952 resultados para titles


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Incoming students in the University have education deficiencies, so universities studies require a sound basis of scientific knowledge. In this project are analysed instruments to reinforcing knowledge in those areas related to the studies that students are about to embark on public Spanish universities. There are important differences among universities and, in each university there are great differences among titles. Initial courses (cursos cero) are widespread (in 50% of universities) that selfevaluation instruments (14 % of universities). It is necessary to improve diffusion of those instruments because it is not possible to evaluate them. So are proposed the next actuations: to make regular standard surveys for professors and students; to publish results of surveys; public universities should institutionalize their basic training offer and improve the dissemination of this offer especially through the web. This paper presents a questionnaire to assess student opinion about these tools. To analyze the effectiveness, and make an initial estimate of the evaluation of these tools, we conducted a pilot test of the questionnaire with 68 students at the University of Extremadura. The results of preliminary statistical analysis conducted on the pilot test indicate that the survey results are reliable. A global evaluation of both tools, with a scale of 1 to 5, gave an average score of 3.29 for initial courses and 3.41 for selfevaluation. The 72.9% of the students consider the "self assessment" more effective than the "initial course"


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This article describes the work performed over the database of questions belonging to the different opinion polls carried during the last 50 years in Spain. Approximately half of the questions are provided with a title while the other half remain untitled. The work and implemented techniques in order to automatically generate the titles for untitled questions are described. This process is performed over very short texts and generated titles are subject to strong stylistic conventions and should be fully grammatical pieces of Spanish


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El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es abordar el análisis del capítulo de conclusiones de tesis de ingeniería de telecomunicación a partir de un corpus comparable en inglés y español. A través del léxico podrán conocerse las expresiones típicas y la estructura de capítulo de conclusiones, tanto en inglés como en español. Para empezar este Proyecto, se ha compilado los corpus que se quieren comparar, en total se ha digitalizado tres corpus, uno con 24 conclusiones de tesis doctorales en español, otro con el mismo número de capítulos de conclusiones de tesis doctorales en inglés (PhD) y por último un corpus de conclusiones de tesis de fin de máster y de grado. El primer análisis que se ha realizado es el de la estructura de las conclusiones a partir de los títulos y subtítulos del capítulo. Se han comparado los títulos más utilizados y se han comentado las coincidencias y diferencias entre los corpus. La estructura vista a través de los subtítulos, se ha comparado con la propuesta por la autora Glasman-Deal (2011) en trabajos académicos de investigación, principalmente en artículos de investigación. La siguiente parte del Proyecto se ha centrado en el estudio del léxico, para ello nos hemos ayudado de la herramienta informática Wordsmith tools de la que se han explicado sus herramientas y funciones más útiles para este trabajo entre ellas el plot, que informa número de archivos en la que aparece cada palabra en el corpus. Las palabras con mayor plot son las más usadas por todos los doctorandos cuando escriben el capítulo de conclusiones .Se han elaborado unas pirámides donde se han colocado las palabras propias del género académico de las tesis por orden de uso. Las más usadas, con mayor plot, en la base y según se asciende aparecen las que tienen menor plot, con el fin de ver de una forma gráfica el peso que tiene cada palabra en el corpus. El siguiente paso del análisis del léxico ha tenido el objetivo de diferenciar los contextos de uso de las palabras incluidas en las pirámides. Se ha diferenciado entre los usos de las palabras dependiendo de su denotación académica o técnica. Esta comparación ha permitido comprobar que dentro del mismo corpus un sustantivo como contribuciones tiene connotación positiva o negativa dependiendo del contexto. Con los ejemplos aportados por los corpus se proporciona una base para el análisis lingüístico, centrado en los sustantivos, en este trabajo. Para finalizar el Proyecto, se ha implementado una base de datos con los resultados obtenidos del análisis de los sustantivos en la que se pueden ver las palabras que corresponden a cada nivel de la pirámide y ejemplos del uso de estas palabras. The aim of this Project is to analyze the concluding chapter of PhD thesis in the field of telecommunication engineering by means of a comparable corpus in English and Spanish. Through the lexis we will be able to capture useful expressions and the typical structure of the chapter in these specialized thesis, either in English and Spanish. To start with, three corpora have been compiled. The first one consists of 24 concluding chapters of PhD thesis in Spanish; the second, is made up of the same number of chapters of PhD thesis in the English language; and finally, 24 further chapters of Master and Degree thesis in English were digitalized and prepared for lexis analysis. Second, the study of the structure of the chapter of conclusions has been carried out. In this part the most common titles in the chapter of conclusions have been analysed and compared so as to find differences and similarities between the two languages compared. Moreover, the structure found through the subtitles in the conclusions of the thesis has been compared with the structure proposed by Glasman-Deal (2011) in her book Science Research Writing. Third, the study has been focused on the lexis of each corpus. These corpora have been treated with a lexis analyser called Wordsmith tools. The variables of frequency and plot have been applied to withdraw the most widely used nouns from the list of all the words found in any of the corpus. A pyramidal structure has been designed in order to show the academic or gender nouns - the ones usually found in the concluding chapter of thesis – nouns with a higher plot in the corpus. Two different types of context have been found for these nouns: technical and academic denotation. To show the difference in use of these nouns, arranged examples of contexts are given for each of the words studied. Finally, a database has been implemented to arrange the results of the lexis study. In this database the most significant examples of each noun are shown.


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Purpose: This systematic review examines what is known about injuries in strength training. Methods: A systematic search was performed in PubMed and SportDiscus. Studies were included if they examined powerlifters, weightlifters, strongman athletes, bodybuilding athletes, individuals who undertook recreational weight training or weight training to complement athletic performance. Exposure variables were incidence, severity and body part injury. Results: After examining 1214 titles and abstracts, 62 articles were identified as potentially relevant. Finally, 11 were included in this systematic review. Conflicting results were reported on the relationships between injury definition and incidence or severity recorded. The lower back followed by the shoulder and knee are the most frequently affected areas in strength sports. Conclusion: Strength training is safe. However, the variety of injury definitions has makes it difficult to compare different studies in this field. New styles of reporting injuries have appeared, and could make increases these ratios. If methodological limitations in measuring incidence rate and severity injuries can be resolved, more work can be conducted to define the real incidence rate, compare it with others sports, and explore cause and effect relationships in randomized controlled trials. Key Words: strength training, injuries, specific strength sports, severity


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Es sabido que tras abandonar la carrera de arquitectura Chillida marcha a Paris a comenzar su carrera como escultor. De vuelta al País Vasco el hierro es el material en el que encuentra un camino propio. Toda la obra de su primera década está muy alejada en el aspecto formal de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, las líneas de fuerza que los hierros configuran muestran un interés espacial que queda manifiesto en una obra de 1953 denominada Consejo al espacio I. A partir de aquí su obra gira en torno al vacío. Las formas cambiarán con los materiales pero no el propósito. En sus dibujos, las manos expresan, más allá de su condición figurativa, la búsqueda del espacio cóncavo que los dedos encierran. El espacio que encuentra en la palma de la mano es equivalente al que construye con dedos gigantes de madera u hormigón. Chillida observa sus obras con una mirada cuya idea de escala se distancia del concepto de dimensión. Adquieren así una posibilidad de crecer que facilita imaginar sus espacios como arquitectura. Tras el hierro, el trabajo en madera y alabastro aproxima -en el aspecto formal- la obra de Chillida a la arquitectura. Los títulos de numerosas obras hacen referencia a ella o a conceptos con ella relacionados. Elogio de la arquitectura, Homenaje a la arquitectura, Arquitectura heterodoxa, Modulación del espacio, construcción heterodoxa, Alrededor del vacío, Mesa del arquitecto o Casa de luz, son algunos de ellos. La introducción del vacío en el alabastro da comienzo a un proceso tendente a que el espacio interior tenga una importancia inversamente proporcional a su presencia en la forma exterior. Un proceso de progresivo hermetismo donde pequeños espacios interiores son expresados mediante grandes masas envolventes. El espacio interior es el principal motivo por el que vemos la obra de Eduardo Chillida como arquitectura. La condición de interior, apreciable igualmente en sus grandes obras en el espacio público, hace que estas no constituyan únicamente hitos visuales sino espacios de protección con los que cuerpo interactúa estableciendo una nueva relación con el paisaje, el horizonte o el cosmos. La búsqueda de un interior vacío tiene como consecuencia la evolución hacia la desaparición de la forma exterior. Tal evolución comienza con el diálogo entre el bolo natural de alabastro y el vacío tallado de Homenaje a Goethe, y, como muestra de la inter-escalabilidad de la obra de Chillida, concluye con la introducción de un vacío oculto en la montaña sagrada de Tindaya. El gran vacío de Tindaya nos hace mirar la obra de pequeño formato a través de su filtro de aumento. Nos permite entender que el límite entre arquitectura y escultura es difuso en la obra del escultor vasco. Que la arquitectura puede estar en el origen de su escultura. Que su escultura puede ser el germen de muchas arquitecturas. ABSTRACT It is well known that after leaving his architectural studies Chillida went to Paris in order to begin his career as a sculptor. Back again to the Basque Country, iron is the material in which he finds his own way. In terms of form, his work from the very first ten years is far away from architecture. However, the strength lines set by the iron show a spatial will that is clearly evident in a 1953 piece called Advice to space I. From there on, his work focuses on void. Different materials will set different forms but the purpose will remain the same. In his drawings, hands are expressing, beyond its figurative condition, the search of the concave space that fingers are enclosing. The space founded in the palm of the hand is equivalent to the one built with giant wood or concrete fingers. Chillida faces his work with a look where the idea of scale takes distance to the concept of dimension. His works gets then a possibility to grow that allow us to imagine his spaces as architecture. Following iron, wood and alabaster pieces, in the formal aspect, approaches Chillida´s work to architecture. The titles of many sculptures are referred to it or to the concept related to it. In praise of architecture, Homage to architecture, Heterodox architecture, Modulation of space, Heterodox construction, Around the void, Architect’s table, or House of light, are some of them. The introduction of void in alabaster begins a process leading to the interior space has a presence inversely proportional to its importance in the external form. A process of progressive secrecy where small interior spaces are expressed through large enveloping masses. The interior space is the main reason why we see the work of Eduardo Chillida as architecture. The condition of inner space, equally noticeable in his great works in public space, makes this not only constitute visual landmarks, but protection spaces that body interacts with establishing a new relationship with the landscape, the horizon or the cosmos. The search of an inner void leads to an evolution towards the disappearance of the external form. The evolution begins in the dialogue between the natural bolus of alabaster and the carved void of Homage to Goethe, and as a sign of inter-scalability of the work of Chillida, it concludes with the introduction of a hidden void in the sacred mountain of Tindaya. The great void of Tindaya makes us look at a small format work trough the filter of his increase filter. It allows us to understand that the boundary between architecture and sculpture is diffuse in the work of the Basque sculptor. That architecture can be at the origin of his sculpture. That his sculpture may be the seed of many architectures.


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One quote from the famous Venus Williams sums up what Ms. Gibson did for this world, “For players like myself and a lot of other African American players on the tour, Althea Gibson paved the way for us”. Ms. Gibson was the first African American woman to win the Wimbledon and U.S. Championships in 1957, and the French Open and three double titles at Wimbledon in 1958. She worked as the Athletic Director at Lincoln University and, after retiring from tennis, toured with the Harlem Globetrotters.


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O trabalho tem a proposta de analisar os desdobramentos do teatro musical brasileiro desde a primeira encenação em território nacional de adaptações de espetáculos do Teatro de Revista, gênero originário da França, até as superproduções musicais realizadas nos últimos 16 anos de adaptações de espetáculos americanos. O panorama histórico e analítico será estudado, com ênfase no teatro musical que se utiliza de elementos midiatizados para estar inserido em uma sociedade em que a produção cultural é vista como internacionalizada e mercantilizada. Como forma de marketing, os produtores utilizam-se da notoriedade midiática presente em formatos estrangeiros já consagrados, adaptações renomadas e bem aceitas pelo público, além da fama de celebridades que são escaladas para os musicais. Tudo para a conquista de um patrocinador que, por sua vez, acaba fazendo exigências que interferem de maneira decisiva na montagem dos espetáculos. Em meio a um processo onde são tantos os direcionamentos pré-estabelecidos por patrocinadores, onde se encontra o genuíno teatro musical brasileiro? A pesquisa abrange o ineditismo da presença de temáticas nacionais em formatos estrangeiros e agrega o conjunto de fatores que possibilitam que um roteiro de musical saia do papel e adentre os palcos, tais como as políticas públicas de incentivos fiscais; a ligação de empresas patrocinadoras e suas marcas a musicais; o fato de que, mesmo as produções sendo pagas por dinheiro público, possuírem ingressos que não são a preços populares. Para auxiliar nas conjecturas a serem formadas, será utilizada uma metodologia histórico-descritiva com foco na relação do tema com elementos notórios na mídia, como os artistas e obras a serem adaptadas no palco.


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After thirty-six years of biennial updates, the authors take great pride in being able to publish the nineteenth version (2001) of the “Brandon/Hill Selected List of Print Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library.” This list of 630 books and 143 journals is intended as a selection guide for health sciences libraries or similar facilities. It can also function as a core collection for a library consortium. Books and journals are categorized by subject; the book list is followed by an author/editor index, and the subject list of journals, by an alphabetical title listing. Due to continuing requests from librarians, a “minimal core list” consisting of 81 titles has been pulled out from the 217 asterisked (*) initial-purchase books and marked with daggers (†*) before the asterisks. To purchase the entire collection of 630 books and to pay for 143 2001 journal subscriptions would require $124,000. The cost of only the asterisked items, books and journals, totals $55,000. The “minimal core list” book collection costs approximately $14,300.


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Selecting resources for physician assistants is challenging and can be overwhelming. Although several core lists exist for nursing, allied health, and medical libraries, judging the scope and level of these resources in relation to the information needs of the physician assistant is difficult. Medical texts can be highly specialized and very expensive, in essence, “overkill” for the needs of the physician assistant. This bibliography is meant to serve as a guide to appropriate medical texts for physician assistants. Titles were selected from the Brandon/Hill list, Doody's Electronic Journal, and various other reference resources. Resources were evaluated based on the subject and scope, audience, authorship, cost, and currency. The collection includes 195 titles from 33 specialty areas. Standard texts in each area are also included.


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The major purpose of this study was to identify and assess indexing coverage of core journals in cytotechnology. It was part of a larger project sponsored by the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section of the Medical Library Association to map the literature of allied health. Three representative journals in cytotechnology were selected and subjected to citation analysis to determine what journals, other publication types, and years were cited and how often. Bradford's Law of Scattering was applied to the resulting list of cited journals to identify core titles in the discipline, and five indexes were searched to assess coverage of these core titles. Results indicated that the cytotechnology journal literature had a small core but wide dispersion: one third of the 21,021 journal citations appeared in only 3 titles; another third appeared in an additional 26 titles; the remaining third were scattered in 1,069 different titles. Science Citation Index Expanded rated highest in indexing coverage of the core titles, followed by MEDLINE, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, HealthSTAR, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). The study's results also showed that journals were the predominantly cited format and that citing authors relied strongly on more recent literature.


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The conversion of text to speech is seen as an analysis of the input text to obtain a common underlying linguistic description, followed by a synthesis of the output speech waveform from this fundamental specification. Hence, the comprehensive linguistic structure serving as the substrate for an utterance must be discovered by analysis from the text. The pronunciation of individual words in unrestricted text is determined by morphological analysis or letter-to-sound conversion, followed by specification of the word-level stress contour. In addition, many text character strings, such as titles, numbers, and acronyms, are abbreviations for normal words, which must be derived. To further refine these pronunciations and to discover the prosodic structure of the utterance, word part of speech must be computed, followed by a phrase-level parsing. From this structure the prosodic structure of the utterance can be determined, which is needed in order to specify the durational framework and fundamental frequency contour of the utterance. In discourse contexts, several factors such as the specification of new and old information, contrast, and pronominal reference can be used to further modify the prosodic specification. When the prosodic correlates have been computed and the segmental sequence is assembled, a complete input suitable for speech synthesis has been determined. Lastly, multilingual systems utilizing rule frameworks are mentioned, and future directions are characterized.


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Eits is a work of fiction, a non-traditional novel whose structure is largely determined by an Oulipian-style constraint. The constraint in Eits is culled from the album names and song titles of the band Explosions in the Sky. Each album corresponds to a chapter in the novel, and the language of each album title must be used in some way as an introduction to each chapter. Within each chapter (album), song titles correspond to numbered sections where each title must appear as is in the first sentence of that section. This not only dictates, to some degree, the direction of the text that will follow, but, looking ahead, the title of the next section will dictate where this section must arrive. From this, a narrative naturally takes shape. Albums/chapters appear chronologically, according to each album's release date, and within each album/chapter, songs/sections appear in the order they do on the album. This is, perhaps, the most straightforward way of ordering the received language of the constraint, the possibilities beyond this exponential. Eits is a novel that shifts in form, providing a texture to the space and reading experience of the novel, all in hopes of creating a space in which content and form inform and push each other to new limits. Eits is never satisfied to settle on one form for too long, and it is in the movement between forms that the narrative develops in interesting ways. Eits demonstrates the combinatoric possibilities inherent in language, and this exploration of potential highlights the reciprocal relationship between writing and reading. As Eits builds upon a limited language set, it explores and exploits the combinatory possibilities that language allows for both writer and reader. It demonstrates that all combinatoric potentialities, visible or not, always co-exist in the same time and space, and in this infinite space, individuals are invited to be writers and readers in simultaneity.


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Esse trabalho tem por objetivo analisar comparativamente o espaço nas obras Luuanda, do escritor angolano de língua portuguesa Luandino Vieira, e Texaco, do escritor martinicano de língua francesa Patrick Chamoiseau. Para esse fim, partimos do pressuposto que, como se pode observar a partir de seus títulos, os protagonistas das narrativas são os espaços: os musseques luandenses e a favela martinicana, chamada bairro Texaco. Eles configuram os tempos, os narradores, os personagens e os enredos. E configuram, sobretudo, uma linguagem literária que subverte as línguas dominantes o português e o francês incorporando aos textos as línguas dominadas: o quimbundo angolano e o crioulo martinicano. Vemos, portanto, a partir dos espaços analisados nas narrativas que a história oficial é contestada e reescrita pelos autores e, em seu lugar, temos as histórias dos vencidos que nunca se calaram, que resistiram às invasões, às dominações, às assimilações e procuram sobreviver. Verificamos, pois, que o modo de sobrevivência, nas obras, é pela ocupação e subversão dos espaços e pela subversão da forma de narrar.


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This study examines worldwide usage of over 600,000 e-books from Ebook Library (EBL) and ebrary. Using multiple modes of analysis, the study shows that there are variations in usage by geographic region as well as by subject. The study examines usage in relation to availability of titles, different types of usage per session, usage of the top ten percent of titles, and intensive and extensive use. These patterns can be used for benchmarking and as a model for local e-book studies.


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The exponential growth of the subjective information in the framework of the Web 2.0 has led to the need to create Natural Language Processing tools able to analyse and process such data for multiple practical applications. They require training on specifically annotated corpora, whose level of detail must be fine enough to capture the phenomena involved. This paper presents EmotiBlog – a fine-grained annotation scheme for subjectivity. We show the manner in which it is built and demonstrate the benefits it brings to the systems using it for training, through the experiments we carried out on opinion mining and emotion detection. We employ corpora of different textual genres –a set of annotated reported speech extracted from news articles, the set of news titles annotated with polarity and emotion from the SemEval 2007 (Task 14) and ISEAR, a corpus of real-life self-expressed emotion. We also show how the model built from the EmotiBlog annotations can be enhanced with external resources. The results demonstrate that EmotiBlog, through its structure and annotation paradigm, offers high quality training data for systems dealing both with opinion mining, as well as emotion detection.