944 resultados para rare-earths in glasses


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As síndromes paraneoplásicas compreendem um grupo diverso de alterações clínicas associadas a neoplasias e ocorrem em sítios distantes do tumor primário ou de suas metástases. As neuropatias paraneoplásicas são distúrbios raros em cães, mas representam morbidade significativa e servem como importantes indicadores diagnósticos e prognósticos. O presente trabalho relata a ocorrência de dois casos de neuropatia paraneoplásica em cães com mastocitoma, considerando a apresentação clínica, o diagnóstico e as formas de tratamento utilizadas.


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Para compreender as lesões desportivas (LD) é necessário quantificá-las, associando-as a fatores causais particulares ao esporte. Contudo, faltam registros sobre tais agravos nas instituições esportivas, sobretudo no atletismo brasileiro, em que poucos clubes possuem serviços de assistência à saúde. Na ausência de tais registros, estudos na área de saúde pública, utilizam-se de outros recursos epidemiológicos para coletas, tais como os inquéritos de morbidade referida. A partir dessa escassez de informações e a facilidade de obtenção de dados junto aos próprios atletas, objetivou-se, para esta pesquisa, levantar informações sobre LD referidas por atletas de alto rendimento, retrocedendo em oito meses, e compará-las com os registros de prontuários clínicos. Para tanto, foram tomados 25 atletas de elite, 16 do gênero masculino e nove do feminino, com idade de 25,7 ± 4,4 anos, altura de 1,74 ± 0,10m, peso 70,4 ± 13,15kg e tempo médio de treinamento de 8,38 ± 4,06 anos. Dois fisioterapeutas foram treinados separadamente para coletar informações sobre LD. Um deles em prontuários e o outro dos próprios atletas, através de entrevista (inquéritos de morbidade referida - IMR). Estudo de concordância de respostas para as duas formas de coleta foi realizado pelo teste da proporção binomial, estabelecendo-se limites de 95% de confiança para a concordância. Os resultados mostraram que em todas as variáveis estudadas os valores estavam dentro dos limites de confiança estabelecidos pelos testes estatísticos, sendo: 88,33% para as variáveis tipo de lesão ou agravo e mecanismo de lesão ou aumento dos sintomas, 90% para a variável qualidade do retorno às atividades desportivas e 91,67% para as variáveis local anatômico e período de treinamento. Concluiu-se que houve elevada taxa de concordância entre as informações levantadas, mostrando a eficácia do IMR para a coleta de informações sobre lesões desportivas para a população investigada.


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In this thesis we analyze the effects that the presence of a near gas giant planet can cause in its host star. It has been argued that the star planet interaction can cause changes in the coronal and chromospheric stellar activity. With this in mind, we analyze a sample of 53 extrasolar planets orbiting F, G and K main sequence stars, among them three super-Earths. In this analysis, we look for evidence of changes in the chromospheric activity due to the proximity of the giant planet. We show that, so far, there is not enough evidence to support such a hypothesis. Making use of the same sample and also taking in account available data for the Solar System, we revisit the so-called magnetic Bode s law. This law proposes the existence of a direct relationship between magnetism and rotation. By using estimations for the stellar and planetary magnetic momentM and the angular momentumL, we construct a Blackett s diagram (logL 􀀀logM). In this diagram is evident that the magnetic Bode s law is valid for both the Solar System and the new planetary systems


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Studies on Brazilian biodiversity are still very few and can observe the difference of knowledge between the different regions of the country. This affirmation can be verified in the investigation to identify the rare species in Brazil and the key biodiversity areas (ACBs). In that study were identified for Brasil 2.256 rare species and 752 ACBs. The Rio Grande do Norte (RN) was the only Brazilian state that has not been identified any rare species and no ACBs, possibly due to the lack of floristic studies in this state. A particular area was selected for this study: an area of ecological tension with savanna physiognomy in Rio do Fogo, RN. This savanna community is represented in RN in a fragment and immersed in restinga and caatinga and was identified and described only through of radar imagens there are no studies to date in loco . We have prepared the following questions about this community savanna: 1) The region delimited and described by through of radar images by the RADAMBRASIL, 1976, can be associated of the Cerrado, in terms of floristic ?; 2) What is the floristic composition of this area? This area includes rare species, endemic or endangered? 3) What is the geographical and phytogeographical distribution of plant species registered in this area? 4) Those plant species registered are endemic or have affinity with other areas phytoecological Brazilian? To answer these questions we performed a floristic inventory of the August 2007 to September/2009. The results are presented in two chapters (manuscripts). The first chapter, titled "The Savannah Rio Grande do Norte: floristic links with other plant formations in the Northeast and Center-West Brazil" was submitted to the Revista Brasileira de Botância. Chapter 1 discusses the phytogeographical distribution of the species, by comparing floristic studies conducted in the Cerrado, Caatinga and Restinga in the Northeast and Cerrado of the Central Brazil. The analysis of data of this study and compilation with other studies indicated that: i) the record of 94 plant species; ii) of total species, about 64% are associated with the Cerrado, the second specialized bibliography, and about 78% as the List of Species of Flora of Brazil. However, about 73% of total species (94) are also distributed in the Caatinga, the Atlantic forest 64%, the Amazon forest 64%, the Pantanal 15% and the Pampa 12%. Floristically the data show that the community studied is influenced by other floras, has a structure where grasses dominate and also because of his appearance the same savanna then be classified as a Savana gramíneo-lenhosa do tabuleiro . Chapter 2, titled "Considerations on the flora of a savanna community in Rio Grande do Norte, northeastern Brazil: Subsidy key area for conservation" was submitted to the Revista Natureza e Conservação. This has the objective of improve the knowledge of flora of Rio Grande do Norte and to identify possible rare species and consequently increase the key areas of biodiversity in Brazil. The data indicated that: i) of 94 species registered in the study area, 40 were new records for the Rio Grande do Norte state; ii) These citations to unpublished state, Stylosanthes montevidensis Vogel (Fabaceae) and Aristida laevis (Nees) Kunth (Poaceae) are indicated for the first time to the Northeast of Brazil; iii) are registered in the area 24 species endemic to Brazil and 63 non-endemic; iv) Aspilia procumbens Baker (Asteraceae) registered in the area is considered a restricted species and micro endemic Rio Grande do Norte, ie rare species; v) Aspilia procumbens is also cited in the category of critically endangered species and Stilpnopappus cearensis Hubber (Asteraceae) a species vulnerable to extinction. This study shows a new area phytoecological in Rio Grande do Norte and indicates the area's potential to contribute with the sites of global significance for biodiversity conservation, either locally, regionally and nationally. This will certainly contribute to respond some targets set by the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and the Convention on Biological Diversity such as the inventory of vegetal diversity in a region with little collection, which will provide data that contributes to questions and themes related to biodiversity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O gênero Ecballocystis foi proposto por Bohlin, em 1897, a partir da descrição da espécie Ecballocystis pulvinata coletada no Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul). O gênero é considerado de rara ocorrência no mundo. No Brasil, E. pulvinata tem sido citada com maior frequência. Diversos espécimes de E. pulvinata provenientes de diferentes riachos foram avaliados taxonomicamente por meio de estudos morfométricos e verificou-se a ocorrência desta espécie em relação a algumas variáveis ambientais. Considerável amplitude morfológica foi constada nas populações avaliadas, provavelmente relacionada às variações do ambiente. A característica que mais variou foi o número de cloroplastos, sugerindo que este atributo não seja um caráter taxonômico confiável. A presença de E. pulvinata em riachos de leito rochoso e correnteza rápida (38,5-75,0 cm s-1), mostra que, provavelmente, este tipo de hábitat seja o mais adequado ao seu desenvolvimento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim To report the diagnosis and successful clinical management of a patient with anatomical variation in maxillary first and second premolars.Summary Maxillary premolars have a highly variable root canal morphology, but it is rare, especially in the second premolar, to find three canals. This article describes the diagnosis and clinical management of first and second premolars with three canals and three separate roots, drawing particular attention to radiographic interpretation and access refinements.


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Primary intrahepatic lithiasis is an entity defined by intrahepatic stones exclusively located in the IH ducts above the emergence of the common bile duct. The disease is classified in two types: Eastern type (stones formed primarily in intrahepatic ducts; frequent in Japan) and Western type (stones formed in the extrahepatic bile system, usually in gallbladder, which migrate up to the intra-hepatic ducts). The mechanisms of lithogenesis in the entity are as yet not fully understood; multiple factors seem to operate synergistically: anatomical changes of the intrahepatic ducts, metabolic disorders, infections, idiopathic alteration. All these factors may facilitate biliary stasis leading ultimately to stone formation. We report on a case of and review the literature on primary intrahepatic lithiasis, which is a rare occurrence in the West and a disease of difficult surgical approach and high mortality.


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Lipoma is a benign tumor composed of proliferation of mature fat cells interspersed by fibrous connective tissue, blood vessels and muscles, delimited by a thin capsule. Although it represents a mesenchymal neoplasm most common human body, are rare occurrences in the oral cavity. Presents clinical and histopathological variables that do not alter their prognosis. The pathogenesis is still uncertain, although some authors consider heredity and endocrine disorders as possible causes. Occurs with greater prevalence in obese people, although their metabolism is completely independent of the normal body lipid metabolism. The clinical diagnosis of oral lipoma is the view of a nodular mass, soft, asymptomatic, flat surface, without ulceration and limited growth. The continuing growth of the lesion may cause difficulty in chewing, speech, dental adaptation and change in facial aesthetics of the patient, requiring surgical excision of the lesion. The final diagnosis is by histopathological examination. Aims to present a literature review and clinical cases of a retrospective study of 61 cases of lipomas diagnosed in pathological service between 1978 and 2009, among the 10 573 reports during that same period. It emphasizes the special cases of large lipomas of the maxillofacial region, and the importance of early diagnosis of these lesions. A dental surgeon should be able to diagnose lipomas in an early stage in the maxillofacial area avoiding a massive growth of these lesions.


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Mesenteric torsion is a rare disease in dogs whereas it is more common to affect large animals. The main clinical signs observed are acute, such as prostration and abdominal distension which evolve to a state of shock and death. This paper reports the mesenteric torsion in a dog that was presented to veterinary care with generalized acute abdominal pain of sudden onset. At the physical examination, signs of acute abdomen, rectal temperature of 35 oC, moderate dehydration, congested mucous membrane, and prostration were detected. Emergency therapy was instituted and radiographic and ultrasound examinations were requested. The radiography showed increase in the bowel diameter and an image suggestive of intussusception. The patient was referred to emergency exploratory laparotomy and obtained a definite diagnosis of ileocolic intussusception associated to mesenteric torsion. Due to the extent of intestinal dysfunction, the patient was euthanized on the operating table.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Física - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV