620 resultados para people with phisical disabilities
Introduction: The experience built in the process of living with chronic ulcer is marked by changes such as the inability to work, to relate socially and causes the need to adapt to a routine care. Understanding this network of meanings is important to develop techniques of individual or collective care. Objective: To understand impregnated subjectivities in the everyday experiences of Brazilian and Portuguese patients with chronic ulcers, in the light of the Oral History of life. Method: Comparative study with a qualitative approach, using Oral History as method and technique. The network of collaborators, formed by males and females, aged 39-82 years, was structured into two groups, one consisting of 06 people in Natal/RN, Brazil and another composed of 10 people in Évora/Portugal. In both groups, the narratives were collected through open questions, which were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by the technique of thematic content analysis. Results: Through the analysis, three themes were revealed: Social repercussion in Brazil and in Portugal; Trajectory of theinjured person; and Coping mechanisms. Conclusion: Changes were observed in social life, leading contributors to isolation, in addition to confronting the stigma experienced. There were also identified points as the reinterpretation of chronic wound carrier about their disease and coping strategies of their chroniccondition.
Objective: To identify the main changes in the daily life of people with leg ulcer and how that affects the person’s life’s quality. Methodology: We used the methodology PI [C] OD and were selected four research articles, taken from EBSCO, PubMed, and EWMA. Results: The main changes identified in the people’s daily live with leg’s ulcers are physical (pain, decreased mobility, presence of exudate, bad smell from the wound and change in the style of clothing), psychological (sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, feelings of rejection and low self-esteem), social (isolation, restriction in leisure activities, inability to perform household chores). Conclusions: The literature about person’s life’s quality with leg ulcer reported a significant impact in the daily life of that person. The care provided by nurses should be centred on the person itself, integrating all the kind of needs and the leg ulcer mustn’t be the sole focus of care.
The group of 65-year-olds is becoming more numerous and with greater needs for health care. So, is necessary the reflection about new models of provision, organization, and allocation of health resources. According to the United Nations Organization, 2015, in 2050 elderly people will reach two million people (20% of the world’s population), what mean that the number of people over 60 years old will exceed a population of young people under 15 years. Parallel to aging, less healthy lifestyles have contributed to the prevalence of chronic diseases, especially cerebrovascular diseases. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are risk factors and increase predisposition to other diseases. With aging, there is an increased risk for developing chronic, oncological and degenerative diseases, which account for more than 50% of the burden of diseases, with profound implications on independency, use of health care and services.
This study developed an individualized proposal to promote, from the family context, the independence of two four-year-old children with motor disabilities. The proposal aimed at helping mothers and fathers to promote different skills within the family context. The results of this study revealed that when the families of children with disabilities are oriented, it is easier for them to start processes that otherwise would be postponed. As a result, it is recommended to create proposals to support the parents and help them to build their own family-growth processes and develop independence living skills in their children with motor disabilities.
The aim of the thesis is to assess the impact of depression in people with type 2 diabetes. Using Healthcare Utilization Databases, I estimated in a large population-based cohort with type 2 diabetes the incidence of depression over 10 year-period, identified the demographic and clinical predictors of depression, and determined the extent to which depression is a risk factor for acute and long-term complications and mortality. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, I evaluated whether the presence of a history of depression in type 2 diabetes increased the Emergency Department (ED) access rate for diabetes-related complications, and I investigated changes in the incidence of depression during the first year of the pandemic. Findings from the first study indicated that developing depression was associated with being a woman, being over 65 years, living in rural areas, having insulin as initial diabetes medication and having comorbid conditions; the study also confirmed that depression was associated with an increased risk for acute and long-term diabetes complications and all-cause mortality. The second observational study showed a higher rate of ED access for diabetes-related complications during the pandemic in people with type 2 diabetes and a history of depression than in those without a history of depression, similar to what was observed in a pre-pandemic period. As shown in the third population-based study, the incidence of depression decreased in 2020 compared to 2019, mainly during the first and the second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, when people probably had difficulty reaching healthcare services. This new real-world evidence will help healthcare professionals identify timely patients at high risk of developing depression. Lastly, policymakers and physicians will benefit from new evidence of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in people with type 2 diabetes to ensure a high level of care during crisis periods.
Research on perceptions of people with disabilities has in general focussed on a single disability or on unspecified 'disability.' The aim of this study was to compare perceptions of several acquired disabilities from an intergroup perspective. It was hypothesised that the type (sensory or motor) and visibility of the disability would influence perceptions, and that prior contact would increase the positivity of perceptions. Participants were 155 students who gave their own, other, perceived self, and communication perceptions of male and female targets (with deafness, blindness, aphasia, or paraplegia) in vignettes. Results indicated that for most measures, people with motor disabilities were perceived more negatively than those with sensory ones, visible sensory disabilities more negatively than invisible sensory, but contrary to predictions, invisible motor more negatively than visible motor. There was some support for the association between prior contact and more positive perceptions.
Dotar as pessoas com deficiência mental com competências para se autodeterminarem e terem a oportunidade de concretizar a sua plena inclusão social, é um desafio colocado à sociedade actual. Torna-se importante colocar em prática o que diferentes autores e organizações como a American Association of Mental Retardation defendem, criando condições para que os profissionais, famílias e comunidade possam ser os facilitadores deste processo. Neste sentido foi implementado no Centro de Reabilitação de Ponte de Lima um modelo de intervenção específico baseado na promoção e desenvolvimento da autonomia pessoal, social e de realização da pessoa com deficiência mental e criado um instrumento de observação e registo que reflecte essa forma de intervenção designado por Protocolo de Registo e Avaliação de Competências - PRAC. Neste estudo realizou-se uma análise ao instrumento em causa, pretendendo dar um contributo para a sua posterior validação. Nesse sentido, utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa e quantitativa para analisar se o instrumento pode ou não ser considerado representativo da capacidade de autodeterminação; se é estável quando utilizado por mais que um utilizador; se descrimina os indivíduos com maior ou menor autonomia e se os itens quando sujeitos à análise factorial, evidenciam os constructos teóricos previamente traçados. Muito embora o PRAC tenha sido pensado e estruturado para pessoas com deficiência mental, neste estudo foi utilizado por um grupo diversificado de profissionais oriundos de áreas distintas o que veio comprovar que o instrumento pode ser utilizado em diferentes contextos e com público-alvo mais alargado. Os resultados evidenciados são consistentes, permitindo respostas positivas às questões elaboradas, é de referir contudo que necessitam de um maior aprofundamento de forma a estabelecer outro tipo de generalizações.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Especial – ramo de Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência
O projeto tem como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar um modelo que facilita o acesso para pessoas surdas ou com deficiência auditiva, o acesso ao conteúdo digital - em particular o conteúdo educacional e objetos de aprendizagem – a criação de condições para uma maior inclusão social de surdos e deficientes auditivos. Pretende-se criar um modelo bidirecional, em que permite a pessoas com deficiências auditivas, possam se comunicar com outras pessoas, com a tradução da Língua Gestual Portuguesa (LGP) para a Língua Portuguesa (LP) e que outras pessoas não portadoras de qualquer deficiência auditiva possam por sua vez comunicar com os surdos ou deficientes auditivos através da tradução da LP para a LGP. Há um conjunto de técnicas que poderíamos nos apoiar para desenvolver o modelo e implementar a API de tradução da LGP em LP. Muitos estudos são feitos com base nos modelos escondidos de Markov (HMM) para efetuar o reconhecimento. Recentemente os estudos estão a caminhar para o uso de técnicas como o “Dynamic Time Warping” (DTW), que tem tido mais sucesso do que outras técnicas em termos de performance e de precisão. Neste projeto optamos por desenvolver a API e o Modelo, com base na técnica de aprendizagem Support Vector Machines (SVM) por ser uma técnica simples de implementar e com bons resultados demonstrados em reconhecimento de padrões. Os resultados obtidos utilizando esta técnica de aprendizagem foram bastante ótimos, como iremos descrever no decorrer do capítulo 4, mesmo sabendo que utilizamos dois dispositivos para capturar dados de descrição de cada gesto. Toda esta tese integra-se no âmbito do projeto científico/ investigação a decorrer no grupo de investigação GILT, sob a coordenação da professora Paula Escudeiro e suportado pela Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
RESUMO: OS distúrbios mentais, neurológicos e devidos ao abuso de substâncias tem uma grande prevalência e peso em todo o Mundo. O objetivo principal deste estudo é contribuir para a melhoria dos direitos humanos das pessoas com deficiências mentais na Gâmbia, através de uma revisão e análise críticas de uma obsoleta legislação de saúde mental do País o "Lunatic Act Detention (LDA) de 1917".----- ABSTRACT: Mental, neurological, and substance use disorders are highly prevalente and burdensome worlwide. The violations of human rights directed towards people with this disorders compound the problam. This study mainly aims to contribute do the improvement of human rights of people with mental disabilities in Gambia by doing a critical review and analysis to the countries outdated mental health legislation - Lunatic Detention ct (LDA) from 1917.
La qualitat de vida s’està convertint en un concepte clau i unificador en l’atenció i educació de les persones amb discapacitat intel•lectual. Així mateix, la percepció actual sobre les persones amb discapacitat ha canviat substancialment. En el moment actual, cal plantejar-se quines són les aplicacions i les implicacions que tenen per l’atenció i educació de les persones amb discapacitat intel•lectual els principis derivats del nou concepte de discapacitat i de la qualitat de vida. Aquesta investigació pretén essencialment elaborar un conjunt d’instruments que permetin avaluar la qualitat de les pràctiques educatives dels centres d’educació especial. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha seguit un procediment estructurat i ordenat en l’elaboració dels instruments com en la seva valoració inicial. Per avaluar la qualitat dels centres d’educació especial es proposen una sèrie qüestionaris tant pels professionals, les famílies i els alumnes. Els resultats indiquen que el conjunt d’instruments d’avaluació permeten recollir informació àmplia i variada de les pràctiques d’un centre d’educació especial, determinar les seves fortaleses i debilitats i servir de base per establir plans de millora estretament relacionats amb el context particular del centre i amb el que es considera una bona pràctica educativa.
La inclusió social de les persones amb discapacitat és avui encara un tema pendent, ja que les activitats socials i interpersonals en el col·lectiu són escasses. Diversos estudis demostren que, malgrat es potencia la inserció laboral de les persones amb discapacitat en entorns ordinaris, no es donen millores substancials en altres qüestions relatives a la seva inclusió social
Sistema desenvolupat per analitzar monedes focalitzat principalment en les persones amb algun tipus d'incapacitat visual. L'aplicació permet reconèixer i classificar les monedes d'una escena mitjançant l'ús de la càmera d'un telèfon mòbil amb sistema operatiu Android.
A pesar de la progresiva incorporación de los planteamientos inclusivos, la realización de proyectos de vida deseados constituye aún un reto en la acción socioeducativa con personas con discapacidad intelectual. En este sentido, la Planificación Centrada en la Persona (PCP) constituye una perspectiva innovadora que aporta nuevas luces para orientar las actuaciones a realizar conjuntamente con las personas con discapacidad para facilitar la proyección y logro de los estilos de vida deseados. En este artículo se pretende dar a conocer los planteamientos y posibilidades de la PCP que, a pesar de los avances en la última década, aún es insuficientemente conocida e incorporada fuera del ámbito anglosajón. Tres son los ejes básicos que articulan este documento: en primer lugar, las bases que fundamentan la PCP (los diferentes elementos que confluyen en su origen); en segundo lugar se incide en mostrar los aspectos que diferencian la PCP de las programaciones habituales que se realizan con personas con discapacidad intelectual. Por último, se plantean los retos que genera incorporar los procesos de planificación centrados en la persona en la cultura organizativa y profesional de los servicios donde se trabaja con personas con discapacidad. A lo largo del documento se muestra que, a pesar de que su implementación es compleja, la PCP constituye, en estos momentos, un modelo que permite avanzar decididamente en la construcción de una sociedad más solidaria e inclusiva
Vision is the most synthetic sensory channel and it provides specific information about the relative position of distant landmarks during visual exploration. In this paper we propose that visual exploration, as assessed by the recording of eye movements, offers an original method to analyze spatial cognition and to reveal alternative adaptation strategies in people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Our general assumption is that eye movement exploration may simultaneously reveal whether, why, and how, compensatory strategies point to specific difficulties related to neurological symptoms. An understanding of these strategies will also help in the development of optimal rehabilitation procedures.