995 resultados para rearing temperature
julkaisumaa: NLD
The work is mainly focused on the technology of bubbling fluidized bed combustion. Heat transfer and hydrodynamics of the process were examined in the work in detail. Special emphasis was placed on the process of heat exchange in a freeboard zone of bubbling fluidized bed boiler. Operating mode of bubbling fluidized bed boiler depends on many parameters. To assess the influence of some parameters on a temperature regime inside the furnace a simplified method of zonal modeling was used in the work. Thus, effects of bed material fineness, excess air ratio and changes in boiler load were studied. Besides the technology of combustion in bubbling fluidized bed, other common technologies of solid fuels combustion were reviewed. In addition, brief survey of most widely used types of solid fuel was performed in the work.
The influence of climatic variations on fructan content in tropical regions is not well known. The present study deals with the effects of temperature on fructan contents in rhizophores of plants of Vernonia herbacea, a native species from the Brazilian cerrado vegetation. Intact plants and fragmented rhizophores were subjected to different temperatures under natural and controlled environmental conditions. Rhizophores of plants in pre-dormant stage (aerial parts showing some yellowish leaves) presented higher fructan content at 5oC than those kept at 25oC, whereas in dormant plants (aerial parts absent) temperature treatments did not affect fructan contents. Fragmented rhizophores obtained from dormant plants presented higher levels of fructo-polysaccharides at the end of the experiment than at the beginning of the treatment, regardless of the temperature they were stored, whereas fragments obtained from vegetative plants showed a decrease in fructan content under the same treatments. It was concluded that variations observed in fructan contents are related to the phenological state of the plants prior to the treatment rather than to extraneous temperatures they are subjected to during this stage.
Vochysia tucanorum Mart. (Vochysiaceae) is a very widely distributed species in the cerrado and forests in Brazil, from the State of Bahia to Paraná. Its seed germination was analysed under eight treatments using different conditions of light and temperature. Up to 73 days, at least ca. 93% of the seeds germinated in all treatments, except under alternating temperatures of 35°/10°C (62%). Light enhanced germination, except under constant temperature of 25°C when seeds are not photoblastic. At this temperature, the highest percentage of germination was found. Initial vegetative growth was analysed by comparing the effects of shading, by means of different percentages of full daylight (100%, 45%, 10.6%, 4.8%), and soils from cerrado and forest. During 123 days, no mortality was recorded and cotyledons persisted on the seedlings of all treatments. In general, the seedlings of V. tucanorum were found to be more or less indifferent to the soil from cerrado or forest and shading seems to promote height increment. However, total dry mass was larger under a radiation of 45% full daylight and smaller under extreme conditions (100% or 4.8% full daylight).
Bidens gardneri is a herbaceous species of the cerrados, whose seeds are light sensitive at 25 °C, but they become indifferent to light when stored in soil. In this work the effects of moisture content, temperature and light (during storage) upon light sensitivity during germination were studied. Ripe achenes were collected in the cerrados of Itirapina and Moji Guaçu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The storage conditions of the achenes varied in each experiment. Achenes were stored in darkness or light, in closed bottles, at 4 °C, 20/30 °C or 25 °C. Achenes were imbibed for 24 h at 4 °C, 25 °C or 20/30 °C (in darkness) and then stored for 1, 10, 20, 30 and 40 days (40 days only for 4 °C and 25 °C). Germination tests were conducted at 25 °C and 20/30 °C. The achenes not previously imbibed showed sensitivity to light during germination. High moisture content did not affect light sensitivity of the achenes during germination but high moisture content together with storage temperatures of 25 °C and 20/30 °C had a deleterious effect upon the longevity of the achenes. Alternate temperatures during germination did not change the light sensitivity of newly collected achenes from Itirapina but changed the light sensitivity of the achenes stored imbibed at 4 °C in darkness. Alternate temperatures during storage of achenes with low moisture content did not change their photoblastism when germination was carried out at 25 °C. Alternate temperatures during storage of achenes with high moisture content followed by alternate temperatures during germination changed the light sensitivity of the achenes.
Rumohra adiantiformis (Forst.) Ching is a fern (Dryopteridaceae) which is used to compose floral arrangements. Fertile fronds were harvested in the "Permanently Protected Area" of Ilha Comprida, São Paulo, Brazil. Sterilized spores were germinated in Mohr liquid medium modified by Dyer. The effect of 72%, 54%, 17% and 9% of total irradiance on germination under field conditions, was analyzed. Experiments were carried out in March (I), April (II) and August of 2000 (III). Under 54% and 72% of total irradiance in Experiment I (March) the germination was completely inhibited and partially inhibited under 72% of total irradiance in Experiment II (April). The lowest mean germination time () was observed under 9% of total irradiance in Experiments II (11.62 days) and III (8.80 days) respectively, followed by 17% in Experiment III (10.12 days) and 9% of total irradiance in the Experiment I (11.62 days ). The effect of temperatures of 15 ± 1, 20 ± 1, 25 ± 1 and 30 ± 1 ºC on germination was also analyzed. The lowest mean germination time (7.93 days) was observed at 25 ± 1 °C followed by 20 ± 1 °C. The highest mean germination time was observed at 15 ± 1 °C (12.10 days) followed by 30 ± 1 °C (10.63 days), which inhibited germination. The germination of R. adiantiformis was photoinhibited by high irradiance and partially inhibited by the highest temperature tested.
(In vitro culture at low temperature and ex vitro acclimatization of Vriesea inflata an ornamental bromeliad). In vitro culture by seeds is a technique for preservation of threatened species because it may provide a large number of plants with genetic diversity. The bromeliad Vriesea inflata (Wawra) Wawra, an ornamental bromeliad, is extensively and illegally collected from the nature and must be preserved. It is possible to form plant threatened collections in vitro by reducing the temperature of culture, while occupying little space, with the consequent reduction of maintenance costs. This work evaluated the influence of temperature on in vitro growth and morphology of plants of V. inflata, with the aim of establishing a slow growth-rate and analyzing the ex vitro acclimatization. Seeds were germinated in vitro in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, with macronutrients reduced to 50% (MS/2). After three months the plants were transferred to flasks of new same medium and kept in two germination chambers with the temperature adjusted to 15 °C and to 28 °C. After 24 months the plants were subject to biometric, photosynthetic pigments content and anatomical analyses. Results showed that plants maintained at 15 °C were smaller than those at 28 °C. Nevertheless, there were no alterations in pigments content, anatomy. In both treatments there was a survival rate of 100%. This work showed that plants of this species can be kept in vitro at 15 °C with the aim of forming a slow-growth collection, thereby seeking its preservation, and can be transferred to growth at ex vitro condition to achieved 100% survival rate.
Fruits were collected from trees of Coffea arabica cv. Obatã grown at Mococa and Adamantina in São Paulo State, Brazil, which are regions with marked differences in air temperature that produce coffee with distinct qualities. Mococa is a cooler location that produces high-quality coffee, whereas coffee from Adamantina is of lower quality. The amino acid and protein contents, amino acid profile, and proteinase activity and type in endosperm protein extracts were analysed. Proteinase genes were identified, and their expression was assayed. All results indicate that temperature plays a role in controlling proteinase activity in coffee endosperm. Proteinase activity was higher in the endosperm of immature fruits from Adamantina, which was correlated with higher amino acid content, changes in the amino acid profile, and increased gene expression. Cysteine proteinases were the main class of proteinases in the protein extracts. These data suggest that temperature plays an important role in coffee quality by altering nitrogen compound composition.
The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of hypoxia and temperature on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and plasma glucose levels of the winter bullfrog Rana catesbeiana. Body temperature was maintained at 10, 15, 25 and 35oC for measurements of breathing frequency, heart rate, arterial blood pressure, metabolic rate, plasma glucose levels, blood gases and acid-base status. Reducing body temperature from 35 to 10oC decreased (P<0.001) heart rate (bpm) from 64.0 ± 3.1 (N = 5) to 12.5 ± 2.5 (N = 6) and blood pressure (mmHg) (P<0.05) from 41.9 ± 2.1 (N = 5) to 33.1 ± 2.1 (N = 6), whereas no significant changes were observed under hypoxia. Hypoxia-induced changes in breathing frequency and acid-base status were proportional to body temperature, being pronounced at 25oC, less so at 15oC, and absent at 10oC. Hypoxia at 35oC was lethal. Under normoxia, plasma glucose concentration (mg/dl) decreased (P<0.01) from 53.0 ± 3.4 (N = 6) to 35.9 ± 1.7 (N = 6) at body temperatures of 35 and 10oC, respectively. Hypoxia had no significant effect on plasma glucose concentration at 10 and 15oC, but at 25oC there was a significant increase under conditions of 3% inspired O2. The arterial PO2 and pH values were similar to those reported in previous studies on non-estivating Rana catesbeiana, but PaCO2 (37.5 ± 1.9 mmHg, N = 5) was 3-fold higher, indicating increased plasma bicarbonate levels. The estivating bullfrog may be exposed not only to low temperatures but also to hypoxia. These animals show temperature-dependent responses that may be beneficial since during low body temperatures the sensitivity of most physiological systems to hypoxia is reduced
Chick cardiomyocytes, when submitted to hyposmotic swelling, exhibit a partial regulatory volume decrease (RVD). A Ca2+ influx by stretch-activated channels signals a taurine efflux and the RVD at 37°C. We evaluated the cell's performance at room temperature. Cardiomyocytes isolated and cultured from 11-day-old chick embryos were submitted to a hyposmotic solution (180 mOsm/kg H2O) at 37°C and at room temperature (26°C). Under these conditions we measured the changes in cell volume as well as the intracellular free Ca2+ (using fura-2). During hyposmotic swelling, cells at 37°C displayed a peak relative volume of 1.61 ± 0.03 and recovery to 1.22 ± 0.04 (N = 14), while cells at 26°C presented a peak swell relative volume of 1.74 ± 0.06 and did not recover (1.59 ± 0.09, N = 9). Transient increases in intracellular Ca2+, which are characteristic of the normal RVD, were observed at both temperatures (29.1 ± 4.5% (N = 8) and 115.2 ± 42.8% (N = 5) increase at 37° and 26°C (P<0.05), respectively). A delay in the Ca2+ transient increase was also observed when the cells were at 26°C (109 ± 34 s compared to 38 ± 9 s at 37°C, P<0.05). At room temperature the RVD does not occur because the calcium transient increase, which is an early event in the signaling of the RVD, is delayed. Also, free calcium is not cleared as in the 37°C RVD. In the normal RVD the free calcium returns to baseline levels. The very high and persistent free calcium levels seen at room temperature can lead to unregulated enzyme activities and may promote irreversible injury and cell death.
Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and weight loss were investigated in periadolescent Wistar rats kept with their mothers or subjected to repeated maternal separation. Litters allocated to the separation procedure were placed in a temperature-controlled (33ºC) chamber for 3 h per day from postnatal day 6 (P6) to P20. Non-handled rats were left undisturbed until weaning. Treatments were started on P30-31 and the test was performed on P36-37. Animals received injections of saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg, sc) twice daily for 5 days. On day 6 all animals received saline. On day 7 animals were challenged with 10 mg/kg cocaine and their locomotion was evaluated in activity cages. A third group received saline throughout the 7-day period. Body weights were recorded on P30-31 and P36-37. Two-way ANOVA on body weights showed a main effect of treatment group (F(1,35) = 10.446, P = 0.003; N = 10-12). Non-handled rats treated with cocaine for 5 days gained significantly less weight, while no significant effect was observed in maternally separated rats. Two-way ANOVA revealed a main effect of drug treatment on locomotor activity (F(2,32) = 15.209, P<0.001; N = 6-8), but not on rearing condition (F(1,32)<0.001, P = 0.998). Animals pretreated with cocaine showed a clear behavioral sensitization relative to the saline group. No difference in the magnitude of sensitization was found between separated and non-handled animals. Only the effect of cocaine on weight gain was significantly affected by repeated episodes of early maternal separation during the pre-weaning period.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
An increase in daily mortality from myocardial infarction has been observed in association with meteorological factors and air pollution in several cities in the world, mainly in the northern hemisphere. The objective of the present study was to analyze the independent effects of environmental variables on daily counts of death from myocardial infarction in a subtropical region in South America. We used the robust Poisson regression to investigate associations between weather (temperature, humidity and barometric pressure), air pollution (sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and inhalable particulate), and the daily death counts attributed to myocardial infarction in the city of São Paulo in Brazil, where 12,007 fatal events were observed from 1996 to 1998. The model was adjusted in a linear fashion for relative humidity and day-of-week, while nonparametric smoothing factors were used for seasonal trend and temperature. We found a significant association of daily temperature with deaths due to myocardial infarction (P < 0.001), with the lowest mortality being observed at temperatures between 21.6 and 22.6ºC. Relative humidity appeared to exert a protective effect. Sulfur dioxide concentrations correlated linearly with myocardial infarction deaths, increasing the number of fatal events by 3.4% (relative risk of 1.03; 95% confidence interval = 1.02-1.05) for each 10 µg/m³ increase. In conclusion, this study provides evidence of important associations between daily temperature and air pollution and mortality from myocardial infarction in a subtropical region, even after a comprehensive control for confounding factors.
Pressure-induced dissociation of a turbid solution of casein micelles was studied in situ in static and dynamic light scattering experiments. We show that at high pressure casein micelles decompose into small fragments comparable in size to casein monomers. At intermediate pressure we observe particles measuring 15 to 20 nm in diameter. The stability against pressure dissociation increased with temperature, suggesting enhanced hydrophobic contacts. The pressure transition curves are biphasic, compatible with a temperature (but not pressure)-dependent conformational equilibrium of two micelle species. Our thermodynamic model predicts an increase in structural entropy with temperature.
Pressure-driven and temperature-driven transitions of two thermoresponsive polymers, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) and poly(N-vinylisobutyramide) (pNVIBA)), in both a soluble linear polymer form and a cross-linked hydro-gel form, were examined by a dynamic light-scattering method and direct microscopic observation, respectively. Their behavior was compared with that of protein systems. Changes in some characteristic parameters in the time-intensity correlation functions of dynamic light-scattering measurement of aqueous solutions of pNIPAM at various pressures and temperatures showed no essential differences during temperature and pressure scanning and, as a whole, the motions of polymers in aqueous solutions were similar in two types of transitions until chain shrinkage occurred. The gels (cross-linked polymer gels) prepared from the thermoresponsive polymers also showed similar volume transitions responding to the pressure and temperature increase. In temperature transitions, however, gels showed drastic volume shrinkage with loss of transparency, while pressure-induced transition showed a slow recovery of transparency while keeping the size, after first transient drastic volume shrinkage with loss of transparency. At a temperature slightly higher than the transition under atmospheric temperature, so-called reentry of the volume change and recovery of the transparency were observed during the pressure-increasing process, which implies much smaller aggregation or non-aggregated collapsed polymer chains in the gel at higher pressures, indicating a certain mechanistic difference of the dehydration processes induced by temperature and pressure.