854 resultados para palliative home care
This thesis argues that the legal framework in Ireland for specialist palliative care is inadequate and consequently a more appropriate legal framework must be identified. This research is guided by three central research questions. The first central research question examines the legitimacy of the distinction between specialist palliative care and euthanasia. The second central research question asks what legal framework currently exists in Ireland for specialist palliative care. The third central research question examines an alternative legal framework for specialist palliative. This thesis is composed of seven chapters. The first Chapter is an introduction to the thesis and defines the terminology and the central research questions. Chapter Two explores the development and practice of palliative care in Ireland. Chapter Three examines the distinction in criminal law between specialist palliative care practices and euthanasia. Chapter Four examines the human rights framework for specialist palliative care. Chapter Five critiques the regulatory framework in Ireland for specialist palliative care. Having gained a thorough understanding of palliative care and the related legal framework, this thesis then engages in comparative analysis of the Netherlands which is used as a source of ideas for reform in Ireland. Chapter Seven is the concluding chapter and, in it, the main findings of this thesis are summarised. The main findings being that: the distinction between specialist palliative care and euthanasia is not sufficiently supported by justifications such as a double effect or the acts and omissions distinction, there is no clear decision-making framework in Ireland for specialist palliative care, and the current legal framework lacks clarity and does not promote consistency between providers of specialist palliative care. This Chapter also proposes that detailed professional standards and guidelines are likely to be the most appropriate way to effect individual and institutional change in the provision of specialist palliative care.
Purpose. Advanced cancer patients with disease progression develop cachexia. Nevertheless, cancer patients at nutritional risk have shown improved body weight and quality of life with oral nutritional supplements. Method. This was a randomized controlled trial in adult female cancer patients (n = 63) attending palliative clinics, with symptoms of cachexia. Eligible patients were randomly distributed into control (n = 33) and intervention (n = 30) groups. Both groups were provided with nutritional and physical activity counseling, but the intervention group received an additional 100 g of Improved Atta (IAtta) for 6 months daily consumption. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of IAtta (with counseling) in enhancing the health status of cachexic patients. Anthropometric measurements, dietary intake, physical activity level and quality of life parameters were assessed at baseline, after 3 months, and at the end of 6 months. Results. Patients in the control group (n = 15) had significantly decreased body weight (P = .003), mid–upper-arm circumference (P = .002), and body fat (P = .002) by the end of intervention. A trend of body weight gain in the intervention group (n = 17; P = .08) and significant increase of body fat (P = .002) was observed; moreover, patients reported a significant improvement in fatigue (P = .002) and appetite scores (P = .006) under quality-of-life domains at the end of intervention. Conclusions. Embedding a nutrition-sensitive intervention ( IAtta ) within Indian palliative care therapy may improve quality of life and stabilize body weight in cancer cachexia patients.
Palliative care focuses on supporting patients diagnosed with advanced, incurable disease; it is 'family centered', with the patient and their family (the unit of care) being core to all its endeavours. However, approximately 30-50% of carers experience psychological distress which is typically under recognised and consequently not addressed. Family meetings (FM) are recommended as a means whereby health professionals, together with family carers and patients discuss psychosocial issues and plan care; however there is minimal empirical research to determine the net effect of these meetings and the resources required to implement them systematically. The aims of this study were to evaluate: (1) if family carers of hospitalised patients with advanced disease (referred to a specialist palliative care in-patient setting or palliative care consultancy service) who receive a FM report significantly lower psychological distress (primary outcome), fewer unmet needs, increased quality of life and feel more prepared for the caregiving role; (2) if patients who receive the FM experience appropriate quality of end-of-life care, as demonstrated by fewer hospital admissions, fewer emergency department presentations, fewer intensive care unit hours, less chemotherapy treatment (in last 30 days of life), and higher likelihood of death in the place of their choice and access to supportive care services; (3) the optimal time point to deliver FM and; (4) to determine the cost-benefit and resource implications of implementing FM meetings into routine practice.
Cluster type trial design with two way randomization for aims 1-3 and health economic modeling and qualitative interviews with health for professionals for aim 4.
The research will determine whether FMs have positive practical and psychological impacts on the family, impacts on health service usage, and financial benefits to the health care sector. This study will also provide clear guidance on appropriate timing in the disease/care trajectory to provide a family meeting.
Compared to children in other placements, there is much less known about the characteristics and needs of children in the UK who are returned to their birth parents with a care order still in place. That is in spite of evidence to suggest they face more difficulties than young people in other placements. Based on a 2009 census of looked after children in Northern Ireland, just under 10% (n = 193) were found to be living at home under a care order. Case file reviews were conducted for a quarter of these young people (n = 47) to generate descriptive statistics showing a very diverse population. That was followed by semi-structured interviews with members of eight families (ten children and eight birth parent/s), providing transcripts for thematic analysis. Nearly half of the young people whose case files were reviewed had experienced at least one home placement breakdown, but nearly two thirds had a stable last home placement. Care orders appeared to serve two functions: to give legal authority to social services for the monitoring of placements, and to facilitate family access to family support services. Replacing some care orders with supervision orders might better align legal status and actual function.
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting patients with life-limiting illness use medicines inappropriately and unnecessarily. In this context, the perspective of patients, their carers and the healthcare professionals responsible for prescribing and monitoring their medication is important for developing deprescribing strategies. The aim of this study was to explore the lived experience of patients, carers and healthcare professionals in the context of medication use in life-limiting illness.
MethodsIn-depth interviews, using a phenomenological approach: methods of transcendental phenomenology were used for the patient and carer interviews, while hermeneutic phenomenology was used for the healthcare professional interviews.
ResultsThe study highlighted that medication formed a significant part of a patient’s day-to-day routine; this was also apparent for their carers who took on an active role-as a gatekeeper of care-in managing medication. Patients described the experience of a point in which, in their disease journey, they placed less importance on taking certain medications; healthcare professionals also recognize this and refer it as a ‘transition’. This point appeared to occur when the patient became accepting of their illness and associated life expectancy. There was also willingness by patients, carers and healthcare professionals to review and alter the medication used by patients in the context of life-limiting illness.
ConclusionsThere is a need to develop deprescribing strategies for patients with life-limiting illness. Such strategies should seek to establish patient expectations, consider the timing of the discussion about ceasing treatment and encourage the involvement of other stakeholders in the decision-making progress.
Bridging the Gap: Developing a Palliative Approach to Care for Young Adults with Life Limiting Conditions
More young adults (YAs) with life limiting conditions (LLC) are surviving into adulthood as earlier diagnosis and improved medical management in pediatric care lead to higher rates of survival for cancer, congenital heart and neuromuscular conditions. When these YAs leave pediatric care, they leave behind comprehensive and coordinated health, social and education services for uncoordinated adult systems, with limited access to palliative services they received in pediatric care.
YAs with LLCs will benefit from a public health palliative approach to care. This approach better matches their chronic disease trajectories of a series of declining plateaus over a period of months to years, punctuated by unpredictable periodic crises. Public health palliative care is a blended provision of health care and community services based on evidence that health care is most effective and least expensive when offered in conjunction with a complement of services that reflects social determinants of health and well-being. For YAs with LLCs, these resources will support their health, social, vocational, independent living, and educational goals to maximize their opportunities in an abbreviated time frame.
The objectives of this workshop are to:
1. Provide an overview of the young adult population with palliative care needs.
2. Discuss current care of this population.
3. Highlight results from three recent projects to examine and address needs of this population.
4. Dialogue with audience about other programs, initiatives, or ideas to address the needs of this population.
We look forward to robust conversations and ideas from your practice and research.
The PAlliative Care in chronic Kidney diSease study (PACKS study) is examining quality of life, decision making and decisional conflict, costs and mortality in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease who have opted for palliative care. It is also exploring the impact of the decision on the quality of life of carers. The study includes adult patients with end stage (stage 5) chronic kidney disease who have opted for palliative care, adult carers of these patients and renal physicians/clinical nurse specialists who have experience of treating patients with end stage chronic kidney disease who have opted for palliative care.
Early initial findings relate to clinician perspectives on patient decisional conflict, in making complex decisions between dialysis and conservative management. Interviews were conducted with nephrologists and clinical nurse specialists across 10 renal centres in the UK. Themes with associated subthemes include “Frequent changing of mind regarding treatment options,” “A paternalistic approach to decision-making and “Intricacy of the decision”. These findings will be presented and recommendations for future research and education made. Clinicians need to take a more patient centered approach to decision-making. Interventions aimed at increasing understanding of renal disease and its treatments may reduce decisional conflict and raise decisional quality but require testing in the renal specialty.
Historically midwives may have not considered palliative care as a part of their professional role. Enhanced technologies and antenatal screening have broadened the boundaries of care. However do midwives truly embrace the philosophy of palliative care into their practice? This paper presents the discussion round a case study that demonstrates the evolving area of advanced practice: perinatal palliative care. What we highlight is that midwives in fact have an important collaborative role to play in ensuring that palliative care for the baby and family starts as soon as a life-limiting condition is recognised, thus ensuring best care and support are provided for those parents and families for whom pregnancy sadly leads to palliative care. Five key lessons for practice are outlined.