979 resultados para vehicle routing problem


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Mosaics have been commonly used as visual maps for undersea exploration and navigation. The position and orientation of an underwater vehicle can be calculated by integrating the apparent motion of the images which form the mosaic. A feature-based mosaicking method is proposed in this paper. The creation of the mosaic is accomplished in four stages: feature selection and matching, detection of points describing the dominant motion, homography computation and mosaic construction. In this work we demonstrate that the use of color and textures as discriminative properties of the image can improve, to a large extent, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic. The system is able to provide 3D metric information concerning the vehicle motion using the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera while integrating the measurements of an ultrasonic sensor. The experimental results of real images have been tested on the GARBI underwater vehicle


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Some people cannot buy products without first touching them, believing that doing so will create more assurance and information and reduce uncertainty. The international consumer marketing literature suggests an instrument to measure consumers' necessity for pohysical contact, called Need for Touch (NFT). This paper analyzes whether the Need for Touch structure is empirically consistent. Based on a literature review, we suggest six hypotheses in order to assess the nomological, convergent, and discriminant validity of the phenomenon. Departing from these, data supported four assumptions in the predicted direction. Need for Touch was associated with Need for Input and with Need for Cognition. Need for Touch was not associated with traditional marketing channels. The results also showed the dual characterization of Need for Touch as a bi-dimensional construct. The moderator effect indicated that when the consumer has a higher (vs. lower) Need for Touch autotelic score, the experiential motivation for shopping played a more (vs. less) important role in impulsive motivation. Our Study 3 supports the NFT structure and shows new associations with the need for unique products and dependent decisions.


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The word "minimal" or "mild" hearing loss seems to imply that their effects are mild or negligible. The literature supports that they can have a significant impact on educative end educational development of young children and contribute to problems in fields of social function, communication and educational achievement. Unilateral hearing loss in children has been considered for long to be of little consequence. In fact it causes problems in speech and language development, speech understanding, especially in noisy environments, and school results. Early diagnosis, follow-up during preschool and school ages are mandatory.


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Actualment el cotxe és un dels mitjans de transport més utilitzats,comportant problemes de trànsit i aparcament, contaminació acústica i ambiental i una important despesa econòmica. Ja fa uns anys, i davant d'aquesta nova realitat, va sorgir la idea del carpooling, un sistema de transport privat compartit protagonitzat per particulars i que pot esdevenir una molt bona alternativa de mobilitat sostenible. Tot i això, els projectes de carpooling són actualment poc dinàmics I majoritàriament acotats a portals web. Molt pocs disposen de portals adaptats adispositius mòbils i, encara menys, disposen d’aplicacions natives. Amb tot, avui en dia elsaparells mòbils, ja siguin smartphones o PDAs, obren un ventall de possibilitats encara noexplotat en aquest camp.Per altra banda, compartir un viatge amb algú desconegut i de qui no se’n tenenreferències és quelcom que ens fa sentir insegurs, però això es pot resoldre gràciesal trust i reputation, un sistema basat en les valoracions dels usuaris que ja han viscutl’experiència, i que per tant, ens permet conèixer la reputació i confiança de que disposaun usuari dins el sistema. A tots aquests punts, cal afegir-hi la importància que té avui endia rebre en tot moment una informació clara i actualitzada.Aquest projecte vol exprimir aquestes oportunitats donant una plataforma d’accésusable per aquesta mena de dispositius, per tal de que no hi hagi cap barrera per estarconnectat al sistema en qualsevol lloc i moment. A més a més, aquests terminals donen lapossibilitat de saber la seva localització en temps real, cosa que pot resultar molt útil per agent que comparteix viatges i que s’està movent d’un lloc a un altre.Així doncs, partint de totes aquestes possibilitats de millora, es van idear una sèried’estratègies per a un projecte de carpooling ja existent anomenat e-hitchhiking, dotant aaquest sistema d’una major comunicació, protecció i seguretat per a que l’experiència del’usuari sigui molt més gratificant, on a més, hi ha la possibilitat de rebre informaciótotalment veraç i actualitzada en certs dispositius mòbils.Per tant la motivació principal per dur a terme aquest projecte és, a part de lesesmentades anteriorment, la de dotar un sistema de compartició de vehicle d’un majordinamisme, més realisme, més fiabilitat i fer-lo més sociable. El sistema s’implanta oficialment al setembre del 2011 amb la creació de lacomunitat UdG


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This paper proposes an heuristic for the scheduling of capacity requests and the periodic assignment of radio resources in geostationary (GEO) satellite networks with star topology, using the Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) protocol in the link layer, and Multi-Frequency Time Division Multiple Access (MF-TDMA) and Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) in the physical layer.


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Nessie is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) created by a team of students in the Heriot Watt University to compete in the Student Autonomous Underwater Competition, Europe (SAUC-E) in August 2006. The main objective of the project is to find the dynamic equation of the robot, dynamic model. With it, the behaviour of the robot will be easier to understand and movement tests will be available by computer without the need of the robot, what is a way to save time, batteries, money and the robot from water inside itself. The object of the second part in this project is setting a control system for Nessie by using the model


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Aquest projecte s’ha portat a terme per tal de millorar en diferentsaspectes el motor Honda Gx35 , del vehicle de baix consum de la Universitat deGirona (Udg). Aquest és un motor de combustió interna de gasolina (cicle Otto).L’objectiu és el disseny d’una culata per poder minimitzar el consum de gasolina, la qual s’ha de poder acoblar amb el motor Honda Gx35. Aquest motor,prèviament s’haurà de modificar per poder-hi instal•lari la nova culata


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El projecte es desenvolupa amb la intenció de millorar ell cotxe queparticipa, en nom de la Universitat de Girona, a la shell eco-marathon en lacategoria de prototips i amb gasolina com a combustible.El motiu principal que ha donat peu a aquest projecte és la realització d’unestudi aerodinàmic que ha desembocat en un disseny totalment nou de lageometria de la carrosseria. Aquest estudi i el disseny aerodinàmic de lacarrosseria obtingut es pot consultar al projecte titulat “Disseny i estudi del’aerodinàmica del vehicle àliga” de l’autor Albert Marron


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Algoritmo que optimiza y crea pairings para tripulaciones de líneas aéreas mediante la posterior programación en Java.


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El siguiente artículo presenta el trabajo realizado en la creación de una aplicación de software libre que representa gráficamente las rutas generadas y la distribución de los elementos transportados en el interior de un vehículo de carga.


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The major objective of this problem identification document is the determination of the relative severity of traffic safety problems in each of the 99 counties. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Iowa Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau are committed to the reduction of death and injury on the nation's roads. As part of its duty in administering federal traffic safety funds in the State of Iowa, the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau conducts a comprehensive Problem Identification update each year.


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Report submitted by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Iowa Department of Transportation to the General Assembly as required by Senate File 458, section 152, passed by the 2003 General Assembly and signed May 30, 2003.


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El projecte presenta el disseny d'un vehicle a motor elèctric construït sobre el sistema microcontrolador LPC1769 amb comunicacions sense fils via xarxes WiFi i detecció d'obstacles per sonar.


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Recently, the surprising result that ab initio calculations on benzene and other planar arenes at correlated MP2, MP3, configuration interaction with singles and doubles (CISD), and coupled cluster with singles and doubles levels of theory using standard Pople’s basis sets yield nonplanar minima has been reported. The planar optimized structures turn out to be transition states presenting one or more large imaginary frequencies, whereas single-determinant-based methods lead to the expected planar minima and no imaginary frequencies. It has been suggested that such anomalous behavior can be originated by two-electron basis set incompleteness error. In this work, we show that the reported pitfalls can be interpreted in terms of intramolecular basis set superposition error (BSSE) effects, mostly between the C–H moieties constituting the arenes. We have carried out counterpoise-corrected optimizations and frequency calculations at the Hartree–Fock, B3LYP, MP2, and CISD levels of theory with several basis sets for a number of arenes. In all cases, correcting for intramolecular BSSE fixes the anomalous behavior of the correlated methods, whereas no significant differences are observed in the single-determinant case. Consequently, all systems studied are planar at all levels of theory. The effect of different intramolecular fragment definitions and the particular case of charged species, namely, cyclopentadienyl and indenyl anions, respectively, are also discussed