943 resultados para vertebrate hosts
Glossocercus chelodinae (MacCallum, 1921) n. comb. is redescribed from fresh material recovered from the intestine of an Australian freshwater turtle, Chelodina expansa. G. chelodinae can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the shape of its rostellar hooks. it is suggested that this species has colonised fish-eating turtles from fish-eating birds. The morphological relationships among Parvitaenia, Bancroftiella and Glossocercus are discussed. The diagnosis of Bancroftiella is amended and marsupials are eliminated as hosts. Bancroftiella sudarikovi Spasskii & Yurpalova, 1970 becomes a synonym of Glossocercus glandularis (Fuhrmann, 1905); only B. tennis Johnston, 1911, the type-species, and B. ardeae Johnston, 1911 remain in the genus.
The outcome of a virus infection is strongly influenced by interactions between host immune defences and virus 'anti-defence' mechanisms. For many viruses, their continued survival depends on, the speed of their attach: their capacity to replicate and transmit to uninfected hosts prior to their elimination by an effective immune response. In contrast, the success of persistent viruses lies in their capacity for immunological subterfuge: the evasion of host defence mechanisms by either mutation (covered elsewhere in this issue, by Gould and Bangham, pp. 321-328) or interference with the action of host cellular proteins that are important components of the immune response. This review will focus on the strategies employed by persistent viruses against two formidable host defences against virus infection: the CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and natural killer (NK) cell responses.
At the present time, it is clear that Th1 responses afford protection against the fungi; however, the development, maintenance and function of the protective immune responses are complex mechanisms and are influenced by multiple factors. The route of infection has been shown to affect initial cytokine production and, consequently, the induction of protective Th1 responses. The ability of different isolates of the same fungal agent to induce and sustain a protective response has also been emphasized. Protective immune responses have been shown to vary in genetically different mouse strains after infection. In addition, these protective responses, such as cellular influx and cytokine production, also vary within the same animal depending on the tissue infected. The functional dominance of certain cytokines over others in influencing development and maintenance of protective responses has been discussed. Certain cytokines may act differently in hosts lacking important components of their innate or immune repertoire. It is evident from these presentations that a more comprehensive understanding of the protective mechanisms against different fungal agents is emerging. However, there is still much to learn before cytokine modulatory therapy can be used effectively without risk in the human host.
Three different aspects of the morphological organisation of deep-sea fish retinae are reviewed: First, questions of general cell biological relevance are addressed with respect to the development and proliferation patterns of photoreceptors, and problems associated with the growth of multibank retinae, and with outer segment renewal are discussed in situations where there is no direct contact between the retinal pigment epithelium and the tips of rod outer segments. The second part deals with the neural portion of the deep-sea fish retina. Cell densities are greatly reduced, yet neurohistochemistry demonstrates that all major neurotransmitters and neuropeptides found in other vertebrate retinae are also present in deep-sea fish. Quantitatively, convergence rates in unspecialised parts of the retina are similar to those in nocturnal mammals. The differentiation of horizontal cells makes it unlikely that species with more than a single visual pigment are capable of colour vision. In the third part. the diversity of deep-sea fish retinae is highlighted. Based on the topography of ganglion cells, species are identified with areae or foveae located in various parts of the retina, giving them a greatly improved spatial resolving power in specific parts of their visual fields. The highest degree of specialisation is found in tubular eyes. This is demonstrated in a case study of the scopelarchid retina, where as many as seven regions with different degrees of differentiation can be distinguished, ranging from an area giganto cellularis, regions with grouped rods to retinal diverticulum. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans display both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in vitro. The functional activity of these proteoglycans appears to be context specific and dependent on the presence of different chondroitin sulfate-binding molecules. Little is known about the role of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the growth and guidance of axons in vivo. To address this question, we examined the effects of exogenous soluble chondroitin sulfates on the growth and guidance of axons arising from a subpopulation of neurons in the vertebrate brain which express NOC-2, a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM. Intact brains of stage 28 Xenopus embryos were unilaterally exposed to medium containing soluble exogenous chondroitin sulfates. When exposed to chondroitin sulfate, NOC-2(+) axons within the tract of the postoptic commissure failed to follow their normal trajectory across the ventral midline via the ventral commissure in the midbrain. Instead, these axons either stalled or grew into the dorsal midbrain or continued growing longitudinally within the ventral longitudinal tract. These findings suggest that chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans indirectly modulate the growth and guidance of a subpopulation of forebrain axons by regulating either matrix-bound or cell surface cues at specific choice points within the developing vertebrate brain. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
Phytophthora capsici has been identified from two new hosts in Queensland, Custard Apple (Annona squamosa) and Mandevilla sp. This is the first record of P. capsici in Queensland and only the second record of the pathogen. in Australia. It is also the first report of the pathogen on these hosts.
The foveal and non-foveal retinal regions of the pipefish, Corythoichthyes paxtoni (Syngnathidae, Teleostei) are examined at the level of the light and electron microscopes. The pipefish possesses a deep, pit (convexiclivate) fovea which, although lacking the displacement of the inner retinal layers as described in other vertebrate foveae, is characterised by the exclusion of rods, a marked increase in the density of photoreceptors and a regular square mosaic of four double cones surrounding a central single cone. In the perifoveal and peripheral retinal regions, the photoreceptor mosaic is disrupted by the insertion of large numbers of rods, which reduce spatial resolving power but may uniformly increase sensitivity for off-axis rays. In addition to a temporal fovea subtending the frontal binocular field, there is also a central area centralis subtending the monocular visual field. Based on morphological comparisons with other foveate teleosts, four foveal types are characterised and foveal function discussed with respect to the theoretical advantage of a regular square mosaic.
A scaffold of axons consisting of a pair of longitudinal tracts and several commissures is established during early development of the vertebrate brain. We report here that NOC-2, a cell surface carbohydrate, is selectively expressed by a subpopulation of growing axons in this scaffold in Xenopus. NOC-2 is present on two glycoproteins, one of which is a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM. When the function of NOC-2 was perturbed using either soluble carbohydrates or anti-NOC-2 antibodies, axons expressing NOC-2 exhibited aberrant growth at specific points in their pathway. NOC-2 is the first-identified axon guidance molecule essential for development of the axon scaffold in the embryonic vertebrate brain.
There is no morphological synapomorphy for the disparate digeneans, the Fellodistomidae Nicoll, 1909. Although all known life-cycles of the group include bivalves as first intermediate hosts, there is no convincing morphological synapomorphy that can be used to unite the group. Sequences from the V4 region of small subunit (18S) rRNA genes were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among 13 species of Fellodistomidae from four subfamilies and eight species from seven other digenean families: Bivesiculidae; Brachylaimidae; Bucephalidae; Gorgoderidae; Gymnophallidae; Opecoelidae; and Zoogonidae. Outgroup comparison was made initially with an aspidogastrean. Various species from the other digenean families were used as outgroups in subsequent analyses. Three methods of analysis indicated polyphyly of the Fellodistomidae and at least two independent radiations of the subfamilies, such that they were more closely associated with other digeneans than to each other. The Tandanicolinae was monophyletic (100% bootstrap support) and was weakly associated with the Gymnophallidae (< 50-55% bootstrap support). Monophyly of the Baccigerinae was supported with 78-87% bootstrap support, and monophyly of the Zoogonidae + Baccigerinae received 77-86% support. The remaining fellodistomid species, Fellodistomum fellis, F. agnotum and Coomera brayi (Fellodistominae) plus Proctoeces maculatus and Complexobursa sp. (Proctoecinae), formed a separate clade with 74-92% bootstrap support. On the basis of molecular, morphological and life-cycle evidence, the subfamilies Baccigerinae and Tandanicolinae are removed from the Fellodistomidae and promoted to familial status. The Baccigerinae is promoted under the senior synonym Faustulidae Poche, 1926, and the Echinobrevicecinae Dronen, Blend & McEachran, 1994 is synonymised with the Faustulidae. Consequently, species that were formerly in the Fellodistomidae are now distributed in three families: Fellodistomidae; Faustulidae (syn. Baccigerinae Yamaguti, 1954); and Tandanicolidae Johnston, 1927. We infer that the use of bivalves as intermediate hosts by this broad range of families indicates multiple host-switching events within the radiation of the Digenea.
The co-evolution of papillomaviruses (PV) and their mammalian hosts has produced mechanisms by which PV might avoid specific and non-specific host immune responses. Low level expression of PV proteins in infected basal epithelial cells, together with an absence of inflammation and of virus-induced cell lysis, restricts the opportunity for effective PV protein presentation to immunocytes by dendritic cells. Additionally, PV early proteins, by a range of mechanisms, may restrict the efficacy of antigen presentation by these cells. Should an immune response be induced to PV antigens, resting keratinocytes (KC) appear resistant to interferon-gamma-enhanced mechanisms of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated lysis, and expression of PV antigens by resting KC can tolerise PV-specific CTL. Thus, KC, in the absence of inflammation, may represent an immunologically privileged site for PV infection. Together, these mechanisms play a parr in allowing persistence of PV-induced proliferative skin lesions for months to years, even in immunocompetent hosts.
A major ongoing debate in population ecology has surrounded the causative factors underlying the abundance of phytophagous insects and whether or not these factors limit or regulate herbivore populations. However, it is often difficult to identify mortality agents in census data, and their distribution and relative importance across large spatial scales are rarely understood. Were, we present life tables for egg batches and larval cohorts of the processionary caterpillar Ochrogaster lunifer Herrich-Schaffer, using intensive local sampling combined with extensive regional monitoring to ascertain the relative importance of different mortality factors at different localities. Extinction of entire cohorts (representing the entire reproductive output of one female) at natural localities was high, with 82% of the initial 492 cohorts going extinct. Mortality was highest in the egg and early instar stages due to predation from dermestid beetles, and while different mortality factors (e.g. hatching failure, egg parasitism and failure to establish on the host) were present at many localities, dermestid predation, either directly observed or inferred from indirect evidence, was the dominant mortality factor at 89% of localities surveyed. Predation was significantly higher in plantations than in natural habitats. The second most important mortality factor was resource depletion, with 14 cohorts defoliating their hosts. Egg and larval parasitism were not major mortality agents. A combination of predation and resource depletion consistently accounted for the majority of mortality across localities, suggesting that both factors are important in limiting population abundance. This evidence shows that O. lunifer is not regulated by natural enemies alone, but that resource patches (Acacia trees) ultimately, and frequently, act together to limit population growth.
In the developing vertebrate brain, growing axons establish a scaffold of axon tracts connected across the midline via commissures. We have previously identified a population of telencephalic neurons that express NOC-2, a novel glycoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM that is involved in axon guidance in the forebrain. These axons arise from the presumptive telencephalic nucleus, course caudally along the principal longitudinal tract of the forebrain, cross the ventral midline in the midbrain, and then project to the contralateral side of the brain. In the present study we have investigated mechanisms controlling the growth of these axons across the ventral midline of the midbrain. The axon guidance receptor DCC is expressed by the NOC-2 population of axons both within the longitudinal tract and within the ventral midbrain commissure. Disruption of DCC-dependent interactions, both in vitro and in vivo, inhibited the NOC-2 axons from crossing the ventral midbrain. Instead, these axons grew along aberrant trajectories away from the midline, suggesting that DCC-dependent interactions are important for overcoming inhibitory mechanisms within the midbrain of the embryonic vertebrate brain. Thus, coordinated responsiveness of forebrain axons to both chemostimulatory and chemorepulsive cues appears to determine whether they cross the ventral midline in the midbrain, (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Regression analyses of a long series of light-trap catches at Narrabri, Australia, were used to describe the seasonal dynamics of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). The size of the second generation was significantly related to the size of the first generation, to winter rainfall, which had a positive effect, and to spring rainfall which had a negative effect. These variables accounted for up to 96% of the variation in size of the second generation from year to year. Rainfall and crop hosts were also important for the size of the third generation. The area and tonnage of many potential host crops were significantly correlated with winter rain. When winter rain was omitted from the analysis, the sizes of both the second and third generations could be expressed as a function of the size of the previous generation and of the areas planted to lucerne, sorghum and maize. Lucerne and maize always had positive coefficients and sorghum a negative one. We extended our analysis to catches of H. punctigera (Wallengren), which declines in abundance after the second generation. Winter rain had a positive effect on the sizes of the second and third generations, and rain in spring or early summer had a negative effect. Only the area grown to lucerne had a positive effect on abundance. Forecasts of pest levels from a few months to a few weeks in advance are discussed, along with the improved understanding of the seasonal dynamics of both species and the significance of crops in the management of insecticide resistance for H. armigera.
The study of 'molecular mimicry' or 'genetic piracy', with respect to the utilisation of cellular genes captured and modified during the course of virus evolution, has been an area of increasing research with the expansion in virus genome sequencing. Examples of cellular immunomodulatory genes which have been captured from hosts have been identified in a number of viruses. This review concentrates upon studies of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), investigating the functions of viral genes homologous to G protein-coupled receptors, MHC class I and chemokines, The study of recombinant MCMV engineered with specific disruptions of these genes has revealed their significance during virus replication and dissemination within the host, In the case of the latter two classes of genes, evidence suggests they interfere with cellular immune responses, although the detailed mechanisms underlying this interference have yet to be delineated. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.
1. The spatial and temporal distribution of eggs laid by herbivorous insects is a crucial component of herbivore population stability, as it influences overall mortality within the population. Thus an ecologist studying populations of an endangered butterfly can do little to increase its numbers through habitat management without knowledge of its egg-laying patterns across individual host-plants under different habitat management regimes. At the other end of the spectrum, a knowledge of egg-laying behaviour can do much to control pest outbreaks by disrupting egg distributions that lead to rapid population growth. 2. The distribution of egg batches of the processionary caterpillar Ochrogaster lunifer on acacia trees was monitored in 21 habitats during 2 years in coastal Australia. The presence of egg batches on acacias was affected by host-tree 'quality' (tree size and foliar chemistry that led to increased caterpillar survival) and host-tree 'apparency' (the amount of vegetation surrounding host-trees). 3. In open homogeneous habitats, more egg batches were laid on high-quality trees, increasing potential population growth. In diverse mixed-species habitats, more egg batches were laid on low-quality highly apparent trees, reducing population growth and so reducing the potential for unstable population dynamics. The aggregation of batches on small apparent trees in diverse habitats led to outbreaks on these trees year after year, even when population levels were low, while site-wide outbreaks were rare. 4. These results predict that diverse habitats with mixed plant species should increase insect aggregation and increase population stability. In contrast, in open disturbed habitats or in regular plantations, where egg batches are more evenly distributed across high-quality hosts, populations should be more unstable, with site-wide outbreaks and extinctions being more common. 5. Mixed planting should be used on habitat regeneration sites to increase the population stability of immigrating or reintroduced insect species. Mixed planting also increases the diversity of resources, leading to higher herbivore species richness. With regard to the conservation of single species, different practices of habitat management will need to be employed depending on whether a project is concerned with methods of rapidly increasing the abundance of an endangered insect or concerned with the maintenance of a stable, established insect population that is perhaps endemic to an area. Suggestions for habitat management in these different cases are discussed. 6. Finally, intercropping can be highly effective in reducing pest outbreaks, although the economic gains of reduced pest attack may be outweighed by reduced crop yields in mixed-crop systems.