853 resultados para police accountability
Accounting for biodiversity has received increasing attention from the academic accounting community in recent years. Despite a stream of research investigating the quality and quantity of biodiversity reporting in general, no academic research has focused on reporting related to one specific species. This paper explores the quality and quantity of corporate disclosures relating to bees. Society is becoming increasingly concerned about the accelerating fall in bee populations around the world. Colony Collapse Disorder has been spreading through global bee populations since 2006, decimating commercial hives. Concerns are fuelled by fears that pollinators may become extinct which would have dire consequences for the majority of world food production, leaving human pollination, at immense cost, the only alternative. On the basis of these fears, companies as well as other organisations, have started to establish programmes aimed at rejuvenating global bee populations. In this paper we explore the bee-related disclosures provided by a large selection of UK listed companies. We assess the extent to which companies believe they have a role to play in enhancing and protecting bee populations. Further we consider whether corporate accountability in this area derives solely from a business case or whether there is a deeper societal connection with bees as a species which is encouraging companies to protect their survival. The paper investigates the historical and philosophical connection between bees and human beings, for example the ways industrial production has been likened to honey production. We draw parallels between bees and human industrial organisation as well as between the role and responsibilities of the bookkeeper and the beekeeper.
We investigated the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT, namely mobile phones) in support of citizen agency and its potential in calling authorities to account. We focused on Eastern Africa and we used a mixed methodology, which allowed us to explore the current uses of ICT to strengthen accountability and to forecast the growth of mobile phones' adaption in that region. Evidence from both analyses suggests that there are two main areas where citizen agency and ICT can reinforce each other in bottom–up and horizontal processes: participation and engagement of citizens, and the diffusion of information.
We let subjects take risky decisions that affect themselves and a passive recipient. Adding a requirement to justify their choices significantly reduces loss aversion. This indicates that such an accountability mechanism may be effective at debiasing loss aversion in agency relations.
Abstract Managers face hard choices between process and outcome systems of accountability in evaluating employees, but little is known about how managers resolve them. Building on the premise that political ideologies serve as uncertainty-reducing heuristics, two studies of working managers show that: (1) conservatives prefer outcome accountability and liberals prefer process accountability in an unspecified policy domain; (2) this split becomes more pronounced in a controversial domain (public schools) in which the foreground value is educational efficiency but reverses direction in a controversial domain (affirmative action) in which the foreground value is demographic equality; (3) managers who discover employees have subverted their preferred system favor tinkering over switching to an alternative system; (4) but bipartisan consensus arises when managers have clear evidence about employee trustworthiness and the tightness of the causal links between employee effort and success. These findings shed light on ideological and contextual factors that shape preferences for accountability systems.
In experimental investigations of the effect of real incentives, accountability—the implicit or explicit expectation of a decision maker that she may have to justify her decisions in front of somebody else—is often confounded with the incentives themselves. This confounding of accountability with incentives makes causal attributions of any effects found problematic. We separate accountability and incentives, and find different effects. Accountability is found to reduce preference reversals between frames, for which incentives have no effect. Incentives on the other hand are found to reduce risk seeking for losses, where accountability has no effect. In a choice task between simple and compound events, accountability increases the preference for the simple event, while incentives have a weaker effect going in the opposite direction. It is thus shown that the confounding of accountability and incentives is relevant for studies on the effect of the latter, and that existing conclusions on the effect of incentives need to be reconsidered in light of this issue.
This paper investigates the effect of accountability-the expectation on the side of the decision maker of having to justify his/her decisions to somebody else-on loss aversion. Loss aversion is commonly thought to be the strongest component of risk aversion. Accountability is found to reduce the bias of loss aversion. This effect is explained by the higher cognitive effort induced by accountability, which triggers a rational check on emotional reactions at the base of loss aversion, leading to a reduction of the latter. Connections to dual-processing models are discussed.
Performance-contingent compensation by means of stock options may induce risk-taking in agents that is excessive from the point of view of the company or the shareholders. We test whether increasing shareholder control may be an effective checking mechanism to rein in such excessive risk-taking. We thus tell one group of experimental CEOs that they may have to justify their decision-making processes in front of their shareholders. This indeed reduces risk-taking and increases the performance of the companies they manage. Implications are discussed.
The relative levels of trust in the police are explored, using data from the fifth round of the European Social Survey (ESS) which covered mainly 28 European countries. In this article, the position of Germany is examined within the international context. German trust in the police, for both German natives and ethnic minorities, for those 15 and over is high in comparison to other European countries. The article also tests if it is the fair treatment of citizens by the police, or the high value placed on rule adherence and conformity, that is driving the German citizen’s trust. It shows that the German police is trusted due to their perceived fairness, effectiveness and shared moral values, rather than on value placed on conformity to authority.
Além de realizar um balanço da literatura internacional relativa a reformas econômicas em novas democracias e aos programas de ajuste fiscal, o presente projeto de pesquisa visa analisar as transformações ocorridas na área fiscal no Brasil ao longo das duas últimas décadas no contexto de constrangimentos econômicos internos e externos e da democratização política.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, numa perspectiva comparada, aspectos das relações dos provedores de serviços sociais filantrópicos com o Estado e a sociedade a partir da análise dos benefícios fiscais concedidos nos termos do artigo 150, VI, c, da Constituição Brasileira e do parágrafo 501, c, 3, do Internal Revenue Code norte-americano. No caso brasileiro, aborda as recentes figuras jurídicas (Organizações Sociais e Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público) e faz um breve relato das evoluções recentes nas áreas de educação, assistência social e saúde.
A tese procura analisar a atuação do Congresso Nacional no momento de criação das agências reguladoras de primeira geração no Brasil (ANEEL, ANP e ANATEL), assim como no momento posterior à sua instalação. O estudo mostra de que forma a preocupação com a accountability parlamentar se fez presente na concepção e na operação dessas agências entre 1998 e 2004.
Esta Dissertação analisa o desenvolvimento institucional do sistema antitruste brasileiro, com o objetivo de investigar a constituição e o funcionamento dos seus mecanismos de accountability.Coloca-se em discussão a fragmentação e as fragilidades institucionais do Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência (SBDC), formado pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE), autarquia vinculada ao Ministério da Justiça, a Secretaria de Direito Econômico (SDE), órgão interno do Ministério da Justiça, e a Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico (SEAE), órgão interno do Ministério da Fazenda. A pesquisa foca também o duplo papel do Ministério Público e do Poder Judiciário, que fiscalizam a atuação das autoridades do SBDC e concomitantemente atuam diretamente na prevenção e repressão contra práticas anticompetitivas. Esse paradoxo pelo qual o "principal" (sistema judicial) exerce funções semelhantes ao "agent" (sistema administrativo) gera indefinições sobre a matriz do sistema antitruste brasileiro e sobre a dinâmica de check and balances de prestação de contas e responsabilização das autoridades antitrustes. Por fim, será debatida a participação da sociedade civil e de políticos do Executivo e do Legislativo na política da concorrência.
Este estudo procura analisa a formatação e o funcionamento dos mecanismos de accountability existentes nas agências reguladoras recentemente criadas no Brasil. O estudo parte de uma análise sobre a evolução histórica da cultura burocrática brasileira e como ela pode ter influído na criação das agências. Analisa também de que forma a preocupação com a accountability se fez presente na concepção da Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel) e da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS). Com isso buscam-se elementos que possam auxiliar na explicação do formato assumido pelos mecanismos de accountability, os resultados obtidos e as indefinições que existem em relação a esses mecanismos.
O presente trabalho, procura discutir o papel que a institucionalização de sistemas de avaliação de programas e políticas públicas podem desempenhar na criação ou aperfeiçoamento de mecanismos de accountability na gestão pública. Mais especificamente, se procura a analisar as relações entre o fortalecimento da função e da capacidade avaliadora do governo e a promoção de níveis crescentes de difusão de informação e criação de mecanismos de accountability. Analisando os casos do Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP) e Sistema de Monitoramento e avaliação do Programa Estadual de DST/AIDS (PE ¿ DST/AIDS) arriscamos uma hipótese para os diferentes graus de accountability proporcionados por tais mecanismos de avaliação; a saber, os diferentes níveis de transparência e responsabilização proporcionados pelos sistemas e mecanismos de avaliação parecem relacionar-se mais diretamente com o desenho institucional no qual se insere a política ou programa governamental e com os atores interessados (stakeholders) na sua gestão do que propriamente com as características intrínsecas às pesquisas ou sistemas de avaliação das políticas públicas