988 resultados para updated Spring 2003


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RESUMO: Existem vários métodos para avaliar o crescimento da vegetação e a taxa de cobertura do solo. Medidas precisas e rápidas podem ser obtidas do tratamento digital de imagens geradas de câmeras fotográficas ou de vídeo. Há disponível, no mercado, diversos processadores de imagens que apresentam funções básicas semelhantes, mas com certas particularidades que poderão trazer maior benefício para o usuário, dependendo da aplicação. O SPRING, desenvolvido pelo INPE, é de domínio público, sendo mais abrangente do que um processador de imagens, incluindo funções de geoprocessamento. O ENVI foi desenvolvido para a análise de imagens multiespectrais e hiperespectrais, podendo também ser utilizado para o processamento de imagens obtidas de câmeras de vídeo, por exemplo. O KS-300 é um conjunto de hardware e de software destinado ao processamento e à quantificação de imagens microscópicas, permitindo a captação direta das imagens geradas por meio de lupas, microscópios eletrônicos ou câmeras de vídeo. O SIARCS foi desenvolvido pela Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária para tornar mais ágil o processo de captação de dados de um sistema. Este trabalho apresenta os fundamentos teóricos básicos envolvidos na técnica de análise de imagens, com as principais características dos softwares citados acima e sua aplicação na quantificação da taxa de crescimento e da cobertura do solo por espécies vegetais. ABSTRACT: Several methods exist to evaluate the growth of the vegetation and the tax of covering of the soil. Necessary and fast measures can be obtained of the digital treatment of generated images of photographic cameras or of video. There is available, in the market, several processors of images that you/they present similar basic functions, but with certain particularities that can bring larger benefit for the user, depending on the application. SPRING, developed by INPE, it is public domain, being including than a processor of images, including functions. ENVI was developed for the analysis of images multiespectrais and hiperespectrais, could also be used for the processing of obtained images of video cameras, for instance. The KS-300 it is a hardware group and software destined to the processing and quantification of microscopic images, allowing the direct reception of the images generated through magnifying glasses, eletronic microscopes or video cameras. SIARCS was developed by Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation to turn more agile the process of reception of data of a system. This work presents the basic theoretical foundations involved in the technique of analysis of images, with the main characteristics of the softwares mentioned above and his application in the quantification of the growth tax and of the covering of the soil for vegetable species.


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Contexto regional e estadual. Missão, visão e valores. Objetivos globais e específicos. Diretrizes e estratégias. Metas para o período de 2000 a 2003.


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Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Fenton, R. & Armstrong, C. (2004). JUSTEIS: JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services Final report 2003/2004 Cycle Five. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: JISC


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Urquhart, C. (editor for JUSTEIS team), Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Armstrong, A., Lonsdale, R. & Fenton, R. (2003). JUSTEIS (JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services) Strand A: survey of end users of all electronic information services (HE and FE), with Action research report. Final report 2002/2003 Cycle Four. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth with Information Automation Ltd (CIQM). Sponsorship: JISC


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This study aims to present the conditions related to the European Union’s involvement in the Arab Spring, as well as examine the extent of this capability-based involvement in the first months of 2011 against the background of competence disputes between institutions and inter-governmental contentions. These considerations will be the basis for conclusions on the theoretical and practical viability of the European Union’s action in the region of North Africa, in terms of both interests defined in Brussels and representation of a jointly agreed position and undertaking practical actions in the international arena. These assumptions can facilitate a new perspective for the EU’s strategic approach framework in the region of North Africa.


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