920 resultados para supply chains and system supplier


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The sharing of near real-time traceability knowledge in supply chains plays a central role in coordinating business operations and is a key driver for their success. However before traceability datasets received from external partners can be integrated with datasets generated internally within an organisation, they need to be validated against information recorded for the physical goods received as well as against bespoke rules defined to ensure uniformity, consistency and completeness within the supply chain. In this paper, we present a knowledge driven framework for the runtime validation of critical constraints on incoming traceability datasets encapuslated as EPCIS event-based linked pedigrees. Our constraints are defined using SPARQL queries and SPIN rules. We present a novel validation architecture based on the integration of Apache Storm framework for real time, distributed computation with popular Semantic Web/Linked data libraries and exemplify our methodology on an abstraction of the pharmaceutical supply chain.


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The EPCIS specification provides an event oriented mechanism to record product movement information across stakeholders in supply chain business processes. Besides enabling the sharing of event-based traceability datasets, track and trace implementations must also be equipped with the capabilities to validate integrity constraints and detect runtime exceptions without compromising the time-to-deliver schedule of the shipping and receiving parties. In this paper we present a methodology for detecting exceptions arising during the processing of EPCIS event datasets. We propose an extension to the EEM ontology for modelling EPCIS exceptions and show how runtime exceptions can be detected and reported. We exemplify and evaluate our approach on an abstraction of pharmaceutical supply chains.


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The use of ex-transportation battery system (i.e. second life EV/HEV batteries) in grid applications is an emerging field of study. A hybrid battery scheme offers a more practical approach in second life battery energy storage systems because battery modules could be from different sources/ vehicle manufacturers depending on the second life supply chain and have different characteristics e.g. voltage levels, maximum capacity and also different levels of degradations. Recent research studies have suggested a dc-side modular multilevel converter topology to integrate these hybrid batteries to a grid-tie inverter. Depending on the battery module characteristics, the dc-side modular converter can adopt different modes such as boost, buck or boost-buck to suitably transfer the power from battery to the grid. These modes have different switching techniques, control range, different efficiencies, which give a system designer choice on operational mode. This paper presents an analysis and comparative study of all the modes of the converter along with their switching performances in detail to understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of each mode to help to select the suitable converter mode. Detailed study of all the converter modes and thorough experimental results based on a multi-modular converter prototype based on hybrid batteries has been presented to validate the analysis.


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We analyze a business model for e-supermarkets to enable multi-product sourcing capacity through co-opetition (collaborative competition). The logistics aspect of our approach is to design and execute a network system where “premium” goods are acquired from vendors at multiple locations in the supply network and delivered to customers. Our specific goals are to: (i) investigate the role of premium product offerings in creating critical mass and profit; (ii) develop a model for the multiple-pickup single-delivery vehicle routing problem in the presence of multiple vendors; and (iii) propose a hybrid solution approach. To solve the problem introduced in this paper, we develop a hybrid metaheuristic approach that uses a Genetic Algorithm for vendor selection and allocation, and a modified savings algorithm for the capacitated VRP with multiple pickup, single delivery and time windows (CVRPMPDTW). The proposed Genetic Algorithm guides the search for optimal vendor pickup location decisions, and for each generated solution in the genetic population, a corresponding CVRPMPDTW is solved using the savings algorithm. We validate our solution approach against published VRPTW solutions and also test our algorithm with Solomon instances modified for CVRPMPDTW.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine how firms create and sustain competitive advantage in the inter-firm business relationships from a supplier's perspective. It also investigates what factors affect their competitiveness and relationship between buyers and suppliers. Design/methodology/approach - This is an exploratory study on keiretsu partnerships composed of four main phases: analysis of theoretical perspectives, construction of a conceptual framework, interview of a CEO, and finally, a survey questionnaire with Japanese automotive suppliers. Findings - As a result, this paper classified these 11 companies into four supplier groups (affiliated or independent Tier 1 suppliers; affiliated or independent Tier 2 suppliers) and analysed their competitiveness developing the research propositions further. The benefits of affiliation under a keiretsu partnership are discussed, showing that there may be little benefit in being an affiliated Tier 1 supplier. Even more critical, the results show that independent Tier 2 supplier may be more competitive than affiliated tier ones. Originality/value - These intriguing results reveal an urgent need of investigating Japanese automotive supply chains from the suppliers' perspectives in the future research. This paper extended the literatures on competitive advantage and business relationships at both theory and managerial practice.


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Az ellátási lánc menedzsmentje jól ismert és régóta tanulmányozott területe a menedzsment tudománynak. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy egy olyan modell létezését igazolja, amely szerint egy ellátási láncban az információ menedzsmentje, az anyagi áramlások koordinációja és költségek és a teljesítmény kontrollja elengedhetetlen a teljes lánc magas szintű teljesítményéhez, és ezt a kockázatmenedzsment eszközök alkalmazásával tovább lehet növelni. Az ellátási lánc menedzsment eszközök támogatják a partnerek közötti információ megosztást (pl. EDI), az anyagi áramlások kisimítását (pl. folyamatos feltöltés, cross-docking). A költség és teljesítmény menedzsment eszközök alkalmazásának célja pedig hogy feltárják, hogy a költségek és hasznok miként oszlanak meg, merülnek fel az egyes ellátási lánc szereplők között. Ezeket az eszközöket akár vállalati, akár ellátási lánc szinten alkalmazzák, a végső cél a teljes ellátási lánc teljesítményének a növelése. Az ellátási lánc teljesítményét úgy határozzuk meg, mint az érték, amely a végső vevő számára keletkezett valamint a profit, amit az ellátási lánc partnerek realizáltak. Habár a vállalatok és az ellátási láncok különféle eszközöket alkalmazhatnak, hogy menedzseljék különböző folyamataikat, az a mód, ahogy szembenéznek a felmerülő kockázatokkal – fakadjanak akár a rendszerből magából, vagy a környezetből - és kezelik azokat, alapvető hatással bír a végső teljesítményre, így a versenyképességre is. A bemutatott kutatási modellel azt a kapcsolatot szeretnénk igazolni, amely feltevéseink szerint az ellátási láncban alkalmazott, a különféle alapfolyamatok menedzsmentjére valamint a kockázat menedzsmentjére használt eszközök és a realizált teljesítmény között van. _______ Supply chain management is a well-known and intensely studied field of management science. Our aim is to construct and test a model which summarises that besides the tools adapted to manage information flow, materials flow and costs and performance in supply chains to achieve high overall performance, managing risks is also inevitable. Supply chain management tools are to improve the efficiency of information sharing between supply chain participants (e.g. EDI) and to smooth materials flow carried out by the parties in collaboration (e.g. continuous replenishment, cross-docking). Cost management and performance assessment tools aim to explore the costs and profit realised by the cooperating companies as well as the entire supply chain. All the tools adapted either at a company or on supply chain level, strive to enhance the overall performance of the supply chain. The performance of a supply chain can be assessed by the value created for the end consumer and by the profit the partners realise. However, companies and supply chains adopt tools to manage the different flows, the way they face and handle risks coming either from the system or from the surrounding environment have a key influence on the performance achieved and consequently on competitiveness, too. When constructing the research model we try to find and verify the linkage between the tools supply chains use for coordination and for managing risks and the performance achieved.


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Az elmúlt évtizedekben a gazdálkodástudomány kitüntetett figyelemmel kísért két – mind a makrogazdaság, mind az egyes vállalatok működésének sikere szempontjából meghatározó fontosságú – jelenséget, egyrészt a szolgáltatásoknak a hagyományos termeléssel szembeni egyre erőteljesebb térnyerését, másrészt a fogyasztói érték teremtése szempontjából növekvő jelentőségű ellátási láncoknak, illetve azok menedzsmentjének kérdéskörét. Ugyanakkor igen kevés elemzés, de kevés leíró jellegű munka is született a két jelenséget és menedzsmentproblémát összekapcsoló területről, azaz a szolgáltatások ellátási láncáról, ezen ellátási láncok kezelésének speciális problémáiról. A szerzők cikkükben a szolgáltatások ellátási láncának és menedzsmentjének jellegzetességeit, a klasszikus terméket előállító ellátási láncokhoz viszonyított sajátosságait foglalják össze a nemzetközi szakirodalom alapján. Ennek során bemutatják, hogy az ún. tiszta szolgáltatások széles körben ismert jellemzői hatással vannak a szolgáltatások előállítását és értékesítését végző ellátási láncok működésére is. Ezek a hatások és specialitások megjelennek az ellátásilánc-menedzsment irodalmában kiemelten tárgyalt mindhárom problémakörben, rányomják tehát bélyegüket mind az ellátási lánc felépítésére, mind az ellátási láncban együttműködő partnerek kapcsolatának kezelésére és végül, de nem utolsósorban az ellátásilánc-menedzsment folyamatok kezelésére. _________ In the last decades scholars have paid a lot of attention to both service operation and supply chain management. There is still limited research on the overlapping field of theses two management areas, on service supply chain specialties. This article gives a structured overview on the latest research results on this topic. Doing so the paper would like to draw attention of the Hungarian researchers to this field and facilitate these empirical researches. As described in the paper traditional service specialties (intangibility, perishability, inseparability, heterogeneity and the importance of human capital) create special management problems concerning (i) the structure of these supply chains, (ii) their relationship management and (iii) the management of supply chain processes.


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A szerzők alapvető feltételezése, hogy az ellátási láncban a bizalom ösztönzi a felek közötti elkötelezettséget. Továbbá a bizalom növeli annak a lehetőségét, hogy az ellátási lánc sikeresen működjön. Ugyanakkor, a felek közötti bizalom hiánya gyakran megnöveli a tranzakciós költségeket, és így csökkenti a hatékonyságot. A cikkben bemutatott kutatás adatgyűjtésére több országban – Franciaországban, Magyarországon, Dél-Koreában, Tunéziában és az Egyesült Államokban – került sor. Összesen 729 érvényes kérdőív érkezett vissza, amelyeket a különböző ellátási láncok résztvevői töltöttek ki. A kutatási eredmények szerint az ellátási láncokon belüli üzleti kapcsolatokban a tranzakciós költségek elméletének összetevői (kapcsolatspecifikusság és viselkedési bizonytalanság), valamint a társadalmi csereelmélet tényezői (lecserélhetőség, észlelt megelégedettség, a partner hírneve és észlelt konfliktus) szoros kapcsolatban állnak a bizalom és az elkötelezettség változóival. _____ This article is based on the assumption that trust promotes commitment between partners in the supply chain and improves the chances of return on supply chain success. In contrast, a lack of trust between them often increases transaction costs and results in inefficiency. The results of this research, based on multi-country surveys with 729 returns from France, Hungary, Korea, Tunisia and the United States on supply chain professionals, reveals a strong affect of transaction cost constructs (TCC) (asset specificity and behavioral uncertainty) and social exchange constructs (SEC) (replaceability, perceived satisfaction, partner reputation, and perceived conflict) on trust-commitment variables in partnership based supply chain relationships. This paper employed a structural equation model to extract information from the survey data. Among the findings, the research indicates that a firm’s trustcommitment in dealing with their supply chain partnership is highly associated with not only transaction cost, but more so with social exchange variables. This study may open a new research avenue in that there is another construct, SEC, beside TSC that influences the degree of trust and commitment.


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Az üzleti célú kapcsolatok vizsgálatakor legtöbbször felmerül a bizalom fogalma is, amellyel először a szociálpszichológia és a szociológia foglalkozott. A szerző cikkében azzal foglalkozik, hogy milyen tényezők befolyásolják a bizalmat az üzleti kapcsolatokban. Ezért magyarországi szervezeteket (elsősorban üzleti vállalkozásokat) kérdezett meg kvantitatív módszer alkalmazásával. Ez az empirikus kutatás igyekszik a bizalom lehető legtöbb tényezőit összegyűjteni, ahol a kérdőívben a válaszolók egyik létező – vevői vagy beszállítói – kapcsolatukra gondolva válaszoltak a bizalmon túl a partner hírnevére, az észlelt elégedettségre és konfliktusra, az információcserére, a lecserélhetőségre, valamint a kapcsolatspecifikus beruházásokra vonatkozóan. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy egyik változó sem jelent kizárólagos befolyásoló erőt, hanem közösen alakítják ki a bizalom adott szintjét. _______ This article is based on the assumption that trust promotes commitment between partners in the supply chain and improves the chances of return on supply chain success. In contrast, a lack of trust between them often increases transaction costs and results in inefficiency. The results of this research, based on multi-country surveys with 729 returns from France, Hungary, Korea, Tunisia and the United States on supply chain professionals, reveals a strong affect of transaction cost constructs (TCC) (asset specificity and behavioral uncertainty) and social exchange constructs (SEC) (replaceability, perceived satisfaction, partner reputation, and perceived conflict) on trust-commitment variables in partnership based supply chain relationships. This paper employed a structural equation model to extract information from the survey data. Among the findings, the research indicates that a firm’s trustcommitment in dealing with their supply chain partnership is highly associated with not only transaction cost, but more so with social exchange variables. This study may open a new research avenue in that there is another construct, SEC, beside TSC that influences the degree of trust and commitment.


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Three new technologies have been brought together to develop a miniaturized radiation monitoring system. The research involved (1) Investigation a new HgI$\sb2$ detector. (2) VHDL modeling. (3) FPGA implementation. (4) In-circuit Verification. The packages used included an EG&G's crystal(HgI$\sb2$) manufactured at zero gravity, the Viewlogic's VHDL and Synthesis, Xilinx's technology library, its FPGA implementation tool, and a high density device (XC4003A). The results show: (1) Reduced cycle-time between Design and Hardware implementation; (2) Unlimited Re-design and implementation using the static RAM technology; (3) Customer based design, verification, and system construction; (4) Well suited for intelligent systems. These advantages excelled conventional chip design technologies and methods in easiness, short cycle time, and price in medium sized VLSI applications. It is also expected that the density of these devices will improve radically in the near future. ^


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Research has followed a network perspective of supply management from as early as the publication of Krajlic matrix. This portfolio approach is still static. Recently the triad is interpreted as the smallest unit of a network through which dynamics can be studied. Analyzing triads seems to be a promising way through which a deeper insight into the dynamics of supplier development can be gained. Using case study approach the paper investigates this dynamics with a special emphasis on coopetitive behavior. Analyzing a triadic sourcing setting operating in a make to engineer (and order) environment we show the importance of governance.


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Limited attention has been paid by geographers to the Irish food system beyond the farm gate. Yet the last two decades have witnessed a substantial transformation in the provision of food and in patterns of consumption. This extended introduction to a set of four themed papers considers the role played by corporate retailing in refashioning the urban foodscape and in restructuring agri-food supply chains. The article aims to highlight the significant disconnection that exists between the realms of production and consumption, and outlines the potential of alternative visions and practices that offer a way of reconnecting them. Finally, the article will introduce the four papers which provide an illustration of the range and depth of analysis that geographers can bring to the study of the Irish food system.


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After the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, there have been major strides in advancing the family planning agenda for low and middle-income countries worldwide. Much of the existing infrastructure and funding for family planning access is in the form of supplying free contraceptives to countries. While the average yearly value of donations since 2000 was over 170 million dollars for contraceptives procured for developing countries, an ongoing debate in the empirical literature is whether increases in contraceptive access and supply drive declines in fertility (UNFPA 2014).

This dissertation explores the fertility and behavioral effects of an increase in contraceptive supply donated to Zambia. Zambia, a high-fertility developing country, receives over 80 percent of its contraceptives from multilateral donors and aid agencies. Most contraceptives are donated and provided to women for free at government clinics (DELIVER 2015). I chose Zambia as a case study to measure the relationship between contraceptive supply and fertility because of two donor-driven events that led to an increase in both the quantity and frequency of contraceptives starting in 2008 (UNFPA 2014). Donations increased because donors and the Zambian government started a systematic method of forecasting contraceptive need on December 2007, and the Mexico City Policy was lifted in January 2009.

In Chapter 1, I investigate whether a large change in quantity and frequency of donated contraceptives affected fertility, using available data on contraceptive donations to Zambia, and birth records from the 2007 and 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys. I use a difference-in-difference framework to estimate the fertility effects of a supply chain improvement program that started in 2011, and was designed to ensure more regularity of contraceptive supply. The increase in total contraceptive supply after the Mexico City Policy was rescinded is associated with a 12 percent reduction in fertility relative to the before period, after controlling for demographic characteristics and time controls. There is evidence that a supply chain improvement program led to significant fertility declines for regions that received the program after the Mexico City Policy was rescinded.

In Chapter 2, I explore the effects of the large increase in donated contraceptives on modern contraceptive uptake. According to the 2007 and 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys, there was a dramatic increase in current use of injectables, implants, and IUDs. Simultaneously, declines occurred in usage of condoms, lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), and traditional methods. In this chapter, I estimate the effect of the increase in donations on uptake, composition of contraceptive usage, and usage of methods based on distance to contraceptive access points. The results show the post-2007 period is associated with an increase in usage of injectables and the pill among women living further away from access points.

In Chapter 3, I explore attitudes towards the contraceptive supply system, and identify areas for improvement, based on qualitative interviews with 14 experts and 61 Zambian users and non-users of contraceptives. The interviews uncover systemic barriers that prevent women from consistently accessing methods, and individual barriers that exacerbate the deficiencies in supply chain procedures. I find that 39 out of 61 women interviewed, both users and non-users, had personal experiences with stock out. The qualitative results suggest that the increase in contraceptives brought to the country after 2007 may have not contributed to as large of a decline in fertility because of bottlenecks in the supply chain, and problems in maintaining stock levels at clinics. I end the chapter with a series of four recommendations for improvements in the supply chain going forward, in light of recent commitments by the Zambian government during the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning.


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Background: Since 2007, there has been an ongoing collaboration between Duke University and Mulago National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Kampala, Uganda to increase surgical capacity. This program is prepared to expand to other sites within Uganda to improve neurosurgery outside of Kampala as well. This study assessed the existing progress at Mulago NRH and the neurosurgical needs and assets at two potential sites for expansion. Methods: Three public hospitals were visited to assess needs and assets: Mulago NRH, Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (RRH), and Gulu RRH. At each site, a surgical capacity tool was administered and healthcare workers were interviewed about perceived needs and assets. A total of 39 interviews were conducted between the three sites. Thematic analysis of the interviews was conducted to identify the reported needs and assets at each hospital. Results: Some improvements are needed to the Duke-Mulago Collaboration model prior to expansion; minor changes to the neurosurgery residency program as well as the method for supply donation and training provided during neurosurgery camps need to examined. Neurosurgery can be implemented at Mbarara RRH currently but the hospital needs a biomedical equipment technician on staff immediately. Gulu RRH is not well positioned for Neurosurgery until there is a CT Scanner somewhere in the Northern Region of Uganda or at the hospital. Conclusions: Neurosurgery is already present in Uganda on a small scale and needs rapid expansion to meet patient needs. This progression is possible with prudent allocation of resources on strategic equipment purchases, human resources including clinical staff and biomedical staff, and changes to the supply chain management system.