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These simulations are focused on the sensitivity of the barotropic ocean non-linear model to the various open boundary conditions (OBCs). Different OBCs from gradient to radiation condition are examined to determine the best result and help to choose the most appropriate OBCs. Since the interior points are changing with time both implicit and explicit forms are applied. The simulations showed that the interior flow is sensitive to changes in the OBCs and the results are highly dependent on the bathymetry of the area. When a constant depth (100m) is used, the circulation pattern with all OBCs is same. The best boundary conditions are Orlanski Radiation and its modified form. These boundary conditions produce identical adjustment in velocity and are determined to be satisfactory for both constant depth and actual bathymetry.
On two occasions Nursia abbreviata Bell, 1855 has been recovered from the stomachs of Batrochus grunniens (Linnaeus, 1758) caught with commercial fish. Nursia abbreviata has been previously recorded from Karachi by Alcock (1896). The present specimens afford the first subsequent record of the species from the region, and are represented by only two males recovered from fish stomachs. The only other species of the genus from Pakistan is N. Rubifera Muller, 1866 which is common in shore collections (Tirmizi and Kazmi, 1988). A brief description of the present material is given below.
The key deals with 40 stomatopod species belonging to 17 genera and 9 families. Each species is accompanied by illustrations of the key characters. For each species the first reporter is referenced. A schematic diagram is given explaining terminology.
Rod and line, hand-line, trolling line and fish-traps are the different types of fishing gears wherein suitable fish baits are employed with a view to luring the catch. The coastal fishermen of India mostly use different types of natural fish-baits to catch fishes like Perches, Carangids, Sciaenids, Scombroids and Elasmobranchs. The reactions of the fishes caught to the different baits used are quite varied. Successful line fishing operations very much depend on the fish-baits. A detailed record of the variety of fishes caught, types of fishing and different baits used by the coastal fishermen of India has been made.
The proper matching of the pull exerted by a trawler and the size of trawl is important for maximizing the catching efficiency. The available pull is more dependent on the propeller and its working conditions than the installed engine power. The normal practice is to directly connect net size to the installed power in the boat by formulae without reference to the prope1ler dimensions or the available trawling pull and this is not adequate to find out the optimum combination. By the method outlined in this paper, the accurate calculation of trawling pull is possible by taking into account only the propeller diameter, pitch and r. p. m. The predictions by the method are compared for trawlers with powers between 30 and 60 hp and agreement is found to be within + 5%. The power absorbed by the propeller in trawling condition can also be calculated by this method for checking whether the engine is being overloaded.
The wave data collected on board Ins Kistna from Bay of Bengal during July to August, 1964 and January, February and April, 1965 are presented. The wave parameters are analyzed and given in a form most suitable for model testing of ships. The variation of wave height with Beaufort number is remarkable. Wave periods from 2 to 10 seconds are observed with maximum frequency in the range of 2 to 5 seconds. The heights and period obtained are compared with those obtained by previous workers for the North Atlantic region and Bay of Bengal. The influence of the wave period 2 to 5 seconds on the rolling, pitching and heaving periods of medium size vessels is also discussed.
The Arabian Sea is unique due to the extremes in atmospheric forcing that lead to the semi-annual seasonal changes. The reversing winds of summer and winter monsoon induce the variation in the characteristics of mixed layer depth. The importance of mixed layer depth is recognized in studying the biological productivity in the ocean. In this paper variability of mixed layer depth in the north Arabian Sea have been discussed. The study is based on the data collected under North Arabian Sea Environment and Ecosystem Research (NASEER) program. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant variation in the mixed layer depth from summer to winter monsoon as well as coast to offshore.
A new species Amphisolenia nizamuddinii Mansoor and Saifullah sp. nov. and a new variety Amphisolenia schroederi var. pakistanensis Mansoor and Saifullah var. nov. are hereby described from Pakistan's shelf and deep sea vicinity during the transition period between the northeast and southwest monsoon seasons.
Sinum haliotoideum (Linnaeus, 1758) was collected on only two occasions. However, it was given attention when the recently collected specimen netted on 24 August, 1993 was brought live to the laboratory where its movement towards the source of light was noticed, leading to a careful examination and illustration. The specimen survived for 4 days. Illustrations and shell from the earlier collected specimen (August, 1991) were sent to Dr. Alan R. Kabat, division of Mollusck, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA, who confirmed that the specimen was Sinum haliotoideum (Linnaeus, 1758). He further informed that this is a moderately common Indo-Pacific species. The material has been deposited in the collections of the Marine Reference Collection and Resource Centre. (MRC) The species being new to the region is briefly described.
During the 1994 winter collections, a small holothurian was collected from the rocky shore of Buleji (24°50'N, 66°53'E). It was attached to the green seaweed, Ulva fasciata and was not immediately noticed due to the same basic colour of the body as that of the seaweed. For identification a microscope slide of the spicules was prepared by placing a small piece of skin on a slide and treating it with (3.5%) sodium hypo-chloride (common household bleach). The specimen was identified as Holothuria (Platyperona) difficilis Semper, 1868.
On a few occasions palaemonid shrimps turned up in the collections from the Karachi fish harbour. The specimens resembled Nematopalaemon tenuipes (Henderson, 1893) but for the walking legs which were invariably missing or incomplete, in the latter case the dactyli were broken at or just near the base. The only reference from Pakistan is in context to its distribution (Holthuis and Miguel, 1984). The abbreviation cl. is used in the text for the carapace length measuring from the orbit to the posterior margin of the carapace.
The larvae of bothids were found to be sparsely distributed in the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea being only 11.9% in the Naga Expedition Collections. They were confined mostly to the coastal waters and were found in near shore stations situated between Bangkok and Saigon. Their density was high in the Gulf of Thailand. The larvae seem to prefer darkness with greater incidence during April 16 to October 15 period, with a peak in the collections taken during April. This report includes the occurrence of 17 species belonging to 6 genera collected from the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea, along with their regional, seasonal as well as diurnal variations
The monthly average temperatures at Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay towards Kovilmunai and Portugal Bay towards Pallugaturai showed a distinct annual cycle. The peak was in April and values gradually fell till September. There was a further gradual fall in temperature from October to January. The highest temperatures in all four stations were in April. The highest salinities in all the stations were from May to October i.e., during the south-west monsoon. The salinities at Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay were high in March and April corresponding to the highest temperatures reached during these months. Two maxima have been observed in phytoplankton production. A primary maximum in May-June and a secondary maximum in October. The primary and secondary maxima are due to the influx of nutrient laden waters from the rivers Kal Aru and Pomparippu Aru. The phytoplankton producing blooms were Rhizosolenia alata. Rhizosolenia imbricata, Chaetoceros lascinosus, Chaetoceros pervianus, Ch,aetoceros diversus, Coscinodiscus gigas, Thallasionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira subtilis, Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii, Asterionella japonica, Sceletonema costatum, Bacteriastrum varians and Biddulphia sinensis. Sudden outbursts of a single species were common. These diatoms were species of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia, and Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii. Wide fluctuations have been observed in the distribution of phytoplankton but no definite conclusions can be drawn as the period of observation was only one year.
The “oxidase reaction” (using p-amino-dimethyl-aniline oxalate as the reagent) has been used to distinguish oxidase-negative from oxidase-positive bacteria from the sea, when grown on membrane filters. By this means, it has been shown (a) that under conditions of stable stratification of the sea as in the tropics, a relationship exists between the percentage incidence of oxidase negative bacteria in the flora and the depth of the water; (b) that the maximum value for this percentage incidence (100) is reached at or immediately below the upper limit of the oxygen minimum layer; (c) that this percentage value (expressed as Oxⁿvalues) may be used to demonstrate the movements of water masses during upwelling. Such upwelling as indicated by theoretical findings and by temperature determinations along two transects off the west coast of Ceylon during the north east monsoon, has been confirmed by the distribution of Oxⁿvalues at these transects.