876 resultados para waiting rooms


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Covering the grapevine rows to delay the maturity and harvest date became widely practiced in 'Sultana Seedless' vineyards. The research work was conducted to test different cover materials (polypropylene cross-stitch, life pack, mogul and transparent polyethylene) in respect to their effects on grape quality and storability. Harvest was delayed for one month in covered plots. Harvested grapes were packed and transferred to storage rooms after pre-cooling. During packing, the grape clusters were sealed in PE bags with sulphur dioxide pads. The grapes were stored for 90 days in the first year and 120 days in the second year, at -0.5ºC and 90% RH. All the grape clusters were healthy and of marketable quality after 90 days of storage period. In the first year, at the end of the storage, only those grapes harvested from the rows covered with polypropylene cross-stitch showed fungal growth. The sensory quality scores revealed a lower level of preference after 120 days of storage. The effects of the covering materials tested were similar regarding grape quality and storage performance except the transparent polyethylene that damaged the grapevine leaves.


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Abstract Postharvest lettuce often lose water, thus affecting both its market value and consumer acceptance. However, the mechanism of the water-loss is still waiting well exploration. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a foliar application of ABA on the fresh weight-loss and the chlorophyll content of postharvest lettuce as well as its association with the regulation of stomata. The present data demonstrated that exogenously application of ABA, in a concentration range of 0 to 100 µM, significantly lowered the fresh weight-loss of postharvest lettuce. ABA also delayed chlorophyll reduction during ambient storage, but this protective effect was ABA concentration-dependent. Among the tested ABA concentrations, 50 µM or lower ABA produced an inhibition effect on chlorophyll degradation in postharvest lettuce leaves. The results demonstrated that the exogenous ABA treatment can obviously reduce the transpiration rate of lettuce leaves by promoting the stomatal closure of postharvest lettuce, therefore eventually delay fresh weight-loss. The present study primarily showed that the application of exogenous ABA, which originated from a naturally-produced phytohormone, has a great potential in retaining the freshness of postharvest lettuce that is stored in an ambient condition, although possible practical application still need to be further evaluated.


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It is common to see in any soybean plant that seeds reach maturity at different times. Thus the objective of the present study was to determine the magnitude of the seed moisture range at different stages of maturation in a soybean plant. The field study was conducted in a tropical region in the state of Mato Grosso - Brazil, established with foundation seeds of the MTBR-45 cultivar, and at flowering, 100 plants were marked at the same maturity stage. Harvesting began when seeds still were at high moisture content (MC). At each of eight harvesting times, during 16 days, all pods from two plants were harvested and the seeds from each pod were hand threshed individually and determined the moisture content . The results revealed that there is a great distribution of seed MC in a soybean plant, where at physiological maturity, the magnitude can reach more than 30 percentage points. Also, even with an average MC below 12%, there were more than 20 % of the seeds with MC above 13% and some seeds at this point had been waiting to be harvested for more than a week. The following conclusions and/or recommendations can be taken: 1- The great seed MC range in a soybean seed lot harvested at field maturity leads to the presence of seeds susceptible to mechanical damage and with MC unsafe for adequate storage; 2 - It is recommended that harvesting be accomplished when the seeds are in the 15-18% MC range, in order to minimize field deterioration and the percentage of seeds with high MC; 3- Drying is recommended, even when soybean seeds are in their average MC safe for storage.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on Rikosseuraamuslaitoksen tulosohjauksen kuvaaminen, mää-rittely, arviointi ja kehitysehdotusten tekeminen. Lisäksi määritellään normi- ja informaa-tio-ohjaus sekä tarkastellaan kuinka ne näkyvät tulosohjauksessa. Informaatio-ohjauksesta tuodaan esille keskeisimpiä kehityskohteita. Toiminnan tehostamistarpeet johtuvat yleisestä taloustilanteesta ja sitä seuraavasta määrärahojen pienenemisestä. Aluksi pidettiin puolistrukturoidut haastattelut, joiden perusteella kuvattiin laitoksen pro-sessikartta. Tämän jälkeen tulos- ja normiohjauksesta tehtiin eritasoisia prosessikuvauk-sia. Kuvauksilla rajattiin ja selvennettiin tarkasteltavia prosesseja. Kirjallisuuden, tutki-musten ja selvitysten avulla kartoitettiin tulosohjauksen yleisiä kehityskohteita. Niitä ver-rattiin haastattelutietoihin, arvioitiin tulosohjauksen nykytilaa ja tehtiin kehitysehdotuksia. Tulosohjauksesta löytyi useita kehityskohteita. Strategisen toimenpidesuunnitelman edis-tymiseen tulisi tehdä raportointiaikataulu. Tulostavoitteita voisi valmistella enemmän työntekijälähtöisesti ja yksiköille tulisi laatia omat strategiat. Asiakaspalautekyselyä tulisi kehittää, toteuttaa se verkkopohjaisena ja ottaa käyttöön kaikissa yksiköissä. Mittarit tuli-si liittää ydinprosesseihin ja jakaa ne laitos-alue-yksikkö -tasoille. Säännölliset raportit tulisi automatisoida ja antaa niiden tulostusoikeudet käyttäjille. Lisäksi kehittämishankkeita ja projekteja voisi hieman vähentää mutta viedä ne tehokkaammin läpi. Normi- ja informaatio-ohjaus ovat kiinteä osa tulosohjausta. Normiohjaus perustuu pääasiassa säädöksiin ja informaatio-ohjaus tiedolla ohjaamiseen. Informaatio-ohjauksessa tulisi kiinnittää huomiota aluekeskuksen tiedottamiseen, ettei yksiköitä ohjata keskushallinnosta aluekeskuksen ohi. Keskushallinnon tulisi myös päivittää ohjeistukset nopeammin erityisesti lakimuutosten yhteydessä. Myös vastuuta voisi jakaa enemmän alueille. Käyttöön voisi ottaa uuden tiedotuskanavan, esimerkiksi sähköinen uutislehtinen tai info-näytöt taukotiloissa.


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Organizations often consider investing in a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as a way to enhance their business processes, as it allows integrating information used by multiple different departments into a harmonized computing system. The hope of gaining significant business benefits, such as reducing operating costs, is the key reason why organizations have decided to invest in ERP systems since 1990’s. Still, all ERP projects do not end up in success, and deployment of ERP system does not necessarily guarantee the results people were waiting for. This research studies why organizations invest in ERP, but also what downsides ERP projects currently have. Additionally Enterprise Application Integrations (EAI) as next generation’s ERP solutions are studied to challenge and develop traditional ERP. The research questions are: What are the weaknesses in traditional ERP deployment in today’s business? How does the proposed next generation’s ERP answer to these weaknesses? At the beginning of the thesis, as an answer to the first research question, the basics of ERP implementation are introduced with both the pros and cons of investing in ERP. Key concepts such as IS integration and EAI are also studied. Empirical section of the thesis focuses on answering the second research question from the integration approach. A qualitative research is executed by interviewing five experienced IT professionals about EAI benefits, limitations, and problems. The thematic interview and questionnaire follow the presented ERP main elements from literature. The research shows that adopting traditional ERP includes multiple downsides, e.g. inflexibility and requiring big investments in terms of money. To avoid these critical issues, organizations could find a solution from integrations between their current IS. Based on the empirical study a new framework for the next generation’s ERP is created, consisting of a model and a framework that deal with various features regarding IS adoption. With this framework organizations can assess whether they should implement EAI or ERP. The model and framework suggest that there are multiple factors IT managers needs to consider when planning their IT investments, including their current IS, role of IT in the organization, as well as new system’s flexibility, investment level, and number of vendors. The framework created in the thesis encourages IT management to assess holistically their i) organization, ii) its IT, and iii) solution requirements in order to determine what kind of IS solution would suit their needs the best.


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Organizations often consider investing in a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system as a way to enhance their business processes, as it allows integrating information used by multiple different departments into a harmonized computing system. The hope of gaining significant business benefits, such as reducing operating costs, is the key reason why organizations have decided to invest in ERP systems since 1990’s. Still, all ERP projects do not end up in success, and deployment of ERP system does not necessarily guarantee the results people were waiting for. This research studies why organizations invest in ERP, but also what downsides ERP projects currently have. Additionally Enterprise Application Integrations (EAI) as next generation’s ERP solutions are studied to challenge and develop traditional ERP. The research questions are: What are the weaknesses in traditional ERP deployment in today’s business? How does the proposed next generation’s ERP answer to these weaknesses? At the beginning of the thesis, as an answer to the first research question, the basics of ERP implementation are introduced with both the pros and cons of investing in ERP. Key concepts such as IS integration and EAI are also studied. Empirical section of the thesis focuses on answering the second research question from the integration approach. A qualitative research is executed by interviewing five experienced IT professionals about EAI benefits, limitations, and problems. The thematic interview and questionnaire follow the presented ERP main elements from literature. The research shows that adopting traditional ERP includes multiple downsides, e.g. inflexibility and requiring big investments in terms of money. To avoid these critical issues, organizations could find a solution from integrations between their current IS. Based on the empirical study a new framework for the next generation’s ERP is created, consisting of a model and a framework that deal with various features regarding IS adoption. With this framework organizations can assess whether they should implement EAI or ERP. The model and framework suggest that there are multiple factors IT managers needs to consider when planning their IT investments, including their current IS, role of IT in the organization, as well as new system’s flexibility, investment level, and number of vendors. The framework created in the thesis encourages IT management to assess holistically their i) organization, ii) its IT, and iii) solution requirements in order to determine what kind of IS solution would suit their needs the best.


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Aurinkopaneelien ja inverttereiden hinnat ovat laskeneet viime vuosina, joten au-rinkosähköstä on tullut kannattava sähköntuotantomuoto kiinteistöille. Tässä kandidaatintyössä kerrotaan, kuinka arvioida suunnitteilla olevan rakennuksen peruskuormaa aurinkopaneeleiden asennuksen näkökulmasta. Voimalaitoksen sijoituskohde sijaitsee Järvenpäässä. Kohteessa on 69 huoneistoa 8 kerroksessa ja yhteiset tilat 9. kerroksessa. Voimalaitoksen kannattavuutta tutkitaan simuloimalla tuotantoja ja arvioimalla kulutusta. Tuotantoja simuloidaan HOMER-ohjelmistolla. Rakennuksen kulutusta arvioidaan suunnittelijoilta saatujen tietojen perusteella, ja vanhempien samankaltaisten kohteiden kulutusten perusteella, jotka saadaan Nuuka-portaalista. Saaduista tuloksista huomataan, että nykyisillä sähkönhinnoilla aurinkopaneelit ovat kannattava investointi, vaikka sähköä tuotettaisiin hieman ylimääräistä, joten paneelit voidaan mitoittaa hieman kulutusta suuremmaksi. Takaisinmaksuaika on noin 20 vuotta. Tulokset ovat linjassa vanhempien tutkimusten kanssa. Tuloksista huomataan, myös että paneeleita jakamalla eri ilmansuuntiin saadaan tuotannon huipputeho pienemmäksi ja samalla tuotanto jakautumaan laajemmalle ajanjaksolle. Paneelien hintojen laskettua on kannattavaa asentaa paneeleja epäedullisempiin suuntiin, täten saadaan tuotantoa ajoitettua mahdollisesti paremmin kulutus-ta vastaavaksi. Mitoituksen voi tarkistaa rakennuksen valmistuttua, sillä raken-nuksesta tullaan mittaamaan paneeleiden tuottama sähkö ja kohteen kiinteistösähkönkulutus.


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On Tuesday, February 10th, 1970, Chairman of the Board, D. Whiting Lathrop presented a portrait of Dr. Gibson to the University. The plaque reads: Dr. James A. Gibson First President and Vice Chancellor of Brock University by Ian Henderson Artist in Residence 1969-1970 Presented to the University by the Board of Governors February 1970 The portrait hung in Dr. Gibson's waiting room until the end of his presidency where it was relocated to H-Block in MacKenzie Chown.


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The Governor General and his motorcade depart after the conclusion of the Official Opening of Brock University at the Glenridge Campus on October 19, 1964. Pictured here from left to right: F. G. Perry (with camera), African Students Foundation. Commander H. C. Tilbury (Hon, ADC). F/L Claude Filiatrault, (ADC-in-waiting). General Vanier. Madame Vanier. D. G. Wilmot. Dr. J. A. Gibson. Professor John Hart, University Marshal.


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Work nearing completion in one of the Glenridge Campus rooms.


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The Decew Residence was the first on-campus residence constructed and replaced the temporary student residences on Glenridge Avenue at the base of the escarpment. The Decew residence accommodated 400 students, and included a 300 seat dining hall, 10 activity rooms and 5 student lounges. Construction completed in 1970.


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The five-storey building consists of 255 furnished, single-rooms with a bathroom shared between every two rooms, as well as a lounge on each floor. It is named after the University's second and longest-serving President. Dr. Earp was President from 1974-1988, in addition to being Acting President during the 1971-72 and 1973-1974 academic years.


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The building accommodated 311 students in single and double rooms, and included a 300-seat dining hall, common lounges, and study rooms. The building is named after Arnie Lowenberger, a former faculty member who held many significant positions during Brock's early development. Lowenberger was the first Director of the School of Physical Athletics and Recreation, and became its first Dean when it was reconstituted into the Faculty of Physical Education. In these positions, he introduced varsity sports to Brock such as men's and women's basketball and men's hockey, implemented the first health and counseling services for students, planned the design of the original Physical Education building, and drafted the University's Physical Education degree program. He also was the first Director of Residences and the first Dean of Students.


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Harrison Hall holds the new Student Health Centre and Athletic Therapy Clinic. The centre provides the University's Health Services Department with a greater amount of space for students and staff, and the building is designed to make treatment more comfortable and efficient. The centre includes four examination rooms as part of the increased space. It is named after Bernard Harrison, a former Brock physics demonstrator who has donated over $1 million to the University.


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This research is a self-study into my life as an athlete, elementary school teacher, leamer, and as a teacher educator/academic. Throughout the inquiry, I explore how my beliefs and values infused my lived experiences and ultimately influenced my constructivist, humanist, and ultimately my holistic teaching and learning practice which at times disrupted the status quo. I have written a collection of narratives (data generation) which embodied my identity as an unintelligent student/leamer, a teacher/learner, an experiential learner, a tenacious participant, and a change agent to name a few. As I unpack my stories and hermeneutically reconstruct their intent, I question their meaning as I explore how I can improve my teaching and learning practice and potentially effect positive change when instructing beginning teacher candidates at a Faculty of Education. At the outset I situate my story and provide the necessary political, social, and cultural background information to ground my research. I follow this with an in depth look at the elements that interconnect the theoretical framework of this self-study by presenting the notion of writing at the boundaries through auto ethnography (Ellis, 2000; Ellis & Bochner, 2004) and writing as a method of inquiry (Richardson, 2000). The emergent themes of experiential learning, identity, and embodied knowing surfaced during the data generation phase. I use the Probyn' s (1990) .. metaphor of locatedness to unpack these themes and ponder the question, Where is experience located? I deepen the exploration by layering Drake's (2007) KnowlDo/Be framework alongside locatedness and offer descriptions of learning moments grounded in pedagogical theories. In the final phase, I introduce thirdspace theory (Bhabha, 1994; Soja, 1996) as a space that allowed me to puzzle educational dilemmas and begin to reconcile the binaries that existed in my life both personally, and professionally. I end where I began by revisiting the questions that drove this study. In addition, Ireflect upon the writing process and the challenges that I encountered while immersed in this approach and contemplate the relevance of conducting a self-study. I leave the reader with what is waiting for me on the other side of the gate, for as Henry James suggested, "Experience is never limited, and it is never complete."