954 resultados para reinforced concrete structures


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In the past, culvert pipes were made only of corrugated metal or reinforced concrete. In recent years, several manufacturers have made pipe of lightweight plastic - for example, high density polyethylene (HDPE) - which is considered to be viscoelastic in its structural behavior. It appears that there are several highway applications in which HDPE pipe would be an economically favorable alternative. However, the newness of plastic pipe requires the evaluation of its performance, integrity, and durability; A review of the Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge Construction reveals limited information on the use of plastic pipe for state projects. The objective of this study was to review and evaluate the use of HDPE pipe in roadway applications. Structural performance, soil-structure interaction, and the sensitivity of the pipe to installation was investigated. Comprehensive computerized literature searches were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the design and use of HDPE pipe in highway applications. A questionnaire was developed and sent to all Iowa county engineers to learn of their use of HDPE pipe. Responses indicated that the majority of county engineers were aware of the product but were not confident in its ability to perform as well as conventional materials. Counties currently using HDPE pipe in general only use it in driveway crossings. Originally, we intended to survey states as to their usage of HDPE pipe. However, a few weeks after initiation of the project, it was learned that the Tennessee DOT was in the process of making a similar survey of state DOT's. Results of the Tennessee survey of states have been obtained and included in this report. In an effort to develop more confidence in the pipe's performance parameters, this research included laboratory tests to determine the ring and flexural stiffness of HDPE pipe provided by various manufacturers. Parallel plate tests verified all specimens were in compliance with ASTM specifications. Flexural testing revealed that pipe profile had a significant effect on the longitudinal stiffness and that strength could not be accurately predicted on the basis of diameter alone. Realizing that the soil around a buried HDPE pipe contributes to the pipe stiffness, the research team completed a limited series of tests on buried 3 ft-diameter HDPE pipe. The tests simulated the effects of truck wheel loads above the pipe and were conducted with two feet of cover. These tests indicated that the type and quality of backfill significantly influences the performance of HDPE pipe. The tests revealed that the soil envelope does significantly affect the performance of HDPE pipe in situ, and after a certain point, no additional strength is realized by increasing the quality of the backfill.


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A mechanical gauge was developed to monitor the movement of crack or joint openings in portland cement concrete structures, in general, and portland cement concrete pavements in particular. Designed to be inexpensive and simple to operate, this gauge is capable of recording maximum, minimum, and instantaneous crack or joint openings. Specific recommendations were made for recording minimum and maximum pavement temperature over the monitoring period. The report was written as a set of guidelines for design, fabrication, installation, and operation of the gauge as well as the temperature measuring device.


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The use of Railroad Flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure on low-volume county bridges has been investigated in a research project conducted by the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University. These bridges enable county engineers to replace old, inadequate county bridge superstructures for less than half the cost and in a shorter construction time than required for a conventional bridge. To illustrate their constructability, adequacy, and economy, two RRFC demonstration bridges were designed, constructed, and tested: one in Buchanan County and the other in Winnebago County. The Buchanan County Bridge was constructed as a single span with 56-ft-long flatcars supported at their ends by new, concrete abutments. The use of concrete in the substructure allowed for an integral abutment at one end of the bridge with an expansion joint at the other end. Reinforced concrete beams (serving as longitudinal connections between the three adjacent flatcars) were installed to distribute live loads among the RRFCs. Guardrails and an asphalt milling driving surface completed the bridge. The Winnebago County Bridge was constructed using 89-ft-long flatcars. Preliminary calculations determined that they were not adequate to span 89 ft as a simple span. Therefore, the flatcars were supported by new, steel-capped piers and abutments at the RRFCs' bolsters and ends, resulting in a 66-ft main span and two 10-ft end spans. Due to the RRFC geometry, the longitudinal connections between adjacent RRFCs were inadequate to support significant loads; therefore, transverse, recycled timber planks were utilized to effectively distribute live loads to all three RRFCs. A gravel driving surface was placed on top of the timber planks, and a guardrail system was installed to complete the bridge. Bridge behavior predicted by grillage models for each bridge was validated by strain and deflection data from field tests; it was found that the engineered RRFC bridges have live load stresses significantly below the AASHTO Bridge Design Specification limits. To assist in future RRFC bridge projects, RRFC selection criteria were established for visual inspection and selection of structurally adequate RRFCs. In addition, design recommendations have been developed to simplify live load distribution calculations for the design of the bridges. Based on the results of this research, it has been determined that through proper RRFC selection, construction, and engineering, RRFC bridges are a viable, economic replacement system for low-volume road bridges.


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An innovative structural system for pier columns was investigated through a series of laboratory experiments. The columns and connections examined were comprised of precast concrete segments to accelerate construction. In addition some of the columns employed unbonded post-tensioning to self-center the columns when subjected to lateral loads and structural fuses to control large lateral deflections, dissipate energy, and expedite repair in the event of a catastrophic loading event. Six cantilever columns with varying component materials and connection details were subjected to a regimen of vertical dead loads and cyclic, quasi-static lateral loads. One column was designed as a control column to represent the behavior of a conventional reinforced concrete column and provide a basis for comparison with the remaining five jointed columns designed with the proposed structural system. After sustaining significant damage, the self-centering, jointed columns were repaired by replacing the structural fuses and retested to failure to investigate the effectiveness of the repair. The experiments identified both effective and unsatisfactory details for the jointed system. Two of the jointed columns demonstrated equivalent lateral strength, greater lateral stiffness, and greater lateral deformation capacity than the control column. The self-centering capability of the jointed columns was clearly demonstrated as well, and the repair technique proved effective as demonstrated by nearly identical pre and post repair behavior. The authors believe the proposed system to be a feasible alternative to conventional pier systems and recommend further development of details.


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Bridge deck and substructure deterioration due to the corrosive effects of deicing chemicals on reinforcing steel is a problem facing many transportation agencies. The main concern is protection of older bridges with uncoated reinforcing steel. Many different methods have been tried over the past years to repair bridge decks. The Iowa system of bridge deck rehabilitation has proven to be very effective. It consists of scarifying the deck surface, removing any deteriorated concrete, and overlaying with low slump dense concrete. Another rehabilitation method that has emerged is cathodic protection. It has been used for many years in the protection of underground pipelines and in 1973 was first installed on a bridge deck. Cathodic protection works by applying an external source of direct current to the embedded reinforcing steel, thereby changing the electrochemical process of corrosion. The corroding steel, which is anodic, is protected by changing it to a cathodic state. The technology involved in cathodic protection as applied to bridge decks has improved over the last 12 years. One company marketing new technology in cathodic protection systems is Raychem Corporation of Menlo Park, California. Their system utilizes a Ferex anode mesh that distributes the impressed direct current over the deck surface. Ferex mesh was selected because it seemed readily adaptable to the Iowa system of bridge deck rehabilitation. The bridge deck would be scarified, deteriorated concrete removed, Ferex anode mesh installed, and overlaid with low slump dense concrete. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) promotes cathodic protection under Demonstration Project No. 34, "Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks."


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The corrosion of steel reinforcement in an aging highway infrastructure is a major problem currently facing the transportation engineering community. In the United States alone, maintenance and replacement costs for deficient bridges are measured in billions of dollars. The application of corrosion-resistant steel reinforcement as an alternative reinforcement to existing mild steel reinforced concrete bridge decks has potential to mitigate corrosion problems, due to the fundamental properties associated with the materials. To investigate corrosion prevention through the use of corrosion-resistant alloys, the performance of corrosion resistance of MMFX microcomposite steel reinforcement, a high-strength, high-chromium steel reinforcement, was evaluated. The study consisted of both field and laboratory components conducted at the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center to determine whether MMFX reinforcement provides superior corrosion resistance to epoxy-coated mild steel reinforcement in bridge decks. Because definitive field evidence of the corrosion resistance of MMFX reinforcement may require several years of monitoring, strict attention was given to investigating reinforcement under accelerated conditions in the laboratory, based on typical ASTM and Rapid Macrocell accelerated corrosion tests. After 40 weeks of laboratory testing, the ASTM ACT corrosion potentials indicate that corrosion had not initiated for either MMFX or the as-delivered epoxy-coated reinforcement. Conversely, uncoated mild steel specimens underwent corrosion within the fifth week, while epoxy-coated reinforcement specimens with induced holidays underwent corrosion between 15 and 30 weeks. Within the fifth week of testing, the Rapid Macrocell ACT produced corrosion risk potentials that indicate active corrosion for all reinforcement types tested. While the limited results from the 40 weeks of laboratory testing may not constitute a prediction of life expectancy and life-cycle cost, a procedure is presented herein to determine life expectancy and associated life-cycle costs.


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L’ús de materials compostos de matriu polimèrica (FRP, Fibre Reinforced Polymer) en el reforç intern d'estructures de formigó


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Sobre el projecte de recerca “Comportament dels nusos rígids d’estructures de formigó armat executades amb formigons de diferenta qualitat” per part del Cecam, Universitat de Girona i Formigons Alsina, i amb la col.laboració de Sika i Prefer, i amb el suport institucional d’Arquitectura i Habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalunya


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En este artículo se presentan los resultados del estudio del comportamiento adherente de barras de materiales compuestos de matriz polímero (FRP), con fibras de vidrio (GFRP) y con fibras de carbono (CFRP), como armadura de hormigón. Se realizan un total de 91 ensayos según las normas ACI 440.3R-04 y CSA S806-02. Los parámetros considerados en los ensayos son la resistencia del hormigón,e l acabado superficial,e l tipo de fibra y el diámetro de la barra. Los resultados dan una estimación de la capacidad de adherencia para diferentes tipos de hormigón y armaduras. La diferencia en las propiedades y en el comportamiento adherente se traduce en una respuesta adherencia-deslizamiento distinta


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An alternative application of the humid sludge from the Passaúna WTP, located in Curitiba's metropolitan area, is proposed for concrete structures, partially replacing aggregates and cement. For the investigation, a reference concrete and four concrete mixtures with sludge were produced, and from these, two mixtures, containing 4% and 8% of sludge (m/m), were analyzed by different techniques: X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric analysis, physicochemical analysis, compressive strength, etc. The properties were evaluated and the results indicate that the mixtures can be applied in different situations as cast structures for construction of concrete walls. Mixtures with more than 4% of sludge are restricted to applications where the workability of the concrete is not required, such as for residential pavements, sidewalks and stepping floors.


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The influence of natural aging furthered by atmospheric corrosion of parts of electric transformers and materials, as well as of concrete poles and cross arms containing corrosion inhibitors was evaluated in Manaus. Results for painted materials, it could showed that loss of specular gloss was more intensive in aliphatic polyurethane points than in acrylic polyurethane ones. No corrosion was observed for metal and concrete samples until 400 days of natural aging. Corrosion in steel reinforcement was noticed in some poles, arising from manufacturing faults, such as low cement content, water/cement ratio, thin concrete cover thickness, etc. The performance of corrosion inhibitors was assessed by many techniques after natural and accelerated aging in a 3.5% saline aqueous solution. The results show the need for better chemical component selection and its concentration in the concrete mixture.


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Meesauunia käytetään sellun tuotantoprosessissa kemiallisessa reaktiossa, jossa kalsiumkarbonaatti muutetaan kalsiumoksidiksi. Reaktio on osa sellutehtaan kemikaalikiertoa, missä sellun valmistamisessa käytettävät kemikaalit kierrätetään uusiokäyttöön. Tässä diplomityössä on kehitetty meesauunin kannatusten automatisoitu suunnittelutyökalu vanhan AutoLispillä kehitetyn ohjelman perusteella. Kehitetyn suunnittelutyökalun tärkeimmät osat ovat Excelissä tehdyt kuormituslaskenta ja mitoituslaskenta. Näillä ohjataan Autodeskin Inventoriin kehitettyä cad-mallia ja valmistuspiirustusta. Laskentaohjelmat ja cad-malli on kehitetty mahdollistamaan uusien uunikokojen helpon lisäämisen ohjelmaan. Diplomityössä on perehdytty kuormituslaskentaan standardien mukaisesti. Käytettyjä standardeja ovat esimerkiksi Eurokoodi ja Uniform Building Code. Epätavallisten tilanteiden kuormituslaskennassa käytettiin apuna FE-analyysilla kehitettyjä laskentamalleja. Näitä käytettiin uunin taipumisesta aiheutuvien voimien laskennassa ja lovetun kannatinpyörän aiheuttamien impulssivoimien suuruuden määrittämisessä. Lisäksi diplomityössä perehdyttiin suunnitteluautomaatin kehittämiseen Exceliä apuna käyttäen. Suunnittelutyökalun toimivuutta on verifioitu suunnittelemalla kehitetyllä suunnittelutyökalulla standardiuuneja ja verrattu tuloksia ja valmistuspiirustuksia vanhalla ohjelmalla tulostettuihin tuloksiin. Tulosten perusteella uutta suunnittelutyökalua voidaan käyttää meesauunin kannatuksien suunnitteluun.


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Estudi experimental del comportament de bigues de formigó armades amb barres de materials compostos de matriu polimèrica (FRP)


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és el disseny dels bancs d'assaig necessaris per poder realitzar tres assajos de fisuració i deformació diferida al laboratori de resistència de materials de la UdG sobre provetes i bigues de formigó armat amb FRP i estudiar- ne el comportament. El primer assaig és el de fluència del formigó, on es sotmet una proveta a una compressió mantinguda en el temps. El segon assaig és un de tracció directa, on s'aplica una càrrega a tracció mantinguda en el temps en una proveta de formigó armat amb una barra FRP de reforç intern. El tercer és un assaig a flexió, on es carregarà una biga a flexió durant un període llarg de temps


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Aquest treball final de carrera és un estudi del reforç d’un element estructural de formigó per mitjà de fibres FRP. Podem assimilar-lo a una guia pràctica per tal que un enginyer amb coneixements de construcció, pugui reforçar un membre que ha sofert danys produïts per aguantar càrregues, oscil·lacions, etc.per les que no havia estat dissenyat. El projecte conté teoria del FRP per tal de conèixer el material que utilitzarem pel nostre reforç, les normatives i prenormatives que s’utilitzen per fer el disseny, i un exemple pràctic de càlcul del reforç d’una biga sotmesa a flexió i el confinament d’un pilar, que són les dues opcions més utilitzades per reforçar amb FRP. El reforç d’estructures de formigó és el camp de la construcció on més ràpidament i amb major èxit s’estan aplicant els reforços amb FRP, degut a les propietats tant avantatjoses que presenten, entre altres, resistència a la corrosió i lleugeresa, que es tradueix en estalvi de transport i posada en obra