993 resultados para predicción electoral


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This paper studies the impact of instrumental voting on information demand and mass media behaviour during electoral campaigns. If voters act instrumentally then information demand should increase with the closeness of an election. Mass media are modeled as profit-maximizing firms that take into account information demand, the value of customers to advertisers and the marginal cost of customers. Information supply should be larger in electoral constituencies where the contest is expected to be closer, there is a higher population density, and customers are on average more profitable for advertisers. The impact of electorate size is theoretically undetermined. These conclusions are then tested with comfortable results on data from the 1997 general election in Britain.


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This paper is devoted to the analysis of all constitutions equipped with electoral systems involving two step procedures. First, one candidate is elected in every jurisdiction by the electors in that jurisdiction, according to some aggregation procedure. Second, another aggregation procedure collects the names of the jurisdictional winners in order to designate the final winner. It appears that whenever individuals are allowed to change jurisdiction when casting their ballot, they are able to manipulate the result of the election except in very few cases. When imposing a paretian condition on every jurisdictions voting rule, it is shown that, in the case of any finite number of candidates, any two steps voting rule that is not manipulable by movement of the electors necessarily gives to every voter the power of overruling the unanimity on its own. A characterization of the set of these rules is next provided in the case of two candidates.


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In this paper the electoral consequences of the Islamist terrorist attacks on March 11, 2004 are analysed. According to a quantitative analysis based on a post-electoral survey, we show the causal mechanisms that transform voters’ reactions to the bombings into a particular electoral behaviour and estimate their relevance in the electoral results on March 14, 2004


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La producción frutícola española es muy importante y los problemas relacionados con su conservación, sobre todo desde la entrada de España en la UE, tienen un interés peculiar con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y disminuir el uso de los productos susceptibles de perjudicar la salud humana. Para conseguir avances importantes en el aspecto tecnológico se precisa una profundización en los fenómenos bioquímicos que determinan las capacidades de conservación del fruto. Dentro de la complejidad de esta temática, este proyecto pretende determinar los factores bioquímicos involucrados en el control de podredumbres en la fruta y más específicamente los factores endógenos que determinan la resistencia del fruto a este tipo de daños. El objetivo general de este proyecto era de definir los mecanismos bioquímicos involucrados en la resistencia de la manzana ‘Golden Delicious’ contra la acción de un patógeno: Penicillium expansum. Para lograr este objetivo se plantearon las diferentes tareas: Tarea 1 (T1): determinación de madurez y del estado fisiológico a la cosecha Tarea 2 (T2): determinación de las capacidades de resistencia endógenas iniciales e influencia del estado de madurez a la cosecha Tarea 3 (T3): respuesta inicial a una inoculación artificial: cambios bioquímicos y sensibilidad al patógeno Tarea 4 (T4): comportamiento después de conservación: respuesta a una inoculación (cambios bioquímicos y sensibilidad al patógeno) y sensibilidad natural durante la conservación Tarea 5 (T5): determinación de un esquema explicativo y caracterización de los factores bioquímicos determinantes Tarea 6 (T6): elaboración de un test de predicción.


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El objetivo de este proyecto es la predicción de la pérdida de paquete. Para ello necesitaremos el modelado del canal. De esta manera, podremos determinar cuando una transmisión llega con éxito o no. En primer lugar, se han estudiado los algoritmos de adaptación de la tasa. Estos algoritmos mejoran el rendimiento de la comunicación. Por este motivo, el programa de simulación se basa en algunos de estos algoritmos. En paralelo, se han capturado medidas del canal terrestre para realizar el modelado. Finalmente, con un programa mucho más completo se ha simulado el comportamiento de una transmisión con el modelado del canal físico, y se han asumido algunas consideraciones, como las colisiones. Por lo tanto, se ha obtenido un resultado más realista, con el cual se ha analizado teóricamente las posibilidades de un enlace entre el canal terrestre y el canal satélite, para crear una red híbrida.


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A partir d’una breu explicació de l’evolució electoral produïda a Catalunya des dels comicis municipals de 1999, es realitza una aproximació als resultats de les darreres eleccions municipals de maig de 2007 des d’una òptica doble. D’una banda s’analitzen els resultats electorals en les seves diverses vessants, es a dir, es tracta el comportament electorals dels ciutadans de Catalunya reflectit en la participació i en el vot als principals partits, sempre tenint present la particularitat de l’existència d’un sistema propi de partits polítics, diferent de que s’ha configurat al conjunt d’Espanya. En segon lloc s’analitza l’evolució de la representació política que aquests resultats electorals ha produït i, per tant, la configuració dels Ajuntaments catalans com a resultat del seu procés constitutiu.


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This paper reviews four economic theories of leadership selection in conflictual settings. The first of these by Cukierman and Tomassi (1998) labeled the ‘information rationale’, argues that hawks may actually be necessary to initiate peace agreements. The second labeled the ‘bargaining rationale’ borrowing from Hamlin and Jennings (2007) agrees with the conventional wisdom that doves are more likely to secure peace, but post-conflict there are good reasons for hawks to be rationally selected. The third found in Jennings and Roelfsema (2008) is labeled the social psychological rationale. This captures the idea of a competition over which group can form the strongest identity, so can apply to group choices which do not impinge upon bargaining power. As in the bargaining rationale, dove selection can be predicted during conflict, but hawk selection post-conflict. Finally, the expressive rationale is discussed which predicts that regardless of the underlying structure of the game (informational, bargaining, psychological) the large group nature of decision-making by making individual decision makers non-decisive in determining the outcome of elections may cause them to make choices based primarily on emotions which may be invariant with the mode of group interaction, be it conflictual or peaceful. Finally, the paper analyses the extent to which the theories can throw light on Northern Ireland electoral history over the last 25 years.


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This paper attempts to extend existing models of political agency to an environment in which voting may be divided between informed and instrumental, informed and ‘expressive’ (Brennan and Lomasky (1993)) and uninformed due to ‘rational irrationality’ (Caplan (2007)). It constructs a model where politicians may be good, bad or populist. Populists are more willing than good politicians to pander to voters who may choose inferior policies in a large-group electoral setting because their vote is insignificant compared with those that voters would choose were their vote decisive in determining the electoral outcome. Bad politicians would ideally like to extract tax revenue for their own ends. Initially we assume the existence of only good and populist politicians. The paper investigates the incentives for good politicians to pool with or separate from populists and focuses on three key issues – (1) how far the majority of voter’s preferences are from those held by the better informed incumbent politician (2) the extent to which the population exhibits rational irrationality and expressiveness (jointly labelled as emotional) and (3) the cost involved in persuading uninformed voters to change their views in terms of composing messages and spreading them. This paper goes on to consider how the inclusion of bad politicians may affect the behaviour of good politicians and suggests that a small amount of potential corruption may be socially useful. It is also argued that where bad politicians have an incentive to mimic the behaviour of good and populist politicians, the latter types of politician may have an incentive to separate from bad politicians by investing in costly public education signals. The paper also discusses the implications of the model for whether fiscal restraints should be soft or hard.


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This paper analyzes the problem that an incumbent faces during the legislature when deciding how to react to popular initiatives or policy proposals coming from different sources. We argue that this potential source of electoral disadvantage that the incumbent obtains after being elected can jeopardize the reelection possibilities of the incumbent. We analyze the decision of the incumbent when facing reelection and we characterize the conditions under which the advantages that the incumbent obtains can overcome the disadvantages. Finally, we use the results of this analysis to discuss some implications of the use of mechanisms of direct democracy like referenda and popular assemblies on electoral competition.


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Proponents of proportional electoral rules often argue that majority rule depresses turnout and may lower welfare due to the 'tyranny of the majority' problem. The present paper studies the impact of electoral rules on turnout and social welfare. We analyze a model of instrumental voting where citizens have private information over their individual cost of voting and over the alternative they prefer. The electoral rule used to select the winning alternative is a combination of majority rule and proportional rule. Results show that the above arguments against majority rule do not hold in this set up. Social welfare and turnout increase with the weight that the electoral rule gives to majority rule when the electorate is expected to be split, and they are independent of the electoral rule employed when the expected size of the minority group tends to zero. However, more proportional rules can increase turnout within the minority group. This effect is stronger the smaller the minority group. We then conclude that majority rule fosters overall turnout and increases social welfare, whereas proportional rule fosters the participation of minorities.


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We study the impact of organized crime on electoral competition. Assuming that the mafia is able to bring votes to the supported party in exchange of money, we show that (i) the strongest party is willing to pay the highest price to secure mafia services; (ii) the volume of electoral trade with the mafia increases with political competition and with the efficiency of the mafia. Studying in detail parliamentary elections in Sicily for the period 1946- 1992, we document the significant support given by the Sicilian Mafia to the Christian Democratic party, starting at least from the 1970s. This is consistent with our theoretical predictions, as political competition became much tighter during the 1970s and the Sicilian mafia experienced an extensive centralization process towards the end of the 1960s, which increased substantially its control of the territory. We also provide evidence that in exchange for its electoral support the mafia got economic advantages for its activities in the construction industry.