856 resultados para sociology of knowledge
This study investigated how the process of the constitution of the subject is interpreted in the formulations of the founders of socio-historical psychology (Lev S. Vigotski, Alexei N. Leontiev and Alexander R. Luria) and in the sociology of knowledge of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann. These two theoretical perspectives, despite having different philosophical formulations as ontological and epistemological intentions (socio-historical psychology, historical dialectical materialism; the sociology of Berger and Luckmann and phenomenology) arrive, however, at the same basic conclusion about the social nature of the subject. The objective of the study, therefore, was that of identifying the differences and convergences between the two perspectives and then, try to determine the possibility of a theoretical synthesis between them in relation to the constitution of the subject. At the same time, we intended to analyse the implications of this possible synthesis in order to comprehend the manner in which the ideology functions in human societies as thought by Louis Althusser and Alípio de Sousa Filho. We arrived at the conclusion that, despite being incompatible from the ontological and epistemological points of view, a synthesis is possible between socio-historical psychology and the sociology of knowledge of Berger and Luckmann in relation to the conception of society and the comprehension of the process of the constitution of the subject. Starting from the philosophical intentions of socio-historical psychology, it is possible to incorporate, enriching points such as: Berger s and Luckmann sconception of society and the interpretation of the process of constitution of the subject. This possible synthesis, when interpreted in light of the reflections of Althusser and Sousa Filho on the phenomenon of ideology in human societies, is constituted in a real unveiling of the concrete provisos by which the ideology acts in human societies in order to transform biological examples of the human species in specific social subjects
O artigo examina, em dois momentos distintos, as principais abordagens sociológicas sobre a ciência no século vinte: a Sociologia do Conhecimento, a Sociologia da Ciência e a Sociologia do Conhecimento Científico. No primeiro tópico são recapitulados os argumentos sociológicos de Karl Mannheim e de Robert King Merton. Defende-se a interpretação de que a obra de Mannheim seja reconhecida enquanto pressuposto epistemológico para o desenvolvimento da Sociologia da Ciência de Merton. Adaptada por Merton, a metateoria sociológica de Mannheim surge através de uma abordagem estrutural funcionalista associada a uma teoria de médio alcance. No segundo momento, são retomados os argumentos de Thomas Kuhn para, logo após, ser analisada a Sociologia do Conhecimento Científico enquanto apreciação construtiva da tradição de pensamento mertoniana. O estudo dos princípios lógicos da Sociologia do Conhecimento Científico de David Bloor e a investigação acerca da tradição de pensamento iniciada na Universidade de Edimburgo, na Escócia, foram o foco elementar dessa etapa do artigo. Finalmente, as principais características de cada uma das tradições são ressaltadas, buscando-se por mudanças e continuidades que viabilizaram o desenvolvimento da abordagem sociológica sobre a atividade científica desde sua gênese clássica até os estudos contemporâneos.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta pesquisa tem como um dos seus objetivos investigar como os professores de Matemática expressam sua compreensão sobre números fracionários tendo em vista proporcionar ao estudante conhecimento significativo. A partir da revisão da literatura este estudo foi circunscrito em duas vias: uma endógena onde trago as contribuições de Kieren (1976) e Nunes et al (2003) compreendendo números fracionários a partir dos significados parte-todo, número, operador multiplicativo, medida e quociente. Esses significados foram assumidos a partir de Vergnaud (1990) como um conjunto de situações que dão sentido ao conceito de números fracionários. A outra via, exógena, por meio das contribuições da sociologia do conhecimento segundo Fleck (1976) e da Matemática Cultural por Alan Bishop (1990). Essas duas vias foram selecionadas no intuito de responder: Que compreensão os professores de Matemática manifestam ao enfrentarem um conjunto de situações envolvendo números fracionários? Participaram deste estudo vinte e um professores das redes pública e privada com mais de três anos de experiência no sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental. O estudo contou com a aplicação de um teste diagnóstico com no mínimo duas secções para cada participante contendo quinze questões envolvendo os significados de números fracionários. Os dados foram analisados mediante as categorias: invariante operatório, os cinco significados, dinâmica comunicativa. Como resultado foi possível indicar que do ponto de vista endógeno os professores compreendem números fracionários na dependência dos significados parte-todo e operador multiplicativo, e do ponto de vista exógeno o Círculo Exotérico (os professores participantes) não compreende o objeto em questão como metaconceito, diferentemente do Círculo Esotérico (produções acadêmicas), reforçando assim, a dinâmica comunicativa intracoletiva, que não favorece a escola em geral, nem às práticas pedagógicas em particular, o desenvolvimento de valores como abertura para o ensino de Matemática.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Die Autoren gehen davon aus, dass es soziale und kulturräumliche Unterschiede in den Wahrnehmungsweisen von zukünftigen Klimarisiken gibt und begründen ihre Annahme in theoretischer Hinsicht unter Hinzuziehung der sozialen Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit. Berichtet wird aus einem Forschungsprojekt, das die gesellschaftliche Verarbeitung von Klimarisiken in Küstenstädten der südlichen Nord- und Ostsee im Hinblick darauf untersucht, welche Vorstellungen von einer Vulnerabilität und Resilienz vorliegen. Ausführlich wird das methodische Design der Studie dargestellt. Im Rahmen einer Methodentriangulation wird eine standardisierte Delphi-Expertenbefragung mit einer wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse verbunden, um sowohl bisherige als auch zukünftige Vorstellungen von Vulnerabilität und Resilienz zu erheben. Am Beispiel ausgewählter Ergebnisse wird empirisch nachgewiesen, dass Wahrnehmungsunterschiede von Klimarisiken größer sind als angenommen. Die Ergebnisse sind allein aus den Delphi-Daten nicht erklärbar. Ein möglicher Erklärungsansatz ergibt sich ergänzend aus den Erkenntnissen der wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse.
This dissertation examines the influence of Islamic ideology on Iranian Marxists during the 1979 revolution. The purpose of this study is to extricate the influence of Islamic culture, ideology, and terminology on Marxist organizations and on individuals who identified themselves as Marxists in Iran. This is especially of interest since in many ways Marxism and Islam are ideologically in conflict. Were Marxists aware of the influences of Islam in their behavior and ideology? To investigate the irony publications put forth by several Marxist organizations before and after the 1979 revolution were examined. A history of such influence both ideologically and contextually is depicted to demonstrate their political and cultural significance. Through the study of Marxist political organs, theoretical publication and political flyers distributed during and after the revolution, the phenomenon of Marxists converting to an Islamic ideology became clearer. Many Marxist organizations were demonstrably utilizing Islamic political ideology to organize and mobilize masses of Iranians. This study shows a historical precedence of Marxists’ usage of Islam in the political history of Iran dating back to early twentieth-century. Primary and secondary Marxist literature showed that Islam was an inescapable social and political reality for Iranian Marxists. Not only was there a common upbringing but a common enemy fostered provisional collusion between the two. The internalizing the idea of martyrdom—of Shi’a Islam—was a shared belied that united Marxists with Muslins in their attempt to effect sociopolitical change in Iran. Studying Marxist publications shows evidence that many Iranian Marxists were not conscious of using Islamic ethics and terminology since Islamic beliefs are part of the taken-for-granted world of Iranian culture. This contextual belief system, pervasive within the culture and a change of political ideology is what created the conditions for the possibility of Marxists becoming Muslims.
Anhand von Expert_inneninterviews mit Aktivist_innen und Therapeut_innen aus dem Inter*- und Trans*bereich wird herausgestellt, wie Expert_innen Geschlecht thematisieren und auf welche Wissensformen sie hierfür Bezug nehmen. Professionssoziologische und gender- und queertheoretische Überlegungen werden in dieser wissenssoziologischen Untersuchung miteinander verknüpft, um Expert_innen des Geschlechts zu definieren und die im Rahmen der teilnehmenden Beobachtung erfassten Veränderungen im Diskurs um Inter*- und Trans*personen zu kontextualisieren. Dabei wird herausgestellt, dass zwar alternatives Wissen von Professionsangehörigen nicht mehr ausgeschlossen wird eine Deprofessionalisierung im Inter*- und Trans*bereich allerdings unwahrscheinlich erscheint. Vielmehr wird eine binäre Konstruktion von Expert_innen insbesondere von Professionsangehörigen reproduziert. Hierbei wird differenziert in professionsangehörige Expert_innen und Aktivist_innen, wobei erstere sich für gesellschaftliche Werte einsetzten würden und Aktivist_innen sich lediglich im Eigeninteresse handeln würden. Zur Einbettung und Erklärung der empirischen Erkenntnisse wird sich auf gender- und queertheoretische, psychoanalytische, diskurstheoretische, phänomenologische und emotionssoziologische Ansätze bezogen. Darüber wird die Fragilität der Kategorien Expert_in und Geschlecht und die Notwendigkeit der Anerkennung dieser für die eigene Handlungsfähigkeit verdeutlicht, ebenso wie die (Gefühls)Arbeit, die Expert_innen des Geschlechts alltäglich leisten müssen, um als Expert_in oder/und Inter*- oder Trans*person anerkannt zu werden. Grundsätzlich wird von Expert_innen des Geschlechts dem inkorporierten Wissen ein stärkeres Gewicht beigemessen als noch vor zehn Jahren, so das Fazit der Studie. Die Fokussierung auf inkorporiertes Wissen wird, anders als im bisherigen (Forschungs)Diskurs um Inter*- und Trans*personen allerdings in seiner Ambivalenz gesehen, da sie neben der Anerkennung alternativer Wissensformen auch zu einer Unmöglichkeit der Infragestellung dieses Wissens führen könne.
Este trabajo tiene el propósito de responder cómo ha cambiado la manera en que los economistas colombianos hablan sobre “desigualdad” a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX.
As the United States and Australia struggle with contemporary crises over competing uses of rapidly depleting natural resources, there are striking parallels between American Indian and Australian Aboriginal communities demanding a place at the management table and offering culturally based understandings of and solutions for the ecosystems at risk. These efforts to integrate indigenous knowledge into mainstream natural resource management are part of larger legal and political debates over land tenure, the locus of control, indigenous self-governance, and holistic ecosystems management.
This article examines the extent and limits of nonstate forms of authority in international relations. It analyzes how the information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure for the tradability of services in a global knowledge-based economy relies on informal regulatory practices for the adjustment of ICT-related skills. By focusing on the challenge that highly volatile and short-lived cycles of demands for this type of knowledge pose for ensuring the right qualification of the labor force, the article explores how companies and associations provide training and certification programs as part of a growing market for educational services setting their own standards. The existing literature on non-conventional forms of authority in the global political economy has emphasized that the consent of actors, subject to informal rules and some form of state support, remains crucial for the effectiveness of those new forms of power. However, analyses based on a limited sample of actors tend toward a narrow understanding of the issues concerned and fail to fully explore the differentiated space in which non state authority is emerging. This article develops a three-dimensional analytical framework that brings together the scope of the issues involved, the range of nonstate actors concerned, and the spatial scope of their authority. The empirical findings highlight the limits of these new forms of nonstate authority and shed light on the role of the state and international governmental organizations in this new context.
The importance of the regional level in research has risen in the last few decades and a vast literature in the fields of, for instance, evolutionary and institutional economics, network theories, innovations and learning systems, as well as sociology, has focused on regional level questions. Recently the policy makers and regional actors have also began to pay increasing attention to the knowledge economy and its needs, in general, and the connectivity and support structures of regional clusters in particular. Nowadays knowledge is generally considered as the most important source of competitive advantage, but even the most specialised forms of knowledge are becoming a short-lived resource for example due to the accelerating pace of technological change. This emphasizes the need of foresight activities in national, regional and organizational levels and the integration of foresight and innovation activities. In regional setting this development sets great challenges especially in those regions having no university and thus usually very limited resources for research activities. Also the research problem of this dissertation is related to the need to better incorporate the information produced by foresight process to facilitate and to be used in regional practice-based innovation processes. This dissertation is a constructive case study the case being Lahti region and a network facilitating innovation policy adopted in that region. Dissertation consists of a summary and five articles and during the research process a construct or a conceptual model for solving this real life problem has been developed. It is also being implemented as part of the network facilitating innovation policy in the Lahti region.