677 resultados para refrigeração de carnes


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This study aims to prove the economic feasibility of the installation of mechanical compression chillers on plastic injection molding machines in order to reduce the production cycle time of toothbrush cables in a specific case study. This evidence was confirmed by the comparative analysis of the system replaced and the new system installed. The old system had only one closed loop cooling tower which pumped chilled water to the injection molds, and the new system has the same tower sending cold water to the condensers of individual chillers installed on each injection machine. We conducted an analysis of energy efficiency in each system, showing that in terms of thermal efficiency virtually nothing has changed, but in terms of electricity demand the new system consumes 60.3 kW more. We conducted an analysis of machine productivity for both systems, showing a much higher productivity of the new system due to reduced cycle times caused by the presence of chillers and their greater cooling capacities. Equipped with data such as electricity rates, increases in operating costs and initial investments, the increase in consumption and demand of electricity plus the cycle time reduction were also calculated over so the simple payback 1 year and 2 months was reached


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The study and selection of an equipment of air conditioner for any type of environment, should be made without overestimate or undersizing the project. The undersizing does not provide an adequate comfort temperature if the environment is too hot because the air conditioner does not remove all the heat necessary in the environment. But if the project is oversized, energy consumption is higher and there is an unnecessary cost. To prevent these failures is necessary to make a calculation of the thermal load on the environment and choose the equipment that has a higher cooling capacity than the calculated heat load and closer to the calculated heat load. In this graduate work will be chosen an air-conditioned equipment for bus, showing the calculations made for the thermal load for various types of heat gain in this type of vehicle. The thermal load on vehicles is more complicated to calculate than in areas because there are several factors that vary with the movement of the vehicle. It will also explain the compression refrigeration cycle, which is the cooling system used in vehicles because it is weightless, compact and lower cost. From the calculated heat load, it will be chosen an air conditioner that best suits the project and, finally, a brief presentation of the selected equipment will be made


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Escherichia coli é uma bactéria Gram-negativa, pertencente à família Enterobacteriaceae, que habita o intestino de animais de sangue quente, com 90% sendo comensais para o ser humano e 10% patogênicas. Quando presente em alimentos esse grupo é considerado um bom indicador higiênico-sanitário de alimentos. Em alimentos, a cepa patogênica mais estudada é E. coli produtora de toxina de Shiga (STEC) O157:H7. Entretanto, muitos casos vêm ocorrendo em todo o mundo devido a cepas patogênicas não O157, como O103, O111, O145 e O26. As STECs são responsáveis por desde uma simples diarréia até diarréia sanguinolenta que pode evoluir ainda para síndrome hemolítica urêmica e púrpura trombótica trombocitopênica, que podem ocasionar danos crônicos como falência renal. A transmissão destas cepas se deve a carnes mal cozidas, leites e derivados não pasteurizados, água e vegetais contaminados. Uma característica interessante de E. coli O157:H7 é o seu mecanismo de resistência ao estresse ácido – ácido tolerância – de modo que os alimentos ácidos não podem mais ser considerados seguros contra tais organismos. A fim de ampliar o conhecimento acerca das cepas não O157 e dos mecanismos de ácido resistência, este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o comportamento de linhagens de STEC não O157:H7 submetidas às condições de estresse de baixo pH utilizando para tanto meios de cultura acidificados e polpas de frutas como matriz alimentar. Constatou-se que quando mantidas em condições-controle e as ácido-adaptadas mantêm populações da ordem de 2 a 3 log UFC/mL quando em polpas de frutas sabor cajá (pH 2,3) e tamarindo (pH 2,3) armazenadas a 4 C por até 30 dias


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The purpose of this work was to define the processes through which the cooling of thermoplastics parts occur inside the mold cavity in an injection process. The plastic materials have become more widespread in the automobile industry and, among its manufacturing processes, injection moulding develops quickly, allowing the manufacturing of quality parts in great volumes. Data was collected from the injection of Volkswagen Gol NF 23X (Gol Generation 5). Using approximated methods for calculation for the heat Exchange inside the mould, in the cooling system, the required water flow was determined to properly cool the parts. Comparing the obtained value with Project specifications, it was verified that the method, in spite of incurring in some mistakes, is efficient in determining the flow of cooling fluid and serves as a verification tool for the parameters defined on project, and can be applied to simple projects. The definition of the cooling system, in practice, is dependent on innumerable variables and each case must be approached in itself, since the parameters for one product may not be ideal for another


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The meat quality is evaluated by consumers according to their physical characteristics, such as color, texture, juiciness, tenderness and odor. The stress during the life of the animal and at the moment before the slaughter may be responsible for changes in the transformation of muscle into meat. Such changes may lead to the appearance of DFD (Dark, Firm and Dry) and PSE (Pale, Soft and Exudative) meats, which are poorly accepted in the market – because of their unusual aspect – and inadequate to industrial processing. Factors related to the handling, loading, transport, unloading, resting period and stunning are singled out as critical, since that, in these phases the animals are subjected to adverse situations to which they are accustomed. The aim of this study is to identify the process of ante-mortem and the slaughter itself in which the animals are subjected to stressful situations, as well as the consequences of stress on meat quality


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The conservation of raw milk for long periods of time under refrigeration can result in the lost of its quality. This happens because bacterias, capable of developing in low temperatures, as psichrotrophics, in milk, associates with its enzymatic activities, are capable to degradate it. Although the pasteurization of milk sufficiently diminishes the transmission of the illnesses, that generally eliminates such microorganisms, is not a total efficient process because many enzymes produced for such bacterias are termostable, being able to resist the treatment and to remain active, leading to the loss of the quality of milk and its derivatives. The Normative Instruction 51 of 2002 established that milk must be cooled and stored in the production property, what resulted increasing the incidence of such bacteria in population destined milk. In some parts of the world contaminated milk is causing serious risks to the health of the population, assuming great importance in Public Health, mainly in relation to the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the product. ANVISA establishes, thus, maximum bacteriological concentration that must be evidenced before commercializing the product, guaranteeing the quality of milk as proper for consumption. Based on these aspects, the objective of this work is the microbiological analysis of 30 milk samples type C, collected in bakeries of the city Botucatu, in the state of São Paulo. Analysis were made to determinate the most likely number of termotolerants coliforms, as well the number of colony units of psichrotrophics bacterias, the presence of Salmonella and the enumeration of positive Staphylococcus aureus, at the moment of purchase and validity of the products


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In this work, it was studied the thermal and fluid dynamic behavior from theorical and experimental point of view of a blast furnace tuyere. The tuyere is responsible for the hot air insuflation into the blast furnace. The parameter used in the comparison was the difference between the cooling water inlet and outlet temperatures. There were used forced convection correlations inside circular sections with adequations for non circular sections. Based on operations dates of flux and thermal loads it was possible to model numerically the tuyere, and, since it was obtained the wall temperatures, estimate the conduction and convection resistances and the heat flux through the walls in contact with the water. The total heat fluxes from wall to water were applied to the energy conservation equation where could be estimated the theorical temperature variation. Compared to the real value, the theorical value presented a difference of 0,2 °C. Considering that the boundary conditions around the tuyere are transitories and that your channels have some rugosity irregularities we can consider the estimation method for cooling system coherent with the real operational parameters


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The pre-slaughter moment begins with the animal´s loading on the farm and ends up in its drain. It is a period in which the animal is under physical stress caused by hunger, thirst, fatigue, injuries, and extremes of temperature and psychological stress, due to restraint, handling, innovation and fear. Stress and inappropriate handling bring bad consequences for the final product´s quality, requiring better handling conditions, facilities and equipment. Examples of consequences of mishandling: meat with abnormal color, DFD meat (dark, firm and dry), reduced product´s shelf life, bruises and broken bones in carcasses. The operators should be trained and oriented on the basic principles of biology, behavior and management of cattle. At every step of the pre-slaughter moment, the animals should be handled calmly and quietly to avoid excitement and stress. Operators should avoid shouting, whistling or any noise since cattle have very sensitive ears and can become stressed. If the animals refuse to move, the cause of the problem should be determined


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One of the ways to minimize the effects of unproductive time caused by tool wear can be achieved by introducing an efficient system of lubrication and cooling in the process. However, in the last decade the research had the goal to restrict the maximum use of refrigerants and / or lubricants in metal-mechanical production. The important factors that justify this procedure include the operational costs of production, ecological issues, and the legal requirements of environmental conservation and preservation of human health. The purpose of the proposed work is the study of machining by turning with the focus on the influence caused by the application of cutting fluid in several ways of application (abundant and MQF) and also by comparing the results obtained by machining without the presence of fluid . For this purpose, the turning tests are conducted using an aluminum alloy (AA 7075). The response variables to be analyzed were obtained from the roughness (Ra and Ry), the stresses presented (VB) and their progression in relation to the cutting length achieved, the type of chip formed, in addition to changes in the degree of finish (roughness) presented by the turned parts. The results of this study should provide more detailed information about the actual influence of cutting fluids in turning this alloy, which are characterized by high rates of deformation when the formation of damaging your chip machining and also the quality of surface generated. Therefore, it is expected to provide subsidies to promote the optimization of machining this alloy making the most of the role of cutting fluid


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Brazil is one of the largest producers of animal protein. In 2010, the production of meat (beef, pork and poultry) was estimated at 24.5 million tons and 75% was consumed in the country. The meat is a primary source of water and fat and contains between 20% and 35% protein, providing all essential amino acids and several micronutrients and vitamins. Due to the large consumption of this food, its quality is extremely important and the research of some indicators microorganism become essential in order to ensure the hygienic and sanitary quality, indicating contamination of fecal origin, with the possible presence of pathogens or to identify food spoilage. Thus, the aim of study was to determine the microbiological quality of 90 samples handled meat products and pre- prepared marketed in Botucatu city, according to the parameters required by ANVISA (RDC  12, 2001). Among the samples analyzed, all of them were negative for Staphylococcus coagulase positive and were within the limit allowed by ANVISA for the Clostridium sulfite reducer (up to 3 x 103 CFU/ g). The presence of Salmonella was confirmed in only one sample (1.1%), against to the legal parameters. About thermotolerant coliforms, 54.4% of the samples were outside the acceptable limit by law (up to 5 x 103 MPN/g). Therefore, the presence of these microorganisms indicates inadequate hygiene conditions of foodhandlers and equipment used in the, which are considered inadequate for consumption


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)