuras foram representadas e serviram de modelo para a constituição da educação grega.
O presente estudo, subordinado à temática «Encontro entre Culturas» e «A Madeira e os Alemães», propõe-se à investigação da representatividade da intervenção alemã sobre o contexto regional, através da análise da visão madeirense sobre o povo e cultura germânicos. Desde recuados tempos o fenómeno «ilheidade» sempre esteve subjacente à sensação do «ser e estar madeirenses», o indagar pelo desconhecido do além-mar, a ânsia de transpor o horizonte fora do que a vista alcança, foram, com o passar dos tempos, sensações despertas pelo contacto com outras culturas. Com o romper do liberalismo arranca o jornalismo insular e, com ele, a manifestação do discurso público, numa dimensão até então desconhecida. Pela primeira vez na história madeirense, os madeirenses falam de si próprios, dando azo à auto e hetero-observação. A percepção do «outro» remeterá para uma reflexão sobre a visão endógena da identidade cultural madeirense e, simultaneamente, para a visão exógena da «diferença» do «outro», neste caso do «alemão». Neste estudo estarão constantemente perceptíveis os fenómenos da alteridade e da interculturalidade luso-germânica, assim como a rivalidade anglogermânica. Pela mesma altura começam a desenhar-se na ilha vínculos com a nação emergente, a Alemanha, quer no âmbito terapêutico-científico, demonstrado na questão da «Madeirasache» e da concessão dos sanatórios na ilha, quer no concernente ao interesse germânico pela ilha, segundo conveniências estratégico-militares ou político-turísticas. A conjuntura político-económica e social vigente durante o período 1917-1939 agudizará as relações luso-germânicas, o germanófilo Sidónio de Pais ascende ao poder, cessa a Grande Guerra, floresce o fascismo europeu. O dirigível alemão passa pela ilha, o turismo nazi elege a Madeira como regular destino turístico, a Juventude Hitleriana acampa na ilha, enquanto uma segunda guerra mundial está prestes a eclodir. A opinião pública fervilhará ao ritmo dos acontecimentos, manifestando-se na imprensa local posições pró e antigermânicas.
This work aims at analyzing how Adam Smith, one of the founders of the liberal regime was seen by Roberto Campos, one of the patriarchs of Brazilian liberalism. In this sense, it will be shown how and why the legacy of Scotland was used to legitimize the new pattern of accumulation necessary to capitalism from the second half of the twentieth century on. So, it is the intention to make explicit that the changes in Campos discursive form are consistent with the requirements of capitalism in crisis and were fundamental in the creation of another common sense. To achieve these goals it will be assessed in what way the liberal rhetoric of the Brazilian, harmonized with foreign authors with the same vision, has become an important weapon to transform Smith into a myth in contrast to the political and economic criteria advocated by the same, but valuable to what Roberto Campos intended
This study aims to analyze the relationship between music and religion in Max Weber s life and work, in a perspective that combines its intellectual productions in Sociology, in religion and art subfields. We developed a research in order to revisit the concept of rationalization, present in Weberian thought, and also to discuss how music and religion, as distinct spheres of life, star conflicts and alliances and build particular attitudes of action in the world, having the appearance of a rationality based on calculation in a central position to understand the construction of musical technique in the West and the autonomy of aesthetic enjoyment from religious enjoyment, previously linked. Regarding the procedure analysis, we built a symbolic cartography, according to Santos (2000), from selected works of Max Weber, as Religious rejections in the world and their directions (1982), among others. With the activity, we identified similarities and differences between music and religion in the author thoughts. We consider that the studied dimensions are important in Weberian analysis of the constitution of modern society and its cultural system, showing two distinct approaches to the issue of rationalization in the West
The freedom of concurrence, firstly conceived as a simple market fundament in productive systems that recognized the productive forces freedom of action, appears as a clear instrument of protection and fomentation of the market, recognizing the importance of the simultaneous existence of various economic forces such the proper capitalism reason of constitution. It has, thus, a directly role linked to the fundamental idea that the market and its productive forces needed of a protection against itself, because it exists inside the market situations and circumstances, provoked or not, that could prejudice and even annihilate the its existence and functioning, whilst a complex role of productive forces presents at all economic creation space. It was the primacy of the classic liberalism, the first phase of the capitalism. The Constitutions, in that historic moment, did not proclaim any interference at the economic scenario, simply because it recognized the existence of an economic freedom prepared to justify and guarantee the market forces, with its own rules. Based on the structural changes that occurred at the following historic moments, inside the constitutionally recognized capitalism, it was verified changes in the ambit of treatment of the freedom of concurrence principle that, in a progressive way, passes to present a configuration more concerned with socialist and developing ideas, as long as not only a market guarantee. It emerges a freedom of concurrence which aim is instrumental, in relation to its objectives and constitutional direction as a role, and not anymore stagnant and with isolated treatment, in special at the constitutional systems the present s clear aspects of social interventions and guarantor of fundamental rights more extensive and harmonious. That change is located at a space of state actuation much more ample and juridical important, this time comprehending the necessity of managing the productive scenario aiming to reach a national social and economic development effectively guarantor of fundamental rights for all citizens. Those Constitutions take as point of starting that the social and economic development, and not only anymore the economic growth, is the effective way for concretization of these rights. In that way it needs to be observed and crystallized by political and juridical tools that respect the ideological fundamental spirit of the Constitutional Charters. In that scenario that seeks for solutions of rights accomplishment, in special the social rights, the constitutional principle of freedom of concurrence has been seen as an instrument for reaching bigger values and directives, such as the social justice, which only can be real at a State that can implement a comprehensive and permanent social and economic development. The freedom of concurrence tries to valorize and defend something larger and consonant to the political values expressed in the Constitutional Charters with social character, which is the right to a social and economical sustainable development, guarantor of more clear and compromised collective benefits with social justice. The origin of that constitutional imposition is not only supported by vague orientations of the economic space, but as integrated to it, with basis formed of normative and principles posted and prepared to produce effects at the proper reason of the Constitution
Este trabajo busca demostrar cómo la figura intelectual de Caetano Veloso es importante en el escenario de la cultura brasileña, presentando el análisis de algunas canciones de su producción musical, desde el momento heroico del Tropicalismo hasta las composiciones más recientes. Busca también, resaltar lo que el cancionista refleja en sus ensayos, referente a temas esenciales para la interpretación de Brasil en cuanto a la constitución de su identidad cultural. El pensamiento del mestizo de Caetano Veloso se investiga en su proyecto de canciones, para evidenciar su intervención en el mundo de la cultura, posibilitando una discusión que refleja las relaciones significativas entre la literatura y la música, además de favorecer un diálogo evidente con otros discursos estéticos
Este estudo visa compreender a produção do lugar social do fisioterapeuta brasileiro por meio de suas práticas. O material empírico utilizado foram 89 entrevistas, dados do I Censo de Fisioterapeutas do Estado de São Paulo e informações sobre os cursos de graduação em Fisioterapia no Brasil. A análise dos dados mostrou que o lugar social do fisioterapeuta está fortemente ligado ao modelo curativo, identificado com o ideário liberal-privatista, com instituições formadoras predominantemente privadas e concentradas na região Sudeste. Os resultados sustentam evidências de uma prática profissional fragmentada, estimulada pelo modelo hegemônico, mas também apresenta marcas de superação, mostrando a disputa de dois modelos na atenção à saúde: hegemônico e contra-hegemônico. O primeiro toma a parte pelo todo, fragmenta o conhecimento e o corpo, identifica-se com o liberalismo e tem a saúde como mercadoria; a organização dos serviços é centrada na doença e na especialização. O segundo, sem negar a importância do conhecimento técnico, valoriza as dimensões sociais e humanas na prática profissional, está centrado na pessoa e busca a integralidade e a interdisciplinaridade. Esse modelo permite ampliar a prática do fisioterapeuta para além da clínica, em direção a um lugar social mais humano e solidário, identificado com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde. Também permite repensar o atual lugar social, oferecendo parâmetros para a reorientação dos caminhos da profissão.
Machado de Assis understood his time and brought his perception of Brazilian society in the 19th century, with its multiple aspects economy, politics, culture, amongst others - to the texts he wrote. Through the tensions lived in his novels and short stories, Machado displays Brazilian social reality and the changes it had been undergoing. Mariana and Pai contra mãe show the crisis of the slavery system, the relation of dependency, the treatment given to the captives and the lack of coherence of a country that intended to adopt Liberalism as an ideology, but which kept on living under the shadow of slavery and its consequences. A country where the priorities were given to the landlords, owners of slaves, in protection of their interests. O caso da vara tells about how the crias da casa little black girls who lived in the household and learned how to make spool embroidery were treated. What were the punishments for desobedience and how they were levelled out, how should be the behaviour of a child who lived as a social outcast. Thus, this paper aims at playing a game of mirrors between History and fiction. Not only to play it, but to analyze how Machado deals with the reflections of 19th century Brazil on his short stories
This research comprises a study on the values and ideals attributed to Dix-sept Rosado, by the Coleção Mossoroense journal. Local researchers demonstrate how the Coleção Mossoroense constructs an image of Mossoró, forming in the members of the city an identity with the place, a social cohesion or creating one forms to see and to say about the Mossoró city. The Coleção Mossoroense, through Vingt-un Rosado together with its family, established a form of seeing and identifying of the Mossoró s population with the city, just because it associated and it was, at the same time, a movement at the same time social (civic parties for example), political (the domination of the Rosado s family) and cultural (the books and theatrical parties about the city). The conjunction of the Coleção Mossoroense as and with a social movement, cultural and political was capable to establish a social identity, a subjective constituent . With this background, it was possible to make a study of the image attributed to Dix-sept Rosado, by the Coleção Mossoroense, through an analysis of the inherent discourse in the works by Bakhtin (1989) and Bourdieu (2000), of and on Dix-sept Rosado in the Coleção Mossoroense based on. The image of Dix-sept Rosado was constructed by the Coleção Mossoroense after its death, and the responsible for this was Vingt-un Rosado, which was the chief-editor of the Coleção Mossoroense up to 2006, year of its death. The Coleção Mossoroense built an image of Dix-sept Rosado as an enterprising man, progressive and innovator, of great capacity of leadership and oratory (a conductor of the crowds ), popular and charismatic, an honest and dynamic politician. This image made by the Coleção Mossoroense, although when enhancing in surplus the qualities of Dix-sept Rosado have as objective to transmit an image of a heroic personage, it has some relation with the reality. Dix-sept Rosado was a man identified with its locality. This can resemble a regional nationalism. The attitudes of Dix-sept Rosado must be understood inside of a broader social context, of a time marked by the populist politics. Qualities also appreciated and developed inside of a specific historical context and determined both national and locally. The Coleção Mossoroense enhances the qualities of Dix-sept Rosado so that the current politicians of the Rosado s family can establish a link of continuity in its contemporary political practice
L'oeuvre de Sartre pourrait être lue comme Vincamation de l'esprit pathétique et héroïque de l'époque de la guerre et de la Résistance. Sous le coup de feu des barricades de 44, une philosophie de la révolution commence à éclore-elle fut forgée à chaud durant cette époque de haute température historique. C'est de la généralisation théorique de cette expérience politique cruciale, c'est-à-dire de la cristallisation du mythe de la Résistance, que vient, à mon avis, l'idée satrienne de révolution.
Nous avons analysé les résultats d'une recherché sur les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses (chez les Églises Évangéliques et Catholique Renovée, et chez l'Oumbanda). Ainsi que leur comparaison avec le traitement fourni, chez les Ambulatoires de Santé Mentale publiques, aux individus se plaignant de souffrance psychique. L'analyse statistique a révélé que les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses sont efficaces à la solution des problèmes de ceux qui les ont cherché, en surmontant, dans le court délai, l'efficacité obtenue par les pratiques ambulatoriales. Un des principaux moyens d'efficacité des pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses consiste dans l'offre de sens de diverses nuances, d'où se ressort le sens radical de teneur imaginaire, qui implique en des adhésions institutionelles du type fanatique ou ritualistique en bonne partie des cas. Les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses semblent fonctioner comme des orthopédies des maladies de l'individualisme contemporain, en réinstallant, par des moyens syntoniques, quelque fonctionalité de la catégorie individu. Comme suite de l'analyse, nous arrivons à l'hypothèse sur l'existence d'une Culture du Mysticisme en état avancé de formation dans le contexte brésilien, comme conséquence des caractéristiques culturelles et des effets de la perturbation des rapports du sujet avec le domaine du symbolique, dans les sociétés de consommation mondialisées à exclusion sociale accentuée et affectées par une importante crise de sens, conséquence de l'ébranlement des idéaux les plus basilaires du libéralisme.
Una revisión de la sociología de las profesiones desde la teoría crítica del trabajo en la Argentina
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