861 resultados para vitamin D supplement
Rationale: The excessive intake of vitamin A in the form of vitamin concentrate, supplement or vitamin-rich liver can result in hypervitaminosis A in man and animals. Although osteopathologies resulting from chronic vitamin A intoxication in cats are well characterized, no information is available concerning feline hypervitaminosis A-induced liver disease. Clinical summary: We report the first case of hepatic stellate cell lipidosis and hepatic fibrosis in a domestic cat that had been fed a diet based on raw beef liver. Radiographic examination revealed exostoses and ankylosis between vertebrae C1 and T7, compatible with deforming cervical spondylosis. Necropsy showed a slightly enlarged and light yellow to bronze liver. Microscopic and ultrastructural analyses of liver tissues revealed diffuse and severe liver fibrosis associated with hepatic stellate cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy. These cells showed immunopositive staining for α-smooth muscle actin and desmin markers. The necropsy findings of chronic liver disease coupled with osteopathology supported the diagnosis of hypervitaminosis A. Practical relevance: As in human hepatology, if there is dietary evidence to support increased intake of vitamin A, then hypervitaminosis A should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic liver disease in cats.
Theory of aging postulates that aging is a remodeling process where the body of survivors progressively adapts to internal and external damaging agents they are exposed to during several decades. Thus , stress response and adaptation mechanisms play a fundamental role in the aging process where the capability of adaptating effects, certainly, also is related the lifespan of each individual. A key gene linking aging to stress response is indeed p21, an induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor which triggers cell growth arrest associated with senescence and damage response and notably is involved in the up-regulation of multiple genes that have been associated with senescence or implicated in age-related . This PhD thesis project that has been performed in collaboration with the Roninson Lab at Ordway Research Institute in Albany, NY had two main aims: -the testing the hypothesis that p21 polymorphisms are involved in longevity -Evaluating age-associated differences in gene expression and transcriptional response to p21 and DNA damage In the first project, trough PCR-sequencing and Sequenom strategies, we we found out that there are about 30 polymorphic variants in the p21 gene. In addition, we found an haplotpype located in -5kb region of the p21 promoter whose frequency is ~ 2 fold higher in centenarians than in the general population (Large-scale analysis of haplotype frequencies is currently in progress). Functional studies I carried out on the promoter highilighted that the ―centenarian‖ haplotype doesn’t affect the basal p21 promoter activity or its response to p53. However, there are many other possible physiological conditions in which the centenarian allele of the p21 promoter may potentially show a different response (IL6, IFN,progesterone, vitamin E, Vitamin D etc). In the second part, project #2, trough Microarrays we seeked to evaluate the differences in gene expression between centenarians, elderly, young in dermal fibroblast cultures and their response to p21 and DNA damage. Microarray analysis of gene expression in dermal fibroblast cultures of individuals of different ages yielded a tentative "centenarian signature". A subset of genes that were up- or downregulated in centenarians showed the same response to ectopic expression of p21, yielding a putative "p21-centenarian" signature. Trough RQ-PCR (as well Microarrays studies whose analysis is in progress) we tested the DNA damage response of the p21-centenarian signature genes showing a correlation stress/aging in additional sets of young and old samples treated with p21-inducing drug doxorubicin thus finding for a subset of of them , a response to stress age-related.
Introduction:Persistent Hyperparathyroidism after transplantation (HPT),bone disease and vertebral fractures are an important clinical problem in renal transplant patients. Several factors such as renal osteodystrophy, immunosuppressive therapy, deficit/insufficiency Vitamin D may contribute to that.In literature are described different percentages of HPT, vertebral fractures and Osteoporosis/Osteopenia that may be due to the different therapy and to the different employ of steroid. We analyzed 90 patients who received a renal graft between 2005 e 2010. Patients and Methods: 44 male and 46 female. Average age 52,2± 10,1 years, follow-up 31,3±16,6 months, time on dialysis 37±29,6 months. Patients who had creatinine level greater than 2,5 mg/dl were excluded. Immunosuppressive therapy was based on basiliximab, steroids (1.6 to 2 mg/kg/day progressively reduced to 5 mg/day after 45 days from the transplantation) in all patients + calcineurin inhibitor+ mycophenolate mophetil/mycophenolic acid in 88,8% of patients or Everolimus± calcineurin inhibitor in the others. Patients were studied with X-ray of the spine, dual-energy-X-ray, PTH, 25(OH)VitD. Results: 41,1% had HPT; 41,1% had osteopenia at femoral neck and 36,7% at vertebral column; 16,7% had osteoporosis at femoral neck and 15,6% at vertebral column. 10 patients (11%) had vertebral fractures. Patients with normal bone mineral density, compared to those with osteoporosis/osteopenia, are more younger (average age 46,4±11,7 years vs 54.3±8,6); they have spent less time on dialysis (26,5±14,8 months vs 40,7±32,6) and they have values of 25(OH)VitD higher (22,1±7,6 ng/ml vs 17,8±8,5). Patients with vertebral fractures have values of 25(OH)VitD lowest (14,1±6,4 ng/ml vs 19,7±8,5) and they had transplant since more time (29,1±16,2 vs 48,1±8,7 months). There is a significant correlation between HPT and PTH pre transplantation; HPT and levels of VitD (p<0,05) Conclusion: Prevention of Bone disease and vertebral fractures after renal transplant includes: a)treatment before transplantation b)supplementation of vitamin D with cholecalciferol or calcidiol c)shorten the dialysis time.
Lo studio CAVE PTX ha lo scopo di valutare la reale prevalenza della paratiroidectomia nei pazienti dializzati in Italia, verificare l’aderenza ai targets ematochimici proposti dalle linee guida internazionali K/DOQI e ricercare la presenza di fratture vertebrali e calcificazioni vascolari. Al momento attuale riportiamo i dati preliminari sulla prevalenza e le caratteristiche cliniche generali dei pazienti finora arruolati. Il nostro studio ha ricevuto contributi da 149 centri dialisi italiani, su un totale di 670, pari al 22%. La popolazione dialitica dalla quale sono stati ottenuti i casi di paratiroidectomia è risultata pari a 12515 pazienti;l’87,7% dei pazienti effettuava l’emodialisi mentre il 12,3% la dialisi peritoneale. Cinquecentoventotto, pari al 4,22%, avevano effettuato un intervento di paratiroidectomia (4,5%emodializzati, 1,9% in dialisi peritoneale;p<0.001). Abbiamo considerato tre gruppi differenti di PTH: basso (<150 pg/ml), ottimale (150 -300 pg/ml) ed elevato (>300 pg/ml). I valori medi di PTH e calcemia sono risultati significativamente diversi (più alti) tra casi e controlli nei due gruppi con PTH basso (PTX = 40±39 vs controllo = 92±42 pg/ml; p<.0001) e PTH alto (PTX= 630 ± 417 vs controllo 577 ±331; p<.05). La percentuale di pazienti con PTH troppo basso è risultata più elevata nei pazienti chirurgici rispetto al resto della popolazione (64vs23%; p<0.0001), mentre la percentuale dei casi con PTH troppo alto è risultata significativamente più alta nel gruppo di controllo (38%vs19%; p<0.003). Il 61% dei casi assumeva vitamina D rispetto al 64 % dei controlli; l’88% vs 75% un chelante del fosforo ed il 13%vs 35% il calciomimentico. In conclusione, la paratiroidectomia ha una bassa prevalenza in Italia, i pazienti sono più spesso di sesso femminile, in emodialisi e con età relativamente giovane ma da più tempo in dialisi.
In Leber und Dünndarm bauen CYP3A-Enzyme eine Vielzahl von Fremdstoffen ab, die in den Körper gelangt sind. Zudem aber sind diese Enzyme auch in anderen Organen, wie der Haut exprimiert. Doch weder die genaue Zusammensetzung der CYP3A-Isozyme noch deren physiologische Rolle in der Haut sind bisher bekannt. Basierend auf begrenzten in vitro-Daten ist eine Rolle der CYP3A in der kutanen Vitamin D-Synthese denkbar. Auf der anderen Seite könnten die kutanen CYP3A auch lokal oder systemisch verabreichte Medikamente in der Haut verstoffwechseln und so zur Entstehung immunologischer und nicht-immunologischer unerwünschter Arzneimittelwirkungen beitragen, von denen sich bis zu 45 % in der Haut manifestieren.rnDie Arbeitshypothese dieses Projekts war, dass die CYP3A die kutane Synthese von Vitamin D regulieren. In dieser Funktion wurden sie zur Vermeidung von Vitamin D-Mangel-Erkrankungen wie Rachitis oder Osteomalazie in Europäern negativ selektiert. rnDie Expression und Regulation der CYP3A wurde in Hautbiopsien, einer Zelllinie epidermalen Ursprungs und primären Hautzellen wie auch in transgenen Mäusen untersucht. Die metabolische Aktivität der CYP3A gegenüber den kutanen Vitamin D-Vorstufen wurde mit Hilfe rekombinant exprimierter Enzyme untersucht. CYP3A5-mRNA war die häufigste der CYP3A in humanen Hautproben und überstieg die von CYP3A4 um das Dreifache, die von CYP3A7 um das 130-Fache. Damit entsprach diese 1,3 %, 0,01 % bzw. 0,01 % der jeweiligen hepatischen Genexpression. Die Expression von CYP3A43 war zu vernachlässigen. CYP3A5 zeigte eine bimodale Expression sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Proteinebene. So zeigten Träger der Wildtyp-Allels *1 eine 3,3-fach höhere mRNA- und 1,8-fach höhere Proteinmenge als homozygote Träger des Nullallels *3. CYP3A4/7- und CYP3A5-Protein wurde v. a. in den Keratinozyten der Epidermis und den Talgdrüsen, also den Bereichen der kutanen Vitamin D-Synthese lokalisiert. Die CYP3A5-Expression wurde ferner in der Haut transgener Mäusen gezeigt, die das Reportergen Luziferase unter Kontrolle des humanen CYP3A5-Promoters exprimieren. Verglichen mit der Leber war die kutane Expression des Vitamin D-Rezeptors (VDR) 100-fach höher, die der Xenosensoren CAR und PXR vergleichbar bzw. zu vernachlässigen. Dementsprechend erhöhte die Behandlung mit 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D, dem aktiven Vitamin D-Hormon, und dessen Vorstufen außer 7-Dehydrocholesterol, jedoch nicht der PXR-Ligand Rifampicin, die Expression der CYP3A. Wie in Zwei-Hybrid-Experimenten gezeigt, wurden die Effekte des 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D und dessen Vorstufen alleinig durch VDR vermittelt. Die Effektstärke hingegen war abhängig von Zellspender, Zellpassage und Zelltypus. Alle drei CYP3A-Isozyme metabolisieren Vitamin D zu einem oder mehreren unbekannten Metaboliten, jedoch nicht zu 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, dem direkten Vorläufer des aktiven Vitamin D. rnZusammengefasst legen die Daten nahe, dass die kutanen CYP3A, allen voran CYP3A5, die Vitamin D-Homöostase durch VDR-vermittelte Induktion des Abbaus von Vitamin D-Vorstufen regulieren. Dies zusammen mit Sequenzdaten liefert starke Indizien für Vitamin D als treibende Kraft der Selektion des CYP3A-Lokus in Europäern. Der Einfluss der CYP3A-Expression auf selektiv wirksame, klinisch relevante Knochenveränderungen wie Rachitis oder Osteomalazie müssen folgen.rn
Energy-dependent intestinal calcium absorption is important for the maintenance of calcium and bone homeostasis, especially when dietary calcium supply is restricted. The active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25(OH)(2)D(3)], is a crucial regulator of this process and increases the expression of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 6 (Trpv6) calcium channel that mediates calcium transfer across the intestinal apical membrane. Genetic inactivation of Trpv6 in mice (Trpv6(-/-)) showed, however, that TRPV6 is redundant for intestinal calcium absorption when dietary calcium content is normal/high and passive diffusion likely contributes to maintain normal serum calcium levels. On the other hand, Trpv6 inactivation impaired the increase in intestinal calcium transport following calcium restriction, however without resulting in hypocalcemia. A possible explanation is that normocalcemia is maintained at the expense of bone homeostasis, a hypothesis investigated in this study. In this study, we thoroughly analyzed the bone phenotype of Trpv6(-/-) mice receiving a normal (approximately 1%) or low (approximately 0.02%) calcium diet from weaning onwards using micro-computed tomography, histomorphometry and serum parameters. When dietary supply of calcium is normal, Trpv6 inactivation did not affect growth plate morphology, bone mass and remodeling parameters in young adult or aging mice. Restricting dietary calcium had no effect on serum calcium levels and resulted in a comparable reduction in bone mass accrual in Trpv6(+/+) and Trpv6(-/-) mice (-35% and 45% respectively). This decrease in bone mass was associated with a similar increase in bone resorption, whereas serum osteocalcin levels and the amount of unmineralized bone matrix were only significantly increased in Trpv6(-/-) mice. Taken together, our findings indicate that TRPV6 contributes to intestinal calcium transport when dietary calcium supply is limited and in this condition indirectly regulates bone formation and/or mineralization.
Several studies have shown a high prevalence of keel bone deformities in commercial laying hens. The aim of this project was to assess the effects of perch material, a vitamin D feed additive (25-hydroxyvitamin D(3); HyD, DSM Nutritional Products, Basel, Switzerland), and genetics on keel bone pathology. The study consisted of 2 experiments. In the first experiment, 4,000 Lohmann Selected Leghorn hens were raised in aviary systems until 18 wk of age. Two factors were investigated: perch material (plastic or rubber-coated metal) and feed (with and without HyD). Afterward, the hens were moved to a layer house with 8 pens with 2 aviary systems. Daily feed consumption, egg production, mortality, and feather condition were evaluated. Every 6 wk, the keel bones of 10 randomly selected birds per pen were palpated and scored. In the second experiment, 2,000 Lohmann Brown (LB) hens and 2,000 Lohmann Brown parent stock (LBPS) hens were raised in a manner identical to the first experiment. During the laying period, the hens were kept in 24 identical floor pens but equipped with different perch material (plastic or rubber-coated metal). The same variables were investigated as in the first experiment. No keel bone deformities were found during the rearing period in either experiment. During the laying period, deformities gradually appeared and reached a prevalence of 35% in the first experiment and 43.8% in the second experiment at the age of 65 and 62 wk, respectively. In the first experiment, neither HyD nor the aviary system had any significant effect on the prevalence of keel bone deformities. In the second experiment, LBPS had significantly fewer moderate and severe deformities than LB, and rubber-coated metal perches were associated with a higher prevalence of keel bone deformities compared with plastic perches. The LBPS laid more but smaller eggs than the LB. Again, HyD did not affect the prevalence of keel bone deformities. However, the significant effect of breed affiliation strongly indicates a sizeable genetic component that may provide a basis for targeted selection.
Increased serum bile salt levels have been associated to a single-nucleotide polymorphism in the bile salt export pump (BSEP; ABCB11) in several acquired cholestatic liver diseases but there is little evidence in alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Furthermore, a crosstalk between vitamin D and bile acid synthesis has recently been discovered. Whether this crosstalk has an influence on the course of ALD is unclear to date. Our aim was to analyse the role of genetic polymorphisms in BSEP and the vitamin D receptor gene (NR1I1) on the emergence of cirrhosis in patients with ALD. Therefore, 511 alcoholic patients (131 with cirrhosis and 380 without cirrhosis) underwent ABCB11 genotyping (rs2287622). Of these, 321 (131 with cirrhosis and 190 without cirrhosis) were also tested for NR1I1 polymorphisms (bat-haplotype: BsmI rs1544410, ApaI rs7975232 and TaqI rs731236). Frequencies of ABCB11 and NR1I1 genotypes and haplotypes were compared between alcoholic patients with and without cirrhosis and correlated to serum bile salt, bilirubin and aspartate aminotransferase levels in those with cirrhosis. Frequencies of ABCB11 and NR1I1 genotypes and haplotypes did not differ between the two subgroups and no significant association between genotypes/haplotypes and liver function tests could be determined for neither polymorphism. We conclude that ABCB11 and NR1I1 polymorphisms are obviously not associated with development of cirrhosis in patients with ALD.
OBJECTIVES: To merge clinical information from partly overlapping medical record databases of the Small Animal Teaching Hospital of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Berne. To describe the frequencies and localisations of neurological diseases in dogs, as well as their age, gender, breed and geographical distributions. METHODS: In this retrospective study, a new database, with specific variables and a diagnosis key list 'VITAMIN D', was created and defined. A total of 4497 dogs (average of 375 per year) with a well-documented neurological disease were included in the study. A key list for the diagnoses was developed and applied to either the presumptive or the clinical and neurohistopathological diagnosis, with a serial number, a code for localisation and a code for differential diagnoses. RESULTS: Approximately 1159 dogs (26 per cent) had a neurohistopathological diagnosis confirmed, 1431 (32 per cent) had a clinical diagnosis confirmed and 1491 (33 per cent) had a presumptive diagnosis. The most frequent breeds were mixed-breed dogs (577 of 4497, 13 per cent), followed by German shepherd dogs (466 of 4497, 10 per cent). The most common localisations were the forebrain (908 of 4497, 20 per cent) and the spinal cord at the thoracolumbar area (840 of 4497, 19 per cent). Most dogs were diagnosed with degenerative diseases (38 per cent), followed by inflammatory/infectious diseases (14 per cent). The highest number of submissions originated from geographic regions around the referral hospital and from regions with higher human population densities. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: By defining closed-list fields and allocating all data to the corresponding fields, a standardised database that can be used for further studies was generated. The analysis of this study gives examples of the possible uses of a standardised database.
Glucocorticosteroid-induced spinal osteoporosis (GIOP) is the most frequent of all secondary types of osteoporosis. The understanding of the pathophysiology of glucocorticoid (GC) induced bone loss is of crucial importance for appropriate treatment and prevention of debilitating fractures that occur predominantly in the spine. GIOP results from depressed bone formation due to lower activity and higher death rate of osteoblasts on the one hand, and from increase bone resorption due to prolonged lifespan of osteoclasts on the other. In addition, calcium/phosphate metabolism may be disturbed through GC effects on gut, kidney, parathyroid glands and gonads. Therefore, therapeutic agents aim at restoring balanced bone cell activity by directly decreasing apoptosis rate of osteoblasts (e.g., cyclical parathyroid hormone) or by increasing apoptosis rate of osteoclasts (e.g., bisphosphonates). Other therapeutical efforts aim at maintaining/restoring calcium/phosphate homeostasis: improving intestinal calcium absorption (using calcium supplementation, vitamin D and derivates) and avoiding increased urinary calcium loss (using thiazides) prevent or counteract a secondary hyperparthyroidism. Bisphosphonates, particularly the aminobisphosphonates risedronate and alendronate, have been shown to protect patients on GCs from (further) bone loss to reduce vertebral fracture risk. Calcitonin may be of interest in situation where bisphosphonates are contraindicated or not applicable and in cases where acute pain due to vertebral fracture has to be manage. The intermittent administration of 1-34-parathormone may be an appealing treatment alternative, based on its documented anabolic effects on bone resulting from the reduction of osteoblastic apoptosis. Calcium and vitamin D should be a systematic adjunctive measure to any drug treatment for GIOP. Based on currently available evidence, fluoride, androgens, estrogens (opposed or unopposed) cannot be recommended for the prevention and treatment of GIOP. However, substitution of gonadal hormones may be indicated if GC-induced hypogonadism is present and leads to clinical symptoms. Data using the SERM raloxifene to treat or prevent GIOP are lacking, as are data using the promising bone anabolic agent strontium ranelate. Kyphoplasty performed in appropriately selected osteoporotic patients with painful vertebral fractures is a promising addition to current medical treatment.
OBJECTIVE: Many osteoporosis patients have low 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) and do not take recommended vitamin D amounts. A single tablet containing both cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and alendronate would improve vitamin D status concurrently, with a drug shown to reduce fracture risk. This study assessed the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a once-weekly tablet containing alendronate 70 mg and cholecalciferol 70 microg (2800 IU) (ALN + D) versus alendronate 70 mg alone (ALN). METHODS: This 15-week, randomized, double-blind, multi-center, active-controlled study was conducted during a season when 25OHD levels are declining, and patients were required to avoid sunlight and vitamin D supplements for the duration of the study. Men (n = 35) and postmenopausal women (n = 682) with osteoporosis and 25OHD >or= 9 ng/mL were randomized to ALN + D (n = 360) or ALN (n = 357). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serum 25OHD, parathyroid hormone, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP), and urinary N-telopeptide collagen cross-links (NTX). RESULTS: Serum 25OHD declined from 22.2 to 18.6 ng/mL with ALN (adjusted mean change = -3.4; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -4.0 to -2.8), and increased from 22.1 to 23.1 ng/mL with ALN + D (adjusted mean change = 1.2; 95% CI: 0.6 to 1.8). At 15 weeks, adjusted mean 25OHD was 26% higher (p < 0.001, ALN + D versus ALN), the adjusted relative risk (RR) of 25OHD < 15 ng/mL (primary endpoint) was reduced by 64% (incidence 11% vs. 32%; RR = 0.36; 95% CI: 0.27 to 0.48 [p < 0.001]), and the RR of 25OHD < 9 ng/mL (a secondary endpoint) was reduced by 91% (1% vs. 13%; RR = 0.09; 95% CI: 0.03 to 0.23 [p < 0.001]). Antiresorptive efficacy was unaltered, as measured by reduction in bone turnover (BSAP and NTX). CONCLUSION: In osteoporosis patients who avoided sunlight and vitamin D supplements, this once-weekly tablet containing alendronate and cholecalciferol provided equivalent antiresorptive efficacy, reduced the risk of low serum 25OHD, improved vitamin D status over 15 weeks, and was not associated with hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria or other adverse findings, versus alendronate alone.
During osteoporosis induction in sheep, side effects of the steroids were observed in previous studies. The aim of this study was to improve the induction regimen consisting of ovariectomy, calcium/vitamin D- restricted diet and methylprednisolone (-MP)- medication with respect to the bone metabolism and to reduce the adverse side effects. Thirty-six ewes (age 6.5 +/- 0.6 years) were divided into four MP-administration groups (n = 9) with a total dose of 1800 mg MP: group 1: 20 mg/day, group 2: 60 mg/every third day, group 3: 3 x 500 mg and 1 x 300 mg at intervals of three weeks, group 4: weekly administration, starting at 70 mg and weekly reduction by 10 mg. After double-labelling with Calcein Green and Xylenol Orange, bone biopsy specimens were taken from the iliac crest (IC) at the beginning and four weeks after the last MP injection, and additionally from the vertebral body (VB) at the end of the experiment. Bone samples were processed into stained and fluorescent sections, static and dynamic measurements were performed. There were no significant differences for static parameters between the groups initially. The bone perimeter and the bone area values were significantly higher in the VB than in the IC (Pm: 26%, p < 0.0001, Ar: 11%, p < 0.0166). A significant decrease (20%) of the bone area was observed after corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis (p < 0.0004). For the dynamic parameters, no significant difference between the groups was found. Presence of Calcein Green and Xylenol Orange labels were noted in 50% of the biopsies in the IC, 100% in the VB. Group 3 showed the lowest prevalence of adverse side effects. The bone metabolism changes were observed in all four groups, and the VB bone metabolism was higher when compared to the IC. In conclusion, when using equal amounts of steroids adverse side effects can be reduced by decreasing the number of administrations without reducing the effect regarding corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis. This information is useful to reduce the discomfort of the animals in this sheep model of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.
We report the phenotype of mice with targeted disruption of the Trpv6 (Trpv6 KO) epithelial calcium channel. The mice exhibit disordered Ca(2+) homeostasis, including defective intestinal Ca(2+) absorption, increased urinary Ca(2+) excretion, decreased BMD, deficient weight gain, and reduced fertility. Although our Trpv6 KO affects the closely adjacent EphB6 gene, the phenotype reported here is not related to EphB6 dysfunction. INTRODUCTIOn: The mechanisms underlying intestinal Ca(2+) absorption are crucial for overall Ca(2+) homeostasis, because diet is the only source of all new Ca(2+) in the body. Trpv6 encodes a Ca(2+)-permeable cation channel responsible for vitamin D-dependent intestinal Ca(2+) absorption. Trpv6 is expressed in the intestine and also in the skin, placenta, kidney, and exocrine organs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To determine the in vivo function of TRPV6, we generated mice with targeted disruption of the Trpv6 (Trpv6 KO) gene. RESULTS: Trpv6 KO mice are viable but exhibit disordered Ca(2+) homeostasis, including a 60% decrease in intestinal Ca(2+) absorption, deficient weight gain, decreased BMD, and reduced fertility. When kept on a regular (1% Ca(2+)) diet, Trpv6 KO mice have deficient intestinal Ca(2+) absorption, despite elevated levels of serum PTH (3.8-fold) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (2.4-fold). They also have decreased urinary osmolality and increased Ca(2+) excretion. Their serum Ca(2+) is normal, but when challenged with a low (0.25%) Ca(2+) diet, Trpv6 KO mice fail to further increase serum PTH and vitamin D, ultimately developing hypocalcemia. Trpv6 KO mice have normal urinary deoxypyridinoline excretion, although exhibiting a 9.3% reduction in femoral mineral density at 2 months of age, which is not restored by treatment for 1 month with a high (2%) Ca(2+) "rescue" diet. In addition to their deranged Ca(2+) homeostasis, the skin of Trpv6 KO mice has fewer and thinner layers of stratum corneum, decreased total Ca(2+) content, and loss of the normal Ca(2+) gradient. Twenty percent of all Trpv6 KO animals develop alopecia and dermatitis. CONCLUSIONS: Trpv6 KO mice exhibit an array of abnormalities in multiple tissues/organs. At least some of these are caused by tissue-specific mechanisms. In addition, the kidneys and bones of Trpv6 KO mice do not respond to their elevated levels of PTH and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. These data indicate that the TRPV6 channel plays an important role in Ca(2+) homeostasis and in other tissues not directly involved in this process.
Hypercalcemia is a highly prevalent complication of sarcoidosis. A medical history of a patient with sarcoidosis is shown as case report. Depending on the population studied about 2-63% of sarcoidosis patients show hypercalcemia. The major difference in the prevalence of hypercalcemia may be in part due to the undulating course of subacute sarcoidosis, so hypercalcemia may be missed when serum calcium is not frequently measured. Hypercalciuria appears to be twice as prevalent then hypercalcemia and should be looked for in every sarcoidosis patient. Hypercalcemia in sarcoidosis is due to the uncontrolled synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 by macrophages. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 leads to an increased absorption of calcium in the intestine and to an increased resorption of calcium in the bone. Immunoregulatory properties have been ascribed to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. It is an important inhibitor of interleukin-2 and of interferon-gamma-synthesis, two cytokines that are important in granuloma formation in sarcoidosis. It is thought that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 counterregulates uncontrolled granuloma formation. Treatment of hypercalcemia depends on the serum level of hypercalcemia and its persistence. Generally sarcoidotic patients should be advised to avoid sun exposition to reduce vitamin D3 synthesis in the skin, to omit fish oils that are rich of vitamin D and to produce more than two liters urine a day by adapting fluid intake. Although severe hypercalcemia seems to be rare, glucocorticosteroid treatment should be started if corrected total calcium level rises beyond 3 mmol/l. If hypercalcemia is symptomatic, treatment should be started even at lower levels. Glucocorticosteroids act by inhibition of the overly 1alpha-hydroxylase activity of macrophages. Alternatively, treatment with chloroquine or ketoconazole can be established. If isolated hypercalciuria without hypercalcemia is present with evidence for recurrent nephrolithiasis, patients can be treated with a thiazide diuretic.
The Hungry Bone Syndrome (HBS) represents an important cause of prolonged hypocalcemia after parathyreoidectomy (PTX) due to primary, secondary or tertiary hyperparathyreoidism. The sudden postoperative withdrawal of parathyroid hormone (PTH) induces a stop in osteoclastic bone resorption without affecting the osteoblastic activity. Consequently, an increased bone uptake of calcium, phosphate and magnesium is observed. Risk factors for the development of HBS include: Large parathyroid adenomas, age > 60 years, high preoperative levels of serum PTH, calcium and alkaline phosphatase. In these patients a careful monitoring of clinical symptoms of hypocalcemia as well as the laboratory parameters are warranted during the immediate postoperative period. Treatment with oral calcium, and especially in patients with renal failure, additionally active vitamin D should be started as soon as possible after PTX. In severe cases of HBS, the administration of intravenous calcium is necessary. The duration of therapy is governed by symptoms and severity of the HBS and may last for up to 12 or more months. While prevention of HBS in high risk patients includes preoperative Vitamin D, the role of bisphosphonates has yet to be established.