936 resultados para spatial-temporal constraints
Many studies have shown the considerable potential for the application of remote-sensing-based methods for deriving estimates of lake water quality. However, the reliable application of these methods across time and space is complicated by the diversity of lake types, sensor configuration, and the multitude of different algorithms proposed. This study tested one operational and 46 empirical algorithms sourced from the peer-reviewed literature that have individually shown potential for estimating lake water quality properties in the form of chlorophyll-a (algal biomass) and Secchi disc depth (SDD) (water transparency) in independent studies. Nearly half (19) of the algorithms were unsuitable for use with the remote-sensing data available for this study. The remaining 28 were assessed using the Terra/Aqua satellite archive to identify the best performing algorithms in terms of accuracy and transferability within the period 2001–2004 in four test lakes, namely Vänern, Vättern, Geneva, and Balaton. These lakes represent the broad continuum of large European lake types, varying in terms of eco-region (latitude/longitude and altitude), morphology, mixing regime, and trophic status. All algorithms were tested for each lake separately and combined to assess the degree of their applicability in ecologically different sites. None of the algorithms assessed in this study exhibited promise when all four lakes were combined into a single data set and most algorithms performed poorly even for specific lake types. A chlorophyll-a retrieval algorithm originally developed for eutrophic lakes showed the most promising results (R2 = 0.59) in oligotrophic lakes. Two SDD retrieval algorithms, one originally developed for turbid lakes and the other for lakes with various characteristics, exhibited promising results in relatively less turbid lakes (R2 = 0.62 and 0.76, respectively). The results presented here highlight the complexity associated with remotely sensed lake water quality estimates and the high degree of uncertainty due to various limitations, including the lake water optical properties and the choice of methods.
L’utilisation de nanovecteurs pour la livraison contrôlée de principes actifs est un concept commun de nous jours. Les systèmes de livraison actuels présentent encore cependant des limites au niveau du taux de relargage des principes actifs ainsi que de la stabilité des transporteurs. Les systèmes composés à la fois de nanovecteurs (liposomes, microgels et nanogels) et d’hydrogels peuvent cependant permettre de résoudre ces problèmes. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé un système de livraison contrôlé se basant sur l’incorporation d’un nanovecteur dans une matrice hydrogel dans le but de combler les lacunes des systèmes se basant sur un vecteur uniquement. Une telle combinaison pourrait permettre un contrôle accru du relargage par stabilisation réciproque. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons développé un hydrogel structuré intégrant des liposomes, microgels et nanogels séparément chargés en principes actifs modèles potentiellement relargués de manière contrôlé. Ce contrôle a été obtenu par la modification de différents paramètres tels que la température ainsi que la composition et la concentration en nanovecteurs. Nous avons comparé la capacité de chargement et la cinétique de relargage de la sulforhodamine B et de la rhodamine 6G en utilisant des liposomes de DOPC et DPPC à différents ratios, des nanogels de chitosan/acide hyaluronique et des microgels de N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) à différents ratios d’acide méthacrylique, incorporés dans un hydrogel modèle d’acrylamide. Les liposomes présentaient des capacités de chargement modérés avec un relargage prolongé sur plus de dix jours alors que les nanogels présentaient des capacités de chargement plus élevées mais une cinétique de relargage plus rapide avec un épuisement de la cargaison en deux jours. Comparativement, les microgels relarguaient complétement leur contenu en un jour. Malgré une cinétique de relargage plus rapide, les microgels ont démontré la possibilité de contrôler finement le chargement en principe actif. Ce contrôle peut être atteint par la modification des propriétés structurelles ou en changeant le milieu d’incubation, comme l’a montré la corrélation avec les isothermes de Langmuir. Chaque système développé a démontré un potentiel contrôle du taux de relargage, ce qui en fait des candidats pour des investigations futures.
Ca2+-dependent signalling processes enable plants to perceive and respond to diverse environmental stressors, such as osmotic stress. A clear understanding of the role of spatiotemporal Ca2+ signalling in green algal lineages is necessary in order to understand how the Ca2+ signalling machinery has evolved in land plants. We used single-cell imaging of Ca2+-responsive fluorescent dyes in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to examine the specificity of spatial and temporal dynamics of Ca2+ elevations in the cytosol and flagella in response to salinity and osmotic stress. We found that salt stress induced a single Ca2+ elevation that was modulated by the strength of the stimulus and originated in the apex of the cell, spreading as a fast Ca2+ wave. By contrast, hypo-osmotic stress induced a series of repetitive Ca2+ elevations in the cytosol that were spatially uniform. Hypo-osmotic stimuli also induced Ca2+ elevations in the flagella that occurred independently from those in the cytosol. Our results indicate that the requirement for Ca2+ signalling in response to osmotic stress is conserved between land plants and green algae, but the distinct spatial and temporal dynamics of osmotic Ca2+ elevations in C. reinhardtii suggest important mechanistic differences between the two lineages.
Ca2+-dependent signalling processes enable plants to perceive and respond to diverse environmental stressors, such as osmotic stress. A clear understanding of the role of spatiotemporal Ca2+ signalling in green algal lineages is necessary in order to understand how the Ca2+ signalling machinery has evolved in land plants. We used single-cell imaging of Ca2+-responsive fluorescent dyes in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to examine the specificity of spatial and temporal dynamics of Ca2+ elevations in the cytosol and flagella in response to salinity and osmotic stress. We found that salt stress induced a single Ca2+ elevation that was modulated by the strength of the stimulus and originated in the apex of the cell, spreading as a fast Ca2+ wave. By contrast, hypo-osmotic stress induced a series of repetitive Ca2+ elevations in the cytosol that were spatially uniform. Hypo-osmotic stimuli also induced Ca2+ elevations in the flagella that occurred independently from those in the cytosol. Our results indicate that the requirement for Ca2+ signalling in response to osmotic stress is conserved between land plants and green algae, but the distinct spatial and temporal dynamics of osmotic Ca2+ elevations in C. reinhardtii suggest important mechanistic differences between the two lineages.
Understanding the exploration patterns of foragers in the wild provides fundamental insight into animal behavior. Recent experimental evidence has demonstrated that path lengths (distances between consecutive turns) taken by foragers are well fitted by a power law distribution. Numerous theoretical contributions have posited that “Lévy random walks”—which can produce power law path length distributions—are optimal for memoryless agents searching a sparse reward landscape. It is unclear, however, whether such a strategy is efficient for cognitively complex agents, from wild animals to humans. Here, we developed a model to explain the emergence of apparent power law path length distributions in animals that can learn about their environments. In our model, the agent’s goal during search is to build an internal model of the distribution of rewards in space that takes into account the cost of time to reach distant locations (i.e., temporally discounting rewards). For an agent with such a goal, we find that an optimal model of exploration in fact produces hyperbolic path lengths, which are well approximated by power laws. We then provide support for our model by showing that humans in a laboratory spatial exploration task search space systematically and modify their search patterns under a cost of time. In addition, we find that path length distributions in a large dataset obtained from free-ranging marine vertebrates are well described by our hyperbolic model. Thus, we provide a general theoretical framework for understanding spatial exploration patterns of cognitively complex foragers.
Understanding the exploration patterns of foragers in the wild provides fundamental insight into animal behavior. Recent experimental evidence has demonstrated that path lengths (distances between consecutive turns) taken by foragers are well fitted by a power law distribution. Numerous theoretical contributions have posited that “Lévy random walks”—which can produce power law path length distributions—are optimal for memoryless agents searching a sparse reward landscape. It is unclear, however, whether such a strategy is efficient for cognitively complex agents, from wild animals to humans. Here, we developed a model to explain the emergence of apparent power law path length distributions in animals that can learn about their environments. In our model, the agent’s goal during search is to build an internal model of the distribution of rewards in space that takes into account the cost of time to reach distant locations (i.e., temporally discounting rewards). For an agent with such a goal, we find that an optimal model of exploration in fact produces hyperbolic path lengths, which are well approximated by power laws. We then provide support for our model by showing that humans in a laboratory spatial exploration task search space systematically and modify their search patterns under a cost of time. In addition, we find that path length distributions in a large dataset obtained from free-ranging marine vertebrates are well described by our hyperbolic model. Thus, we provide a general theoretical framework for understanding spatial exploration patterns of cognitively complex foragers.
Aim: The European Commission Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action FA1203 “SMARTER” aims to make recommendations for the sustainable management of Ambrosia across Europe and for monitoring its efficiency and cost effectiveness. The goal of the present study is to provide a baseline for spatial and temporal variations in airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe that can be used for the management and evaluation of this noxious plant . Location: The full range of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. distribution over Europe (39oN-60oN; 2oW-45oE). Methods: Airborne Ambrosia pollen data for the principal flowering period of Ambrosia (August-September) recorded during a 10-year period (2004-2013) were obtained from 242 monitoring sites. The mean sum of daily average airborne Ambrosia pollen and the number of days that Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air were analysed. The mean and Standard Deviation (SD) were calculated regardless of the number of years included in the study period, while trends are based on those time series with 8 or more years of data. Trends were considered significant at p < 0.05. Results: There were few significant trends in the magnitude and frequency of atmospheric Ambrosia pollen (only 8% for the mean sum of daily average Ambrosia pollen concentrations and 14% for the mean number of days Ambrosia pollen was recorded in the air). Main conclusions: The direction of any trends varied locally and reflect changes in sources of the pollen, either in size or in distance from the monitoring station. Pollen monitoring is important for providing an early warning of the expansion of this invasive and noxious plant.
Soil is a complex heterogeneous system comprising of highly variable and dynamic micro-habitats that have significant impacts on the growth and activity of resident microbiota. A question addressed in this research is how soil structure affects the temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of bacteria. Using repacked microcosms, the effect of bulk-density, aggregate sizes and water content on growth and distribution of introduced Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis bacteria was determined. Soil bulk-density and aggregate sizes were altered to manipulate the characteristics of the pore volume where bacteria reside and through which distribution of solutes and nutrients is controlled. X-ray CT was used to characterise the pore geometry of repacked soil microcosms. Soil porosity, connectivity and soil-pore interface area declined with increasing bulk-density. In samples that differ in pore geometry, its effect on growth and extent of spread of introduced bacteria was investigated. The growth rate of bacteria reduced with increasing bulk-density, consistent with a significant difference in pore geometry. To measure the ability of bacteria to spread thorough soil, placement experiments were developed. Bacteria were capable of spreading several cm’s through soil. The extent of spread of bacteria was faster and further in soil with larger and better connected pore volumes. To study the spatial distribution in detail, a methodology was developed where a combination of X-ray microtopography, to characterize the soil structure, and fluorescence microscopy, to visualize and quantify bacteria in soil sections was used. The influence of pore characteristics on distribution of bacteria was analysed at macro- and microscales. Soil porosity, connectivity and soil-pore interface influenced bacterial distribution only at the macroscale. The method developed was applied to investigate the effect of soil pore characteristics on the extent of spread of bacteria introduced locally towards a C source in soil. Soil-pore interface influenced spread of bacteria and colonization, therefore higher bacterial densities were found in soil with higher pore volumes. Therefore the results in this showed that pore geometry affects the growth and spread of bacteria in soil. The method developed showed showed how thin sectioning technique can be combined with 3D X-ray CT to visualize bacterial colonization of a 3D pore volume. This novel combination of methods is a significant step towards a full mechanistic understanding of microbial dynamics in structured soils.
Atlantic Menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus is a commercially and ecologically important forage fish abundant on the Atlantic Coast of the United States. We conducted spatial and temporal analyses of larval Atlantic Menhaden using data collected from two large-scale ichthyoplankton programs during 1977-1987 and 1999-2013 to construct indices of larval abundance and survival over time, evaluate how environmental factors affect early life survival, and examine how larvae are distributed in space to gain knowledge on spawning and larval dispersal. Over time, we found larval abundance to increase, while early life survival declined. Coastal temperature, wind speed, and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation were found to potentially explain some of this decline in survival. Over both periods, we found evidence spawning predominantly occurs near shore, from New York to North Carolina, increasing in intensity southwards. While the general spatial patterns were consistent, we observed some localized variation and overall expansion of occupied area by larvae.
Intertidal flats of the estuarine macro-intertidal Baie des Veys (France) were investigated to identify spatial features of sediment and microphytobenthos (MPB) in April 2003. Gradients occurred within the domain, and patches were identified close to vegetated areas or within the oyster-farming areas where calm physical conditions and biodeposition altered the sediment and MPB landscapes. Spatial patterns of chl a content were explained primarily by the influence of sediment features, while bed elevation and compaction brought only minor insights into MPB distribution regulation. The smaller size of MPB patches compared to silt patches revealed the interplay between physical structure defining the sediment landscape, the biotic patches that they contain, and that median grain-size is the most important parameter in explaining the spatial pattern of MPB. Small-scale temporal dynamics of sediment chl a content and grain-size distribution were surveyed in parallel during 2 periods of 14 d to detect tidal and seasonal variations. Our results showed a weak relationship between mud fraction and MPB biomass in March, and this relationship fully disappeared in July. Tidal exposure was the most important parameter in explaining the summer temporal dynamics of MPB. This study reveals the general importance of bed elevation and tidal exposure in muddy habitats and that silt content was a prime governing physical factor in winter. Biostabilisation processes seemed to behave only as secondary factors that could only amplify the initial silt accumulation in summer rather than primary factors explaining spatial or long-term trends of sediment changes.
A significant focus of hydrothermal vent ecological studies has been to understand how species cope with various stressors through physiological tolerance and biochemical resistance. Yet, the environmental conditions experienced by vent species have not been well characterized. This objective requires continuous observations over time intervals that can capture environmental variability at scales that are relevant to animals. We used autonomous temperature logger arrays (four roughly parallel linear arrays of 12 loggers spaced every 10–12 cm) to study spatial and temporal variations in the thermal regime experienced by hydrothermal vent macrofauna at a diffuse flow vent. Hourly temperatures were recorded over eight months from 2010 to 2011 at Grotto vent in the Main Endeavour vent field on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, a focus area of the Ocean Networks Canada cabled observatory. The conspicuous animal assemblages in video footage contained Ridgeia piscesae tubeworms, gastropods (primarily Lepetodrilus fucensis), and polychaetes (polynoid scaleworms and the palm worm Paralvinella palmiformis). Two dimensional spatial gradients in temperature were generally stable over the deployment period. The average temperature recorded by all arrays, and in some individual loggers, revealed distinctive fluctuations in temperature that often corresponded with the tidal cycle. We postulate that this may be related to changes in bottom currents or fluctuations in vent discharge. A marked transient temperature increase lasting over a period of days was observed in April 2011. While the distributions and behavior of Juan de Fuca Ridge vent invertebrates may be partially constrained by environmental temperature and temperature tolerance, except for the one transient high-temperature event, observed fluid temperatures were generally similar to the thermal preferences for some species, and typically well below lethal temperatures for all species. Average temperatures of the four arrays ranged from 4.1 to 11.0 °C during the deployment, indicating that on an hourly timescale the temperature conditions in this tubeworm community were fairly moderate and stable. The generality of these findings and behavioural responses of vent organisms to predictable rhythmicity and non-periodic temperature shifts are areas for further investigation
This thesis presents the achievements and scientific work conducted using a previously designed and fabricated 64 x 64-pixel ion camera with the use of a 0.35 μm CMOS technology. We used an array of Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistors (ISFETs) to monitor and measure chemical and biochemical reactions in real time. The area of our observation was a 4.2 x 4.3 mm silicon chip while the actual ISFET array covered an area of 715.8 x 715.8 μm consisting of 4096 ISFET pixels in total with a 1 μm separation space among them. The ion sensitive layer, the locus where all reactions took place was a silicon nitride layer, the final top layer of the austriamicrosystems 0.35 μm CMOS technology used. Our final measurements presented an average sensitivity of 30 mV/pH. With the addition of extra layers we were able to monitor a 65 mV voltage difference during our experiments with glucose and hexokinase, whereas a difference of 85 mV was detected for a similar glucose reaction mentioned in literature, and a 55 mV voltage difference while performing photosynthesis experiments with a biofilm made from cyanobacteria, whereas a voltage difference of 33.7 mV was detected as presented in literature for a similar cyanobacterial species using voltamemtric methods for detection. To monitor our experiments PXIe-6358 measurement cards were used and measurements were controlled by LabVIEW software. The chip was packaged and encapsulated using a PGA-100 chip carrier and a two-component commercial epoxy. Printed circuit board (PCB) has also been previously designed to provide interface between the chip and the measurement cards.
L’utilisation de nanovecteurs pour la livraison contrôlée de principes actifs est un concept commun de nous jours. Les systèmes de livraison actuels présentent encore cependant des limites au niveau du taux de relargage des principes actifs ainsi que de la stabilité des transporteurs. Les systèmes composés à la fois de nanovecteurs (liposomes, microgels et nanogels) et d’hydrogels peuvent cependant permettre de résoudre ces problèmes. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé un système de livraison contrôlé se basant sur l’incorporation d’un nanovecteur dans une matrice hydrogel dans le but de combler les lacunes des systèmes se basant sur un vecteur uniquement. Une telle combinaison pourrait permettre un contrôle accru du relargage par stabilisation réciproque. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons développé un hydrogel structuré intégrant des liposomes, microgels et nanogels séparément chargés en principes actifs modèles potentiellement relargués de manière contrôlé. Ce contrôle a été obtenu par la modification de différents paramètres tels que la température ainsi que la composition et la concentration en nanovecteurs. Nous avons comparé la capacité de chargement et la cinétique de relargage de la sulforhodamine B et de la rhodamine 6G en utilisant des liposomes de DOPC et DPPC à différents ratios, des nanogels de chitosan/acide hyaluronique et des microgels de N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) à différents ratios d’acide méthacrylique, incorporés dans un hydrogel modèle d’acrylamide. Les liposomes présentaient des capacités de chargement modérés avec un relargage prolongé sur plus de dix jours alors que les nanogels présentaient des capacités de chargement plus élevées mais une cinétique de relargage plus rapide avec un épuisement de la cargaison en deux jours. Comparativement, les microgels relarguaient complétement leur contenu en un jour. Malgré une cinétique de relargage plus rapide, les microgels ont démontré la possibilité de contrôler finement le chargement en principe actif. Ce contrôle peut être atteint par la modification des propriétés structurelles ou en changeant le milieu d’incubation, comme l’a montré la corrélation avec les isothermes de Langmuir. Chaque système développé a démontré un potentiel contrôle du taux de relargage, ce qui en fait des candidats pour des investigations futures.
The organophosphate temephos has been the main insecticide used against larvae of the dengue and yellow fever mosquito ( Aedes aegypti ) in Brazil since the mid-1980s. Reports of resistance date back to 1995; however, no systematic reports of widespread temephos resistance have occurred to date. As resistance investigation is paramount for strategic decision-making by health officials, our objective here was to investigate the spatial and temporal spread of temephos resistance in Ae. aegypti in Brazil for the last 12 years using discriminating temephos concentrations and the bioassay protocols of the World Health Organization. The mortality results obtained were subjected to spatial analysis for distance interpolation using semi-variance models to generate maps that depict the spread of temephos resistance in Brazil since 1999. The problem has been expanding. Since 2002-2003, approximately half the country has exhibited mosquito populations resistant to temephos. The frequency of temephos resistance and, likely, control failures, which start when the insecticide mortality level drops below 80%, has increased even further since 2004. Few parts of Brazil are able to achieve the target 80% efficacy threshold by 2010/2011, resulting in a significant risk of control failure by temephos in most of the country. The widespread resistance to temephos in Brazilian Ae. aegypti populations greatly compromise effective mosquito control efforts using this insecticide and indicates the urgent need to identify alternative insecticides aided by the preventive elimination of potential mosquito breeding sites.
Landscape characteristics, disturbances, and temporal variability influence predator-prey relationships, but are often overlooked in experimental studies. In the Everglades, seasonal disturbances force the spatial overlap of predators and prey, potentially increasing predation risk for prey. This study examined seasonal and diel patterns of fish use of canals and assessed predation risk for small fishes using an encounter rate model. I deployed an imaging sonar in Everglades canals to quantify density and swimming speeds of fishes, and detect anti-predator behaviors by small fishes. Generally, seasonal declines of marsh water-levels increased the density of large fishes in canals. Densities of small and large fishes were positively correlated and, as small-fish density increased, schooling frequency also increased. At night, schools disbanded and small fishes were observed congregating along the canal edge. The encounter rate model predicted highest predator-prey encounters during the day, but access to cover may reduce predation risk for small fishes.